There Are Dead Gods Hanging in the Trees Now

Post on 09-Jul-2016

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(from THE NEW ORDER) In Catholic enclaves boys are still educated for free in Seminaries, perpetuating the dilemma: How to make sex dirty and keep your mind clean? By thinking of God is the answer. But what does that do to God?

Transcript of There Are Dead Gods Hanging in the Trees Now

There are dead Gods hanging in the trees nowHung out to dry on coat-hangers at the cross-roadsCultural heritageVisited by tourists who take selfies

They are in all the Guide-booksOh look there’s a GodI hadn’t seen that oneThat makes five this morning

They say that each time a PriestFingers the genitals of a choir-boyA God diesThat’s why there are so many

It’s the Education trapFree Education gives you the rightTo touch me up before MassAnd make me an Atheist

That’s alright it happened to youWhich is why you wear a frockTo advertise your loose proclivitiesLet it all hang out Man

It’s the system isn’t itGod’s Law

(from THE NEW ORDER by E. J, Ward copyright 2016)