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Super Sexy Skin REVIEWSBlog REVIEW 1: Who else wants super sexy skin… at any age?

Most women who want to improve their skin’s condition turn to the typical expensive creams, lotions and potions available at department stores. They slather on the anti-aging formulas, they cover their faces in make-up to hide skin flaws, and they obsess every time they look in the mirror.

Sound familiar?

Let me tell you something…

That’s the “old school” way of taking care of your skin. And you know what? It doesn’t work…

The reason I know this is because of a woman named Belinda Benn, who used to be a top executive in the cosmetics industry. By the time she was in her 30s, her own skin looked horrible. She had odd rashes and was aging prematurely. Yet Belinda had access to the cosmetic industry’s top products, information and advice. Why wasn’t her skin flawless and radiant?

The problem is that traditional cosmetics mask underlying skin conditions and the symptom of aging, rather than treating the problem at its source. In fact, the cosmetics industry is counting on you having continued skin problems, so that you’ll keep buying their products. For life.

Now here’s the other big problem…

Some of these products are actually bad for you. They contain toxic ingredients that damage your skin, such as parabens, BHT, BHA, parfum, Blue 1 and many more. So while these products may feel good when you put them on, in the long run many of these cosmetics are actually accelerating your skin’s aging process.

So what’s the solution?

You need to nourish your skin naturally, from the inside out. That’s where Belinda Benn’s Super Sexy Skin program comes in. <- [INSERT AFF LINK]

The Super Sexy Skin program isn’t about buying expensive, damaging chemicals to put on your skin. Instead, it’s a three-pillar natural skincare program which includes:

1. A detailed nutrition plan. Sugars and processed foods can damage your skin. Inside the nutrition plan you’ll find out exactly what to eat in order to naturally restore your skin’s youthful vitality. Whether you have problems with blemishes, dry skin, oily skin, premature aging or anything else, this eating program will work wonders to make your skin beautiful.

2. The skincare program. The second part of this program will show you how to use Shiatsu facial massage, aromatherapy and exfoliation to help your skin naturally cart away impurities and give your skin a beautiful, healthy glow. You even get a follow-along video which shows you exactly how to give yourself a Shiatsu facial massage. It not only feels great, it makes your skin beautiful.

3. A body toning program. The final pillar of this program is gentle stretching and toning exercises to help improve your body condition and circulation. Together, this makes your skin radiant and youthful looking. You’ll get a follow-along video that you can use in your living room, in your gym, or where ever you feel comfortable.

That’s all there is to restoring your skin’s natural vitality and youth.

You don’t need to buy expensive (and dangerous) cosmetics. You don’t need Botox. You don’t need surgery. You just need to use healthy food, gentle exercise, exfoliation, aromatherapy, and massage to give your body what it needs to restore your skin.

Best of all, this program works in as little as 28 days. Imagine looking in the mirror a month from now and liking what you see. Imagine your blemishes, rough skin, acne, dry skin, oily skin, sagging skin and other imperfections reducing and even disappearing. Imagine having beautiful skin… without spending hundreds of dollars on creams, lotions and potions that don’t work.

I’ve gone through this program thoroughly and there is no better way to get beautiful skin. Nothing has been missed with this program. You get step-by-step instructions in the Super Sexy Skin Bible, menu plans, a skin assessment, a diary, a detox program, follow-along videos and so much more.

I can’t recommend this program highly enough, because it’s unlike anything you’ve seen. But don’t take my word for it – click here [INSERT AFF LINK] to see the “before” and “after” photos yourself, and to learn more about how this program will become your best-kept beauty secret.

Blog Review 2: How Super Sexy Skin Can Reverse the Signs of Aging

Do you remember what your skin was like when you were younger? It was firm, supple and radiant. It glowed, even when you didn’t apply any beauty products to it.

But then one day you looked in the mirror and noticed things were changing. Your skin seemed drier and you noticed a few lines. Maybe you even noticed a loss of facial firmness around the eyes and jawline.

If you’re like a lot of women, you may have turned to anti-aging creams and serums – or even more invasive treatments like Botox or fillers. These products promise to turn back the hands of time, firm your skin and reduce fine lines.

Some of these serums feel good going on and seem to help cover the premature signs of aging. But over time, you’ll notice that your skin continues to get worse. The serums are just masking symptoms temporarily. Worst of all, many of these products contain dangerous ingredients that further damage your skin and accelerate the signs of aging.

Another thing many women consider is to get injections or surgery to correct the fine lines and sagging skin. That’s expensive, it’s dangerous, and it often leaves a woman looking like a plastic doll rather than a real person. And over time, Botox weakens your muscles leading to facial sagging.

Listen, forget all that. You don’t need surgery. You don’t need injections. And perhaps most surprisingly of all, you don’t even need anti-aging serums.

Belinda Benn’s “Super Sexy Skin” program is the only thing you’ll ever need to reverse the hands of time. I know that sounds like a bold claim, but just hear me out…

Belinda is a former cosmetics executive, so she’s been on the inside. She knows what works. She knows how the cosmetics industry has been trying to fool you all these years. And now she’s pulling back the curtain to reveal the one thing that truly works to restore and revitalize your skin.

What’s her secret?

It’s pretty simple, really. You need to nourish your skin from the inside out. You do this naturally with a good nutrition plan, a special skincare program (which includes Shiatsu facial massage and exfoliation), and gentle body toning and stretching exercises to repair your skin and reduce fine lines.

Together, these three components destroy the free radicals roaming around in your body, improve your circulation to carry away toxins and to repair your skin, balance your hormones, and give your skin a healthy, youthful glow in as little as 28 days from now.

Belinda lays out the complete plan in her Super Sexy Skin program. Check it out here: [AFF LINK]

The program includes the eating plan, a follow-along Shiatsu facial massage video, a follow-along stretching and exercise video, a smoothies recipe book, an aromatherapy book to help your body detox and much more.

You’ll find out which of your cosmetics to throw away to avoid further skin damage, plus you’ll find out exactly what to eat to give yourself a beautiful, youthful complexion.

This is a complete plan – Belinda leaves nothing out. If you use this plan starting today, you’ll see results in as little as 28 days from now. Keep using the program, and you’ll see the hands of time reverse right in front of your eyes.

Whether you’re looking to reverse the signs of aging or prevent premature signs of aging, you’ll love what this program does for you and how beautiful you’ll look. Give yourself the gift of Super Sexy Skin (at any age!) by clicking here right now [AFF LINK].

Blog Review 3: How to get radiant, beautiful skin…

Let me ask you a question…

Do you like what you see in the mirror?

If you’re like a lot of women I talk to, then you probably see imperfections. Maybe you have blemishes, rough skin, redness on your face, dry skin, skin that’s too oily, acne, or any number of other flaws that you wish you could change.

This is exceedingly common. Women of all ages, even those in their twenties, are surprised when they look in the mirror and see their skin in such poor condition. Most of them resign themselves to believing there is nothing they can do about it other than cover their faces with make-up to hide the imperfections and use so-called “age-defying” serums.

But here’s the thing…

That’s what the cosmetic industry would have you believe. The cosmetics industry wants you to use their products, so they market to you endlessly to make you believe that you can’t even leave the house unless their products are on your face. And they tell you to use their lotions and creams to get more beautiful skin.

But guess what? Those lotions, serums, and creams may feel good when you put them on your face, but they’re loaded with toxic chemicals such as parabens, BHT, BHA, parfum and more. That’s right, you’re actually damaging your skin further when you use these products.

If you want to get radiant, beautiful skin, the first thing you need to do is stop putting these toxins on your face.

The second thing you need to do is get your hands on Belinda Benn’s “Super Sexy Skin” program at [AFF LINK]. I’ve gone through this entire program, and I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s no better way to restore your skin and make yourself beautiful and younger looking again.

So what makes Belinda’s program different than everything else out there?

Simple: she tells you how to change your skin from the inside out. So instead of using expensive yet dangerous creams on your face, the program teaches you how to give your body what it needs to naturally repair and revitalize your skin.

The program includes three main components…

First, you get a complete eating plan, which tells you what foods to eat and which ones to avoid. You’ll learn how to use food to combat the free radicals that are wreaking havoc on your skin, and you’ll find out which foods balance your hormones and repair your skin to give it that healthy glow.

Next, you’ll get a skincare program, which shows you how to use Shiatsu facial massage, aromatherapy and exfoliation to reveal your skin’s true beauty. You even get a Shiatsu facial massage video that shows you how to naturally help your body carry away its toxins and improve your circulation for a beautiful, radiant complexion. You’ll toss your lotions and potions away once you see what Belinda’s natural skincare program can do for you.

The third main component of the program is gentle exercise and body toning. This improves your circulation to repair and revitalize your skin, plus it firms and tones your body to make you more beautiful than ever. Belinda even gives you a follow-along video that you can watch on your phone or tablet so you can do these workouts anywhere.

You’re going to love the way you look when you use this program. It’s completely natural, and it takes as little as 28 days to see beautiful, dramatic results. Plus the program shows you how to get beautiful skin at any stage of life, so you can tailor this program to fit your needs.

But don’t take my word for it. See for yourself by looking at the before and after photos here: [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK]

These women could be you. These dramatic results could be yours. You too can reduce or eliminate redness, dry skin, splotches and other skin imperfections naturally using the Super Sexy Skin program. Click here [INSERT AFF LINK] to get started now…

Super Sexy Skin ARTICLES

Article 1: A Surprising Trick for Younger-Looking Skin

When we’re younger, we tend to have only a vague notion of getting older. We feel a bit invincible. We don’t really think about how our skin and our bodies are going to look in another decade or two.

But then one day you look in the mirror and it feels like someone else is looking back at you. Inside, you still feel young. But your face tells a different story. You start to see the signs of aging, such as fine lines or sagging skin. At that moment you realize you need to do something.

The cosmetic industry would have you slather on all types of beauty products, including their anti-aging creams. But the truth is, most of these miracle creams and serums don’t work. They might make your face feel good when you put them on, but all they’re doing is temporarily masking your skin problems. Worse yet, many of these creams and serums actually contain ingredients that will further damage your skin.

You’ll also see certain circles pushing for surgical enhancements. They’ll suggest injections, lifts and tucks to rid your face of the sagging and fine lines. But of course these are expensive, risky treatments.

If you’re like a lot of women, then what you’re looking for is something natural. You want a safe and effective way to prevent or reverse the signs of aging. So let me share with you one of the best-kept secrets in anti-aging circles: Shiatsu facial massage.

Shiatsu massage works by applying pressure to specific points on the face. This relaxes your facial muscles, which in turn helps prevent the fine lines that develop from stress-related furrowed eyebrows, frowning and so on.

The second thing the massage does is stimulate your lymphatic system. This stimulation, along with improving your blood circulation, helps your body carry away the toxins which are damaging your skin. This can improve the color of your skin, get rid of redness and puffiness, tighten your pores, and give your skin a healthy, radiant glow.

As mentioned, Shiatsu massage works by stimulating specific pressure points which are just underneath your skin. These points, which are intersections of your blood, lymph and nervous systems, are located all over your face and body. On your face you can find them just below your eyebrows, at the

corner of your nose, at the corner of your mouth, and in a curved line just above your jaw line.

Stimulation is very simple. All you have to do is use the pad of your finger to apply gradually increasing pressure to one of these points for the count of three, then you slowly decrease the pressure for another count of three. There are over 30 pressure points on the face, so you’ll want to be sure your massage stimulates each of the important points.

To learn more about how to do an anti-aging Shiatsu facial massage, check out Belinda Benn’s Super Sexy Skin program at This program also includes a hormone-optimizing eating plan, a skincare component and a stretching and exercise program. Together, these components naturally nourish, repair and revitalize your skin from the inside out. Check the link above to see what this program has done for others (and what it can do for you too).

Article 2: Dirty Little Secrets the Cosmetic Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know

When most women want to correct skin problems and signs of aging, the first thing they do is turn to the cosmetics industry. There you’ll find a whole host of solutions, including “age defying” make up, anti-aging serums and creams, wrinkle reducers and most anything else that’s marketed to be the holy grail of timeless beauty.

But heads up…

It’s all a façade. These products aren’t designed to make you feel beautiful. In fact, the industry behind these cosmetics has spent your entire life convincing you that you’re NOT beautiful unless you’re using their products.

Think about that for a moment. They’ve ripped on the fabric of your self-esteem for years, to the point where you probably even feel a little “naked” if you go out in public without some sort of product on your face. That’s not natural. That’s simply a lifetime of programming by the marketing departments of a huge, multi-billion dollar industry.

And that’s not the worst of it…

You know all those lotions, creams, serums and other products that women smear on their faces daily to reduce skin problems and the signs of aging? These products don’t actually help your skin at all. In fact, most of them work by merely hiding and covering up the imperfections. That’s like sticking a dirty bandage over the problem.

You see, here’s what the cosmetic industry doesn’t want you to know: not only do their products not help your skin, many of these products actually harm your skin.

Grab a few of your serums, creams, lotions, and make up off the shelf right now and look at the ingredients. Specifically, look for ingredients such as parfum, Blue 1, BHA, BHT, parabens and siloxanes. These ingredients are supposed to do things like soften your skin, moisturize or add fragrance. But every single one of these ingredients is a known toxin.

Read that again: every single one of these ingredients is a known toxin.

The cosmetic industry knows these ingredients are harmful to your health and damaging to your skin, yet they still put these toxins into their products.


Because the cosmetics industry really isn’t all that motivated to find alternative ingredients for their products. If the toxins damage your skin, then the cosmetics industry knows you’ll come running back to them to find a “cure” for your newfound skin problems. They also know you’ll never even consider the idea that the expensive $125-a-jar cream you’re putting on your face to fix your skin problems is actually causing further damage.

It’s sickening. But the good news is, you don’t have to depend on the cosmetics industry any longer.

You see, you’ll never get the results you want merely by putting something on the surface of your skin. If you want radiant, beautiful skin, then you need to nourish it naturally from the inside out.

How do you do this? By eating a hormone-optimizing diet. Good nutrition will help your body get the nutrients it needs to balance your hormones and revitalize your skin. Add in a gentle stretching exercise program and massage-based skincare program, and you’ll have everything you need to naturally reduce skin problems, improve your complexion, and reverse the signs of aging.

You don’t need damaging cosmetics. You don’t need injections, laser or surgery. All you need is a natural program for revitalizing your skin, which you can find right here: So check it out now, because you just may be surprised at what you discover on that page.

Article 3: How Gentle Exercise Can Make You Look and Feel Years Younger

It’s no secret that exercise is good for your health and may even be considered a fountain of youth. However, some people are now discovering that you don’t need to do strenuous exercise in order to get some pretty amazing anti-aging benefits. That’s because some of the best anti-aging exercises are gentle toning and stretching movements.

Here’s what these exercises can do for you:

Benefit #1: Improve your circulation.

When you do specific stretching exercises using a full range of motion, you improve the blood flow to those specific areas as well as improving your circulation overall. This improved circulation helps your body cart away the toxins that are damaging your skin. Good circulation also gives your skin a healthy, radiant glow.

Benefit #2: Regulate your hormones.

Another benefit of exercise is that it helps stimulate specific beneficial hormones in your body, including the human growth hormone (which has often been called the anti-aging hormone due to its revitalizing properties). Exercise can also reduce the stress hormone cortisol. Lowered levels of cortisol can reduce the oiliness of your skin which leads to acne, rashes and other breakouts.

What’s more, a consistent exercise program will also help your body regulate your endocrine system. When this system is in balance, your body is better able to repair, restore and rejuvenate your skin.

Benefit #3: Relax your body.

Exercise can help you counteract the negative effects of stress by relaxing your body. When you are relaxed, your facial muscles relax too, which means it’s less likely that you’ll get stress-induced fine lines from holding tension in your face. What’s more, your body as a whole doesn’t function as well when it’s stressed, which compromises your body’s ability to turn over the skin cells. This leaves you with dry, lifeless skin. Exercise can reverse this problem.

Exercise also reduces the negative effects of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Both of these tend to reduce blood flow, which

affects your body’s ability to repair your skin. Increasing this blood flow, along with introducing more oxygen into your blood through deep breathing, helps to repair your skin and give you that radiant glow.

Benefit #4: Tone your muscles.

Your muscles sit just beneath a layer of fat. This fat can give your skin a dimpled, spongy appearance. When you increase the density of these muscles, it smooth’s out the layer of fat, which in turn smooth’s and tightens your skin. In other words, gentle toning exercises are a good way to get rid of cellulite and spongy skin.


As you can see, there are a lot of great benefits to doing gentle stretching and toning exercises. Not only will these exercises make you feel better, but they can improve the look and feel of your skin as well. A gentle exercise program is just one component of a natural fountain of youth. Find out what the other components are by clicking here:

Article 3: Dirty Little Secrets the Cosmetic Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know

When most women want to correct skin problems and signs of aging, the first thing they do is turn to the cosmetics industry. There you’ll find a whole host of solutions, including “age defying” make up, anti-aging serums and creams, wrinkle reducers and most anything else that’s marketed to be the holy grail of timeless beauty.

But heads up…

It’s all a façade. These products aren’t designed to make you feel beautiful. In fact, the industry behind these cosmetics has spent your entire life convincing you that you’re NOT beautiful unless you’re using their products.

Think about that for a moment. They’ve ripped on the fabric of your self-esteem for years, to the point where you probably even feel a little “naked” if you go out in public without some sort of product on your face. That’s not natural. That’s simply a lifetime of programming by the marketing departments of a huge, multi-billion dollar industry.

And that’s not the worst of it…

You know all those lotions, creams, serums and other products that women smear on their faces daily to reduce skin problems and the signs of aging? These products don’t actually help your skin at all. In fact, most of them work by merely hiding and covering up the imperfections. That’s like sticking a dirty bandage over the problem.

You see, here’s what the cosmetic industry doesn’t want you to know: not only do their products not help your skin, many of these products actually harm your skin.

Grab a few of your serums, creams, lotions, and make up off the shelf right now and look at the ingredients. Specifically, look for ingredients such as parfum, Blue 1, BHA, BHT, parabens and siloxanes. These ingredients are supposed to do things like soften your skin, moisturize or add fragrance. But every single one of these ingredients is a known toxin.

Read that again: every single one of these ingredients is a known toxin.

The cosmetic industry knows these ingredients are harmful to your health and damaging to your skin, yet they still put these toxins into their products.


Because the cosmetics industry really isn’t all that motivated to find alternative ingredients for their products. If the toxins damage your skin, then the cosmetics industry knows you’ll come running back to them to find a “cure” for your newfound skin problems. They also know you’ll never even consider the idea that the expensive $125-a-jar cream you’re putting on your face to fix your skin problems is actually causing further damage.

It’s sickening. But the good news is, you don’t have to depend on the cosmetics industry any longer.

You see, you’ll never get the results you want merely by putting something on the surface of your skin. If you want radiant, beautiful skin, then you need to nourish it naturally from the inside out.

How do you do this? By eating a hormone-optimizing diet. Good nutrition will help your body get the nutrients it needs to balance your hormones and revitalize your skin. Add in a gentle stretching exercise program and massage-based skincare program, and you’ll have everything you need to naturally reduce skin problems, improve your complexion, and reverse the signs of aging.

You don’t need damaging cosmetics. You don’t need injections, laser or surgery. All you need is a natural program for revitalizing your skin, which you can find right here: So check it out now, because you just may be surprised at what you discover on that page.

Article 4: 3 Diet Secrets To Creating Younger Skin From the Inside Out

If you watch the beauty and anti-aging ads on TV and read them in your favorite women’s magazines, the cosmetic industry would have you believe that beautiful skin is a result of slathering very expensive creams or serums on your face.

But here’s something that may surprise you…

True beauty doesn’t come out of a bottle. You won’t get the results you’re hoping for simply by putting something on the surface of your skin. That’s because the single best way to get beautiful skin is to nourish it from the inside out.

When you give your body the right amount of nutrients and antioxidants, it can effectively combat and destroy the damaging free radicals in your system, and then your body can start working immediately to repair and revitalize your skin. The right nutrients also give your body what it needs to bring your hormones into balance so you can achieve that beautiful, healthy glow.

So how do you give your body what it needs? You can start by following these three tips…

#1: Get rid of overly processed foods.

You ever hear the saying, “garbage in, garbage out”?

That very much applies to your skin. When you eat sugar and processed junk foods, it throws your hormones out of whack and doesn’t give your body what it needs to nourish your skin.

To avoid this negative effect, you’ll want to focus on eating “close to nature.”

Skip the white “minute rice” and choose unprocessed brown rice.

Choose whole grain breads over bleached, processed white bread.

Naturally, you should also reduce if not eliminate fast food and junk foods like chips, cookies and candies, all of which can wreak havoc on your skin (and your health).

#2: Eat a balanced variety healthy, hormone optimizing foods.

The next thing you want to do is make sure you eat a varied diet which includes lean proteins, essential fatty acids, and healthy carbohydrates. These will give your body the hormonal building blocks it needs to create young, healthy skin cells.

Be sure to eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. The more varied your diet is, the better chance you have of receiving all the essential vitamins and nutrients your body needs to repair and revitalize your skin from the inside out. One good rule of thumb is to be sure there are a lot of different colors on your plate when it comes to fruits and veggies: green, red, yellow, orange and so on.

#3: Choose organic, chemical free foods.

Whenever possible, eliminate the harmful pesticides and other chemicals in your diet by choosing organic foods. That’s because your body creates an inflammatory response when it encounters these sorts of toxins, which in turn can damage your skin. What’s more, these toxins may accumulate in your body and create continued problems in the future. As such, choose organic foods grown without pesticides, herbicides and other dangerous toxins.


If you follow the above three tips, you’ll start to see some miraculous improvements to your skin. Whether you have problems with dry skin, sagging, poor color or anything else, a good diet will nourish your skin from the inside out and return it to its youthful glow.

However, we’ve just barely scratched the surface when it comes to nourishing your skin from the inside out. There are actually specific foods that you’ll want to be sure to eat regularly to bring your hormones into balance, combat the free radicals in your system, and give your body what it needs to repair your collagen.

You can find out what these foods are, plus get a complete plan for revitalizing your skin by clicking here: Check it out, because you’re going to love how beautiful this program makes you look and feel.