"They don't make 'em like that any more." - 19 vintage ads

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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“They Don’t Make ‘Em Like That

Any More.” 19 Vintage Ads

Looking at vintage advertising through the eyes of a 21st-century consumer is certainly interesting - and not without its laughs.

While it’s not hard to see why most of these ads would be banned today, you might be surprised that some of them were published not that long ago.

People tend to think that advertising stopped being sexist, racist and inappropriate in the 50s and 60s. Not so much. Even during the 1990s, print ads could be tasteless. Shocking. Ridiculous when seen from our current perspective.

How do these ads compare to those for similar products these days? Well, for one, you can’t even advertise for cigarettes any more...

Imagine if your copywriting agency came back with a lead slogan that read ‘men are better than women!’...

Sexism was rife in adverts during the 50s, 60s and 70s. Everything was a boy’s club, according to these ads.

Sega adverts from the 1990s...

Shocking, no? To think that these ads were published not even that long ago is quite the surprise.

Hard to imagine that such a big name brand would engage in low brow tactics. But here the ads are, in all their glory.

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