Therapeutic Effects of Yoga and Meditation on Overall ...

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Open Science Journal of Statistics and Application 2018; 5(2): 5-12

ISSN: 2381-4950 (Print); ISSN: 2381-4969 (Online)

Therapeutic Effects of Yoga and Meditation on Overall Performance of University Students

Ravindra Bhardwaj1, Jyotikumar Arora

2, Shailendra Pratap Singh


1Department of Electrical Engineering, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, India 2Department of Humanities & Applied Sciences, Technical College, Agra, India 3Department of Mathematics, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, India

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To cite this article Ravindra Bhardwaj, Jyotikumar Arora, Shailendra Pratap Singh. Therapeutic Effects of Yoga and Meditation on Overall Performance of

University Students. Open Science Journal of Statistics and Application. Vol. 5, No. 2, 2017, pp. 5-12.

Received: November 6, 2017; Accepted: November 30, 2017; Published: June 5, 2018


“yoga” comes from a Sanskrit root “yuj” which means union, or yoke, to join, and to direct and concentrate one's attention. A

continuous practice of yoga enhances strength, endurance, flexibility and facilitates which is characterized by friendliness,

compassion, and greater self-control, while cultivating a sense of calmness and in form of overall performance i.e. well-being.

Overall performance of the students is based on the quantity and quality of learning attained in a subject or group of subjects after

along time period of instruction, extra co-curricular activities like cultural, sorts, general awareness, etc. Excessive stress affects

students overall performance. Improvement in academic performance and alertness has been investigated in various yogic

studies. The present paper is specifically aimed to assess the effect of yoga and meditation on overall performance of the students

through fundamentals of ethical lifestyle [Physical, Work Ethics, Community Work and Spiritual] on the development of

consciousness. For creating a feel of better well being and life satisfaction among the society through scientific justifications

based on alteration of pattern of psychological and medical parameters. The Statically results are very optimistic in yoga and

meditation practice can alter an individual ’s social, self, physical and emotional well being. It also indicates that practitioners

yoga with spiritual intentions reported significantly high erpsychological well being compared with practitioners doing yoga

alone. Results suggest that yoga with meditation is a positive addition which can be an effective way to help students cope with

stress and focus on concentration for specific task.


Therapeutic Effects, Meditation, Consciousness, Academic Performance

1. Introduction

In present scenario the students Problem are expected to

take on more responsibilities among the society other than the

college performance as compared to students in the past.

Overall performance of the students based on extracurricular

activities, community service, and any other activity that

looks in form of complete man. Due to this competitive

behavior, students are felling stress at a higher level earlier in

life. Today’s as per medical science stress can because of

multiple health risks and can also inhibit. Conscious is our

subjective understanding of both the environment around us

and our private internal world unobservable to outsiders.

Consciousness is generally divided in to two broad states:

waking consciousness and altered states of consciousness.

Although the boundary between the two types is not always

clear. In waking consciousness, we are aware of our thoughts,

emotions and perceptions. When we enter altered state of

consciousness, our mental state differs significantly from

waking consciousness. Some altered state of consciousness

such as sleeping and dreaming occur naturally. Others such as

those induced by drug or hypnosis are triggered by deliberate

attempts to alter one’s state of consciousness; meditation Is an

altered state of consciousness characterized by sense of deep

relaxation and loss of self-awareness the mind from thinking

clearly. If students are stressed it is unable to achieve the goal

in life.

6 Ravindra Bhardwaj et al.: Therapeutic Effects of Yoga and Meditation on Overall Performance of University Students

Yoga, which is away of life, is characterized by balance,

health, harmony, and bliss. Meditation, being part of yoga,

which is the seventh limb of Ashtanga Yoga-a state of alert

rest as stated by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who founded a new

technique of meditation, popularly known as transcendental

meditation Well-being, as pecial case of attitude Is a general

term for the condition of an individual or group for their social,

economic, psychological, spiritual or medical state, ultimately

leading to the satisfaction of life. Life satisfaction is the

cognitive component of subjective well being and plays an

important role in positive development of any person. Low

life satisfaction is found to be associated it hpsychological,

social and behavioral problems while high life satisfaction is

related to good adaption and optimum mental health.

Importance of the impact of fundamentals of ethical lifestyle

[Physical, Work Ethics, Community Work and Spiritual] for

the positive development ultimately leading to consciousnesss

has been highlighted. Each person has enough potential that is

caught up in his routine activities in unskill fulways and its

energy is not used effectively for achieving higher state of life

satisfaction in which attention, thoughts and perception are

improved and refined. It is associated with exceptional control

over one's mind for intellectual, moral and personal growth.

There a lgoal should be the spiritual up liftment from one

hierarchy of spirituality to a higher level with for complete

release from bondage of body and mind attend and full

benefits can be secured only by the methods of Trancedental

Meditation, which in which spiritentity gets absorbed with the

internal sound, sitting in a natural posture. Many studies have

been conducted in past for ESP (Radin 1987, Tanousand

Donnelly 2009) The first laboratory experiment forth etrance–

telepathy ESP was conduct in gby (Radin 2003). (Lewis CS

2008) have investigated to ‘fix’ illnesses, injuries, and

remedial conditions. Nurturing these beliefs, promotional leaf

lets which are distributed by local club soften describe yoga as

a practice which“ can be helpful to correct muscular skeletall

imbalances, develop core strength and flexibility,

improvement of breathing patterns, release stress and tension,

increase energy and vitality. Implicit measurement of positive

and negative future thinking as a predictor of depression

symptoms and hopelessnesss consciousness and Cognition,

have given by (LivKosnes et al. 2013). Whilst some

practitioners consider asana to constitute an alternative form

of exercise, others are drawn to this postural yoga as they

believe it to offer an effective form of physical therapy

(Ullman, Krippner & Feldstein 1966) have investigated

experimentally induced telepathic dreams conducted two

studies using EEG – REM monitoring. long-term yoga

practitioners in the United States investigated muscular–

skeletal and mental health improvements (Birdee et al. 2008).

(Moliver NS, et al.) have suggested about Yoga experience as

a predictor of psychological wellness in women over 45 years.

The hierarchy of biological neural network satsub-cellular

microtubular cytoskeleton level lead to a kind of interface of

neural and quantum level shown by Hameroff 1994

In it the attention is focused on an object in the environment

such as flower or a figure, arrhythmic physical motion of the

body (such as breathing) or a mantra (a chant or phrase that

media to repeats). Various forms of meditation practices are

prevalent concentrative meditation, opening up meditation,

mind fullness meditation has given by Feldman, (2002).

The psycho-physiological correlates of several techniques

includes altering states of consciousness, demons trating more

or less characteristic features in Meridian (Psycho) Therapies,

Microwave Resonance Relaxation, Autogenic Training,

Transcendental Meditation, Musicogenic States,

Healer/Healee Interactions, and Alertness/Drowsiness have

given by Arora 2015.

Such a tool might be useful in evaluating the effectiveness

of different techniques for stress reduction and for altering

expressions of consciousness. Fundamental field-related

macroscopic Hopfield-like quantum-informational basis of

the underlying quantum-holographic paradigm were

considered, with implication that whole psycho somatic might

be considered as a quantum hologram, both on the level of

individual and collective consciousness. This enables

quantum-holographic hierarchical fractal coupling of various

hierarchical level sin Nature [Rakovic et al 2009].

Saxena T et al. has investigated “The effect of various

breathing exercises (pranayama) inpatients with bronchial

asthma of mild to moderate severity” International J Yoga,


Meditative and non-meditative spiritual experiences of 31

practitioners following different spiritual traditions were

explored and identified. Spiritual experiences from 16

subjects are collected by semi-structured interview method

and the remaining data are collected from published literature.

Both types of data are subjected to the mathematic analysis.

An attempt was made to segregate various aspects of a

spiritual experience and termed as ‘Issues’. Ninety three

spiritual issues were traced from the data. In order to facilitate

better understanding of the type and range of spiritual

experiences, these ‘issues’ are combined and categorized in to

themes (Kandi 2012).

The biology of meditation reveals that after meditation even

for three months, participants had higher level of

neurotransmitters in their blood, although the exact nature of

the relationship between neurotransmitters and meditation has

yet to be revealed. Increase in alpha rhythm amplitude and

decrease in beta–wave activity are found among mediators.

Similarly decreased heart and respiratory rates, improved

memory, attention and concentration were found among

mediators as compared to then on-mediators as well as before

and after meditation in the same subjects has reported by

(Anand 2013).

Studies have also shown that there is the significant effect

of Yoga and Meditation on different dimensions of

consciousness quotient suggested by Ahuja, 2013.

Research has increasingly focused on the benefits of

meditation in every day life and performance. Mindfulness in

particular improves attention, working memory capacity, and

reading comprehension has investigated by Agarwaletal, 2013.

The meditative effect has wider implications for the use of

mindfulness as an everyday practice and a basis for clinical

Open Science Journal of Statistics and Application 2018; 5(2): 5-12 7

treatment have reported by Kramer et al. 2013

Research using explicit measures has linked decreased

positive future thinking, but not increased negative future

thinking, with clinical depression (LivKosnes et al. 2013).

Q. D Ream Inc 2014 has reported the Effect of Yoga &

Meditation on Consciousness & Mindfulness, Transnational

Exploratory Field REG Investigation and Statistical

Anomalies in a Random Physical System Proximal to

Large-Scale Animal Mortality

Using SQUID (Super Conducting Quantum Interface

Devices) based measurements at the time of

meditation-cum-prayer session at Dayalbagh, Agra reveals

that atmosphere becomes quite focused during meditation and

the magnetic field in the vicinity also arises. Even

immediately after meditation. There is the kind of residual

effect and serenity continues to prevail (Satsangi and Sahni,


The psychic ability of subject was recorded by examining

him immediately after REM period of sleep have suggested by

Sherwood and Roe, 2002 Using SQUID (Super Conducting

Quantum Interface Devices) based measurements at the time

of meditation cum-prayer session at Dayalbagh, Agra reveals

that atmosphere becomes quite focused during meditation and

the magnetic field in the vicinity also arises. Even

immediately after meditation there is the kind of residual

effect and serenity continues to prevail have reported by

Satsangi and Sahni, 2012. (Arora et al. 2015) have

investigated effect of Meditation and Cognitive Factor for the

measurement of Level of Consciousness: ANN

Computational Model. Effects of meditation on Chakra

Energy and Hemodynamic Parameter have given by (Arora et

al. 2015). (Arora et al. 2015) have seen the impact of Physical

Exercise and Transcendental Meditation on Physiological

parameters: An ANN Modelling.” Impact Of Yoga &

Meditation On Psychological Pattern Of University Students:

A Scientific Paradigm” have given by (Arora et al. 2017)

2. Materials & Method

Aim of present study to exploring the therapeutic effects of

yoga with meditation and its ability to increase quality of life

of the students. Examine the experimental intervention of

yoga and meditation based on Hierarchical Order the data

discretization of level of Consciousness. To establish the

relation between mindfulness and consciousness measure the

impact of intervention on self-reported mindfulness. Thirty

university level students participated in this experimental

study. The participants did yoga and meditation for 3 months

continuously. The age-range of the university students was 16

to 22 years (M=20.0, SD=7.14).

Yoga module flow chart as

(yoga asana ==> pranyam ==> orientation program ==>

prayer ==> meditation)

The practice sessions were held on week days (six days) in

the morning hours for forty minutes continuously under the

guidance of experienced practitioner. Over All performance of

the students based on Academic performance (AP),

extraco-curricular activities performance (ECCAP), social

awareness Index (SII) & Aptitude & Reasoning (AR) were

collected through questionnaire while other related

physio-psychological parameters of the subjects were

recorded through various test like advanced ESP test,

Precognition test, Psi-Q test. Bisht Battery Stress scale was

used to measure different levels of stress among the students

in our Biomedical lab of the institute. This was done before

the start of experiment. All the practitioners were initially

given a warm up light exercise for 5 minutes daily before the

yoga. Then practitioners performed yogic asanas (postures)

such as Surya namaskar, Anulom-Vilom, KapalBharti,

Bhujangasana, Vajrasana, Siddhasana and Shavasana for 20

minutes during morning hours. The shavasana was

intermittently practiced for about 2 minutes after completing

five asanas in this sequence under the supervision of two

qualified instructors. And then they were approaching for

Transdental Meditation (TM) 30 minutes daily. It was

performed by concentrating first on breath, so as to divert

senses away from the physical world. The eyes could be kept

closed. The students were concentrating on God, Guru, Sound,

Name or any particular Object. Students can follow their own

religious beliefs for considering object of concentration to

achieve higher level of consciousness. Completion of one and

half month quantitative and qualitative parameters were

recorded namely as middle data. After completion o of three

months again all quantitative and qualitative were collected

namely as post data. (Table 1) Data forth is study was

collected via hard copies of the questionnaire and an online e

survey replicating test. The questionnaire was distributed as a

hard copy to yoga practitioners.

Table 1. Parameters for overall Parameters.

Name Academic Extra Co-Curricular

Activities Social awareness Logic & Reasoning

M. Mebin P. S. 11 59 62 24 18 51 2.7984 1.7932 4.7081 2.25658 2.34525 3.8237

Manoj 16 51 57 20 24 34 1.8973 0.8973 4.9231 1.76578 1.97623 2.7365

Suresh 10 47 47 28 31 35 2.9124 2.4124 4.8933 0.86859 0.93451 4.0376

S Mohit 25 54 62 23 30 37 1.7999 1.7932 4.9137 1.58866 1.90423 2.9964

Karunesh 21 52 54 52 49 66 2.0456 1.7764 3.8238 0.87578 1.06732 4.9137

Harsh 20 49 49 49 50 55 0.8068 0.8838 3.7089 0.57654 1.87213 3.8235

Adil 16 56 60 56 60 62 1.8346 1.2463 4.7999 0.87764 1.74513 3.7089

Hirdesh 12 40 40 40 45 48 -0.6763 0.7823 4.9023 1.75345 2.34515 4.7999

Kamal 17 58 61 58 60 62 2.8045 2.7545 3.6031 0.88576 0.67823 4.9023

Sumit 11 55 55 55 59 60 0.6617 0.6301 3.9126 0.88575 0.90132 4.7081

S. Surya 26 47 54 47 51 55 3.8992 4.8974 3.7632 0.36788 1.06123 4.9231

8 Ravindra Bhardwaj et al.: Therapeutic Effects of Yoga and Meditation on Overall Performance of University Students

Name Academic Extra Co-Curricular

Activities Social awareness Logic & Reasoning

Anuraj Chetan 19 53 57 53 57 60 4.1081 1.3421 3.9903 0.25868 0.80313 4.8933

Arpit 29 44 51 44 48 49 4.6203 3.0312 4.9053 0.78655 0.01364 3.7632

Aarat 8 59 66 59 60 63 3.8933 0.9834 4.9979 0.56778 0.47038 4.8933

Ratan 15 56 55 56 59 63 4.0961 0.6254 2.7365 1.56459 1.30413 4.9137

K. Kantikonda 20 54 54 54 57 60 3.9923 0.7324 4.0376 0.55467 0.99013 3.8237

Vimal 21 51 54 51 58 62 3.8079 0.1253 2.9964 1.86778 2.12271 3.7089

Gabbar 10 52 68 52 57 59 4.2345 0.8817 3.9764 1.59099 1.60291 4.7999

Praveen 18 46 53 46 49 54 3.9023 0.7634 3.9126 2.12566 2.33522 4.9023

Ram Lal 28 42 48 42 44 49 3.6031 1.8324 3.7632 0.25668 0.67301 4.7999

Figure 1. Measurements of Physiological parameters in Bio Medical Lab.

Through the advance sand development of recent scientific

instruments, today, it is possible to measure the alteration of

overall performance level through various psycho- physio,

Aptitude, Working memory (WM) & Logic Reaso ing (LR)

online test.

a) Working Memory was measured through intelligence

and cognitive ability in Students by The Wechsler Adult

Intelligence Scale (WAIS, David Wechsler 1955).

b) Physiological parameters like pulse rate, blood pressure,

were recorded in Bio–Medical lab of the Institute and

analysed through lab charts of tware for initial, middle

and post

3. Result and Discussion

Results Data was analysed using Statistical Package for

Social Sciences, Version 23.0.

A. Experimental intervention of yoga and meditation based

on Hierarchical clustering Analysis to identify relatively

homogenous groups of subjects on selected characteristic

using HCA Algorithm Considering Divisive, Resulting to a

construction of a Hierarchical Structure (dendogram) which is

depicting in Figure 1a, b (respectively) formation of clusters

through the straight forward method.

Figure 2. Dendrogram using Centroid linkage.

Open Science Journal of Statistics and Application 2018; 5(2): 5-12 9

Figure 3. Numbers of Clusters of Parameters.

B. Impact of yoga and meditation on overall performance of

the student which is based on the factors (AP, ECCAP, SI, AR)

of the subjects were statistically analysed the data through

ANOVA with Tukey’s Test for Non additivity to estimate the

power to which observations must be raised. To achieve

optimum solution of the experiment before the process,

middle data (after one and half month) the npost data after

three months were gathered and analysed

Table 2. ANOVA Turkey’s test for non aditivity.

SumofSquares Df MeanSquare F Sig.

Equation 1

Regression 357.243 7 35.501 2.080 .141

Residual 188.113 11 17.421

Total 602.126 18

Results were obtained for the given data Mean square

(22.625 to 57.092), Sum of squares (135.75 to 956.25) for 6

to 19 dfofeach input factor evaluating value lying between 1.5

to 1.9 while t-value (-1.575 to 1.619) at P<0.005 level of


C. Paired t-tests were applied for this study due to its robust

features to evaluate the degree of effectiveness of the input

variables (AP, ECCAP, SI, AR) to the resultant out put over

all performance, in order to assess the quality of the results.

The null hypothesis assumes that the true mean difference

between the paired samples were zero. All observable

differences were explained by random variation, as a

parametric procedure to estimate psychological parameters i.e.

ESP, PSI-Q, Working memory while Physiological

parameters Stress, pulse rate, blood pressure, was recorded.

Paired t-test was applied under the following assumptions

a) The dependent variable must be continuous


b) The observations are independent of one another.

c) The dependent variable should be approximately

normally distributed.

N=number of participants; d=Cohen’s deffect size, *p<0.01,

one-tailed, **p<0.001, one-tailed

Table 3. Paired Samplest-tests looking at Initial and Continued, Spiritual and Physical Intentions.

SeriesVAR0000 N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

VAR00001 >=5.00 0a

19.5500 6.11910 1.47231 <5.00 20

VAR00002 >=5.00 0a 55.7000 6.03300 1.37321

10 Ravindra Bhardwaj et al.: Therapeutic Effects of Yoga and Meditation on Overall Performance of University Students

SeriesVAR0000 N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

<5.00 20

VAR00003 >=5.00 0a

.7670 1.57584 .27473 <5.00 20

VAR00004 >=5.00 0a

.6765 1.05557 .23652 <5.00 20

Data showed the following: the difference between the

means (M=-2.53 to 1.80), (Std. Devi. 1.20 to 19.87) for df19

at the level of 95% confidence of the PRE sessions of Yoga

and Meditation process was not significant. In the POST

session (after completing 3 months) data were significantly

different (P=0.005), with the group showing a lower value

[Table 3]. The overall personality of the practitioners showed

a significant decrease (P=0.05) after 3 months while the after

one and half months of the process did not show prominent

significant change. Because this analysis was on the

normalised units overall personality depends on the

considering factors the T values (-20.907 to 13.339) variation

after completing 3 months practice were effective as

compared to intervention period at the level of 95%

confidence for 19 degree of freedom.

D. Intra class correlation coefficients using a consistency

definition-the between-measure variance is excluded from the

denominator variance. Two-way mixed effects model where

student’s effects are random while measures effects are fixed.

This estimate is computed assuming the interaction effect is

absent, because it is not estimable otherwise.

Two-way mixed effects model where people effects are

random and measures effects are fixed.

a. The estimator is the same, whether the interaction effect

is present or not.

b. Type Cintra class correlation coefficients using a

consistency definition. The between-measure variance is

excluded from the denominator variance.

I. This estimate is computed assuming the interaction

effect is absent, because it is not stimable otherwise.

Table 4. Intra class correlations coefficient.

Measurement Intraclass


95% Confidence Interval F test with true value 0

Lower Bound Upper Bound value df1 df2 Sig

Single Measures 0.40a -0.023 .431 1.412 18 205 0.095

Average Measures .336c -.218 .531 1.422 18 205 0.091

II. Sensitivity Analysis:

A sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine the

degree of effectiveness of variables during Yoga & Meditation.

Performance of the group of input vectors included AP,

ECCAP, SI, AR, The degree of effectiveness of variables were

found integrated in form of oveall performance of the student.

The developed model was examined for its ability to

performance of experimental data which was not forming the

part of the training program. The comparison results of desired

outputs and inputs are shown in Figure 4

Figure 4. Sensitivity analysis about the variables.

Open Science Journal of Statistics and Application 2018; 5(2): 5-12 11

4. Conclusion

The experimental group improved from pre-test to mid-test

(t=2.400, p=.001, d=0.57). The improvement in this group

was also observed in post-test (t=2.091, p=.002, d=0.52) from

the base line measure (Figure 5). No significant difference

from initial also rest to mid-test measure (t=0.61, p=.4460)

and to post-test measure (t=.0307, p=.849). Pie chart analysis

shows that post intervention there is significant increase in

overall performance of student of pre-initiates (z=1.94,

p=.034, r=.61) and first initiates (z=2.78, p=.012, r=.77).

However there is increase in mean overall performances core

of second initiates but the difference is insignificant, atz =1.38,

p=.18. Analysis reveals that overall performance of the PR

actioner’s scores are positively correlated to all dependent

factors of AP, ECCAP, A Rand SI. There was significant

increase in social index (SI) land Academic performance (AP)

after 6 weeks of intervention where as ECCAP and A

Performance increased significantly post intervention which

was for 8 weeks.

Figure 5. OverallperformancesofparticipantswithTimedevotion.

Figure 6. Stress reducing flow chart with Time intervention.

B: There sultan effect of yoga and meditation ‘to develop

over all personality of student inform of complete man would

be a powerful tool for the society. There salts of this study and

the it explanation would justify the incorporation of yoga and

meditation as part of our life style tore duce the stress level

and improving student overall performance and thereby

preventing many diseases. However it remains to be assessed

whether the salter actioners’ is after resuming positive

performance in every dimension and whether long term

practice should lead to stable modification of overall

performance of the students inform of complete man.

The experimental group improved from pre-test to mid-test

12 Ravindra Bhardwaj et al.: Therapeutic Effects of Yoga and Meditation on Overall Performance of University Students

(t=2.400, p=.001, d=0.57). The Improvement in this group

was also observed in post-test (t=2.091, p=.002, d=0.52) from

the baseline measure (Figure 6). No significant difference

from initials cores to mid-test measure (t=0.61p=.446) and to

post-test measure (t=.0307, p=.849). Pie chart analysis shows

that post intervention the reins significant increase in overall

performance of student of pre-initiates (z=1.94, p=.034, r=.61)

and first initiates (z=2.78, p=.012, r=.77). However the reis

increase in mean overall performances cores of second

initiates but the difference is insignificant, atz=1.38, p=.18.

Analysis reveals that overall performance of the fraction

erases cores are positively correlated to all dependent factors

of AP, ECCAP, AR and SI. There was significant increase in

social index (SI) land Academic performance (AP) after 6

week so fainter vent ion whereas ECCA P and A R

performance increase significantly post intervention which

was for 8 weeks.


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