Therapy Urine

Post on 03-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Therapy Urine

Sandy Wand has been an amazing friend, healer, and source of boundless support. Madison King

has been the kind of student who comes back to inspire her teacher. Paul Brenner, M.D., showed me

what a physician can be. My editors, Irene Prokop and Wendy Hubbert (first edition) and Sara Carder

(this Tenth Anniversary update), have been enormously patient, provocative, and very smart. My

agent, Susan Schulman, has provided wise and empowering counsel. The institutional support of

Innersource and its friends, particularly Laleah and Hugh Bacon, Dorothy Lamb, Winn Frankland,

Ling Chin, and Rodney Plimpton, are gratefully acknowledged. Stanley Krippners brilliant critique

of an early draft of the first edition strengthened the book substantially. Catherine Feather Potenza

was a backbone as my work developed and remains one of my closest friends. Richard Duree

provided source material for several of the research studies reported in the book. Rik Jensen, our

handyman with heart, has been a model of how to remain buoyant through floods and other disasters

that could have derailed the original edition. The tens