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Transcript of TheCarYouWant.pdf

How To Get The Used Car You Want For A Price You Love.


Thomas L. Pauley


Penelope J. Pauley

Transcribed from Tom & Penelope Live.

Copyright © 2003, Rich Dreams Publishing Reproduction forbidden without written consent of publisher.

Knowing What You Want

Penelope: Good morning, everyone. Welcome to “Tom and Penelope — Live.” Tom: Good morning! I’m Tom Pauley and this is my daughter, Penelope. Penelope: Today we’re going to be talking about how to get the car you want at a price you love. Tom: This is how we started our whole process — by beginning with cars. Everybody likes cars, but not everybody has success with them, at least not in the beginning. I know I didn’t. I liked used cars because I didn’t want to pay the price of a new car. But the used cars I bought frequently were troublesome; they had problems. I think that happens for a lot of people. So today we’re going to tell you how to get the car you want at a price you love by using a System. It’s a system we were given. It’s a system we’ve helped develop and make even better than it was originally. And it’s a system that works so effectively, it will amaze not just you, but your friends and relatives.


People would say to me, “Where did you get your car? I know that you drive this Mercedes or you drive this Volvo, and I know you got a tremendous deal on it because you told me about that. But where do you go? Do you look in the Auto Trader? Do you look online? Do you have friends who help? Do you go to dealers? Where do you go?” Well, the secret to getting the good price – not just good price but … let’s talk about this. What do we want in a car? We want “reliable.” We want “safe.” Penelope: (Interrupting)We want a car that looks good. Tom: It has to represent us because that’s what a car does — it is you to the public; to the world. Penelope: It’s your life outside of your life. It’s your physical space out on the road. It protects you and it represents who you are. Tom: So you want to get all those things — and you want to get this car at a good price. Penelope: I think they’d like to get it at a price they love. Tom: (laughing) Okay! You get it at a price you love. That sounds even better. (We ought to make that the title!)


Penelope: Let me just start with this: You have to understand that my father, Tom Pauley, is an expert on buying used cars. He used to be an expert on buying really bad used cars and now I’d have to say he’s probably an expert on buying really great used cars. Now, first you have to know what you want. A lot of people do things in different ways. Some people research, some people read, and some people obsess over the car they want. Do you know anyone like that, Tom? Tom: (quietly) Yeah, I do. Me. I obsess. When I want something I have to know everything about it. I have to know what it is. I don’t want to spend money on a car and then drive it home and end up saying, “Oh, I didn’t get the dual climate controls. I didn’t know they had that.” I’m telling you, duel climate controls has saved my marriage. My wife always wants it warmer than I do. She says, “Why is it so cold in here?” So I say, “Turn your side warmer and leave my side alone.” It works out wonderfully! Anyway, I research the heck out of things for about a week.


Before I bought my last car, I didn’t do anything else. All I did was spend all day researching everything about the cars I wanted. The thing is, I originally did not know what car I wanted. Penelope: Because who doesn’t want every kind of car? Tom: I want everything. I don’t want one car; I want all cars. But I wrote down the names of three cars. I wrote down a BMW X5. I wrote down an ML 430. We had an ML and I liked the way the ML drove. My wife hated it because it had one of those child-restraint systems in the front, and it would lock her in. And the car has all-wheel drive so it drives like a sports car. Penelope: It bounces you around a bit. He fails to tell you he drives a little like Andy Granatelli. Tom: (whispering) Quiet, quiet, don’t tell them that. Penelope: (laughing) Tom: But anyway, we had an ML and I liked it very much. My wife hated it, but I thought maybe I could talk her into it, so I wrote down another ML 430. (I wanted a bigger engine.)


And I did know I wanted an SUV, so I wrote down a Jeep Grand Cherokee for some reason. Penelope: Kind of on a whim. Tom: Yes, it was a whim. I don’t know why I did it. The reason I like the BMW and the Mercedes is the suspension system. I don’t like the soggy American suspension system, particularly. I like it a little tighter, a little firmer. I like to be able to go into a curve and actually accelerate. In an SUV, that’s not something you can do unless you want to flip over. SUVs flip a lot. And you want to have a car that’s safe for you to drive. So, for some reason, I wrote down a Jeep Grand Cherokee. Penelope: You didn’t know which car you wanted but you knew that the System would point you in the direction of the right car. You’d feel compelled to pursue one of those cars. Tom: Right. When I started doing the System, I wrote down those car names and I knew I didn’t have to worry anymore. Here’s the thing: Everybody thinks they have to know it all. But you don’t have to know it all.


If you use this System, if you just write down the things that are important to you, amazing things happen. Absolutely amazing things happen.

Heaven Is In The Details

Tom: And that’s what happened to me. I wrote down, “I have a BMW-X5. I have a Mercedes ML 430. I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee.” So I started looking through information and I’d look at used cars and I thought, Wow, the used Beemer is the same price as the new ones. I’d think, The price doesn’t go down? What’s the matter with you people? Everything goes down. But the price of the BMW didn’t. so maybe if you’re going to buy a BMW, you should buy a new one. I’d been a Mercedes guy, but there were no Mercedes MLs available. It looked like everyone was holding on to them. And my wife kind of put an end to that idea anyway. She said — Penelope: You’ll be driving alone Tom: (laughing) That’s what she said. We had to scratch the ML off the list. So we’re down to the Grand Cherokee.


I started looking into that more and more and I liked the looks of it, and the price. It was a good value of a car. They were available, and when I started looking into them I found that in 2000, the body suspension was changed, making them exactly like the BMW and the Mercedes. And I found I could get the driving and handling I wanted from a car that cost a lot less money. I love deals. If I’m going to get the car I want it at a price I love, the thing that makes me the happiest is for it to be a deal. I just love deals. Penelope: So you started researching, finding out everything you could find out. You test drove them and talked to dealers. Tom: Right, heaven is in the details. The more specific you are the better the system works. I found one I thought was a good deal — but the universe did not allow me to buy that car. The man who was selling it actually told me I had to decide without driving it. That’s the same as saying do not buy this car. Finally, I just gave up. I stopped talking about it entirely.


So I was watching a Laker basketball game and I was pretty well engrossed in it when my wife said I had a telephone call. And I said, “I’m watching the game.” And she said, “It’s a car.” And this was 20 or 30 minutes after I’d decided I was finished with it; I wasn’t going to do any more with it. I took the call and from everything the guy on the phone said, the car was perfect. I knew instantly, by the sound of his voice, that I was going to buy that car. I knew that was my car. I had detailed every single thing I wanted in that car, right down to what color it was. Penelope: (laughing) You have to understand, color is very important to my father. Very important. Tom: I like the color green. Penelope: “Like” is a really the wrong word. Tom: I love the color green. I like a lot of green. I’m Irish and I like green. So I have a thing for green. Penelope: So the car had to be green. That was pretty much a “make it or break it” on the car.


Tom asked, “What color is it?” and the man said, “It’s green.” Tom: He said it was one of the most beautiful harvest green colors he’d ever seen. Now, the car had 20,000 miles on it. It was a lease turn-in. The man said, “My son does this as a business. He lets me drive them for one month, then I sell them and get the money out of it.” And I thought that was a heck of a deal, so I went to see it. It not only has only 20,000 miles, it’s in perfect condition. I look at this car and it’s the most beautiful mossy green color I have ever seen. Penelope: In fact, he called us up and said, “This is it. This is the car. It’s the most beautiful green color I’ve ever seen in my life.” Tom: So here’s the whole story: I picked up my wife and we went to the credit union to do the paper work, took it over, and got the car. She loved the color, too. We got in the car, drove home, parked in the drive, and Penelope came out and said, “Where’s your car?” I said, “Right here.” She said, “I thought it was green.” And we turned to look and the car is taupe.


Penelope: It’s not green. It’s not close to green. It’s not anywhere near green. It’s not even in the same ballpark as green. It’s not green. Tom: It’s taupe. It’s brown/gray. There’s no doubt about it. Penelope: There’s no green about it! Tom: I’m like, wait a minute — that car was green just a couple hours ago. Penelope: He bought that car because it’s green. Tom: My wife, Diane, saw that it was green. I saw that it was green. Green is important to me. I know — this sounds a little strange, but ultimately, the car really was the car for me. And the color wasn’t as important as I thought it would be. I don’t really care today about the color. I love the car. My intention was to drive it a year and sell it, but now I’m not sure. I might keep this car for a long time; maybe make it available to one of the kids. It’s a great car.


The point is, the System covered it. That was the most important thing. No matter what I’d written down, I still got exactly what I wanted…what I really wanted. I got the things that were important to me. And now we’re going to tell you the System.

Amazing Results Penelope: The first part of the System for how to get the car you want at a price you love is to know what you want in a car. And the way to that is research, research, research. Read about the cars you want. Test drive the cars you want. Talk to people who sell those cars. Talk to people who own those cars. Figure out exactly what you want. Some people know right away; some people don’t. And that’s all right. But figure out what it is you want. Know what you can afford. Be realistic about where you are. Don’t try to overextend yourself because you’re going to be unhappy if you do that. And then, be honest about what you want. And allow the universe to give you more car than you think your budget can afford — because you don’t want to cut yourself short on it either.


Know specifically the kind of car you want and you can ask for that kind of car. Now, you might not get that exact car. The first time Tom wrote down the kind of car he wanted — the very first time he used the System — he wrote down and he detailed out a Mercedes Benz; a brand new Mercedes Benz. He didn’t get a brand new Mercedes Benz. He got a brand new Jetta. At the time, that was a huge leap for him because he was driving a car that could barely make it to the stop sign. So you have to understand that wherever you are, you’ll have to work up to that Lamborghini or that Porsche. And that’s all right. That’s perfectly OK. It doesn’t mean you did something wrong. It doesn’t mean the System doesn’t work. The System works, but it still works as a part of reality. So:

• Know what you want. • Research it. • Know what you can afford. • And be honest with yourself about what you do

want. Don’t sell yourself short on this. Tom: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Time out.


You just said you might have to work yourself up to that kind of car. What about the night watchman? Tell them about him. Penelope: Sometimes that doesn’t happen. Tom: (laughing) “Sometimes that doesn’t happen!” — this system is absolutely amazing. Listen, I have a dear friend named Dave in San Diego, California. Dave knows the System very well, and he taught the System to this night watchman. Now this night watchman had a great desire to own a Bentley. But he didn’t want just any Bentley; he wanted a two-year-old or newer Bentley that was midnight blue with gray interior. He had all the details down. Well, he was a night watchman, and so he wasn’t a rich man by most people’s standards. He couldn’t afford a Bentley, but that’s what he wanted. And so when Dave taught him the System, that’s what the man wrote down. A Bentley is what he asked for and what he detailed. He didn’t care if it took him a week or 10 years; that’s the car he wanted. This night watchman had managed to save about $5000 in his life.


He was a middle-aged man, about 41 years old, and he was willing to put his $5000 in savings into a Bentley. The only problem is, for $5000 you can’t buy a two-year-old or newer Bentley that runs. You probably couldn’t find one for $5000 that doesn’t run. But he used the System and he detailed exactly what he wanted in the car. About two weeks later, he was sitting in a coffeehouse when a man drove up and parked a two-year-old midnight blue Bentley right in front of the coffeehouse. Well, our friend the night watchman got up and ogled over this car for a while. The owner of the Bentley saw this and said to him, “You like that car? It’s for sale.” The night watchman laughed. “It’s a beautiful car,” he said, “but I only have $5000 and you’re not going to sell it to me for that price.” The owner said, “You know what? I’m getting a divorce and my wife — that blankety-blank person — is trying to take my car from me. I’d rather sell it to you for $5000 than to give it to her at any price. You write me a check and I’ll give you the pink slip.” Unbelievable. He did. It wasn’t a scam. It wasn’t nonsense.


The night watchman bought a two-year-old midnight blue Bentley (exactly the color he wanted) with 13,000 miles on it — a $300,000 car — for a $5000 check! Not cash…a check that could have bounced. And the man gave him the pink slip. Just like that. The Bentley had been delivered to him. That’s how well the System works. Ultimately, he didn’t keep the car. He drove it about a month, gave it to his father who drove it for another month, and then he decided he really didn’t want a Bentley after all. So he sold the car for $125,000. He made $120,000 because he used the System. And he learned he didn’t want a Bentley. He didn’t want the responsibility that went with the car.

Owner Has Brain Damage Tom: Here’s the deal. Penelope’s going to tell you the rest of the System. But I want you to know it doesn’t matter what you write down. Sure, you should be realistic. Penelope: You should know you can afford it. It’s just part of wisdom. It’s part of the wisdom of living in the world.


Tom: But don’t limit yourself . I wrote down the names of three cars and got the one that was right for me. So you can write down any number of cars that you want. Penelope: And the universe will give you the right one Tom: Don’t limit yourself. Be wise, but don’t limit yourself. Penelope: So the second step is asking for what you want in a car. How do you do that? We use specific steps to create “parameters” — the parameters of your car. What you’re doing is building a blueprint. You’re drawing a circle around all the things you want in a car — and then you will get that car. Parameters are present tense, positive, declarative statements that describe what you want, in detail. Tom: What’s an example of parameters? Penelope: Wait — the first thing you do is get yourself a notebook. We call it the 79-cent notebook. There are people who’ve bought the 79-cent notebook for a dime, there are people who’ve bought the 79-cent notebook for $17, and people who’ve bought the 79-cent notebook for a $1.37. But what you pay for it isn’t important.


Tom: Some people just use the back of an envelope. Penelope: That’s right, although we recommend using a notebook. It’s an inexpensive way to have everything you want in one place so you can stay organized. So get a notebook, first and foremost. Then, on the inside of the cover of the notebook, write this disclaimer; it’s the CYA in car buying, and it is this: “All this by divine right, divine inspiration, divine intervention, divine timing, and with good for all concerned.” Then sign your name at the bottom. What you’re saying in this statement is “I will only get what’s right for me, and I won’t steal from somebody else and I won’t try to hurt somebody else.” This protects you and it protects the other people you do business with. Tom: I know the car business, particularly, is one of taking advantage of somebody. I remember a used car dealer that prospered in Houston. He had a small lot you could see from the freeway. It was hard to get to, but you could see it. He had a corner lot and could fit about 15 – 20 cars on it.


The guy went from selling junkers to…well, I saw a Rolls Royce on there one day. He was amazing. His one and only advertising was a huge sign across the back of his lot. In twelve foot letters he wrote. “OWNER HAS BRAIN DAMAGE.” We laugh about it, but the subtle message was that you could take advantage of him. But the point is, you don’t have to take advantage of anybody. And nobody has to take advantage of you. This is a win-win scenario.

My New Car Penelope: Skip the first page of that notebook to give yourself some space, and then start creating your parameters. At the top of the page write “My New Car.” If you don’t know what car you want or if you want a bunch of different kinds of cars, start off like Tom did – write down different kinds of cars. What you’re doing is creating parameters. Again, a parameter is a present tense, positive, declarative statement that describes what you want, in detail. Then you describe your car as if you already have it.


Tom: Now can we have the examples? Penelope: Certainly. You put one detail per line. “I have a new or like-new car.” That’s the first thing you write. Tom: Let me interject. You can use this system on new cars. You can actually use this system to get anything you want. Penelope: You just gave away the secret! Tom: Ah, darn. Forget what I said, just use this system on used cars. Penelope: On the second line, you start describing it. “I have a new or like-new car. It is red. It is a Porsche. It has a great stereo system. It is a Boxter. It has leather interior.” Write these sentences and keep them very short, very simple, very to the point, very clear and very descriptive. Write these sentences on every other line, detailed on separate lines. Skipping lines to create space around your parameters gives them room to grow, which is what you need to do. So you start at the top of the page and you skip every other line. And you know what? You can use up that entire notebook if you need to. There are more than enough notebooks to go around.


Tom: It costs 79 cents. If you buy them in the fall at Target, you can get them for 10 cents. Penelope: Sometimes at Staples you can get them for 10 cents. Tom: Even, seventy-nine cents. Come on, you can afford it. It’s really cheap. Penelope: So you write down all the details that you want. Tom: Everything. Penelope: Everything you want. “It has a Bose stereo system. It has walnut trim. It has a moon roof. It has an in-dash navigation system. It has a voice-command radio system.” Tom: Whatever you want in a car, you write it down. Penelope: You detail that out. And you only write in the present tense. You write it as if you already have it. It’s as if you’re describing what’s in your own driveway. You never ever use “will have” or “going to have.” You never put it in the future. Tom: Even though it seems a little strange – saying you have a car when you don’t yet have the car – the reason you do this is you are tapping into an incredible System that allows you to make real your thoughts.


And when you make real your thoughts you want to enjoy them now. Penelope: Where do we live? We live in a present tense. Tom: We live now. We don’t live “soon”; we don’t live “then.” We live now. So when you write them down in the present tense, you can enjoy them in the present tense. Penelope: Otherwise, it’s always going to be in the future. You’re always “going to get” your new car. You’re always “wanting” your new car. You don’t write that you want a new car. You don’t write that you’re “going to have” a new car. You write that you have a new car. If it feels strange, try it anyway. That’s what works. And use only positive words. Whatever words you put into your parameter, you put into your car — and into your life. Be very literal when you describe your car. Include other aspects, such as “My car is safe and protected at all times.” Tom: (Sardonically) Under all conditions…even when a thief takes it.


Penelope: No, you don’t write that! You don’t write “when a thief takes it, because if you write the words “thief takes it,” guess what you’re asking for? You’re asking for a thief to take it. You never say “my car does not get stolen,” because you’re asking for it to get stolen. You never use not, never, won’t, don’t, doesn’t, will not, cannot. Never use those negative words because it’s almost like the universe doesn’t hear those words; it only hears the whole words. So you want the words in your sentence to be positive and to be what you want. Tom: Do you have any ideas on what we could actually put in? If we don’t write those words, what could we write? Penelope: “My car is safe and protected. I am happy with my car. I love my car. It’s a fun car to drive.” And we also have a few more helpful parameters. “My car is the correct car for me.” That sounds kind of strange. You’d think that any car would be the correct car, as long as it gets me to work and back home. But like Tom with that first jeep, it wasn’t the correct car for him and he couldn’t buy it — the owner wouldn’t let him buy it.


The Best Protection Possible Penelope: I have a story: My husband and I went to buy a used car. We were going to get a used Honda Accord. He drives a lot in his work and he wanted something with great gas mileage. We started looking for this car. We drove to a lot one night; it was a new lot that was just going to be opening and so we just drove around because it was after-hours. And we saw the most gorgeous, dual-color sea-foam green Honda Accord with green leather interior, a moon roof, CD player, four-door — it was beautiful. I looked at my husband and he looked and me, and we said, “This has to be it.” Tom: It’s a great story. Penelope: We’d written down everything we wanted in a car and this looked like the car. And it was so far below the Blue Book price we couldn’t believe it. So the next day we went to the dealership and test drove this car. It drove like a dream. We decided this was it. We just loved it. We started filling out the paper work. Tom: This was a new car dealership, wasn’t it?


Penelope: Yes, it was a new car dealership, so this car had gone through all the rigmarole and the points inspection, so we felt very confident. And we were going to be their first sale. We felt very confident. We’re signing the sales papers — and then the loan officer gets a phone call. And he says, “ I think we need to step outside because something’s weird has happened. I think there’s a scratch on the bumper or something.” Well, we inspected the car pretty well and we hadn’t seen a scratch. We walk outside and the owner and manager of the dealership were there, and all the salespeople were there, standing around this car, looking bewildered. Why? Because the entire right side front fender was completely buckled in. It’s like it’s inside-out. Well, they had just gotten into this new facility, and the guy who had washed the car was driving the car back to the front office. It was dark, and there were big, cylinder columns in the lot, and he smashed the car into a column. Well, the kid felt just horrible, but I kind of laughed because I knew! The owned apologized and offered to get it fixed in their body shop and have it ready in a couple days if we still wanted to purchase the car.


But I looked at him and said, “I think God’s trying to tell me something about this car. I think God’s trying to tell me this isn’t the right car for me.” In that way, we were not allowed to buy it — the car had to be crashed to prevent us from buying it. We were protected from buying that car for some reason. But that car was not for our best interest.

More Details The Better Tom: I don’t know if your thinking goes this way, but sometimes a car is going to have an accident, so you don’t want to be the person in that car. Maybe a car is going to have a problem and you don’t want to be the one who buys that car. Everyone has a path in life. Everybody has a road they’re going down, and there’s a vehicle for you on that road. As we said earlier, the vehicle is your physical vehicle for your spiritual path. It represents you in life. If it’s not the right car for you, and you write down some of these correct things…. Penelope: “My car is the correct car for me. I only purchase the correct car for me.”


Use these parameters and you will not be allowed to purchase any other car. Tom: “It is in excellent working order.” Penelope: Never use the phrase “perfect working order.” Nothing in this world is perfect. So if you ask for something “perfect” you’re tying to create that which can never exist. You write that it’s in “excellent” working order, or it’s in “great” working order, or it is the “correct” working order. It is “new or like-new.” Tom: Here’s the parameter that handles any thief driving your car: “Everyone is safe and protected at all times in my car.” Then write down “Only those who are for my highest good are allowed in my car.” Penelope: Which means if a thief gets in your car he won’t be safe and protected. He won’t be allowed in your car. Tom: It may seem impossible, but it works. A woman once told me she wanted a new car. She said, “You get these great deals on cars. Tell me how to get a great deal on a car.” I said, “You have to come over and give me an hour and I’ll tell you about it.”


She said, “No, I can’t do it. I have to get a new car. You get great deals on cars. You have to tell me how to get a great deal on cars.” I said, “You have to come over so I can tell you.” Finally, she did. She came over and told me she wanted three things: She wanted a different job. She wanted a husband — she was 39 years old and had dated someone for a week, once. My estimation was that her chances of getting a husband were slim to none, but that’s what she wanted, and we showed her how to detail that. And — I’m giving away the story here… Penelope: (hushed) Don’t give it away! Tom: Oh, this story is in our other book, I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams: I am, I am, I am! But the point is, she… Penelope: Also wanted a new car. Tom: She wanted a new car, she wanted a Volvo, she wanted a specific color, she wanted a certain number of years on it. Penelope: She was only going to pay a certain amount. Tom: Right, $300 a month. That was all she’d pay. She wrote down these parameters and I made sure


she also wrote down “Only those who are for my highest good are allowed in my car.” Well, she’d been looking for a car for a year but within four days of writing down her parameters, she had the car. Penelope: At the price she wanted, the model she wanted, the color she wanted, the mileage she wanted, the features she wanted. Tom: It wasn’t exactly the price she wanted, but it was the price she loved! She was thrilled. She said, “You aren’t going to believe this. I bought the car for $301 a month!” OK, it was a buck over but she loved it. It was hers and she knew it was right. She knew that it was a good deal. And it was going to be ready on Sunday. This was good because she was leaving Monday morning to go to a conference. Penelope: A singles retreat. Tom: A singles retreat in Northern California, where she hoped to meet her husband, and in fact, did. Penelope: But that’s another story. Tom: (laughing) But that’s another story. And it might even need another book. But...we’re not going to mention that.


The thing is, she said she went to get her car on Sunday and was told, “I’m sorry. We found a mechanical problem with the car that we have to fix. It’s not a big thing; it has to do with the steering lock, and we will replace the steering gear, but we can’t do that right away.” Penelope: “So you can’t have your car for your trip.” Tom: She was so disappointed. Penelope: Oh, she was devastated. Tom: So she rented a car. And it turned out she had another woman who was going with her on this singles retreat. Penelope: They were going to carpool. And she was going to use her new car. Tom: Yes, our friend was going to use her new Volvo. Well, she picked up her friend and drove up there. And it’s about a five or six hour drive to this Northern California retreat. Penelope: If you drive straight through. If you stop, it’s about eight. Tom: Yeah. Oh, my golly, this other woman was a bit paranoid. She just wouldn’t stop: “You’re going too fast! You can’t get out of the slow lane! Look out! There are people!”


She did this for five or six hours. Our friend said she wanted— Penelope: Wanted to kill her! Tom: Wanted to push her out of the car! She said, “This woman was not for my highest good.” Ah. She wasn’t allowed in her other car. She didn’t bring the woman home. The woman got other transportation; she refused to bring her home. That’s how that relationship worked out. Penelope: They never spoke to each other again. Tom: (laughing) They never spoke to each other again! But it became clear to my friend who bought the Volvo that this other person was not for her highest good. And because she had written this down, the woman was not allowed in her new car. There was a problem with her car that required that she didn’t have it when she had to leave. She did meet her husband and they moved to the East Coast. Penelope: And she got a new job. But that’s another story. Tom: The man of her dreams!


Easily Paid For

Penelope: OK, this is another great helpful parameter: “It is easily paid for.” If you can have anything you want in your car, don’t you want it to be easily paid for? “It is easily paid for and it is fully insured. The insurance is easily paid for.” Tom: Those are wonderful, but I think there’s one more: “My car finds me.” Write this down. Even if you don’t believe any of this, even if you think this is a biggest waste of money you’ve ever made in your entire life, write these things down and see what happens. What do you have to lose? Penelope: It’s just pen and paper. Tom: And you’ve already paid for it. Write it down. “My car finds me.” Now, I’m going to tell you a story about a house that found me. My wife and I were looking for a house… Penelope: But that doesn’t have anything to do with a car.


Tom: (laughing) We wrote this down for our house. And we were having a hard time finding it. We wrote down two things. She wanted one thing in a house; I wanted another. We were looking, looking, looking; for two years we were looking. Finally we’re frustrated and we’re sitting out in this desert community here in Southern California that neither one of us really wanted to be in. I pulled out a notebook and I wrote down, “Our new house finds us. The correct house for us finds us.” I wrote down, “We recognize it instantly.” And you know what? The next night, our agent was gone. She had to have an emergency root canal, and we ended up going through this list of places she showed, and the last place we get to, her card key doesn’t work so we can’t go in the house. It was vacant, but we couldn’t go in. It was dusk, and we walk around the back, and the window blinds were open. We looked into the house at dusk and we recognized instantly that it was our house, so we turned and looked at each other and said, “Let’s go write a full-price offer.” This stuff works like gangbusters but if you don’t use it you have lost the opportunity of a lifetime.


Be that as it may, the next step is being ready to receive your car.

Feel The Excitement! Penelope: The way to be ready to receive your car is to get enthusiastic. Be excited about your car before you ever get it. Tom: This is your car! Penelope: Feel as though you already have it. Imagine yourself driving it, touching the interior, turning on the stereo, feeling the wind coming in the window. Listen to the music that you want. Do this in your mind’s eye. Just imagine it! Tom: After you write everything down, get enthusiastic. Penelope: Get excited! Tom: Picture it! See it! Imagine it! Feel it! Smell it! Smell that new-car smell of leather. Oh, my gosh, I love that. That was in my car, with 20,000 miles on it. It still smelled like new leather when I bought it. Penelope: Then there is the hard one, the toughest one of all, the hardest step in the entire process. Tom: If you can get this one step down you can have anything you want in life — absolutely everything you want in life. All you have to do is —


Penelope: Detach. Detach, detach, detach. What this means is, you don’t care if you ever get it. Tom: You still want it. Penelope: You still want it, but you don’t care if you get it. And you don’t care when you get it, and you don’t try to control how you get it. Tom: See, it’s not about money. It’s never, ever about money. Penelope: There are a lot of people who have money and still can’t find the right car. It is not about the money. Tom: I bought a car for $500 down that turned out to be a car I still own today. It’s a great car. It has 140,000 miles on it, and I could drive it anywhere. It’s a great car. Money is not the issue. Certainly, you have to have something — but not even, I mean, $5000 for a new Bentley. Come on. Penelope: Be sure you remove all your feelings of desperation. You can’t feel desperate and have the System work. Tom: Or feel like it’s not going to work. Penelope: Or feel like you have to do it all. You write down everything you want and then you let it go.


Extra Benefits Penelope: Yes, you look for cars, you make phone calls about cars, but you live your life just as you would live your life any other day. You don’t have to change who you are. And then you listen to yourself. You follow your heart; you follow your gut feelings. If you see an ad, even if you consciously don’t know why it’s important, follow your instincts. Do it anyway. Tom: Here’s something else to write down: “I recognize my car when I see it, instantly.” And also “I recognize the signs I’m given.” Write that down. If Penelope hadn’t recognized that that car wasn’t for her, the one that got the bashed in front fender, she might have had a problem on her hands. When you’re going to make a deal, don’t feel obligated because you have somebody telling you that you have to buy. Hey, no. You be you. Penelope: I spent four hours at that dealership that night. Four hours to buy a car. Everyone knows how long it takes to buy a car. It doesn’t matter when you do it; it often takes about four hours.


And we had gone through that process and we were at the end of the night. Tom: Wouldn’t it have been easier to just take the car and go? Have them fix it up and you pick it up in three days? Penelope: It would have been. But that wasn’t the right car for us. In fact, my husband told me later that what he really wanted was a black Honda Accord. So we called the salesman and said, “What we really want is a black Honda Accord.” He said, “We never get black Honda Accords. It’s a popular color, and people never give up that kind of car.” I said, “OK. Well, you’ll find one, with a moon roof, and then you need to give me a call when it comes in.” He said, “OK, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said, “Well, I know what I’m talking about.” This guy did not make another sale until our car came in, which was two months later. Tom: What? I didn’t know that part. Penelope: Oh, yeah. They all called him “jinxed.” Now…I don’t know what part I played in that man’s path.”


Tom: Maybe there were black cars that came in that he didn’t call you about. Penelope: There were black cars that came in that he didn’t call me about. I finally told him, “If a black car comes in that meets my specs, call me. We will probably buy it.” Well, two came in, and he said, “You’re not going to believe this. A black car came in with a moon roof, and everything that you want, it’s the mileage you want and the price you want.” I said, “Yeah, OK, that sounds about right.” Tom: Was it the price you wanted, or the price you loved? Penelope: It was the car I wanted at a price I loved. We went down, bought the car. The entire place was shaking his hand and coming up to us and saying, “We’re so glad you came back. He’s been in such a funk every since that happened. He felt personally responsible.” Tom: The universe took care of him. He had to learn a lesson. We don’t know what his path was. We’re not saying she took advantage of him. Here’s something you have to realize. That car was her car, and that salesman had to sell it to her. When you write these things down, you are setting in motion an experience that will change your life, if you let it.


You are setting in motion one of the most powerful experiences I personally have ever felt. You’ll see things happen for your benefit that are out of the ordinary, that are unusual. They are amazing. Penelope: What was interesting was that during those two months, my husband had to drive me to work, and he had to pick me up from work. And this kept him from doing a lot of overtime at his work. We had more time together. We spent every morning together and every afternoon together because we were commuting together. We never had so much fun together! We found that instead of coming home and plopping in front of the TV, sometimes we’d go out to dinner or go to the mall or the beach and walk around. And it was like we were dating again. That was because we had to share a car. It was a wonderful experience. Tom: Ah, because you gave up control you received a benefit above and beyond getting the car you wanted at a price you love. Penelope: Now, I could have been upset about that. I could have felt cheated about that. I could have said “You crashed my car. I’m going to go to a different dealership. I’m not going to deal with you!


I’m not going to put up with that. How dare you? Fire that man!” Tom: (laughing) I can’t see you doing that. Penelope: But I knew this was a message. And I knew that it wasn’t the car for us after all, and that the right car would show up. There’s no sense in me pushing. It’s the closest dealership to us. It was a dealership that was set up with our credit union; we didn’t have to do much paperwork whatsoever. We were pre-approved through the credit union. We did nothing. It was the easiest used-car sale I’d ever experienced.

Write Your List

Tom: Here’s the deal: If you want to know how to get the car you want at a price you love, what you have to do is write your list and get enthusiastic about it. Write down a list of everything you want in a car. I have a new or like new car. It easily paid for. It is a Ford 150 XL. It is a super cab. It has the 5.4L 300 hp V8 It is red. It has a 10 CD changer. It has oversized tires. It has the big engine.


It has low mileage. It is the correct truck for me. It has like new tires. It is fully insured. The insurance is easily paid for. Everyone that rides in my truck is safe and protected. Only those who are for my highest good can ride in my truck. My truck finds me. If you are not quite sure what vehicle you want, write parameters to cover everything you might want. I have a Dodge Ram 1500 SLT It is a quad cab It has 4 wheel drive. I have a Chevy Corvette I has the big engine. It is yellow. It has a great stereo. I have a Toyota Camry It is blue. It is… You get the idea. And then detail each of those. Write down everything you might possibly want. Naturally you write down the car you want. These are just examples.


Own it Tom: Now get enthusiastic. Go to car lots. Look at cars and trucks. Figure out what you want. Take pictures and pin them on your wall. This is so you own the car you ask for. You own it in the sense that you trust this is your car. You see it in your life. You own it in your heart.

Let It Go Tom: Now comes the hard part. You have to detach, so your car can come into your life. That means even though you still want the car you detailed, you have to give up control of having it. You have to stop caring if you ever get it. You do that so the universe can take over and direct your life so that you get what you want. Write it down, own it, let it go. You have to go about your life. You maybe have to make some calls, go out and see some things. Sometimes your car will just show up.


I had a white Volvo delivered to my office, once. I didn’t ask that the man deliver the car to me; he just did. He showed up with the car because he heard I wanted to buy one. It was exactly the car I’d written down and about $5,000.00 under blue book value. Sometimes they show up. Sometimes you stumble on the right lot. Everybody’s different. You have to make it work for you in your life. You’re still going to have to live your life and take action, but your action will be directed and guided. It will be the most pleasant experience of your life, if you let it be.

Have Fun

Penelope: Enjoy yourself. This is the biggest secret of all. If you have fun your car will come to you faster than anything else you can do. Having fun is a super way to detach and let the Universe take over. Tom: Write this stuff down and then stop worrying about it. Detach. Go out and have some fun. Penelope: Enjoy your new car.


Tom: Oh, one more thing. Keep in mind that you don’t get to control when or even if you get the car you’ve detailed. I mean if you write down a new or like new Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, you may not get it right away, if ever. You really have to become the person who owns the car you ask for before you get it. I know if I’d have gotten that car when I was 22, I probably wouldn’t have reached 23. Although at the time I’d have argued for my maturity. The Universe will protect you and only give you a car you’re ready to own. Remember the man with the Bentley wasn’t ready to own that car either. This is why we tell you to own the car you write down. Make it realistic. Don’t limit yourself, but use wisdom. Moreover, this system is a process. The first car I asked for was a Mercedes-Benz S Class. I got a new green VW Jetta. Then my dear friend Wolfgang (my mechanic) said, “Ah, yah got da little Mercedes. Dis is goot for you.” Write it down, own it, let it go.


You’ll get the correct car for you. That’s how the Universe works. You are always protected. Write down every kind of car you want and let go. Give up control…let the Universe direct you. The results will change your life. Good Luck & Great Adventures Tom & Penelope


Bonus Report!

Sell Fast For A Great Price What is the one thing that gives everyone a sharp pain in the backside when they think about getting a new used car? Come on you know. It’s right there on the tip of your tongue. What worries you most about getting a new used car? Give up? Why, getting rid of the old one, of course. Let’s face it, in most cases you wouldn’t be getting a new used car or truck if you still liked the old one. Which means you’re done with the old one. In fact once you decide to get a new used car, you cannot wait to get rid of that old piece of junk in the driveway. The number one reason people buy new used cars is that they are sick and tired of paying the high repair costs on the old one. You probably have already convinced yourself, maybe rightly so, that your old vehicle is about to need another major repair any minute now.


It may be sitting out front leaking precious engine lubricant as you read. Or maybe the time bomb you’re convinced the mechanic installed in the transmission last visit is about to go off and there’s another two thousand dollars out the window. Plus you’ll be stuck driving that old worn out pile of nuts and bolts another year. When you’re done with a car you want to move on now, before it’s too late. Well, that’s the kind of thinking that keeps car dealers in business.

The Car Dealers Biggest Secret They know you’re done with the old one. They know you place little or no value in that rusting monstrosity. They know you will gladly take almost any price they offer to take that problem off your hands. Heck, they know if push came to shove you’d pay them to take it off your hands. Not You? Did I hear someone say they were not like that? If you use your old car as a “trade-in” on another car or truck, I’ve got news for you.


You’re paying the dealer twice. You pay him a profit for the new car you buy. And you pay him a profit to take that old car off your hands. He’s not doing you a favor. He’s taking money out of your pocket. See, the car dealer knows a secret you may not know. He knows “there’s an ass for every seat.” I remember the first time I ever heard that expression. My wife and I had struck up a conversation with a man and his wife while waiting to go into a movie. He was selling new BMW’s and he was trying to get me to come in for a test drive. I owned an old Mercedes at the time. I was knocking my car because I was tired of the problems and suggested he wouldn’t want to take it even as a trade-in. He said, “Don’t worry, there’s an ass for every seat.” And then he went on to tell me how he just sold a car they thought they’d have to wholesale out. But according to the BMW guy, “this grub walked on the lot and put his ass in the thing.”


Right then and there I decided I’d never again give a trade-in to a car dealer. One, I didn’t like the thought that I might be the next “grub” he sold. And two, I realized everything has a value to somebody. That old piece of junk you can’t wait to be rid of might just be a dream come true for someone else. Selling the car or truck yourself means you make the profit. You get a much better price not just for the car you’re selling, but on the one you decide to buy. You can save hundreds even thousands of dollars. You are always at a disadvantage when you trade-in a car. The dealer knows that. He knows you are willing to give him two profits. And more costly ones at that. Once he’s in your pocket it’s just a matter of how much he can take. Since he’s taking a problem off your hands he knows you’ll sell your car much cheaper than you have to. And you’ll pay him much more for the new vehicle than you have to. Because you don’t want to risk him not taking the problem off your hands.


It’s always double trouble for you when you give the car dealer a trade-in. That’s why one of his first questions is, “will you be trading in a car?” He asks greedily. You don’t have to let this happen ever again.

Your Own Secret Weapon With the system we just taught you in the Used Car Book and in the Rich Dreams book you can sell your old vehicle fast for a great price. Why give it away…or worse yet, pay someone to take your old used car, when someone else is looking for exactly that car? That’s the secret. Someone else wants your car. They’re looking for it. They can’t wait to find it. They stay awake at nights dreaming of it. Well, maybe they don’t say awake nights, but the point is somebody wants your car. All you have to do is write it down. This is your own secret weapon. I’ll repeat it. All you have to do is write it down.


The best part is the system you just learned is that it can not only find the buyer for your car, but it can help you get the most possible for that sale. Actually, this system can do more than that. A few years ago we were living an executive home near the beach, swimming pool, hot tub, five bedrooms and three baths. It was a great house, but we were renting and my kids had left home so we decided to move. I say we, but really it was my wife. One day Diane came out to the hot tub and announced that she was going to buy a house. I thought that was a great idea, except for the fact that were living in Southern California and we just spent our life savings on publishing our first book, I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am. Which meant we didn’t have down the payment money. But she didn’t care. She used the system we described in that book to find both a beautiful house and a 100% loan within the week. When my wife puts her heart into something, look out. Well, that was well and good, but our high tech web business was on the down turn and we didn’t have


the money to hire the mover and take care of all the extras at closing. We needed about $10,000. What we did have was three cars, a brand new Mercedes ML430 and two we didn’t drive – a 5 year old Volvo wagon and a 7 year old Mercedes S-class. And since we were in the process of selling the S-class and the Volvo wagon we agreed to use the proceeds of those sales to move. But this was January and the used car market was a bit soft. We had the Volvo in the Auto Trader for about 6 weeks with no calls. Naturally I put a high price on it, figuring someone would make an offer. But no such luck. We even tried to sell it to our good friends (against our better judgment), but they backed out at the last minute. And the love I had for that MB S-class was not apparently shared by the car buying public. It too was ignored.

The Power List We were starting to get worried because closing day was fast approaching. Then we realized we hadn’t used the system.


Quickly we wrote down everything we wanted from the sale of our cars. Our cars sell quickly. They sell easily. The sales process is quick and easy. They sell for the highest possible price. All checks and payments are good and valid. All sales are final. The buyer finds us. We are safe and protected at all times and under all conditions. We sell our cars in plenty of time to take the proceeds to closing. We finished writing our lists and Diane left to go to the store. She never got there. She was hit at the intersection leaving the subdivision. She wasn’t hurt badly, thank God, but she was shook up. She never even saw the car that hit her. It seemed to come out of nowhere. The short of this is the car was totaled and insurance company paid us about $2,000 more than we thought we would get for her car. Diane did spend several weeks going to the Chiropractor. She had incidentally also written down that she had regular chiropractic care, but that was really too expensive for us to handle at that time. So she got something else she wanted.


She got a bonus. Now, nobody wants to have an accident to sell there car. But Diane got two things she wanted because of that accident. And I think it made her a safer driver after that. Then I took my S-class in for an oil change to Gary, the man who’d always worked on it. I hadn’t driven it much since I bought the ML and I wanted to keep the engine safe. While I was signing the work order Gary said, “You wouldn’t want to sell that car would you?” It turns out one of his other customers wanted a Mercedes and had asked him to find a good one for them. I quoted him retail price and I had the cash in two days. We had the $10,000 we needed to move into our own home because the system sold our cars for the highest possible price. This system works.

Use The System Write down exactly what you want, own it and let go. Do that and you can have anything you want in life.


You can certainly sell your old car for more money than a car dealer will give you. But even if you do use your car as a trade-in you can still get the highest possible price for that situation if you write it down. Sometimes you’re in such a hurry that you don’t mind giving the car dealer a profit. If so just write it down. Write down what you want from the sale. Include these lines: “I now know with crystal clearity whether to use my car as a trade-in. The dealer gives me the best possible price for my car. I am thrilled with the trade-in they offer.” Use the system. Use it everytime you buy or sell. You can even use it to know when or if to sell. “I sell my car at the correct time for me.” You will be amazed how well this system works. And it won’t cost you a cent. Well maybe a cent. How much does a sheet of paper and the ink to write a few sentences cost? So, do it. Do it now. Don’t let anybody see you. They might think you’ve lost it. Heck, you might think I’ve lost it for even suggesting you do such a silly thing. But what have you got to lose really? Nothing.



If you don’t do anything else you’ve had a good read and heard a couple of good stories about cars. Which alone is probably worth the price of a tank of gas. Or the cost of this ebook. But what if it works, and you don’t try it? What if your writing a few simple positive sentences helps you Sell Fast For A High Price. And you didn’t do it?!!! Who has lost then? Not me. I always sell fast for a high price. Now you can, too. Good luck and happy sales. Tom & Penelope P.S. If you like what you’ve just read, sign up for a free subscription to Rich Dreams News. It’s full of great stories and advice for getting and staying Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams. I probably shouldn’t tell you this. I should let you discover it for yourself. But you can get a free prize by signing up for the free newsletter. Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone else.