Thermalization of the Quark-Gluon Plasma and Dynamical Formation of Bose Condensate NN2012 @ San...

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Transcript of Thermalization of the Quark-Gluon Plasma and Dynamical Formation of Bose Condensate NN2012 @ San...

Thermalization of the Quark-Gluon Plasmaand Dynamical Formation of Bose Condensate

NN2012 @ San Antonio MAY.31th, 2012

Jinfeng LiaoIndiana University, Physics Dept. & CEEM

RIKEN BNL Research Center


• The Pre-Equilibrium Matter in Heavy Ion Collisions

• Important Features: Overpopulation & Uni-Scale

• A Kinetic Approach: Dynamical BEC & Separation of Scales

• Discussions

References:Blaizot, Gelis, JL, McLerran, Venugopalan, Nucl. Phys. A873, 68 (2012);Blaizot, JL, McLerran, to appear; Chiu, Hemmick, Khachatryan, Leonidov, JL, McLerran, arXiv:1202.3679 [nucl-th].

“Little Bang” in the Laboratories

Currently ongoing heavy ion collisions programs: RHIC (BNL), since 2000; LHC (CERN), since 2010.

RHIC Event (from STAR)

LHC Event (from ALICE)

Beautiful “little bang” delivered ! T~10^12 K : The hottest matter today!Furthermore: strongly interacting !

Hot QCD Matter: Nearly Perfect Fluid

Created matter’s explosion appears nearly ideal strongly coupled

Song, Bass, Heinz, Hirano, Shen, 2010

“Coupling-ometer” via transport properties e.g. shear viscosity0

(infinitely viscous)Infinity

(eta/s=1/4pi)(quantum limit?)

Hot QCD Matter: Strong Jet Quenching

Jet-medium interaction is very strong color-opaque matter! (high Pt yield (Raa), di-hadron correlation,…… )

Gyulassy, Wang; ……

Just After the “Little Bang”??? Heavy ion physics modeling (hydro, jet, …) implies a thermalized QGP already around 1 fm/c fast thermalization, or strong re-scattering Strongly interacting matter from the very beginning, but how?

t = 0 t = 1fm/c

The energy/momentum scale, ~1 GeV, is still high here A.F. says the coupling should be small/moderate ?!

However, the (phase-space) density is so high

that it coherently amplifies interaction

More is different ! crucial for early time evolution!

The Pre-Equilibrium Matter

Pre-equilibrium matter(We focus on this!)

Strong constraint from the initial condition:


Strong constraint from Hydro modeling and empirical data:

fast “thermalization” ~ fm/c(to the extent of justifying hydro as effective description)

Before the collision: saturation

Right after the collision

Strong longitudinal expansion anisotropy;

Instabilities play an important role:

Isotropization of energy-momentum tensor;

rapid growth toward large occupation of soft modes;

on the time scale ~ 1/Qs .

The Pre-Pre-Equilibrium

A High Density Gluon SystemWe consider a high density gluon system, starting at a time

Some idealization concerning real heavy ion collisions: very large transversely; very high energy , i.e. large Qs and small coupling

Energy scale

Our starting point

Far from Equilibrium…

The initial gluon system is far from equilibrium ! (Plotted here: f(p) )

Equilibrium Distribution

(with the same Energy density)

Initial gluon distribution

Saturation Scale Qs ~ 1 GeV or larger, weakly coupled

Thermalization: how the initial distribution evolves toward the equilibrium?

Three Important Features of the Initial System

Very high phase space density f ~ 1/alpha_s

Strong overpopulation

Only one scale that characterizes the distribution

Amplified Scattering

The initial gluon system is highly occupied change the power-counting

e.g. for the collision integral in kinetic evolution

Coherent amplification of scattering Fast thermalization from overpopulation?!

Kinetic Evolution

With 22 gluon scattering & small-angle approximation(Blaizot, JL, McLerran, to appear)

For highly occupied initial condition:coupling constant disappears in the scales!

In contrast, for thermalized BE distribution:

(BE as fixed point)

OVERPOPULATIONWe consider a high density gluon system, starting at a time

Overpopulation parameter:

For our initial gluon system:

In contrast, for equilibrated QGP:

For the given amount of energy, there are initially way too many gluons !


For the given amount of initial energy, our gluon system has too many gluons

Actually a “cold” dense system of gluons initially

can NOT equilibrate to a BE distribution by default (assuming elastic dominance)

Does building up a chemical potential help? NO!The maximum gluons that can be accommodated by a Bose-Einstein distribution with \mu:


Overpopulation Bose-Einstein condensation for equilibrium state

All the extra gluons get absorbed into zero momentum mode.

Bose-Einstein Condensation from Overpopulation

Initial overpopulation + Energy & Number conservation BEC !!

Atomic BEC: for given number of atoms, reduce energy (cooling) toward overpopulation

Dynamical formation of BEC at the early stage after heavy ion collisions: born to have too many gluons for the available energy , really fascinating !

(Caveat: assuming elastic process dominance on certain time scale; discuss later…)

Initially Uni-ScaleThere is ONLY ONE SCALE initially, i.e. the Qs

This distribution is highly un-desired thermodynamically, i.e. by examining the entropy:

Thermalization maximization of entropy

More beneficial to distribute the gluons

to wider region in p-space with f ~ 1

Separation of Scales

There is ONLY ONE SCALE initially,

We introduce two scales --- momentum cutoff scale & the saturated scale

Toward thermalization, the two scales must be separated! By how much? Again, for a very weakly coupled equilibrated QGP

Thermalization must be accompanied by specific separation of the two scales:

Recap of the Scenario

A highly overpopulated gluon system evolving toward equilibrium:

High occupancy

coherent amplification of scattering, ~O(1) effect despite coupling

Strong overpopulation dynamical BEC formation

Initial uni-scale separation of the two scales by coupling \alpha_s

NEXT: analytic analysis of scaling solutions ; ultimately nuermically solving the equation

Kinetic Approach & Approximate Scaling Solution

Blaizot, JL, McLerran, to appear.

The “Static Box” ProblemA schematic scaling distribution characterized by the two evolving scales:

Time evolution of the distribution, i.e. of the two scales need two conditions

Essential points here: • Energy is conserved, but not gluon number absorption into condensate • Collision time scale (from transport equation) ~ \tau for scaling solutions

Thermalization in The “Static Box”Two conditions fixing the time evolution:

The scaling solution:

Upon thermalization: separation of scales; entropy production; eliminating over-pop.

Thermalization in The “Static Box”Two conditions fixing the time evolution:

The scaling solution:

Upon thermalization: separation of scales; entropy production; eliminating over-pop.

Condensate in The “Static Box”Condensate dominates the number density:

While gluons dominate the energy density

A robust, though transient ultimately, Bose-Einstein condensate can be dynamically formed and maintained during the thermalization!

Evidence of BEC from Scalar Field Theory Computation

From: Epelbaum & Gelis

Evidence of BEC from Scalar Field Theory Computation

From: Berges & Sexty

Effect of Longitudinal ExpansionAssuming boost-invariance and studying mid-rapidity

Further assuming certain fixed anisotropy

Effect of Longitudinal ExpansionTwo conditions fixing the time evolution:

The scaling solution:

Upon thermalization: separation of scales; entropy production; eliminating over-pop.

Condensate in Expanding CaseNOTE: anisotropic expansion reduces overpopulation

Condensate still can exist and dominate density:

Energy carried by condensate is subleading:

The more isotropic the expansion is, the stronger the condensation will be.

Would be great to test in scalar/gauge field simulations aand kinetic computation.

Summary: a Scenario for the First-Fermi/c after Little Bang

The pre-equilibrium matter starts with

high gluon density and one scale.

Elastic scattering is coherently enhanced despite the

small coupling, therefore leading to strongly interacting

matter even at early time and driving the thermalization.

Strong overpopulation enforces the system toward BEC.

Separation of scales must happen toward thermalization.

Expansion may proceed with asymmetry anisotropic hydro?

Post Summary: EM Production in the Pre-Equilibrium Matter

Chiu, Hemmick, Khachatryan, Leonidov, JL, McLerran, arXiv:1202.3679 [nucl-th].

There should be additional EM emission from the pre-equilibrium stage We derived fitting formula motivated by our thermalization scenario.


There are important contributions to EM production from the pre-equilibrium matter !