THEARUP - River Camel

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Transcript of THEARUP - River Camel


Front cover: RIBA Gold Medals

Vol. 16 No. 1 Apnl 1981 Published by Ove Arup Partnership 13 Fitzroy Street. London Wl P 660

Editor Peter Haggett Art Editor : Desmond Wyeth FS IAD Assistant Editor. David Brown

Back cover : St. John's College, Oxford (Photo: John Donat)

Tsuen Wan Residential Blocks

Brian Parkinson John Hirst Architects : Choa Ko and Part ners in a ssociation with Lee& Zee Associates


The Tsuen Wan Estates Development which , when complete. wil l be known as Luk Yeung Sun Chuen (The New Green Willow Village), is to be si ted on the 5.5 ha podium deck above the Mass Transit Railway depot at Tsuen Wan. and consists of residential tower blocks, schools, banks, shops and other public ameni t ies ( Figs. 1 & 2). It will provide accommodation and facilities for 20,000 people.

There are 17 residential blocks with a total gross floor area of 215,000m 2 . Each block is of cruciform shape in plan and is between 28 and 30 storeys high. The structure of each block consists of reinforced concrete shear walls and floor slabs, supported on a grillage of 2m deep beams that transmit the loads onto columns which pass through the railway depot below.

There are two basic floor arrangements re­ferred to as type A and type B. Although these types are in many ways similar there are significant differences in the arrangement of the loadbearing walls. The two floor arrange­ments, combined with the variation in number of storeys, results in four basic block types and within each block type there are variations in the arrangement of the central lift and stair cores. Fig. 3 shows a typical f loor plan for a

2 type A block.

Preliminary st age Scheme design The scheme design for the depot structure was carried out in 1977. At this time no detailed information was available on the residential blocks as the developer had not been appointed. Depot members were sized to be capable of supporting blocks up to 30 storeys high and block loadings were calculated based on experience gained on the Telford Gardens Development above the MTRC depot at Kowloon Bay.

Preliminary analysis The initial schemes proposed by the developer in 1978 were similar to the arrangement shown

Fig. 1 Arch itectural model (Photo: Neil Farrin)


Tsuen Wan Residential Blocks, by B. Parkinson and J . Hirst

Brick vault and dome construction, by M. Noyce

MOSS in consultancy : home and abroad. by K. Law and J. Norris

Waterford Glass Ltd ., by D. Baxter

RIBA Gold Medal

Editor's note






Sir Hugh Weeks recent ly wrote to me to point out that we had incorrectly dated the Raleigh Arena as being completed in 1963 (Arup Journal 15(3) October 1980. p.9) . The date should in fact have been 1953 and I apologise for this error.

in Fig . 3. The majority of the walls, however, were 150mm th ick and simple hand calcula­tions showed these to be inadequate in many cases. In order to determine which w alls needed to be thickened and to what extent, a more detailed analysis was necessary to determine th e degree of coupling between wall sections provided by the spandrel and lintel beams under wind loading. A three ­dimensional, 10-storey model was analyzed in which full fixity was assumed at transfer plate level, and horizontal wind loads, calcu­lated in accordance with the Hong Kong Regulations, were applied . This analysis showed that the stresses in some walls and beams were high, though not excessively so.


However. it was recognized that these stresses 2

would be increased as a result of the deforma­tions of the transfer plate and depot structure. It was therefore recommended that the thickness of critical walls should be increased. Additionally, in view of t he size and nature of the project. it was recommended that a wind tunnel test shou ld be carried out.

Wind tunnel test The wind tunne l test was carried out in early 1979 by the Department of Aeronautical Engineering at Br is tol University as described in The Arup Journal. December 1979. As a result of th ese tests it was proposed. and subsequently agreed with the Building Ordn ance Office (BOO) , that each block should be designed for a uniform pressure on the face of the building calculated from a basic pressure at 2.7 kN / m 2 multiplied by force coefficients as follows:

Block Type Storeys Cl N-S E-W

A-E incl B 30 1.25 1.25

FGHL _8 29 1.1 1 .1 5

JK B 30 1.1 1.1

MNP B 28 1.15 1 .1

QRS A 30 1.1 1.1

The va lue of 1.1 was chosen after discussion with BOO so that the total shear force on the structure would not be less than that given by the Hong Kong w ind code. Some blocks, therefore, are designed for a g reater total shear force than is necessary to conform with BOO requirements. However the test results justify the assumption of uniform pressure up the buildings and in most cases the associated tota l bending moments are reduced.

Depot analysis Final design and working drawings for the depot foundations and structure were com­menced in 1978. The effect of residential block loading on the depot was assessed using three-dimensional computer analyses (Fig. 4) . In these analyses the transfer plates were modelled as a grillage of beams with proper­ties modified to represent. approximately, the stiffening effect of the walls above. Loads from the residential blocks were applied to the grillage based on the results of the preliminary analysis described above .

Fig. 2 Part section through depot

Fig. 3 Typical floor plan -type A block

Fig. 4 Computer model -depot



I 1

0 0 DO D 0 0 DO 0 0 0 DO D 0 0 DO 0 O D DO 0 D D UD 0 0 0 UD 0 0 8 UD 0 D D 00 D 0 0 DC] 0

Resident ial 0 0 DO 0 Block O C OD 0 0 r, on D o o ao D o o o=i 0 0 0 OD 0 O D OD D D D Ou D D O OD D D D DO D 0 0 OD 0 O D DO D D D OD D D D OD D D D OD D 0 0 JO 0 G O OD 0 0 DO O G GD 0 0 OD

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:[if r I · 1 · !+ -

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0 OD D D 0 OD D O 0 OD D O 0 OD D O 0 OD D O 0 OD O O 0 DO O D 0 OD O O D OD O O 0 DO O D 0 OD O D 0 OD O O D OD DO D OD D O 0 DO O ~ 0 DO D D D DO O O 0 DO D D D DO D D D DO DO 0 DO D D D DO D D D DO D D D DO D D D OD O O 0 DO O D 0 DO O O 0 DO O O O DO DO D DO DO

'j -y

T l

<i Transfer Plate Level


Podium Slab Level

-~ Duct Slab Level ~

<t. Caisson Cap Level .~

Base of Caisson ~


Production stage Defining the problem

The difficulty in the ana lysis of the residential blocks arises from the complex behaviour of the shear walls caused by their irregular plan shapes and the arrangement of the window and door openings. It is not possible to ca lculate accurately the degree of coupling between the walls by any simple technique. The analysis is further compli cated because the blocks are supported by the relatively flexible transfer plate and depot structure, the deformations of which will induce additiona l shear forces and bending moments in the lower storeys.

Analysis models

Initially the intention was to analyze a three­dimensional computer model which would include the depot structure, the transfer plate and the 30 storeys of walls and floors. However, although the blocks are essentially symmetrical about both axes, which allows the model to be reduced to one quadrant in plan, the problem was still too large to be analyzed in a single stage. It was therefore decided to carry out the analysis in three stages.

Stage 1

A three-dimensional model ( Fig. 5) repre­senting the 30 storeys of walls and beams above transfer plate was analyzed first. This model was fully fixed at transfer plate level and was subjected to vertical dea d and live loads and wind loads in two directions .

The purpose of this stage was to provide details of the behaviour of th e structure at high level , remote from the effects of transfer plate deformations and to provide loading data for application to the stage 2 model.

Stage 2

A three-dimensional model ( Fig. 6) was produced representing the depot structure, transfer plate and 15 storeys of walls and beams. Again vertical and wind loading was applied. Member forces were abstracted from the wall elements at the 16th floor of the 30-storey model and applied to the top of the stage 2 model.

Stage 3

In the stage 2 model the transfer plate members were stiffened by the structure above so that spandrel beams helped to transfer loads to the columns. It is not reasonable, however, to rely on this contribution during the early construction stages when the transfer plate has been built and depropped and the first few storeys of walls have been constructed but have not matured. A third model was therefore analyzed in which the stage 2 model was modified to remove the structural contribution of the residential block. This model was loaded with the self -weight of the transfer plate plus the equiva lent of the self-weight of four storeys of walls and slabs.

Modelling details

Advantage was taken of the symmetrical plan arrangement of the load-bearing walls by modelling only one quarter of the block and choosing suitable restraints at the two axes of symmetry. These restraints vary for each type of loading and hence three analyses were required for each of the stage 1 and 2 models. In these models each rectangular wall section was represented by a vertical beam element at the section centroid (Fig. 7). At storey height intervals these elements were con­nected by horizontal stiff arms which also connected to beam elements representing the spandrel and lintel beams. To limit the size of the problem a number of horizontal stiff arms were omitted, and the length of the spandrel beams modelled were increased. Beam properties were adjusted in order to model the correct effective stiffness of the beam-wall

4 arrangements.

The floor slabs were assumed to act as horizontal diaphragms and this effect was simulated by specifying equal horizontal displacements of the nodes at each floor level.

Fig. 7 shows relevant element numbers for a typical floor. This single-storey model is referred to as the "chassis ' model from which the 15-storey and the 30 -storey models were generated.

In the 15-storey models, the transfer plate was represented by a grillage of beams (Fig. 8). The effects of axial and shear deformations of al l elements were included but torsional stiffnesses were not generally taken into account except in certain selected members.

All loads were applied directly to nodes as point loads and moments where appropriate.

Separate analyses were carried out for each of the four basic block types.

z A

Behaviour of the structure

Effect of coupling

Spandrel and lintel beams are required to transfer shear forces across wall sections under wind loading so reducing bending moments in the individual walls. The efficiency of a beam providing coupling is governed by the stiffness of the connecting beam relative to the stiffnesses of the connected walls. Fig. 9 shows shear force plots for elements numbers 25 and 52 indicated on Fig. 7. Element 25 is a relatively stiff spandrel beam connecting flexible wall elemen ts and the plot is almost linear, indicating that the walls are effectively acting together as a single canti­lever. Element 52 is, in contrast, a relatively flexible lintel beam, in which the peak shear force occurs at about the 8th floor and the shear force distribution is similar to that normally associated with coupling beams.

Fig .5 Computer model - 30-storey

Fig. 6 Computer model - 15-storey


• +


~ ,._ 117



;: '12

.. . .,

Fig. 7 Typical floor modelling






----- Element 52

so Shear Force I kN I

Fig.9 Shear force distribution -chassis elements 25 and 52

Fig.10 Shear force distribution -chassis element 44


' I I I I \


' ' ' ', ',


/ Vertical Element

-- Horizontal Stiff Arm -- Horizontal Element


,,::::::::_-_::::::_·--~~~-;f' Ni I

"" :: 101

H 97 .. ,.


Fig.8 Transfer plate modelling

Degree of coupling

The degree of coupling under wind loading can be expressed in terms of the ratio between the actual shear transferred across an axis of symmetry and that which wou ld be trans­ferred with full coupl ing. The latter force can be expressed as

MAL P = -

1- where M - total wind moment

A area of walls in one half of the block

Element 25 L = distance to the centroid of the walls in one half of the block from the axis of symmetry


= total inertia of the block assuming full coupling.

On this basis, coupling was found to be approximately 80% efficient in the east -west (x-axis) direction and 70% efficient in the north-south (y-axis) direction.

Transfer plate flexibility

In the 30-storey model axial stresses in the walls due to vertical loading are very uniform at about 4.5 N/ mm 2 at first floor level. In the 15-storey model this increases to about 7.0 N/ mm 2 in the walls close to the column supports as a result of the flexibility of the transfer plate. In addition the rotation of the transfer plate induces local bending in the lower storeys. The forces in the beam and wall elements under wind loading are also affected by the deformations of the transfer plate. Fig. 10 demonstrates the effect on the shear force distribution for chassis element 44.

Computing aspects

- , __-1s Siar.,. Modlil

The computer analysis program used was PAFEC 75. There were approximately 3.800 elements and 2,600 nodes required for the 30-storey models and 2, 100 elements and 1.400 nodes required for the 15-storey models. In order to save time and reduce the possibility of error in both data preparation and inter­pretation of the results, purpose-written computer programs were used to generate the data automatically and to post-process and present the results in a comprehensible form.

--......._ lO Slonl¥ Modet - --- -


Data preparation

> x

The input data for the 30 and 15-storey models was generated from the data for the single-storey chassis mode l by a specia l computer program. This program also gener­ated the necessary vertica l load ing data.

Another program was written to extract the ana lysis resu lts from the required level of the 30 -storey model and generate loading data for application to the top of the 15-storey model.

Post-processing and presentation of results

The version of PAFEC 75 used by the firm has been modified so that the results of the analysis can be stored on disk in the computer. This enabled the results from the separate analyses for vertical and wind loading in the two directions to be merged and the necessary load comb;nations generated.

For the design of the spandrel and lintel beams a program was written to generate shear force and bending moment envelopes for combinations of dead load live load and wind loads acting in the directions of the major axes and at 45 ' . Allowance was made for live load reduction and permissib le over­stress under wind loading and corrections made for th e spandrels which had been modelled with modified spans as mentioned above. The results were presented graphically as shown in Fig . 11.

Similar envelopes were generated for the transfer plate members and th ese were again presented graphically as shown in Fig . 12.

For th e design of the walls themselves it was necessary to calculate the resultant vertical stresses at critical sections under the various load combinations from the results for the individual axial forces and bending moments in the vertical elements. Where composite walls w ere modelled by one or more elements ( e.g. elements 100, 1 04, 1 08 and 120 in Fig. 7) it was necessary to combine the forces and moments and apply them to the combined section. These calculations were carried out using yet another program and the results were again presented in graphical form in terms of the ratio of actual to allowable stress (Fig. 13). These plots indicate where the steel percentage can be reduced or alternatively where grade 40 concrete is required. 5



Sol&l"'1» F \lN A30ENV. STR A15ENV.STR

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I f f

I/ ,o , I T A

; ,

' \ .

' 1' ~ I I


- 60 - 40 -20

fz CkN)

Fzl- 1 : -4B.01 at Aoa.- 111 Fzl•11•> = - 57.07 at floor 8




\ \ I




·+ I ,_, ~


El emen t forces plot - shear force


CHASSIS ELEMENT Noe 100 + 10 -1 + 108 + 120

Cr1t1cal ~ct1oris

x '( d 4 . 730 2. 555 1.00 3.970 2 . 975 l. 00 4,630 6. 200 L OO 6. 200 6 . 050 . 90 6.125 6. 705 .90

0 . 2• s...t ex

-- ........

~ ~ 1•1---~ -Ai;i,-..JLJ..--~

--~ ~


40 60 BO

0.75 1.0

STRESS RA no ( act:IMil I ptf"• t• tbl• ) '"" Cone.-... Sr-ad<, 30 & o. 4l S-\

Fig.13 Wall stresses plot

loading, whi le th e results for th e 15-storey model con fi rmed the necessi ty of increasing th e wal l thi ck nesses to all ow for th e effects of th e deformation of th e transfer p late.

Th e column and foundation loads obtained from the analysi s of the 15 -storey model have been compared with those obtained from the depot analysis and th ere is close correlation between the results.

Element design

The structure was generally designed in accordance with the BOO regulations. Additional checks for shear and vertical tensil e stresses were also made to CPT 10.


It was found that compression reinforcement in the walls could be avoided altogether, provided that grade 40 concrete was used for the first lift of walls. Significant tensile stresses as a result of bending in the individual walls only occur in the lower storeys and these were catered for by the provision of 0.4% vertical reinforcement with additional trimming bars at the ends of the walls.

1. 3 The shear forces in the individual walls are generally sma ll except in some walls at first floor level. In these cases it was necessary to check the principal stresses at various posi­t ions and these were found to be acceptable.

Spandrel beams

Several o f the spandrel beams are highly stressed in the lower storeys and heavy reinforcement is req uired. The maximum shear stress is app roxi mately 2.5 N/ mm2 under working loads.

Transfer p late

The transfer plate was designed for the forces obtained from the combined res ul ts of the stage 2 and 3 ana lyses tog ether with some additiona l ca lculations necessa ry because of complexities in the lift core area which are not included in th e computer model. Th e re­inforcemen t, however, is not generally very heavy and the maximum shear stress in the grillage members does not exceed 1.4 N/ mm 2

under working loads.

Reinforcement quantities

Approximately 14,500 tonnes of reinforcement are required for the residential b locks, transfer plates and columns above the podium deck. This is equivalent to 68 kg / m 2 of gross fl oor area.

A breakdown into the va ri ous structural elements is as follows:

Slabs 32%

Walls and spandrels 49%

Transfer p lates 16%

Columns 3%

The rates for reinforcement weight per unit area of each structural element are:

Slabs 20.5 kg / m2

W all s and span drels 23.4 kg / m2

Transfer pl ates 255.0 kg / m 2


Transfer plate bending moment envelope ( E-W Beams)

Th e specia l programs for the data preparation and post processi ng of th e analysis results were written by Pau l Cross.

Comparison between analyses

The plots described above include results for both the 15-storey and the 30 -storey models. Substructure deformations were expected to affect only the bottom few storeys of walls and beams but some of the spandrel plots (Fig . 9) show significant differences in results

6 between the two models at 16th floor level.

To some extent these differences wil l be due to the inaccuracy of the modelling. However, the results obta ined, using the two models, exhibit sufficient convergence for them to be used with confidence for design purposes.

The element forces from the 30-storey model are compatible with those from the prelimin­ary analysis taking account of the revised


Architect: Choa, Ko and Partners in association with Lee and Zee Associates

Client: M ass Transit Railway Corporation of Hong Kong

Developer: Luk Yeung Sun Chuen Joint Vent ure

Fig. 5d Experimental house : 4.29m diameter vau lt and dome (Photo: Ove Arup & Partners, Zimbabwe)

Fig.Se Low-cost housing: dome and vault (Photo: Ove Arup & Partners, Zimbabwe)

Fig. 6c- d Mon is Winery

Fig. 5f Low -cos t housing : fabricating th e b ri ck vault ribs, in two halves, on brick moulds

Fig.6b Mon is Winery: step in roof (Photo: Ove Arup & Partners, Zimbabwe)

(Photo: Ove Arup & Partners, Zimbabwe)

Fig_6a Mon is Winery: 5m clear span (Photo: Ove Arup & Partners, Z imbabwe)

10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

that have to conform to certain stringent operating conditions. Probably the most significant of all these conditions is that of core size, which at peak hours of usage is restricted to 43K words, inclusive of system routines. Although the computer has a virtual memory operating system. th e loss in efficiency resulted in the non -vi rtual parti­tioned memory being preferred . Such a constraint imposes two conflicting problems. The first is the design and linking of a heavily overlaid program whereby routines and their associated files are manipulated as efficiently as possible. The second is that of minimizing central processor time in handling these sectors of program. An optimum balance has therefore to be derived.

To obtain such a structure it is firstly essential to reduce the supplied source file into as many fi les as routines and thereby an over lay structure based on a root containing essentia l routines which reside in core at al l times. Other routines related to specific options are then called into core by the overlay handler as required. It is only on execution that the efficiency of the overlay design can be assessed.

User support

User support is provided by th e Computer Group in four main areas:

1 Guidance in the use of MOSS

The very magnitude of MOSS as a design package, both graphically and analytically, is in many instances awesome for the in­experienced user. In some instances the use of the computer is itself a new frontier to be breached. Despite the readabi lity of the MOSS manual , invariably the user has to justify the use of a program to meet his particular requirement and to that end there can be no substitute for the guidance of an experienced user.

Z Software support

This essential ly revo lves around the problems encountered by the user, be they associated with the program or computer system. In the productive environment of the Highway Group it is essential that, in the event of problems developing, they can be rapidly resolved as effectively as possible. MOSS, like all computer programs, can, under certain adverse data conditions. or indeed file corruption be reasonably expected to produce both program and system errors.

It is a credit to the Consortium that the program can stand up to the rigorous use to which our current version is put. It is not at all unusual for model files of the order of 1.5 m. characters or more to be handled with confidence ; or put another way, about a third of the size of the whole MOSS package.

We try to resolve any problems associated with the code as quickly as possible, or if not, at least identify, document and avoid them in the interests of production . Whilst the creation of an overlaid program of this size is not an easy undertaking the resultant 'fil e per routine' convention lends itself to easy modification, recompiling and linking.

Fig.Z Reconnaissance survey camp (Photo: Keith Law)

3 Software enhancement

From time to time it has been considered advantageous, in view of the quantities of data handled, to make certain refinements to both input and output. For example, if one considers the sheer volume of ground data generated by digitization of a strip of aerial photography 1 OOkm long with a width up to 500m, there is really only one practical way of inputting that data into DIGIT and that is by means of a program that will read and reformat the digitized data automatically.

Another modification that is used extensively is of the format of the cross-section output, whereby both proposed and existing data are produced on a single page of output (see Fig 5) . In conjunction with the standard nomenclature d iagram this becomes a very readable document.

4 Admini stration

With large model files and road contracts extending several hundreds of kilometres and intersections covering up to 36ha, file organization and nomenclature is of para­mount importance.

The close monitoring and reporting on the use of computer resources helps to keep projects within budget and strict adherence to estab­lished computer security procedures ensures continuity even in the event of a major disruption.

The use of MOSS in preliminary and detail design

As examples here are three quite different schemes on which we have used MOSS in differing ways, which highlight its use as either a design aid or as a fundamental part of an overall design and drawing production system for a major project.

Firstly, a small scheme set in the far north west corner of Scotland where we were commis­sioned to design a bridge and approach roads to replace the Ky lestrome ferry at Ky lesku. The topography is of a severely indented coastline with sea lochs and steeply undula­ting igneous outcrops. A preliminary 1 :2500 aerial survey of the approaches was made and digitized and three possibl e routes were identified. All involved rock cuts and steep and curving alignments. The phasing of curves and the fit with the topography were essential on this new, highly scenic road. A prime necessity also was to ensure that the new road did not affect the beauty of the scene from Kylestrom e itself. In this respect it would have been very usefu l to have had the perspective option that we believe is now becoming available on MOSS. The three preliminary routes were modelled simply and quantities and cross -section at selected critical locations were compared. Finally, after selection of one of the routes by the client, a detailed aerial survey was made at 1 :500 scale and digitized ; detailed road design was com­pleted. including plans and profiles and at-grade junctions with the existing road . Obviously, on a scheme in terrain such as this, comparison of alternatives and detail design by hand methods would have been extremely


laborious, or modelling of the existing ground, by any other method than string contours, probably very inaccurate and misleading.

The second scheme is a project we have for the design of a new highway and railway crossing of the River Lagan in Belfast, to­gether with their approaches. Some ex­tremely complex interrelated alignment design was called for, weaving slip road structures through and under other structures whilst maintaining adequate clearances to existing buildings and the less flexible new railway we were designing alongside. Integrated with the design were new railway stations with their own design parameters to be observed, whilst elsewhere were problems of phased construction by the client on earthworks over very bad substrata. In order to be absolutely sure of minimum clearance at particu lar ly critical points, ground survey co -ordi nation was carried out and hand calculation of mi ni­mum clearances made. The use of MOSS for calculation of both horizontal and vertical alignments on this project was extremely helpful. particularly in the facilities of section plotting and of superimposed profiles to check alignment interrelationships through­out.

The third project is, by contrast, immense. It is the design of, in total , 650km of dual three­lane. grade -separated expressway across Saudi Arabia . 250km lie wes t of Riyadh. the capital , towards Jeddah, and the remaining 400km run eastwards between Riyadh and Damman on t he Arabian Gulf, of which about the first 20km in Riyadh are of the most complex urban nature.

Grade separated interchanges occur at intervals along the expressway, from the simple, desert access, partial clover-leaf layouts to the most complex direct link layouts (see Fig. 1) that were required near to the capital. It is difficult in a paper of this length to describe the whole of the back­ground and enormous content of the work that we were required to perform, including the setting up and operation of MOSS and a PRIME 400 computer in our Riyadh office. The first requisite, after the reconnaissance survey stages (see Fig . 2). was to plan the production of drawings and standardize work throughout the team after agreement of standard detai ls with the client's engineers. Such items as standard acceleration and deceleration lane and nose details were adopted, using standard exit and entry radii derivations from the adjacent expressway centreline alignment. Survey output has to be standardized . The west side project was essentially the widening, overlaying and dualling of an existing lower standard road which passes through various types of topography, including hilly igneous rock (see Fig . 3) , flat pan and high wind blown sand dune desert with frequent settlements along its length. Because of the need for accurate levell ing of the existing road for minimum overlay design, ground survey methods were used giving very nearly direct digitization of longitudinal strings within a corridor of 200 to 300m. On the east side

Existing road through wadi in igneous rock terrain (Photo: Keith Law )


La2520 .000 D•JOOO Gi0.11905"4

P.VJ .STA.CH. 180•1600 ELEV 374.000 R IJZ5077 195

2540 OOO


-- --· ----- --- . ---·-· ·-- --- - --- -·· --- ... --- --- -·· --- --- --- ... --- --- --- ---

0.'1\M 364.0

6RAre El.EVATlON : 1

EXISllN6 6R()l.)j0 i i





Fig.4 Typical computer plan and profile plot, after

.. ~ ~ :;; .. ..

:;; :;; :;;

! ~ ~ :;; :;;

=··· ~ § §

s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

flat bed printing with survey plot

f ~ §l ~ !!! . .. . . :;; :;; :;;

~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~

N N :;; :;; :;; :;; :;;

· u . Ull:t

§ ~ § § ~ !i ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ @ ~

of Riyadh o ur route lay across country through virgin desert and across the northern part of the largest oi lf ield in the world, and the supply pipes from it. On the east side aeri al photography was used throughout. Digitiza­tion was carried out using the survey pencil plots so that computer design could continue whilst fair drawing of surveys proceeded. All computer plotting is done in reverse, by the way. so that stencilling of parameters on the opposite side of the film may be carried out without erasure or smudging problems. Th is also leads to clearer plan reproduction as after the combined computer pl an and profile plots are produced (see Fig. 4) they are flatbed-printed in register with the fair drawn survey plots to produce combined negatives. Reduced and bound sets of final contract drawings and documents were required to be produced also, as were plotted cross-sections every 1 OOm and printed cross -sections every 25m throughout. A standard MOSS nomenclature system was produced and adhered to rigidly throughout the design process on this and every other project. This al lows the printed cross-sections produced by the MACRO option that we developed to be easi ly understood by both designer and contractor. Examples of printed and plotted cross-section output are also

14 shown (Figs. 5 and 6).

~ § i ~ ii i:i § .. !€ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ 51 ~ .. .. . ~ ~ ~ t ~ .; .; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :;; :;; :;; :;; :;; :;;

~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ § ~ ii 8 ~ §l § ~ ~ ~ ;i ;i ;i ;i N ~ ~ i:i !;; ,.;

~ i:i i:i :;; :;; :;; :;; :;;

~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !ii iil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "' ~ £; ii

i :;;

i :;i

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i @ i i i


CROSS S(CTJO N l fffOR .i.t,Tl CN AT Sl'ATlON 7+200.00'l

Fig. 5


-e 4. 111 • 70. OO O ·63,35 2 · ·49.000 ·41,999 ·34, 5 00 •34,0o r. ·33.319 -23.50 0 ·23. 00C - 2z .q9c, •1 9.637 ·11L46 C -14 • .H1 -13 .351 -13, 350 -1 Z, !50

-4 . 072 -1, 5nc

o . ooc , . ~nn 2. lll

12 ,310 13.HO 13, 351 14. )51 ,S .4 6 0 2z.n9 1 l. one 23, 500 za . 45C 34.000 34. 5no :H. 501 35 .111 ,z .001 4 3. 327 46. 541! 55 .3 01



6 ll. ace

614, 00C


1116. CJOO

616. 117Q

616, 741


617.000 617. 292


613.~00 I AA1

1116. ~66 VA A1

1117.266 KAA1 617.199 KP.A 1 617 • 1q I JAA1

617 , 0]3 ~CK 1 617, 025 Kl11 617.225 Kf 11

61 7 . 375 )!\A 1 M

609 . 613 ii.A1~ 6Q9,H3 KCH' 6tl'1. 363 KH1"1 6n9. ·n o RAAH

6t1'>. 54C PM ,6 M 1,,nq. 563 "'CK~ 6'l9. 540 "PAH

61)0 . Hr. RZ AP~ 60'>. l6J ~ 1 1"' 60?, H3 KIJ1N 60? , Id J )i\y 1 M

617. 375 "iZ1 H 617 .1 1 5 w.v , 2 617. f}25 t< ~H 617.nB ._,CK2

617, 191 JZA2 617., Q9 KZA2 617.199 K7Z2

617. ,66 VZA2 ~11,.909 11•1

Example of printed cross-sec ti on output

L• 1770 .000 D • 5.500 0 • 0 .310~

" -·· -------·-·--·-------. ... --- -·· --- -· --- ---

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MOSS and the young engineer

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In tackling all the above types of work with one computing system. the young engineer becomes extremely familiar with just what MOSS can and ca nnot do for him and becomes extremely efficient in th e process. The amount of work that can be produced by comparatively few engineers and drafts­men in a small amount of office space is surprising. We must stress a resulting danger, though , that we have tried very hard to avoid . This is that the young engineer must not become completely absorbed in his MOSS modelling , seated all day at th e com puter terminal preparing his data f iles for th e coming night's cheap batch processing. It is so easy for him after some months training to have become only a very skil led MOSS driver, of high value to his employer in terms o f drawing output but not matur ing as an all- round civil or even highway engineer, nor getting adequate professiona l job satisfaction. The proper balance between adequate


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training and MOSS design work must be reached and maintained at all t imes - and it has to be recognized that this will most probably cost the firm real money.

Future developments

Our work so far has been produced using MOSS 3 and that edition must stay on our system to allow possibl e future revision of the models we have produced and have stored on magnetic tape. We have mounted MOSS 4 and look forward to using the MACRO option of that edition. Contouring and perspective opt ions are faci liti es that we particularly look forward to having, as large­scale site redevelopment and regrading will f igure largely, we think. in possible future work abroad. Sim ilarly, the modelling of various services and pipe networks within t otal infrastructure design is experience that we must develop. And th en shouldn' t we al l be including bridges and other structures in our total layout modelling ? We now include

Fig.6 Example of plotted cross-section output

retaining walls in our urban work but further development and refinement is needed.

MOSS in consultancy: home and abroad

That was the title of this paper. MOSS. though it has its detractors and deficiencies, has allowed Arups to go ahead earning foreign currency for the country in the face of very stern competition and arduous conditions abroad, when the highway opportunities for consultants at home have been very lean indeed. For that at lea st w e are grateful and hope that we shall have ample opportunity to further disseminate the resulting experience so that all may gain from it.

Editor's note This article is based on a paper presented to the 2nd Internationa l MOSS Conference, Bournemouth, 22-24 October 1980. 15



Waterford Glass Ltd. Douglas Baxter The Irish practice's association with Water­ford Glass Ltd. began in 1970 when we were asked to look at a problem concerning the stability of oil tanks at the Kilbarry factory.

Soon after this we were engaged as con­sulting engineers for three major projects ; the Stage 4 extension and office block at Kilbarry, and the first phase of Dungarvan Crystal , to be built on a new site south of Dungarvan, a coasta l town in County Water­ford some 30 miles from Waterford City.


The design for these projects began in early 1970 and the con tracts were let in the autumn of the same year.

Stage 4 of the Kilbarry Facto ry was a repeat, with modifications, of the factory begun in Kilbarry in 1966. The tremendous demand for traditional hand -cut lead crystal had brought Waterford Glass Ltd. to the fore in industrial expansion in Ireland.

The extension consisted of a furnace house and service area for the third production line (K3) and a new production line including furnace house, service area, blank store, cutting shops and backing area for K4, a total area of 7.400 m2.

Extension of the site westwards to give space


at the same level for the new production line required a deep excavation and , with a base­ment area under much of the furnace house floor, there were many artesian springs which caused dewateri ng problems.

To protect the brick linings to furnace ducts' a sump 3m deep below basement level , equipped with electric pumps actuated by electrode switches, was necessary. As the bottom level o f the sump was some 15m below original ground level, the pumps had to work continuously during long periods of wet weather.

The new factory development at Dungarvan began on a green field site and was basically simi lar to the Stag e 4 extension .

W aterford Glass Office Block (Photo : Harry Sowden) Showroom inside Offi ce Bl ock (Photo: Harry Sowden)





Fig.6a-d The glass making process (6a Photo: Harry Sowden) (6b to 6d Photos: Terry M urphy)

Fig. 3 Waterford Glass Lightingware Factory (Photo: Harry Sowden)

Fig. 4 Waterford Glass Lightingware Factory (Photo: Douglas Baxter)

Fig. 5 Surveillance monitors: Lighting ware Factory (Photo: Harry Sowden)

Poor subsoil conditions with lenses of sand occurring within the glacial tilts led to ground ­water problems, particularly in the sump construction where dewatering equipment had to be installed to draw down the ground­water level temporarily. In addition, sheet piling had to be driven to stabilize the deep excavation.

At the same time as these works were under construction, the Waterford Glass office block was also being built. This building is situated on a site sloping towards the Cork Road at Kilbarry and is a three-storey struc­ture over a semi-basement in which the showrooms are situated. The tota l floor area is 3,700m2.

In 1974- 75 a second stage of the Dungarvan Crystal factory was built, this being a repeat of the initial stage.

On al l the foregoing works the architects were O'Neill Flanagan and Partners, a Waterford firm with an extensive practice in Dublin, and with whom we are currently involved on a number of interesting projects.

In September 1977 Waterford Glass expanded again within the Kilbarry site and we were asked to be project leaders on the construction of a small extension comprising a decanter shop and warehouse, totalling about 4,200 m2 . Apart from the mechanica l and electrical services works, which were supervised by Waterford Glass Ltd., we were the sole consultants on this project .

In early 1978, during the fina l stages of this work, we were asked to investigate and report on two new sites for a fur ther develop­ment.

Investigat ions proved th e more favourab le 17

Fig. 7 Interior of Lighti ngware Factory (Photo: Douglas Baxter)

site to be on the Cork Road owned by th e Irish Development Association as part of their western extension. Accordingly a 9 ha site was purchased and the first phase of the development planned w ith Ove Arup & Partners leading the design team. This factory is slightly different in structural form and usage from the previous factories.

Summary of Waterford Glass projects

Date Project

1970-72 Kilbarry factory Stage 4 Extension

1970-72 Dungarvan Crystal Phase 1

1970-72 Kilbarry Office Block

1974-75 Dungarvan Crystal Phase 2

1977-78 Kilbarry factory Stage 5

1978-80 8utlerstown Lightingware factory, Waterford Phase 1

While portal frames were again used for the furnace house, the height to eaves level was reduced and the pitch of th e roof dropped, g ivi ng economy in materia ls and a reduced volume to make temperature control less expensive. In the lamp shop and bl ank store areas, twin skin insulated profil ed steel cladding was used to improve the ·u· value

Area (m 2) Main contractor

7.400 John Jones Ltd. Dublin

6,100 P. J. Hegarty & Son Ltd. Cork

3.700 John Sisk & Son Ltd . Cork

6,100 Sitecast Ltd. Midleton, Co. Cork

4,200 Sitecast Ltd . Midl eton, Co. Cork

7,900 John Sisk & Son Ltd ., Cork

and this cladding was used also for wall cladding above door opening level , (2. 1 m). Forticrete masonry blockwork was used and the building detailed to suit modular block­work.

The first of the two furnace houses was com­missioned at the end of March 1980 and production is concentrated mostly on cut glass lightingware bases and globes, a new product for the group.

So almost 200 yea rs after glass blowing was originally commenced in Waterford by the Penrose Brothers in 1782, a thriving lead crystal industry is the city's main employer of about 3,000 persons, occupying some 37,000 m2 of factory and office space, making Waterford Glass Ltd., the world's largest producer of high quality, hand-cut, lead crystal.

Credits Client: Waterford Glass Ltd.

Consulting architects: O'N eil l, Flanagan & Partners

Mechanical, electrical consultants: J. V. Tierney and Co. Ltd.

Quantity surveyor: Austin Reddy & Co. Ltd.

18 ........................................................................ .

RIBA Gold Medal 1981

Philip Dowson, Partner of Arup Associates, has been awarded this year's Royal Gold Medal for Architecture. This is the second time that the RIBA Gold Medal has been given to a member of the Arup organ ization (the previous recipient was Ove Arup himself, in 1966) .

The Medal was instituted in 1884 by Queen Victoria and is conferred annually by the Sovereign on 'some distinguished architect or group of architects, for work of high merit, or on some distinguished person or persons whose work has promoted either directly or indirectly the advancement of architecture '.

The P.IBA's citation states : 'Sir Philip Dowson's outstanding contribution to archi ­tecture has rested on his reassertion of the intellectual basis of the subject and a deep concern for the needs of those who use his buildings.

He has set new standards in industrial architecture with the IBM offices at Havant and has done the same for office development with the Central Electricity Generating Board Regional Headquarters at Bristol and the Lloyds Administrative Headquarters at Chatham.'

A formal presentation will take place at the RIBAon16June1981 .



Sir Philip Dowson (Photo: John Donat)

IBM, Havant (Photo: Colin Westwood)

2 CEGB West Region HQ, Bristol (Photo : Crispin Boyle Photography)



3 Lloyds, Chatham (Photo: Henk Snoek)

4 Leckhampton House, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (Photo: Colin Westwood)

5 Truman Ltd ., Office Block, London (Photo: John Donat)