There Are Two Rules for Success: 1.) Don't Tell All

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Transcript of There Are Two Rules for Success: 1.) Don't Tell All

There are two rules for success: 1.) Don't tell all you know. 2.) Never go to bed angry, stay awake and plot your revenge.

special sms .!!!!!!! • Don't spoil what U have by desiring what U don't have coz what U have now is one of the many things U once desired for. Good Day!• Trusting God won't make the mountain smaller but it'll make the climb easier. Hope u'll be able to climb all ur mountains today & everyday.• Live with no excuses and Love with no regrets. When life gives U a 100 reasons to cry, show life that U have a 1000 reasons to Smile. Gud Day!• Luck is not in ur hands, but work is, ur work can make ur luck, but luck can't do ur work. Gud day & Gud luck!• Don't expect anything from life, expectations hurt. When u don't expect, every moment is a surprise & surprise brings happiness with it. Gud Day!• Never get tired of doing little things to others, coz sumtimes those little things may mean so much to them. That's why I won't get tired of sending my little Hi to U.• In happy moments, praise God; In difficult moments, seek God; In painful moments, trust God; In quiet moments, worship God; Every moment, thank God• Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow is only a vision, but today well lived makes everyday a dream of happiness & every tom a vision of hope. Luk well, therefore to this day.• If ur eyes r sweet u wuld like all the people of the world but if ur tongue is sweet all the people of the world will like u. Gud Day.• Luv urself, flirt with ur understanding, romance with dreams, get engaged with simplicity, marry genuineness, divorce the ego...that's a Gud Life. Gud Day!

Cheerful people are like Sunlight. They shine in to the corners of the heart & offer bright mornings & fresh hopes. Gud Morning to one such person.• In life Luv is never planned nor does it happen for a reason. But when Luv is real, it becomes ur Plan for life and ur reason for living.• No sweet thought to forward, no cute graphics to send, just a..caring heart saying....Take Care always my dear friend.• Troubles as light as Air, Troubles as light as Air, love as deep as Ocean, Friends as Solid as Diamonds, and Success as bright as Gold...These are the wishes for you on Diwali• U r the angel who I cherish so dearly in this heart of mine; the one who makes my day brighter, by making my whole world shine.• What the word IMPOSSIBLE says I M Possible. So every thing which seems impossible is itself says that is possible.• Past is Experience! Present is Experiement! Future is Expectation! Use your Experience in ur experiment to achieve ur expectations! Have a Nice day• As I watched the ants crawl up the wall, I noticed that no matter how busy they r, they still communicate with each other. Hope we'll be like them, in touch always.• Dedicate time to enjoy, it's the secret of youth. Dedicate time for friends, it's the path to happiness. Dedicate time to luv n b loved, it's source of joy n satisfaction

• What makes some people dearer is not just the happiness that we feel when we meet them but the emptiness we feel when they are not around us. I Miss U!Hearts could only luv for a while, feet cud only walk for a mile, clothes won't forever be in style but having u as my friend is forever worthwhile.• The more u count ur blessings, the more blessings u'll have, to count! I always do & I count u as the nicest blessing! God Bless u each day!• Like birds let us leave behind what we don’t need to carry. Grudges, sadness, pain, fear n regrets. Fly light, life is beautiful. Gud Day!• Be close with someone who makes you happy. But be closer to that person who can't be happy without you! Feel the difference. Gud Day!• Let luv be the guide to ur dreams, let luv be the light to ur heart, let ur luv be the reason why somebody else's heart still continues to beat.• It is one of the severest tests of friendship to tell your friend his faults. So to love a man that you cannot bear to see a stain upon him, and to speak painful truth through loving words, that is friendship.• Memories play a confusing role. They make u laugh when u remember the time u cried together! But make u cry when u remember the time u laughed together.• An simple Bye make us cry, A simple Joke make us laugh, simple Care make us fall in love. I hope my simple SMS make you think of me. I Miss U• Some men have have thousands of reasons why they cannot do what they want to, when all they need is one reason why they can.• I Miss U a little, you could say: A little too much, a little too often and• Knock!Knock! May I come into ur world? I bring no flowers, no cakes but wishes to keep U fresh, prayer to keep u healthy & luv to keep u smiling. Gud Morning!• Open ur door when u r alone, Open ur heart when u feel sad... But don't open ur hand when u need a friend, coz I'm already holding ur hand forever• A day may start or end without a message from me, but believe me it won't start or end without me thinking of u... Gud Morning!• Old friends r gold. New friends may be diamond. If u get diamond, don't ever forget the gold because to hold a diamond u always need a base of gold.• Difficulties in ur life doesn't come to destroy u, but to help u realisee your hidden potentia. Let difficulties know that u r More Difficult.• Worst thing in life? Someone has tears in eyes because of U. And the best thing? Someone has tears in eyes for U.• Every failure is a lesson well-learned, Every Success is a battle well-fought, and True Luv is a jewel well-kept, in one's heart.• On the canvas of life we often go off colour, but as long as people like u are there to add the right shades, life goes on to be a rainbow! Gud Morning.• Troubles r like washing machine; They twist, turn & knock us around, but in the end we come out brighter than before. Gud Day!• You are my best friend forever and always we're together too much but far not enough & if you die before I do ask God if heaven is got room for two. a little more each day.

Why to suffer trying by all means to become rich and wear expensive branded clothes, when best things in life we do naked.

• A new day, a new sun, makes us to have a new run. Come out of ur dreams & see the world outstide. Waiting for u is a new day. Gud Morning!• Smile is a lnguage of Luv. Smile is a way to get success, Smile is to win the hearts. Smile improves ur personality. Brush daily. Gud Morning• Life is never hopeless however great ur sorrow, if you're luking forward to a new tomorrow. Have a blessed, hopeful & perfect day!• Someday somehow whatever u prayed for will come true. It may not be in the exact package u wanted but it'll b what God thinks is best for U. Gud Day!• Whatever happens to ur day just relax & manage to make a smile. Life is not a problem to b solved but a gift to b enjoyed.• No matter how ugly U think u r, but the who Luvs U believes that U R the most beautiful & irrestiable thing on the Earth & no one can change that• Sun is very hot... Moon is too far... Stars are unapproachable, so God gave me a friend like u so that I can say: I've my own little Universe• To Understand a misunderstanding is a an understanding in friendship but to have no misunderstanding is the most understood Friendship• I miss U when I laugh & cry, coz I know that U r the one who makes my laughter grow & my tears dissapear.

posted by binu at 11:08 PM 0 comments

Friday, November 03, 2006FRIENDSHIP sms You cannot buy friendship, you can earn it. If someone comes for help, be a true friend !A friend is always welcome ... Early in the morning or late at night. Time is of no importance ... When it concerns real friendship!!Friendship is a wonderful word, it might be te most beautiful one on earth. Friendship is something powerful, a gift of great value!No gold or precious stones ... give us happiness and peace, friendship and its warmth ... will bring it to usThere is a big difference between friendship and a rose... Roses last only a while ... but friendship is for everI asked God 4 a flower, he gave me a garden. Asked 4 a tree, he gave me a forest. Asked 4 a river, he gave me an ocean. Asked 4 a friend, he gave me youFriends are like stars... you don't see them all the time, but you know they're there!Life is not easy and it will never be, but you've got friends and one of them is me ...I must have been born under a lucky star , to find a friend as nice as you are. I will follow the rainbow to the end , if you promise to remain my friend !!!When friendship is deeply rooted, it is a plant that cannot even be uprooted by a storm....My "aim" in life is: die young when I am very old.When you are lazy, you cannot help it. When you are tired, that is your own fault.who digs a hole for some else is surely no selfish person !I am on holiday ... when I think of holidays I think of the beach, when I think of the beach I think of the sea, when I think of the sea, I think of jellyfish...when I think of jellyfish, I think of YOU!!!!!!!!

A friend is someone who knows when you need her...A ring is round and has no end, so is my love for you ma friend.If my head looks like yours, I'd shave my rear end and walked on my hands.Mirrors should be able to think before reflecting the images.All nice things in life are illegal, immoral, or make you grow fat.When it is raining setbacks, use your smile as an umbrella!A friend is someone who knows the song of your heart and who can sing it for you when you have forgotten itFriend: someone who tells you things while you are alive, things that others tell after you dieYou can eat and drink together, talk and laugh together, enjoy life together, but you are only real friends when you also cried together.Before you want to start making a work of art, first make a draft, that is what also God did by creating first the man and then the womanWherever you go, whatever you do, may god's angels watch over you.Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver the other gold.A little clown is living in my heart. Small and very special. It can dance and jump, laugh and sing. Are you in pain and you need to cry, come and borrow it!My girlfriend ran off with my best friend after a relationship of four years....Oh how I miss my friend.I would not call myself important, but I am convinced that when I was not born, everyone would like to know why.A new meeting next month ? Sorry, that is not possible, I have to go to a funeral.Happiness is a disaster. You get lazy. When you do not pay attention, you might start loving life.The only good thing about your own mistakes, is that is might make other people happy.He was very lonely. The only type he knew was his blood type.I visited the tax office. I wanted to know the people I work for.I was a beautiful baby. But they switched my in the hospital.Not the lack of love, but the lack of friendship makes marriages unhappy.

posted by binu at 3:51 AM 0 comments

greetings.!!!!! ☻ GOOD MORNINGA night hug warms the heart, a night kiss brightens the day, and a good morning to start your day!

☻ NITE HAS END...Nite has end for another day, morning has come in a special way. May you smile like the sunny rays and leaves your worries at the blue blue bay.

☻ THINGS TO NOTE B4 SLEEPINGThinGs 2 TaKe NoTe WheN u SleeP: 1st-MiSS Me, 2nd-ThInk oF Me, 3rd-HuG Me, 4th-LoVE mE. TrY 2 SlEEp NoW & ClOSe Ur EyeS. Get PrePaReD 2 DrEaM oF mE! Gd NiTe!

☻ HELLOThe Word 'Hello' means H=How R U? E=Everything all right? L=Like 2 hear 4rm U. L=Love 2 C U soon. O=Obviously, I miss you!

☻: I PRAY 4 YOUIn tis lovely nite, I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U thru the nite, the wind 2 blow away ur stress N the twinkle stars 2 guide U the way, sweet dreams Gd Nite

☻ GOOD MORNINGThe sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes you a good morning, hoping that you have the perfect day. Take care & miss you.

☻ NO MATTERNo matter the sky is black or blue, no matter there's stars or moon, as long as ur heart is true, sweet dreams will always be wif u. Gd Nite!

☻ TIME 4 BEDda starz r out, da moon is up, 1 more HUG, 1 more smile, KISS u once, KISS u twice, now itz time 4 bed. Close ur @@, n sleep tite!

☻ I CARE MOSTI was looking out the windows thinking about the person I care most & the person that came into my mind is U so juz wanna wish u good nite.......

☻ STARS LIGHTStars light Stars bright u're the only Star I see tonite. I wish I may. I wish I might be there guarding ur dreams tonite, gd nite sweet dreams

☻ NICE FRIENDSA day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great. Thank U my good friend lastly gd nite n sweet dreams...

☻ WASH UPWash your face and wash your feet! Now itz time 2 fall asleep. Yours eyes are weak N mouth can't speak so hope tis nite shall b nice and sweet. Good Nite.

☻ COLD COLD NITEOn this cold cold nite,in My small small rOOm,i Look At The Brite Brite StArS iN tHe DaRk DaRk sKy & DrEaM of uR sWeet sWeet SmiLe on ur CuTe CuTe FaCe! GdNiTe!

☻ WINDOWS OF SOULTireness draws across the mind making the body fade flexibility n soon windows of soul begin 2 close N enter the dreamland! OYASUMINASAI! Sweet Dreams!


Your soul came back from dreamland reunited with a sleeping senseless piece of yourself slowly open ur eyes realise its a brand new day. Good Morning.

☻ DRACULA KISSAs u go 2 bed 2nite, I ordered bats 2 guard u tight. I told some ghosts to dance in white, & 2 make sure u r alryt, i'LL ask dracula 2 kiss ur neck goodnight..

☻ LAZY BONE WAKE UP!The sun has once brought brightness to earth! lazy bone. it's time 2 wake up gd morning...

☻ AS NITE FALLSAs nite falls upon the land, it is time 2 Zz again. With the moon hangin in the starlit sky, i'm here 2 wish U NiteNite! Sweet dreams, cover blanket tight tight

☻ THE SUN HAD RISEDThe sun had rised from the east & birds r singing happily & butterflies R around the flowers. It is time to wake up & give a big yawning & say gd morning to u..

☻ SOMEWHERE OUT THEREsomewhere out there beneath the pale moon light someone thinkin of u somewhere out there where dreams come true... nitenite & sweet dreams 2 u

☻ MASTER OF PUPPETSMaster of puppets is pulling ur strings, twisting ur mind n smashing ur dreams. blinded by me, u can't c a thing when i count to 3 u shall fall asleep 1,2,3,Zzz

☻BLINKING STARSFreNz r 4-evER liKE E starS taT kePt blinkin In E sky. THoUgh we MighT b Far Apart.. BUt I noE taT u r Still Near 2 Me WhnEveR I look up... Gd nite N sleep TiTE

☻ TIME TO SLEEPLyinG oN mY BeD, LoOkiN @ ThE CloCk, I nOe tAt iTs timE 2 zzz. I WonDeR HoW hAv U bEEn todaY... HopE Tat EveryTHinG is FInE.. WiSh u sweeT dReaMz n Sleep TiGhT!

☻ MORNING GREETINGMorning greetings doesn't only mean saying Gd Morning, it has asilent message saying: I remember you when I wake up! Have a nice day!

☻ MORNING GIFTReceive my simple gift of 'GOOD MORNING' wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and sealed with a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long! Take Care!posted by binu at 12:19 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

missing u... • Your absence should be long enough so that somebody misses u, it shouldn't be so long that somebody finds out that how well he can do without u...!• A raindrop may luk 2 small 2 eyes but sumwhere a thirsty flower await its fall. A sms may seem 2 small but sumwhere a heart remembers u when it receives ur sms. Keep SMS'ing.• What makes a frindship special is the way each one remembers the other when they are apart. They miss the talks, the laughs n the time they spent together. Life changes, memories don't. I miss U.• Message: * some text missing* Sender:* Name Missing * *Number Missing *Sent: * Date missing * Missing U a lot thats y everything is missing.• As I watched the ants crawl up the wall, I noticed that no matter how busy they r, they still communicate with each other. Hope we'll be like them, in touch always.• What makes some people dearer is not just the happiness that we feel when we meet them but the emptiness we feel when they are not around us. I Miss U!• A simple Bye make us cry, A simple Joke make us laugh, simple Care make us fall in love. I hope my simple SMS make you think of me. I Miss U• Memories play a confusing role. They make u laugh when u remember the time u cried together! But make u cry when u remember the time u laughed together.• What makes some people Dearer? It's not just the happiness that u feel when u meet them but the pain u feel, when u miss them. Miss U• Close ur eyes..., Relax ur body and stop breathing as long as U can. Now breath... I miss u as much as u missed the air.• Near ones are not dear, dear ones are not near, it is easy to remember the near ones, but very difficult to forget the dear ones. Missing You.• Don't forget that someone somewhere is wishing for ur happiness on every falling star. Missing You!• Every tear is a sign of brokeness, every silence is a sign of lonliness, every smile is a sign of kindness, every sms is a sign of remembrance• I drink to make other people interesting• Lessons of life: Learn 2 care, learn 2 smile, learn 2 cry, learn 2 give, learn 2 4give, learn 2 share, learn 2 trust, n learn 2 luv & learn 2 say: U Miss me!• Aapko milne ko man kar raha tha, man ko samjhaya to dil tadapane laga, dil ko bahelaya to ankhein ro padi, unhe chup karaya to saansein bol padi... I miss U• Sometimes, I forget to say hi,Sometimes, I even miss to reply, Sometimes, my msg doesn't reach u,But, it doesn't mean that I forget u,I’m just giving u time to miss me!• Never luk for a Gud Face, it'll turn old one day; Never luk for a Gud Skin, it'll wrinkle one day; But luk for a loyal heart, that'll miss u every day.• I am in casualty now, don't say I didn't tell you. After 5 minutes, I will be transfered to ICU. Doctor told, I will die if I don't STOP.. Missing You• What makes some people dearer is not just the happiness that we feel when we meet them but the emptiness we feel when they are not around us. I Miss U!

• Sometimes I forget 2 say hi, sometimes I forget 2 reply, sometimes my msg doesn’t reach u, but it doesn't mean I forget u. I'm just giving u time to Miss me.

• Don't u ever wonder y people txt u but hv nothing imp to say! It's 4 the simple reason... u r such a nice person 2 think of, like the way I'm thinking of u now.• Knowing a person like u, has made me happy in a million ways and if ever I have to let u go... I would find a million reasons to make u stay. I miss you.• I heard someone whisper ur name, but when I turned around to see who it was, I notice I was alone, then I realize it was my heart telling me that I miss u.• I hv learned how to luv, to smile, to b happy, to b strong, to work hard; to b honest, to b faithful, to forgive but I couldn’t learn how to stop missing u.• I may seldom tell u how special u are, I may not b able to reach u coz we're both busy, but in spite of all, u know u are someone I really miss & care about.• There's no Special reason for this msg, I juz wanna steal a single moment out of ur busy life & hope I can make u smile n say: I Miss U.• I always knew that looking back on my tears would someday make me laugh, but I never knew that looking back on my laughter would someday make me cry. Miss you.• My eyes are hurting coz I can’t see u, my arms r empty coz I can’t hold u, my lips are cold coz I can’t kiss u & my heart is breaking coz I’m not with u.• U must b tired coz u hv been running through my mind, u gotta b a thief coz u hv stolen my heart n I must hv been a bad shooter coz I keep missing u.

posted by binu at 3:27 AM 0 comments

Monday, October 30, 2006friends for ever ☻A friend is someone who knows when you need her...☻A ring is round and has no end, so is my love for you ma friend.☻If my head looks like yours, I'd shave my rear end and walked on my hands.☻Mirrors should be able to think before reflecting the images.☻All nice things in life are illegal, immoral, or make you grow fat.☻When it is raining setbacks, use your smile as an umbrella!☻A friend is someone who knows the song of your heart and who can sing it for you when you have forgotten it☻Friend: someone who tells you things while you are alive, things that others tell after you die☻You can eat and drink together, talk and laugh together, enjoy life together, but you are only real friends when you also cried together.☻Before you want to start making a work of art, first make a draft, that is what also God did by creating first the man and then the woman☻Wherever you go, whatever you do, may god's angels watch over you.☻Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver the other gold.☻A little clown is living in my heart. Small and very special. It can dance and jump, laugh and sing. Are you in pain and you need to cry, come and borrow it!☻My girlfriend ran off with my best friend after a relationship of four years....Oh how I miss my friend.☻I would not call myself important, but I am convinced that when I was not born, everyone would like to know why.☻A new meeting next month ? Sorry, that is not possible, I have to go to a funeral.

☻Happiness is a disaster. You get lazy. When you do not pay attention, you might start loving life.☻The only good thing about your own mistakes, is that is might make other people happy.☻He was very lonely. The only type he knew was his blood type.☻I visited the tax office. I wanted to know the people I work for.☻I was a beautiful baby. But they switched my in the hospital.☻Not the lack of love, but the lack of friendship makes marriages unhappy.☻Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all angels in heaven know I need u. years may fly, tears may dry, but my friendship with u will never die.☻One day u will ask me: What is more important to you, me or your life? I will say: my life… You will walk away from me without knowing that U R MY LIFE!!!☻Feel good when somebody Miss u. Feel better when somebody Loves u. But feel best when somebody never forgets u.☻A friend is sweet when its new….but it is sweeter when its TRUE! But u know what? Its sweetest when its you.☻A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a place when you have nowhere to go, a friend is honest, a friend is true. A friend is precious a friend is u.☻If kisses were water, I will give u sea. If hugs were leaves, I will give u a tree.If u luv a planet, I will give u a galaxy, if friendship is life I will give u mine.☻People live People die People Laugh People Cry Some give up Some will try Some say hi Some say bye Others may forget YOU but never will I.☻If I were to be anything in this world…. I’d be ur tears!!!… So, I can be conceived in ur heart, born in ur eyes, live on ur cheeks & die on ur lips!!!!!☻If u r a chocolate ur the sweetest, if u r a Teddy Bear u r the most huggable, If u are a Star u r the Brightest, and since u r my “FRIEND” u r the “BEST”!!!!!!!!!☻A special friend is rare indeed, it beems to be special breed, yes, perfect friends r very few, so lucky I m for having you.☻They say it takes a minute 2 fine a special person, an hour 2 appreciate them, a day 2 love them, but then an entire life 2 forget them.☻When God opened the window of the Heaven He asked me: What is your wish for today? “I said : please take special care of the person reading this!!!!!!!”☻Time might lead me to nowhere and faith might break into pieces but I will always be THANKFUL that once in my life’s journey we became FRIENDS!☻It takes half our life to find true friends & half of it keeping them.I am lucky to have spent less than half my life finding you & wish to spend the rest keeping you.☻In my life I learned how… 2 love 2 smile 2 be happy 2 be strong 2 work hard 2 be honest 2 be faithful 2 forgive but I couldn’t learn how.. 2 stop rembering u.☻A memory lasts forever, and never does it die. True friends stay together and never say good bye. ☻Always draw a circle around the ones you love, never draw a heart because hearts can be broken, but circles are never ending.☻U got style, u got sex-appeal, u got the intelligence and u sure got the body. Wait. Sorry, wrong number!

☻Of all the gifts, big and small, your friendship is the greatest of them all.☻A ring is round and has no end, that's how long I'll be your friend!!!

☻The morning is just a few moments away. Go to sleep and when you wake up, remember me as a friend who is always there for you and never let you down ☻Yes, God made you first, but there is always a rough draft before the final copy. ☻The NHS regrets to inform you that your birth was an accident. Please report to your nearest hospital to be put down. We apologize for any inconvenience. ☻If you are in trouble, If you need a hand, Just call my number, because I'm your friend! ☻Whenever I see your smiling face, I have to smile myself, because I like you, you're my friend!!☻Those who think that things happen too fast are expected in a bank or a post office!☻Make your life a house your heart can live in. With a door that is open to receive friends. And a garden full of memories.... of many good things.☻You cannot buy friendship, you can earn it. If someone comes for help, be a true friend !☻A friend is always welcome ... Early in the morning or late at night. Time is of no importance ... When it concerns real friendship!!☻Friendship is a wonderful word, it might be the most beautiful one on earth. Friendship is something powerful, a gift of great value!☻No gold or precious stones ... give us happiness and peace, friendship and its warmth ... will bring it to us☻There is a big difference between friendship and a rose... Roses last only a while ... but friendship is for ever☻I asked God 4 a flower, he gave me a garden. Asked 4 a tree, he gave me a forest. Asked 4 a river, he gave me an ocean. Asked 4 a friend, he gave me you☻Friends are like stars... you don't see them all the time, but you know they're there!☻Life is not easy and it will never be, but you've got friends and one of them is me ...☻I must have been born under a lucky star , to find a friend as nice as you are. I will follow the rainbow to the end , if you promise to remain my friend !!!☻When friendship is deeply rooted, it is a plant that cannot even be uprooted by a storm....☻My "aim" in life is: die young when I am very old.☻When you are lazy, you cannot help it. When you are tired, that is your own fault.☻A friend is someone who knows when you need her...☻A ring is round and has no end, so is my love for you my friend.☻If my head looks like yours, I'd shave my rear end and walked on my hands.☻Mirrors should be able to think before reflecting the images.☻A friend is someone who knows the song of your heart and who can sing it for you when you have forgotten it☻Friend: someone who tells you things while you are alive, things that others tell after you die☻You can eat and drink together, talk and laugh together, enjoy life together, but you are only real friends when you also cried together.☻Wherever you go, whatever you do, may god's angels watch over you.☻Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver the other gold.☻A little clown is living in my heart. Small and very special. It can dance and jump, laugh and sing. Are you in pain and you need to cry, come and borrow it!

☻I would not call myself important, but I am convinced that when I was not born, everyone would like to know why.☻The only good thing about your own mistakes, is that is might make other people happy.☻Not the lack of love, but the lack of friendship makes marriages unhappy.☻A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.☻The times we shared is like shooting star... the time is short but really beautiful moments.... Forever engraved in our hearts.... Friends forever~!!!☻KeEping a FRIEND is As Difficult AS losing one. U sacrifice A lot To keep them. I may not have sacrificed enuf 4 u... but in my HEART I swear I'm keeping U.. ☻We've known each other by CHANCE, became friends by CHOICE, still friends by DECISION. And when we say FRIEND FOREVER, that's definitely a lifetime PROMISE! ☻If friends were flowers I would not pick you! I'll let you grow in the garden & cultivate you with love and care so I can keep you as a friend 4ever!! ☻When i'm walking in front of u,I'm protecting u. When i'm beside u i'm there for u, when i'm behind u, I'm watching over u. When i'm alone,I'm thinking of u. ☻A ring is round and has no end.... and that's how long I'll be your friend. ☻There is a gift that gold cannot buy, a blessing dats rare & true, dats the gift of a wonderful friend like the friend dat i have in u! ☻Wat u see as truth wat u see as lies remember that true friendship never dies although we may change & drift apart, ill always value u deep within my heart! ☻A friend is never a coincidence in your life, they are meant to enter your life to bring you joy and laughter. So, i will treasure the friendship between us. ☻Everyone hears what you say... Friends listen to what you say... Best friends listen to what you don't say...☻Friends are like stars. You can't always see them, But you know they are always there for you... ☻Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.☻As long as we have memories, yesterday remains; as long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits. As long as we have Friendship, each day is never a waste. ☻Good frenz are like quilts... it never loses its warmth... ☻GOD is so wise that he never created FRIENDS with pricetags, Because..... if He did, I can't afford a precious FRIEND like YOU!!!☻thE tEst oF fRiEndsHip dOseN't cOmeS wHen u R 2GethEr. It cOmEs wHeN u ParT waYs & u ReaLizE tHat dEsPitE tHe dIsTanCe, thE fRiEndshIp iS sTilL tHeRe...☻True friends are like Diamonds... they are real and rare. False friends are like leaves... they are scattered everywhere.☻FRIENDSHIP isn't how U forGet but how U forGive, Not how U liSten but how U UnderStand, Not what U see but how U feel, and not how U Let Go but how U hold oN!!! ☻FriEndSHiP iS A PRiCeLeSs GiFt tHaT cAn'T Be BoUgHt Or SoLd, BuT To Have An UnDeRsTaNdiNg FriEnd iS FaR MoRe WoRtH tHaN GoLd~! ☻If you need advice, text me... If you need a friend, call me... If you need me, come to me... If you need money... ........... THE SUBSCRIBER CANNOT BE REACHED! ☻

FRIENDSHIP is like a tree... It is not MEASURED on how TALL it could be, but is on how DEEP the ROOTS HAVE GROWN... ☻In this WORLD, where everything seems UNCERTAIN, only one thing is DEFINITE. You'll always be my FRIEND, beyond WORDS, beyond TIME & beyond DISTANCE!☻I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I'm surrounded by angels but I call them my best friends. ☻Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was completely out of my control. ☻A memory lasts forever, and never does it die. True friends stay together and never say good bye. ☻The ship that will never sink is my friendship with you. ☻I met U as a stranger, I leave U as a friend, as long as the world stands, our friendship nv ends. All friends nv split N even if they do they will meet again.☻I always thought loving some1 was the greatest feeling, but I realised tat loving a friend is even better, we lose ppl we love but we never lose true friends.☻EveRyDay I seE LoTs oF StRangErS PasSiNg By mE, ThiS mAkeS mE reAlisED tHat, LifE woUlD be BORING, WiThoUt A FriEnD LiKE U... ☻We gain and lose things every day. But trust me on one thing: YOU WILL NEVER LOSE ME! I will always be there as a friend! ☻A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.☻The times we shared is like shooting star... the time is short but really beautiful moments.... Forever engraved in our hearts.... Friends forever~!!! ☻We've known each other by CHANCE, became friends by CHOICE, still friends by DECISION. And when we say FRIEND FOREVER, that's definitely a lifetime PROMISE!☻If friends were flowers I would not pick you! I'll let you grow in the garden & cultivate you with love and care so I can keep you as a friend 4ever!! ☻A ring is round and has no end.... and that's how long I'll be your friend. ☻There is a gift that gold cannot buy, a blessing dats rare & true, dats the gift of a wonderful friend like the friend dat i have in u!☻Wat u see as truth wat u see as lies remember that true friendship never dies although we may change & drift apart, ill always value u deep within my heart! ☻A friend is never a coincidence in your life, they are meant to enter your life to bring you joy and laughter. So, i will treasure the friendship between us. ☻Everyone hears what you say... Friends listen to what you say... Best friends listen to what you don't say... ☻I want u 2 know that our friendship means a lot 2 me. U cry, I cry. U laugh.. I laugh. U jump out of d window.. I look down n then.. I laugh again.. hahaha ☻Friends are like stars. You can't always see them, But you know they are always there for you... ☻Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.☻As long as we have memories, yesterday remains; as long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits. As long as we have Friendship, each day is never a waste. ☻Never abandon old friends. They are hard 2 replace. Friendships is like wine: it gets BETTER as it grows OLDER. Just like us... i get BETTER, u get OLDER.

☻The sun is glazing, upon the sunlight i see the path of our friendship shining brightly knowing that it is so great to have a friend like YOU! :) ☻Handsome, Sweet, Intelligent, Spontaneous, Good Looking, Nice Friends, Charming, Funny, well... Enough about ME! How about you? ☻If U need a friend and there are a hundred steps between us, you can take the 1st step to get near me and i will take all 99 step to be there for you. ☻6 rules to be HAPPY: Free your heart from hatred; Free your mind from worries; Live simply; Expect less; Give more & Always have ME as UR FRIEND☻Time might lead me to nowhere; Fate might break me apart; I'll always be thankful that once, along my life's journey I found a friend like U... ☻Friends are like a head of hair. You might lose some, but with enough $money$ you can buy them back. ☻A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great. Thank U my good friend lastly gd nite n sweet dreams...☻I have seen angels in the sky… I have seen snowfall in july… I have seen things u only imAgine to see… But I haven’t seen anything sweeter than u.☻There r many stars but the moon is u, there are many friends but the best is u,, To forget me that’s up to u,,, To forget u I will never ever do.☻U may be out of my sight, but not out of my heart, U may be out of my reach but not out of my mind.I may mean nothing to u but u will always be special to me!!☻How can u tell the rain not 2 fall when clouds exist? How can u tell the leaves not 2 fall when wind exist? How can u tell me not to fall in friendship when u exist.☻Knowing a friend like u has made me happy in a million ways And if Ever I Have to Let you go………..I would Find a million reasons to make u stay!!!!☻ If I m in hell & u in heaven, I always look up & be proud of u. but if I were In heaven & u in hell, I beg God 2 send me down coz heaven wont be heaven without u.☻Life is 4 u, death is 4 me, being happy is 4 u, being sad is 4 me, being together is 4 u, being lonely is 4 me, everything 4 u but u r 4 me.☻If I could pull down the rainbow I would write ur name with it & put it back in the sky to let everybody know how colorful my life is with a friend like u!!☻Never say ur happy when ur sad… never say ur fine when ur not ok… never say u feel good when u feel bad… and never say ur alone when I m still alive.☻Sometimes my mind asked why? I miss u, Why? I care 4 u, Why? I remember u then my heart answered its simply b’coz you are a sweet friend!!☻On a silent night when friend r few, i close my eyes and fink of u, a silent nite, a silent tear, a silent wish,dat u were here!☻stars have 5ends, squares have4 ends, triangles have3 ends, lines have2 ends, life has1 end, but i hope our friendship has no end☻Although its quite a statement, Well it happens 2 b true. The best friend i ever had, Im glad 2 say its u!☻Smiles 'n' Tears, Giggles 'n' Laughs, Late nite calls 'n' Cute fotographs, ill b rite here till da day of ma death best friends forever till ma very last breath!!☻The years will come the years will go but with each 1 i wil always know whichever way the road may bend u wil always be my best friend☻when it hurts 2 look back & ur scared 2 look ahead, just look beside u & i will b there.

☻i cant txt u roses or fax u my email u kisses but wed stil b apart.i luv u 2 pieces n just wish ud c dat i care 4 u so much coz u mean da world 2 me.☻Many ppl will wlk in and out of ur life.but only tru friends will leave foot prints in ur heart. . . . .u left urs in mine -x-☻The recipe of friendship: 1 cup of sharing.2 cups of caring.3 cups of forgiveness & hugs. Mix all of these together to make friends 4ever.☻A friend gives hope wen life is low.A friend is a place where you can go.A friend is honest- A friend is true.A friend is precious.A friend is u!☻A GOOD FRIEND ISLIKE A 'COMPUTER''ENTERS' UR LIFE.'SAVES' U IN DA HEART.'FORMATS' UR PROBLEMS.'SHIFTS' U 2 OPPORUNITY & NEVA 'DELETS' U 4RM DA HEART☻ur a mate wiv a heart of much u mean to me can never be told.ur sum1 2b talked bout so sweet and true.1 in a million dats u☻A gun can kill can burn some1.wind can chill.anger can rage till it tearz u apart.but da power of ur smile can heal a frozen heart☻There is a gift that gold cannot buy a blessing dats rare & true.dats d gift of a wonderful friend like d friend dat i have in u!☻Sum1 sum where dreamz of ur smiles & whilst thinking of u says life is wen ur lonely remember its true.that sum1 sum where is thinking of u.☻like a fallen star u fel into my life.u made me smile wen thingz werent rite..if hugz were water id send u the c.n sail away 4eva jus u n me.☻R we friends or r we not.U told me once but i 4got.of all d m8s ive eva met ur d 1 i wont 4get.& if i die b4 u do i will go 2 heaven & wait 4 u!☻God in heaven God above please protect the friend i love.Sent wiv a smile:-) sealed with a kiss.i love my friend whos reading this xx☻A very special m8 of my heart all da c u wiv a happy smile makes my life feel worthwhile.warm & carin ur feelins glad i av a m8 like u!☻Life can be hard & not always fun.But as night brings dark mornin brings sun.Wen life gets tough & no1 seems 2 care.Give me a call coz I'll always b there!☻Tiny starz shinin bright its time 4 me 2 say close ur eyes & snuggle up tight im wishin u sweet dreams 2nite!☻Uve touched my heart uve touched my soul.bcos of u I now feel whole.U'll always b my closest friend.u'll b in my heart 2 the very end.☻Dreams r2b 4goten reality to b lived.desires 2b fulfilled & destiny 2b reached.where it began.where will it end.friends from da start.friends til da end!☻Friends r angels that come from above.sent by god 4 me 2 wen u r lonely sad n blue remember ill be there for u!☻I am a killer, I kill people for money. But because you are my friend, I'll kill you for nothing!☻We will now upgrade your brain, please wait............ Searching............ Searching......... still searching.............. sorry NO BRAIN found ! ! !☻U got style, u got sex-appeal, u got the intelligence and u sure got the body. Wait. Sorry, wrong number!☻Friends are just like stars. You don't always see them, but you now they are there for you. Your friend

posted by binu at 4:43 AM 0 comments

50 ....s.m..s 1.Gham me hasne walo ko kabhi rulaya nahi jata,lehro se pani ko hataya nahi jata,hone wale ho jate hain khudhi dil se apne,kisi ko kehkar apna banaya nahi jata2.Socha tha na karenge kisi se dosti,na karenge kisi se vaada,par kya kare dost mila itna pyara ki karna pada dostika vaada3.Samja do apni yado ko,wo bin bulaye pas aaya karti hai,aap to dur rehkar satate ho magar,wo pas aakar rulaya karti hai4.Waqt guzarta raha par sanse thami si thi,muskura rahe the hum,par ankho me nami si thi,saath hamare ye jahan tha sara,par na jaane kyu tumhari kami si thi5.Kyu dil ke mere tukde kar diye,kyu mere aansu ko apni muskan se baha diye,gunah kya tha mera bus chahna tumhe,kyu meri zindagi me tune dard bhardiye6.Phool se pehle khusboo ko to dekho,karne se pehle kaam ko to dekho,kisike roop mein diwana naa bano,surat se pehle uske dil ko to dekho7.Movie titles related to engg students:exams - socha na tha,classes - kabhi kabhi,question papers - na tum jano na hum,copying - yaarana,maths2 - asambhav,maths1 - mission impossible,environmental sciences - pyar mein kabhi kabhi,1st semester - kuch to hai,2nd semester - yeh kya ho raha hai,distinction - kal ho na ho,1st class - raju bangaya gentleman,2nd class - dil mange morefail - phir milenge7.Hum wo ishq hain jo dil bankar dhadakte hai,hum wo khushbo hain jo baho mein mahakte hain,humse pyar na karna e-zalim hum vo dard hain jo ankhose chalakte hain8.School- a place where papa pays & son playslife insurance- a contract tht keeps you poor all urlife so tht you can die richnurse- a person wakes up to give you sleeping pillsmarriage- a contract in which a boy loses hisbachelors degree & girl gets her masters degree9.Apne pyar ko chupana chaha par chupa na sake,diwane dil pe kabu hum pa na sake,aaj itne karib se gujar gaye wo,phir bhi unka hath hum tham na sake10.Ikrar may shabdo ki ahmiyat nai hoti,dil ke jazbat ki awaz nai hoti,ankhen bayan kar deti hai dil ki dastan,mohabbat lafzo ki mohtaz nai hoti11.Gam ki aahat na aaye tere dar par,pyar ke samander ka tum bhi ek kinara ho,bhool se jo tapke teri aankhon say moti,thame wohi jo tumhe sabse pyara ho12.Mohabbat me sath to harpal hota he,koi dikhne se hota he to koi dilse hota hai,maza to sath tab aye yaro,jab judai ka lamha mahsus hota hai13.Be slow in choosing a friend & slower while loosingthem bcoz friendship is not an opportunity its asweet rsponsibility14.If love is sweet why does it hurt,if love is deep why does it burn,if love is warm why do we shiver,if love is tender why do we cry,if love is forever why do we die15.God picked up a flower & dipped in honey he touchedit with love n turned into u,he then gifted it to me & said this friend is for u16.Na chaho kisi ko itna ki chahat aapki majburi banjaye,chaho kisi ko itna aapka pyaar uske liye jaruri banjaye17.Gham ne hasne na diya,zamane ne rone na diya,is uljhano ne jine na diya,thak ke jab sitaron se panah li,neend aayi tho aapki yaad ne sone na diya18.Har ek se achi baat karna FITRAT hai hamari,har ek khush rahe ye HASRAT hai hamari,koi hum ko yaad kare ya na kare,har ek ko yaad karna aadat hai hamari

19.Yaadon mein hum rahein ye ehsaas rakhna,nazron se door sahi dil ke paas rakhna,ye nahi kehte ke sath raho dur sahi par yaad rakhna20.Fasle mita kar aapas me pyar rakhna,dosti ka ye rishta hamesha yunhi barkarar rakhna,bichad jaye kabhi aap se hum,aankhon me hamesha hamara intejar rakhna21.Hamne zindagi ki shurarat S se ki,s se suraj, s se subah, s se swagat, s se saaz, s sesangeet par phir s se samay ne aisi karwat badli kes se hamari shaadi ho gai, aur fir jeewan ka arthsaas, sasur, saala, saali, sasural or sankat ho gayato hamne s se sharab pi ne lage, so beaware of s22.Zindagi mein hamesha SMART log milenge,kahi zyada to kahi kum milenge,choice zara sochke karna,zaroori nahi har jagah tumhe hum jaise milenge23.Sms karenge hum ek duje ko bari bari,hame lagti hai ye rasam badi pyari,ye sms milte hi ek sms bhej dena,kyunki hame bilkul pasand nahi udhari24.Kisi na kisi pe kisi ko aetbar ho jata hai,ajnabi koi shaks yaar ho jata hai,khubiyo se nahi hoti mohabbat bhi sadaa,khamiyo se bhi aksar pyaar ho jata hai25.Khuda se thoda rahem kharid lete,aap ke zakhmo ka marhar kharid lete,agar kahin kabhi bikti khushiyan meri,to saari bechkar aapka har gam kharid lete26.Sabse loving kaun: TUM,sabse sweet kaun: TUM,sabse cute kaun: TUM,in sab me TUM se zyada kaun: HUMlekin duniya me sabse acche dost kaun: HUM TUM27.Nighahe nighago se milakar to dekho,naye logo se rishta banakar to dekho,hasrate dil me dabane se kya faida,apne hoton ko hilakar to dekho,asmaan simat jayega tumhare agosh me,chahat ki bahen failakar to dekho28.Frindship opens many doors each with a differentview but none could be more beautiful viewthan the door that leads to u29.Tum kya jano kya hai tanhai is tute hue patte sepucho kya hai judai,yu bewafa ka ilzam na de zalim,is waqt se puch kis waqt teri yaad na aayi30.BathmeezChaddar ki KAMEEZ,Lohe ka PAIJAMA,Bandar tera MAMA,Billi teri MAUSI,Kutte mera YAAR,Aam ka AACHARMiss u mere YAAR31.Aap ka ashiyana dil mein basaya hai,apki yado ko sine se lagaya hai,pata nahi yaad apki hi kyo aati hai,dost to hamne auro ko bhi banaya hai32.Make a heart which never breaks,make a smile which never hurts,make a touch which never pains,make a friendship which never ends33.Dosti gazal hai gane ke liye,dosti nagma hai sunane ke liye,ye wo jazba hai jo sabko nahi milta,kyonki aap jaisa chahiye nibhane ke liye34.Zindagi hai nadan isiliye chup hoon,dard hi dard subah shaam isiliye chup hoon,keh du zamane se dastan apni,usme aayega tera naam isiliye chup hoon35.Hoth keh nahi sakte jo fasana dil ka,shayad nazron se vo baat ho jaye,is ummid se karte hain intezar raat ka,ke shayad sapne me mulakat ho jaye36.Sehmi si nigaho mein khwab hum jaga denge,sooni in raho pe phool hum khila denge,humare sang muskura ke to dekhiye,hum aapke har gum bhula denge37.Kaise kehde ki unse milne ki chahat nahi,bekarar dil ko ab bhi rahat nahi,bhula dete unhe bhi magar kya kare dost,kisi ko bhulane ki is dil ko aadat nahi38.Mana aaj unhe hamara koi khayal nahi,jawab dene ko hum razi he par koi sawal nahi,pucho unke dil se kya hum unke yaar nahi,kya hamse milne ko wo bekarar nahi39.Bolti hai dosti chup rehta hai pyar,hasati hai dosti rulaata hai pyar,milati hai dosti judaa karta hai pyar,phir bhi kyun dosti chodkar log karte hai pyar

40.Aap to manzil ko mushkil samajte he hum aap komanzil samajte he,bada fark he apke or hamare nazariye meaap hume sapna or hum aap ko apna samajte hai41.Wife: kaash main newspaper hoti dinbhar tumharehathon me rehtiHus: meri bhi yahi dua hai rab se issi bahane her dinnayi nayi to milti42.Leke hum dusro ki hasi kya kare,jo apni nahi wo khushi kya kare,tanha jine se behatar hai mar jaye hum,jab saath tum nahi to zindagi jikar kya kare43.Phool bankar muskurana zindagi hai,muskurake gum bhulana zindagi hai,milkar log khush hote hai to kya hua,bina mile dosti nibhana bhi zindagi hai44.Happy moments praise allah,difficult moments seek allah,quiet moments worship allah,painful moments trust allah,every moments thank allah45.Ae khuda dua ye meri khali na jaye ke mere dost kipalkon main kabhi aansu na aaye,aansu nikle to khushi ke nikle gum ke aansu mere hisseme aa jaye46.Tumhari yaadon ki mehek in hawaon mein hai,pyar hi pyar hi bikhra in fizao mein hai,aisa na ho ki duriya dard ban jaye,ab to aapke msg ka intezaar niaghon mein hai47.Mohabbat ko mohabbat ka ishara yaad rehata hai,har pyar ko apna pyar yaad rehta hai,wo pal jo yaar ki baho me guzarta hai,maut tak vo nazara yaad rehta hai48.Panchi keh rahe hai ki hum chaman chod denge,aur sitare keh rahe hai ki hum gagan chod denge,agar tere ishq mein mai mar bhi jau ae sanam,tum dilse pukar lena hum kafan chod denge49.Aansu aa jate hain aankhon mein,par labon pe hasi lani padti hai,yeh mohabbat bhi kya cheez hai yaaro,jisse karte ho usi se chupani padti hai50.Kyun kisi ki khamoshi mujhe khamosh kar jaati hai,kyun uski udaasi muje udaas kar jaati hai,kya rishta hai uska mera jo mujhe uski yaad har pal aajaati haiposted by binu at 2:52 AM 0 comments

Thursday, October 26, 2006FUNNY SMS • I'm leaving India!Actually Aishwarya is pregnant and media is suspecting me. Tum bhi nikal lo, uski kaam wali bhi pregnant hai.• Munna bhai: Agar bina danto ka kutta kate to kya karna chahiye?Circuit: Simple bhai... Bina sui ka injection lagane ka!• It takes thousand workers 2 build a castle, Million soldiers 2 protect a country, but just One woman 2 make a Happy Home! Let's Thank... KAAMWALI• Narad Muni dharti par madira peene aaye,12 botal pilane k baad theke wala: Apko chadhti kyun nahi ?Narad: Main Bhagwaan Hoon.Theke wala: Chad gayi saley ko.• Mashooka: Lagta hai meri aankh mein kuch gir gaya, dekho to.Mashook: Ek tinka dikh to raha hai, kyon na usey wahin rahne diya jaye main doobonga to sahara dega.• Boy: I'm not rich like Rahul, I don't even have a big car like Rahul, but I really Luv U!Girl: I luv u too, but tell me more about Rahul.• Jija: Sali ji, aapke yahan ki sabse mash-hoor cheez kaunsi hai?Sali: Jija ji, jo mash-hoor thi, usey to aap le gaye!• Teacher: Agar apna character sudharna hai to sab auraton ko MAA kaha karo.Student: Madam is se mera character to theek rahega, par mere baap ka bigad jayega.• An old rich man marries a young gal. Interviewer asks the girl: Apne inmein shaadi ke liye kya dekha?Girl: Ek to inki income aur doosre inke din kum.

• Reverse dynamics: When a man becomes rich he becomes naughty & when a woman becomes naughty.... she becomes rich.

• A lady is standing on top of the hill n she is going to push her father down. So what's the name of the lady?Push......Paa.• Food for thought: Why to suffer trying by all means to become rich and wear expensive branded clothes, when best things in life we do naked.• Bengali patient: Doc sahab, potla-potla totti aata hai, khane ko man nahin karta hai.Doc: Yeh lo dawai, mota-mota totti aayega, jaise marzi kaat ke khana• Boy: Tum gaana bahut achcha aato ho.Gal: Nahin, mein to sirf bathroom singer hoon.Boy: To bulaao na kabhi, mehfil jamaate hain.• Biscuit maker's Luv Letter: Dear Marie yesterday was a very Good Day, our meeting was truely Nice, but the chance of our Luv is 50-50 coz ur dad is a Tiger. Will u give ur Littlr Heart 2 me? Otherwise I'll become a Krack-Jack• Angry boss: Tumne kabhi Ullu dekha hai?Executive (sar jhukate hue): Nahin sir.Boss: Niche kya dekh rahe ho ? Meri taraf dekho.• Girls Psychology - Fraud with Innocent Boys; Fun with Handsome Boys; Friendship with Charming Boys; Contacts with Intelligent Boys; Flirt with Freaky Boys; Love with Faithful Boys & in the end Marriage with the Rich Boy• When I send SMS to u, it doesn't mean that u have to do the same... U can also send fruits, drinks, pizza, chocolates by courier. DD & Cheques r also accepted.• Q: Agar do pipal ke Pedon ko ek rassi se bandh diya jaye to us rassi ko kya kahenge?A: Us rassi ko bolengey NOKIA - Connecting pipal.• Thought of the day: Agar aap bus pe chade... ya phir bus aap pe chade... dono marthaba ticket aapka hi kat tha hai

• Rabba dukh na devin yaar mere nu, saanu chahe dukhan da pahaar de de,Phire nawe HERO JET cycle utte yaar mera, saanu bhaven purani Mercedes car de de• Ek yug tha jab log apne ghar ke dwar pe likhte the: ATITHI DEVO BHAVAPhir likha: SHUBH LABHPhir likhne lage: U R WELCOMEAur ab likhte hain: KUTTON SE SAVDHAN• Ravan was sent to court & was asked to keep a hand on Geeta.He refused saying: Sita par hath rakh kar itni musibat aayi! Ab Geeta pe haath nahin rakhunga• J kade tera kalle da paga 10 bandeyan naal pai jaave ta mainu sad layin, main kade kisi nu kut paindi nahin dekhi !• Kuri waley Munde nu: Tusi nonveg khandey ho?Munda: HaanSharaab?HaanDrugs?HaanJua?HaanSab kuch negative hai, kuch positive ve hai?Munda: Haanji, HIV+• Khuda kare tujhe khushiyan hazaar mile, mujhse bhi achche yaar mile, meri galfriend tujhe raakhi baandhe aur tujhe ek aur behan ka pyar mile• Gabbar: Kitne admi they?Sambha: Sardar 2Gabbar: Mujhe ginti nahin aati, 2 kitne hote hain?Samba: Sardar 2, 1 ke baad aata haiGabbar: Aur 2 ke pehle?Samba: 2 k pehle 1 aata hai.Gabbar: To beech mein kaun ata hai?Samba: Beech mein koi nahi aata>Gabbar:: To phir dono ek saath kyun nahin aate?Samba: 1 k baad hi 2 aa sakta hai, kyun ki 2, 1 se bada hai.Gabar: 2, 1 se kitna bada hai?Samba: 2, 1 se 1 bada hai.Gabbar: Agar 2, 1 se 1 bada hai to 1, 1 se kitna bada hai?Samnba: Sardar maine aapka namak khaya hai, mujhe goli maar do

• Plz pass this SMS to all ur friends. A person urgently needs 3 bottles of...........Foster beer (chilled) with chips. It's urgent Cell no & name is as displayed• People who do lots of work…make lots of mistakes,People who do less work…make less mistakes,People who do no work…make no mistakes,People who make no mistakes…get promoted.• What is the height of Flirting?It's When your love letter starts with: TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERNposted by binu at 4:52 AM 0 comments

greetings......... • What the word IMPOSSIBLE says: I M Possible. So every thing which seems impossible is itself says that is possible. Gud Day• Past is Experience! Present is Experiement! Future is Expectation! Use your Experience in ur experiment to achieve ur expectations! Have a Nice day• The more u count ur blessings, the more blessings u'll have, to count! I always do & I count u as the nicest blessing! God Bless u each day!• Like birds let us leave behind what we don’t need to carry. Grudges, sadness, pain, fear n regrets. Fly light, life is beautiful. Gud Day!• Be close with someone who makes you happy. But be closer to that person who can't be happy without you! Feel the difference. Gud Day!• A child on a farm sees a plain flying by overhead n dreams of a far away place. A traveler on d plain sees d farm n dreams of that. That’s life. We never realized d value of the thing unless it moves away frm us. Enjoy d moment u hav with u. Gud Day• Is pyari si subah mein, pyare se mausam mein, pyari si koyal ki awaaz, pyari si hawaaon mein, sabse pyare insaan aur sabse pyare dost ko Good Morning!• Knock!Knock! May I come into ur world? I bring no flowers, no cakes but wishes to keep U fresh, prayer to keep u healthy & luv to keep u smiling. Gud Morning!• A day may start or end without a message from me, but believe me it won't start or end without me thinking of u... Gud Morning!• Difficulties in ur life doesn't come to destroy u, but to help u realisee your hidden potentia. Let difficulties know that u r More Difficult. Gud Day

• Worst thing in life? Someone has tears in eyes because of U. And the best thing? Someone has tears in eyes for U. Gud Day!• Saathi sirf vo to nahin hota jo jeewan bhar saath nibhaye, Saathi to vo hota hai jo jeewan ke kuch palon mein hi jeewan bhar ka saath de jaaye. Gud Day.• On the canvas of life we often go off colour, but as long as people like u are there to add the right shades, life goes on to be a rainbow! Gud Morning.• Troubles r like washing machine; They twist, turn & knock us around, but in the end we come out brighter than before... Have a nice day!• Smile is a lnguage of Luv. Smile is a way to get success, Smile is to win the hearts. Smile improves ur personality. Brush daily. Gud Morning• Life is never hopeless however great ur sorrow, if you're luking forward to a new tomorrow. Have a blessed, hopeful & perfect day!• Open ur eyes, so the Sun can rise..., Flowers can blossom..., Birds can sing, because all are waiting to see ur beautiful Smile. Gud Morning.

• Someday somehow whatever u prayed for will come true. It may not be in the exact package u wanted but it'll b what God thinks is best for U. Gud Day!• Whatever happens to ur day just relax & manage to make a smile. Life is not a problem to b solved but a gift to b enjoyed. Make everyday ur best day!• Look Outside... It's so pleasant! Sun Smiling For U... Trees Dancing for U... Birds singing for U... Because I requested them all to wish U Hapy Birthday!

With petals of Roses, Palm full of Holy water, Light of Full Sun, Fragrance of Flower and Grass with dew, I wish u a very special Good Morning.• The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling & even more beautiful is knowing that u r the reason behind it. Be a reason for others to smile. Gud Day!• Wake up & wink those teeny weeny eyes. Stretch those inzy winzy bones, wear that jolly winning smile & tell urself today is a beautiful day. Gud Morning.• No matter the sky is black or blue, no matter there's stars or moon, as long as ur heart is true, sweet dreams will always be wished for u. Gd Nite!• Smile is a language of luv, Smile is a source to win hearts...Smile is a name of livelihood & Smile creates greatness in personality...So Keep smiling• Do u know the relation between smile & ur face? Ur face luks gud with a smile but smile luks better when it's on ur face... Keep Smiling. Gud Day• Night has ended 4 another day; morning has come in special way. May u smile like d blissful rays n leave ur worries 4 sum other day. Gud Morning!• Hope u have nightmares, coz it's disappointing to wake from a dream but when u wake from a nightmare, u r relieved that it's not true. Good Day• We spend our days waiting for ideal path to appear in front of us, but we forget that paths are made by walking, not waiting. Gud Morning• If through ur window there is a new day breaking, thank God for the promise, though mind & soul be achingLife has its Ups n Downs. Sometimes the sun shines, sometimes the rain lashes, but then it takes both the Sun n Rain to make a Rainbow. Have a Great Day• The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes you a good morning, hoping that you have the perfect day. Take care & Miss U• Always ask God to give u wht u deserve & not what u desire. UR desires may be few but u deserves a lot. Have a Great Day!• Be a candle, Be a light, Be a twinkle in the dark, Be a hope, Be an inspiration & make a big difference in others heart. Gud Morning• Wash ur face... wash ur feet... now it's time to fall asleep. Ur eyes r weak & mouth can't speak... so, lets hope the night shall be nice & sweet. GUD NIGHT• Arz kiya hai, Teri galiyon me na rakhenge kadam... Aaj ke baad... Kyonki kichad bahot ho jata hai. Barsaat ke baad. HAPPY MONSOON• Maine tere liye hi saat rang ke sapne chune, sapne surile sapne..... So just go to sleep and see what I have chosen for U... Gud Night• Monday went on Tuesday 2 Wednesday and asked Thursday whether Friday has told Saturday that Sunday is a holiday. Have a Great Sunday• LOOK...the moon is calling you, SEE...the stars are shining for you, HEAR... my heart saying Good Night.

• Sending a pillow of happy thoughts to create wonderful dreams, a blanket of care to keep you blessed in life and a prayer to protect you always. Good night!

posted by binu at 12:27 AM 0 comments

Friday, October 20, 2006FRIENDSHIP SMS TO UR FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!11 Roses of red grow in my heart and they will never wither... 'Cause theybloom every time I see your smile, hear your voice or just think of you! If you live to be a hundred ,I want to be a hundred minus 1 day , so I don't have to live a day without you... • Sometimes in life v tend 2 run so fast tht v don't notice friends running with us, we only notice thm wen we fall & they r there to hold us. So run, as I'm there 2 hold U• Old friends r gold. New friends may be diamond. If u get diamond, don't ever forget the gold coz to hold a diamond u always need a base of gold.• Open ur door when u r alone, open ur heart when u feel sad, but don't open ur hand when u need a friend, coz I'm already holding ur hand forever.• U r my best friend forever & always we're together too much but far not enough & if u die before I do ask God if heaven is got room for two• Stars are unapproachable, Sun is very hot... Moon is too far... So God gave me a friend like you so that I can say 'I've my own little Universe'• When things go bad & ur strength is no longer enough 2 carry on don't give up, coz where ur strength ends my worth as ur Friend begins.• There is a gift that gold cannot buy, a blessing dats rare & true, that's the gift of a wonderful person coming into ur life like I have in u!• I want you to know that your friendship mean's alot to me. If we were on a sinking boat & there's only 1 lifejacket... I would really miss you.• Friendship is a gift when it's new, it's a miracle when it's true but u know what? It's a blessing when it'is U• A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a place when u have nowhere to go, a friend is honest, a friend is true. A friend is precious, a friend is U !

• Forever in my heart, u wud be cherished & in my mind ur alwayz thought of, we may be far away but in my heart u remain 1 of the special person I gained in life. I'm blessed to hv a Friend Like u.• If I could pull down the rainbow, I'd write ur name with it & put it back in the sky to let everybody know how colorful my life is with a friend like u• Happiness is not something u postpone for the future. It's something u design for the present. Make each moment a happy one. I hv by remembering u• Friends are the angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.• True friends see u true, believe in things u wanna do, feel glad wen ur dreams come true, best of all they don't judge, they simply luv u coz u r u• My heart problem has reached a critical stage that doctor says there are only 2 options left....I.C.U or......U C me

• We are close enough to tell each other what we feel about our relationship. I can sum up our relationship in those three words: U R Lucky• A true friend is not like the rain which pours & goes away. A true friend is like the air. Sometimes silent but always around u. Gud Morning• Few Relations In Earth Never Die. Wanna know wht is it?(F)ew(R)elations(I)n(E)arth(N)ever(D)ie• Heart beat are countless, spirits are ageless, dreams r endless, memories are timeless and a friend like u is Useless. Oops! Sorry Yaar, Priceless

• God has given us two gifts; One is choice & another is chance. Choice is to select a gud friend & chance is to have a best one like U• The words that escape a friend's mouth r: I'll be there when u say u need me.But the words that r unheard from a true friend's heart r: I'll be there... whether u say u need me or not• If time slips away without a word from me, U don't hv 2 worry about our friendship coz feelings, beyond words, will always keep me AROUND!• Every morning when I open my eyes I pray to God that everyone should have a friend like u.Why should only I suffer!• Friendship is about bringing out the +ve when everything seems -ve, being accepted for who u r, being able to pick up right where u left off, sharing, talking & laughing. Friendship is about us & for that I'm gr8ful• Walk with me when ur hearts needs company, take my hand when u feel all alone, turn to me when u need some1 to lean on, coz I'm a friend u can always depend on• If ur friendship be money, I'll be richest man. If ur friendship be pounds, I'll be heaviest man. If ur friendship be luv, I'll be luckiest man. But ur friendship is trust & I'm the happiest man• Friendship never speaks volumes, it never demands proof, it never has a happy ending too simply coz it doesn't end as long as friends r true, just like U!• Medicines and friendships cure our problems. The only difference is that friendships don't have an expiry date.• Last night I dreamt that I was walking with God n I told him that I've a friend like u. He smiled n said: Beta, sab pichle janam k paap hainposted by binu at 12:10 AM 0 comments