Post on 21-Dec-2014

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Final Action Report – They Killed Sister Dorothy

Mailing Praga:

Marketing e-mail of the premiere on PUC, sent 14th April for more then ten thousand email addresses.

University Premiere- 04/15/09 (14h): The discussion after the movie exhibition had the collaboration of two debaters specialized in advocacy: Miguel Baldez, professor of Lawsuit and retired lawyer of MST Movement and Marcelo Alves, professor of Sociology of Law. The discussion was very interesting. Coordinators of Advocacy and International Relations were there, besides the Academic Director of Faculties IBMEC, Antonio Marcos Duarte Jr. The initiative was very well received by all.

Distribution of the material: The posters were displayed on the floor where is the copier of the university and on the floors of laboratories and computers, where is a large flow of students. The flyers were distributed on the Cine-Discussion.

Academicals Medias: 1 – The 30’ trailer produced by MovieMobz was shown on CEI TV (IBMEC Center for Entrepreneurship). It has an internal circulation into the university.


Academical Medias: 2 – It was published an article in IBMEC newspaper, “A Falácia”, written by a Coletivo Praga agent in university, Emanuela Nóbrega. Below the transcript:

“ O documentário Mataram Irmã Dorothy, surpreende pelo seu posicionamento forte, porém meticuloso, sobre o caso da Irmã Dorothy Stang, morta em 2005. O filme apresenta cenas chocantes, inquietantes, causa revolta no que diz respeito à falta de ética dos advogados de defesa, da insipiência dos testemunhos que, ainda assim, deixaram os supostos mandantes em liberdade. As cenas do julgamento são mostradas com uma lente crítica que mostra bem as nuances do processo e dá destaque a importância do documentário na resolução do caso, até hoje em andamento na justiça.É interessante, no filme, ver o conflito que o projeto da irmã gerava na região de Anapú, no Pará. Mesmo com parte da população contra as PDSs (Projetos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável), ela lutava pelo bom uso daquele espaço da Floresta Amazônica, o que traria menor renda, mas melhores condições de vida aos habitantes e isso levou à insatisfação dos maiores fazendeiros, que são os acusados de terem-na matado.É importante saber que a causa não foi esquecida. As missionárias da região seguem implantando esse projeto que, para elas, pode ser um exemplo a ser utilizado em todo o mundo. Assim, Dorothy Stang, demonizada por alguns, tornou-se mártir da causa do uso sustentável da Floresta Amazônica.”



University Premiere- 04/16/09 (11h): The discussion after the movie exhibition had the collaboration of the professors Miguel Pereira and Roberto Mader, from the Department of Communication and Gustavo Gelmini, the film producer. The team from the PUC Technical Center Audiovisual recorded the discussion. The material was shown on PUC’s web tv (, and still availed to watch.

Distribution of the material: The posters were placed in specifics places, like murals thus have a greater visibility on Frings, Kennedy and Leme building. Beside of posters, flyers were put on the copier of the university, restaurants, and the village, where is the center of the academic directories. The flyers were also distributed to the students in campus. The premiere was divulgated on the Department of Advocacy, Communication, Psychology, Social Service, Geography, Sociology and History by posters and word-of-mouth.

Medias: Premiere on the newspaper “Puc-Urgente”.

Discussion after the They Killed Sister Dorothy’s premiere


Distribution of the material


Media: advertising of the premiere and the discussion were written by Luisa Mello, Coletivo Praga Aggent on PUC.

“Na quinta-feira, 16, às 11h, na sala 102k, será feita a pré-estréia do filme Mataram Irmã Dorothy, de Daniel Junge. Estarão presentes os professores Miguel Pereira e Roberto Mader, do Depto. de Comunicação, Maria Clara Bingemer*, do Depto de Teologia e Gustavo Gelmini, Produtor do filme.”

* A professora Maria Clara Bingemer não pôde comparecer.



Distribution of the material: The posters and the flyers were displayed on UERJ - Maracanã Campus on all the levels of the building.

Academical Communication: The divulgation of the premiere was made by word-of-mouth and by email adresseses just like from CACOS’s (Academical Center of Communication) list. The short-film’s link was divulgated on Twitter.


Distribution of the material

Divulgation of the short-film on Twitter was made by Coletivo Aggent in UERJ, Ana Slade.

UERJ - Twitter

UFF - orkut

Divulgation of the short-film on Orkut’s communities was made by Coletivo Aggent in UFF, Luiz Giban:

UFF - orkut

UFRJ - Campus Praia Vermelha

Distribution of the material: The posters and the flyers were displayed in specific places, like murals thus have a greater visibility on ECO, Psychology, and Social Service building, Academic Centers, on the halls, in two restaurants and on the copier of the university.

Academical Communication: The divulgation of the movie was made in class with the professor Moha Hajji, who teach History of the Communication. The divulgation of the short-film was made by Coletivo Praga Aggent’s email list.


Distribution of the material


Divulgation of the short-film was made by sending emails to Coletivo Praga Aggent UFRJ, Jefferson Carrasco’s personal list:


Distribution of the material: The posters were put on all levels of IFCS. The flyers were distributed personally on the entrance of the Institute, on the copier and on the canteen.

UFRJ - Campus IFCS

Distribution of the material:


Distribution of the material: The posters were put on all the levels of the university (Murals in CLA, CCH and CCBS, copier of the CCH, D.A. of Biology). The flyers were distributed on the copier and on the recepcion of CCH, in the entrance of CCBS and Biology D.A. Beside of the personally distribution to students and professors, word-of-mouth with students of Biology D.A and museology about Dorothy Stang’s case was very important on the university.

Academical Communication: The trailer was shown in class and on the Academic Directory of Biology. The divulgation of the short-film was made by email.


Distribution of the material:


Distribution of the material:


Divulgation of the short-film to the personal email adresses’ list made by Coletivo Praga Aggent in UNIRIO, Mariana Stolze:

UCAM- Instituto de Humanidades

Distribution of the material: The posters were put on specif places like murals of Academical Directory located on 2º,6º and 11º level. They are floors with a great flow of students. The flyers were put on the copier, on the living room of the academical coordination and on the canteen.


Distribution of the material:

Estácio de Sá – campus Rebouças

Distribution of the material: The posters were put on murals in Communication Departament and at the entrance of the academical cinema. The flyers were put on murals, in specific areas for flyers at the Cinema Departament and were distributed personally.

Academical Medias: The trailer is being shown before the movie sessions and on a academical TV - Estácio de Sá – Rebouças.


Distribution of the material: The posters were distributed on FACHA campus in Botafogo 1 and 2 and on the Méier Campus. In all of them they were put on murals. The flyers were distributed in cafererias.



Globo Amazonia

Guia da Semana


Videos - Viral

Emails with links to virals were send to Rede Praga users, bloguers, teachers and universities media


A Praga Conexões realizou dentro da campanha de lançamento do documentário Mataram Irmã Dorothy pré-estréias seguidas de debate, nas universidades IBMEC e PUC (RJ).

O ator Wagner Moura, que narra o filme, foi entrevistado e depõe sobre o assassinato da freira Dorothy Stang e a importância do filme para o caso.4

Gustavo Gelmini, produtor associado do filme, fala sobre sua recepção em diferentes regiões do Brasil e a necessidade de se discutir o julgamento do crime.

Todas essas ações estão disponíveis em filmetes online. Acesse:


Wagner Moura em depoimento:

Bate-papo entre Gustavo Gelmini e Coletivo Praga:

Confira o circuito de exibição dofilme Mataram Irmã Dorothy:

Social Media Marketing

ORKUT – Community environmentalists and activists

ORKUT – Community environmentalists and activists

ORKUT – Community environmentalists and activists

ORKUT – Community environmentalists and activists

ORKUT – Dorothy Stang’s communities

IBMECÁCIO DE SÁ – campus Rebouças - IACS UFRJ UFRJ UFRJ Técnica Adolpho Block

ORKUT – Divulgation in universities’ communities





No canto superior direito encontra-se destacada a quantidade de “seguidores” do Twitter.