The World Bank & International Monetary Fund by Lucia Richterová.

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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The World Bank Group 1. IBRD 2. IDA 3. IFC 4. MIGA 5. ICSID

Transcript of The World Bank & International Monetary Fund by Lucia Richterová.

The World Bank & International Monetary Fund by Lucia Richterov History countries - IMF - IBRD - IDA The World Bank Group 1. IBRD 2. IDA 3. IFC 4. MIGA 5. ICSID Structure of The World Bank Assembly of Governors Executive Directors President Representatives Employees Activities - Reduce poverty - Projects -Infrastructure -Women status -Environment -Corruption -Health care - Loans - Funds - Analyt. & advice International Monetary Fund... foster global growth and economic stability Key activities Advice policy Research, statistics... Loans Economic difficulties Developing countries Technical assistance & education Quotas Subscriptions 25 % in Special Drawing Rights or widely accepted currencies the rest in the member's own currency Voting power Access to financing 100 % of its quota annually 300 % cumulatively Compare Slovak Republic Ivan ramko 3, Rwanda James Musoni 1, France 3 10, Christine Lagarde 107, Questions & Discussion