Thesis Manuscript I II III (1)

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Transcript of Thesis Manuscript I II III (1)


Rojahn Ahlum O. LepardoLyca A. Tafalla

1/ A thesis proposal submitted to the Faculty of the Department of Criminology, College of Criminal Justice System, Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Criminology.

INTRODUCTION As noted by, Ball State University- USA (2000), Fraternity and sorority refer to a group of men and women formed together with common goals, aspirations and commitment. The members share their efforts, friendship and knowledge. Together these members learn, grow and make the organization stronger. Their common experience builds ties that last a lifetime. On the other hand, University at Albany- USA defined that sorority and fraternity gives offer the opportunity to come in contact with new people who share similar interests and values and who will become as friends for life. These organizations bring out the best in their members through strong friendships and common goals. Most importantly, fraternities and sororities have an impact on their members lives in many ways, offering learning and life experiences through their core values of community service, friendship, leadership and scholarship maintain. According to, US and Canadian University the decision of an individual to join in fraternity or sorority is very subjective and down to them. Some undergraduates find their allegiance to the organization becomes an important aspect of their identity. Sorority organization reported having "deeply mixed feelings" The two primary benefits claimed by many sorority members were the network of female friends and a sense of confidence and as for every girl who emerges from a sorority also improved their self esteem (Robinson, 2004).In the Philippines, fraternities and sororities are sometimes considered violent groups that may act harmfully leading to incidence of death and physical injuries caused by initiation rites. Despite of the law prohibiting hazing and other forms of initiation rites, the hazing activities and casualties are still existent. (RA 8049 An act regulating hazing and other forms of initiation rites in fraternities, sororities, and other organizations and providing penalties therefore) On the section 2 and 3 stated that: No hazing or initiation rites in any form or manner by a fraternity, sorority or organization shall be allowed without prior written notice to the school authorities or head of organization seven days before the conduct of such initiation. Included the names of those to be subjected to such activities, and shall further contain an undertaking that no physical violence be employed by anybody during such initiation rites.The head of the school or organization or their representatives must assign at least two representatives of the school or organization to supervise the initiation. It is the duty of such representative to see to it that no physical harm of any kind shall be inflicted upon a recruit, neophyte or applicant.On the other hand stated at the Article 3, section 8 of 1987 Philippine Constitution The right of the people, including those employed in the public and private sectors, to form unions, associations, or societies for purposes not contrary to law shall not be abridged.Cavite State University is said to be an institution that can provide better and excellent individuals, but on this present administration their hands are closed in accepting fraternities and sororitys organization. It was stated in the student handbook of the university, under section 4 that Student Organizations shall refer to association, club or any other organized groups of cultural or civic organization whose member are students of the university, those of provincial section or regional in character or orientation are discouraged. Greek letter organizations such as fraternities and sororities are not allowed. Thru these policies the university lost their power to supervise and to control the existing fraternity and sorority organization inside the university, but they are open to revise this policy if necessary. This study will be conducted to determine the level of perception of participants in terms of acceptability of fraternity and sorority as part of the institution by assessing the positive and negative effect of such accreditation to the university.Statement of the problemA study will be conducted to evaluate the perception of selected faculty members and students on recognizing fraternity or sorority organizations in the University. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following: 1. What are the perception of the participants on the following motivating factors in joining fraternity and sorority organizations:a. Biological factors;b. Psychological factors; andc. Sociological factors?2. What is the perception of the participants toward the possible pros and cons effect of acceptability of fraternity and sorority organizations?3. What is the level of perception of participants in terms of acceptability?

ObjectivesA study will be conducted to evaluate the perception of selected faculty members and students on recognizing fraternity or sorority organizations in the University. Specifically, it aims: 1. To determine the motivating factors of joining fraternity and sorority organizations; and2. To assess the positive and negative effects of acceptability of the said organizations.3. To determine the level of perception on the acceptability of participants to the fraternity and sorority organization.Conceptual Framework

Motivating factors of joiningBiological factorsSociological factorsPsychological factorsDemographic profile of participantsStudentsFaculty membersAdministrators

Level of acceptability in terms ofPositive effectsNegative effects

Fraternity and Sorority organizations

Figure 1. Assessment of the acceptability on the accreditation of fraternity and sorority organization and their motivation in joining such organization as perceive by the members of Cavite State University.This figure shows the Assessment on the acceptability on the accreditation of fraternity and sorority organization and their motivation in joining such organization as perceive by the members of Cavite State University. It consists of the variable that was used in this study. The upper left box consists of the demographic profile of the participants pointed to the upper right box consist of the positive and negative effect of accepting such organization and to the lower right box consist of the motivating factors of joining fraternity and sorority organization it both pointed to the fraternity and sorority organization to represent the relationship to each other.HypothesisHa1: There is a high level of acceptability in the part of the students, faculty and school administration of Cavite State University in the fraternities and sororities organization as part of the school organization.Ha2: The accreditation of fraternities and sororities organization had more positive results than negative effects.Ha3: there is a significant relationship between the motivating factors in joining the fraternities.Significance of the StudiesThe findings of this study were useful in the following;Faculty and Administrator of Cavite State University it will serve as their guide to have the best information in understanding the positive and negative effects of accepting fraternity and sorority organizations and to prove the existence of such organization in the university this study will be able to aid them in formulating new rules and regulation in terms of accrediting Greek letter organization.Fraternity and sorority organization - This study gives them an opportunity to voice out their feelings by establishing their objective and goals inside the university and to prove that they had an importance and aspirations for both students and the University. This will help them to change the annotation of the people that their organization has nothing to do but to cause bad influence and harm to the students of the university.Students this will serve as a guide for them to understand different motivating factors that can influence them to join fraternity organizations and this study will assess the negative and the positive result of fraternity and sorority for the student to have a better understanding and information before joining this kind of organization. Future researcher the result of this study could be used as a reference for the future studies having the same topic. This may also give other information that may help them for the improvement of this research.Scope and limitation of the studyThe selected Administrative personnel, faculty members and students, will be the target participants of this study. A study will be conducted to evaluate the perception of selected administrator, faculty members and students of Cavite State University on recognizing fraternity or sorority organizations in the University. Specifically, it aims a) to determine the motivating factors of joining fraternity and sorority organizations; b) to assess the positive and negative effects of recognizing the said organizations; and c) to determine the level of perception on the acceptability of participants to the fraternity and sorority organization. This study will be conducted from September 2014 to February2015.Definition of TermsFraternity - society for college men: a social society for men who are students at a college or university, with a name consisting of individually pronounced Greek letters composed of people with something in common: a group of people with something such as being in the same profession or sharing the same interest.Sorority - society for women students: a social society for women who are students at a college or university, with a name consisting of individually pronounced Greek letters. See also fraternity Assessment - evaluation: a judgment about something based on an understanding of the situation Peer pressure - social pressure on somebody to adopt a type of behavior, dress, or attitude in order to be accepted as part of a group Greek letter- Fraternities and sororities are fraternal, social organizations for undergraduate students. The term refers mainly to such organizations at colleges and universities in the United States, although it is also applied to analogous European groups also known as corporateNeophyte - a beginner or novice at something especially for the Greek letter organizationA social factor - behavior of groups: the branch of psychology that deals with how groups behave and how individual members are affected by the group to which they belong Motivating factors - to make somebody feel enthusiastic, interested, and committed to something or to join two different associations.Acceptability - considered to be satisfactory and approved by: likely to gain somebody's approval Student Organizations - shall refer to association, club or any other organized groups of cultural or civic organization whose member are students of the university

CHAPTER IIREVIEW RELATED LITERATURES These related studies and literature will serve as a foundation for the study.Foreign StudiesAccording to Abraham Maslow, stated in his theory of human motivation or the hierarchy of needs explaining the reasons why some students have joined in such groups of fraternities and sororities. Actually, it explains that unconsciously, humans have five levels of needs that guide their behaviors. The first one is the basic human needs, such as food, water, air, sleep, sex and among other basics. Essentially, these are basic needs that are needed to guarantee for human survival. A person who was not able to meet all their needs would focus their behavior patterns was trying to meet the needs. Once a person guarantees their physical survival, they will pursue physical safety. Safety and survival needs are considered lower-level needs. Once these needs are met, people will try to satisfy their upper level needs. The first upper level need is the sense of belonging and love. This level encourages humans to join certain groups where they might, feel they belong and are loved. College students might join fraternities, sororities or other groups as to feel they really belong and as a part of a large acceptance group.Based on studies of Pascarella, Flowers, and Whitt of 2001 as cited by Daniels 2011, through the sociological factors, fraternities and sororities organization shall tend to create peer culture, whichs the norms, enhance the nonacademic and nonintellectual. Knowing that every student who joins has a future career and personal goals that they want to reach, theyre still looking for friends and connections outside of the classroom.According to Astin of 1993 as cited by Alvarez 1998, that the influence of peer environment in regard to the individual behavior, stated the students peer environment is the single most potent source of influence on growth and development during the undergraduate years.Theres a study that explored how the level of involvement in fraternities and sororities influenced a variety of psychosocial outcomes found overwhelmingly (but not exclusively) positive results from higher levels of involvement in these organizations -Hunt & Rentz of 1994.According to Grubb of 2006 as cited by Daniels 2011, which he made an observation and study that the social pressures, responsibilities, attitudes and perceptions of fraternity and sorority are different from those experienced by nonmembers, which also makes a difference in the classroom. This observation gives a clear viewpoint that being fraternity and you organization has a different impact not just academically, but also on the personal character of an individual.Fraternities and sororities began more than a century ago as relationship building organizations in which leadership development could be cultivated stated by( Cory 2011)but until recently, research found that fraternity and sorority membership may hinder student development and negatively impact the well being of college students (Maisel 1990, as cited by Wechsler of 1996).Despite for these negative effects of fraternity and sorority it found that the members of this organization gave a large amount of support and encouragement that theyre commitment to new members and current members is still.According to Dana Sparks, a demand media stated that, fraternity and sorority offers you more access to social opportunities, an especially attractive quality when you've just moved to a new place and have few friends. Often hold social events to allow their members to engage with each other and the community. In terms of leading, fraternities and sororities have leadership positions available. Theyre tried to lead in organizing a group, these leadership positions can go on your resume to let prospective employers know you're comfortable at the helm of an organization. In terms of connection, the size of fraternity and sorority nationwide determines the scope of in potential connections. Last, lifelong Relationships, it will helps people to have a meeting new people than others. A fraternity and sorority can help forge relationships with other men that can last throughout your lifetime.Local StudiesFraternity and sorority Fraternities and sororities in the Philippine were started by Spanish free mason which is considered as the oldest brotherhood organization in the world, but during the Spanish era time members were the reserve of the Spanish elite. When the American era came to the Philippine in 1898 some of the military men were also member of freemason fraternity, but now native Filipinos were encouraged to join under the American colonization in the Philippines. Schools and universities were made like the university of the Philippine. It comes the first Filipino fraternity which is the Upsilion sigma phi founded in 1918 (www.taugamma.inf)According to Winston (2002) as cited by Herrera (2012) social fraternities and sororities are known for those parties, dance and other social activities, but they also have academic achievement, offer scholarship and provide leadership opportunities, they may organize charity events and encourage their member to be active in the community service work and other campus activity. Many of these activities benefits members by helping them adjust to college, make lifelong friends and prepare for the future. The study of Herrera 2012 revealed that the majority of fraternity and sorority members are in college level. Fraternity member is satisfied with the attention and trust and love from their family, friends and Co members, also the respondent sees a positive point in themselves, respect and value themselves and accept their weakness. It also revealed that members of fraternity and sorority appreciated, loved and accepted by their group mates, family and friends. The self concept of fraternities and sororities is not influenced by their profile. The self evaluation of the participant is possibly the same despite of their age, educational attainment, position, designation and length of membership in the organization. It showed that the interpersonal relationship of fraternity and sorority members is not influenced by their profile at implies that their relationship with other people improve their interpersonal skills and enable them to have an open and trusting relationshipHerrera (2012) recommended for her study that the community refrain from judging any members of the fraternity and sorority without knowing the kind of organization. They should know first what happening inside the organization before they comment on them, so they will have a better understanding about the purpose of the organization and on an awareness campaign on the part of the organization would help inform the public of their mission, vision and goal. According to the study of Gapate 2004, the members of the accredited fraternities and sororities want to erase the impression in the mind of the people that fraternities and sororities are not promoting peace, the finding could also mean that they would like to promote participation and cooperation between and among the members and officer of all the organizations. It also showed that the organization is following the certain organizational structure Loyola (2010) stated that one of the reasons why fraternity and sorority set a bad name is because of their common practiced called hazing. Nowadays the word fraternity has a negative connotation to many people. Some fraternity and sorority are suspected to be involved in a hazing incident that resulted in the death of any student and other neophytes. The idea of a fraternity changed. Hazing is the common practice in any fraternity organization to determine the psychological, emotional and physical strength of the new recruit, but another says that nothing wrong with being in a fraternity and sorority organization some have proven to be a great help to their own school, communities and even to less fortunate. Social fraternity offers their services to poor rural people while Greek letter organization helps fund raising, concerts and plays for the benefit of calamity.The study of Loyola (2012) result that as being a fraternity or sorority member gives them a high level of well being, having them a high level of well being implies that a fraternity organization could be one way for them to change and contribute to the organization for its member. Ayon (2012) the study shows that there is a significant relationship between peer pressure and social behavior the peer can affect the person positively not negatively. The fraternity gives encouragement to the frat member positively. The fraternity has unwritten rules that the members should uplift the name of fraternity and not the fraternity will uplift their name. The fraternity will be then proud of them if they accomplish something and be successful. It's not the same that the fraternity has been the reason of their success, but oneself will be the one who will make it.

Chapter IIIMETHODOLOGYResearch DesignThe researchers will use descriptive method in this study. According to Calderon and Gonzales (1993) descriptive method involves collection of data in order to test the hypothesis and answer the questions concerning the current status of the study. From the definition, it will used to determine the level of acceptability of the participants to the fraternity and sorority organizations.Sources of DataTarget participants of this study are the selected students, faculty members and school administrators of Cavite State University- Main Campus.This study will use internet, journals, and related books to support this study. And serve as foundation and supporting facts to the study.Research InstrumentIn this study, the instrument to be use is a self made survey questionnaire to get the information from the participants. It is divided into two parts: The first part is about the profile of the participants; second part, is consist of questions in relation to motivating factors in joining fraternities and sororities organization , positive and negative effects of accepting such organizations and the assessment of the participants on the acceptability of fraternity and sorority organizations.The question is on English language. It has five options with the corresponding scale of: strongly agree, agree, fairly agree, disagree, and strongly disagree.

Data Gathering ProcedureThe researchers will use survey questionnaire in gathering data. The survey will be given to the selected school administrator, faculty members and students of Cavite State University- Main Campus Indang, Cavite. It will serve as the basis to assess the acceptability of fraternity and sorority organizations. The result of this survey questionnaire will be tallied and tabulated according to the items that will be checked by the participants. With that, it is to be submitted to the statistician in order to interpret the data using various statistical methods. The result of this will be serves together with the conclusion and recommendations.Statistical Data Analysis The following statistical procedures will be use to analyze data and will be gather from software evaluation questionnaire. Frequency count, mean, standard deviation and simple percentage is use to present the general description of the participants in terms of profile and perception of the participants. The formula is written below:A. Percentage%= x 100

Where:%= percentageF= frequencyN= number of participantsThe weigh mean is use to establish a quantitative analysis for the acceptability of fraternity and sorority organization. The formula is:B. Arithmetic Weighted meanFormula: = Where:F= frequency or observationX= weightN= total observation

Republic of the PhilippinesCAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY(CvSU)Don Severino De Las Alas CampusIndang, Cavite, Philippines 4122 (046)

COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICEDear Participant,We, the fourth year BS Criminology students of Cavite State University will conduct our undergraduate study titled ACCEPTABILITY OF FRATERNITY AND SORORITY ORGANIZATION IN CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY-INDANG CAMPUS: AN ASSESMENT In view thereof, we would like to seek your cooperation by answering this survey questionnaire. All information will be treated with confidentiality.

Thank you very much.



LYCA A. TAFALLAResearchersMark check on the corresponding box of your own choice.Name:Gender: Male Female (Optional)


Position:Student Course Year: Section:Faculty members, from the college ofSchool Administrator, with the position of

Fraternity or sorority member: YES NO , If yes please indicate the name of the organization (Optional)

Member of CvSU accredited organization: YES NO If yes please indicate the name of the organization

Direction: Below is the list of answer. There is a number that correspond to each answer. Mark check ( ) on the corresponding box of your own choice.5-Strongly Agree 4- Slightly Agree3- Agree2-Sligthly Disagree1- Strongly DisagreeMotivating factors of joining fraternity or sorority OrganizationBiological factors 54321

1. Individuals are joining fraternity because of the similarity on their physical characteristics.

2. The parents who are also members of fraternity or sorority organization can influence their Son/Daughter to join in such organization.

3. There are persons who are born to become members of fraternity and sorority organization. Example if both parents are member of such organization.

4. Individuals who are neglected by their parents may be influenced to join in such organization.

Psychological Factor 54321

1. A strong feeling of isolation or loneliness influences individual to join fraternity or sorority organization.

2. Similar mind set and ambition of all the members of fraternity captivate or attract other to join them.

3. Strong feelings of security take place for some individuals who join fraternity or sorority organization.

4. Anxiety and depression can affect the individual to join fraternity or sorority organization.

5. Individuals believe that joining fraternity or sorority can help them to obtain more self esteem and self confidence.

6. Individuals are joining fraternity and sorority organization to satisfy their needs.

Sociological Factor 54321

1. Peer pressure can influence individual to join the fraternity and sorority organization.

2. Individuals are joining fraternity and sorority organization for the purpose of gaining respect from their community.

3. Individuals are joining fraternity or Sorority Organization because of its popularity and they wanted to become popular in their community.

4. Individuals are joining fraternity and sorority organization to give assistance to their community.

5. Individuals are joining the fraternity because of their cultural belongingness ( ex: Bicolano group, Bisaya, and Ilocano etc).

6. Individuals join the fraternity or sorority organization is to feel that they are part of the community.

Positive and negative effect of accepting fraternity and sorority organizationPositive effects54321

1. The university can supervise and control their activity inside the university by providing new rules and regulations in relation to fraternity and sorority organization.

2. The violent form of initiation rites on the neophyte students of CvSU can be prevented though the strict supervision of the concerned authority.

3. The fraternity and sorority organization can actively participate on different programs and activities inside the university.

4. The university can regulate all the activities of fraternity and sorority organization inside the university to avoid any illicit act made by the Fraternity and Sorority organization.

5. The university together with the fraternity and sorority organizations can conduct different community outreach programs for the welfare of the community.

6. The Fraternity and sorority organizations will enhance the academic performance of their members by providing policies in relation to their academic performance.

Negative Effects54321

1. Numbers of fraternity and sorority organization in the university will increase and can be resulted to organizational conflict.

2. Members of the fraternity and sorority organization will focus their attention to such organization and disregard their studies.

3. Students will be engaged in violent initiation rites or hazing.

4. Accreditation of fraternity and sorority organizations can cause trouble, like frat war and other rebellious activity inside the campus.

5. The good image of the university will be ruined because of such accreditation.

6. The security of students who are not members of the organization will be compromised.

ACCEPTABILITY STATUSAcceptability of fraternity and sorority organization54321

1. Accepting fraternity and sorority organization is possible in the Cavite State University

2. Its better for the Cavite State University to accept fraternity and sorority organization

3. I personally agree with the idea of accepting fraternity and sorority organization in Cavite State University