Post on 10-Apr-2015

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Goan Roman Catholics, beware! You are being led to the Abyss by a man who pretends to be a Catholic, but who displays the logo of Jehovah's Witnesses on his booklets! Don't say you were not warned.



The following are the observations of some people who have attended Br Johnson’s “retreats”:*I was informed by concerned charismatic Catholics from Bangalore that Bro. Johnson Sequeira

of Mumbai has ministered in Bangalore to at least two groups earlier this month.Several senior leaders in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Mumbai, Mangalore and Goa shared with me their observations regarding Br. Johnson. The main areas of concern are:1. Simulation of the Pentecostal ministry of televangelists with more emphasis on the 'anointing' ["fire on you"] and being 'slain in the spirit'; great emphasis on phenomena; 2. Preaching of the 'Prosperity Gospel', again as by televangelists. There is little or no emphasis on the Gospel of suffering.3. Teaching of 'word of faith' and 'affirmation' techniques as a consequence of the above: The 'name-it, claim it' doctrine based on a literal interpretation of certain Bible verses; the use of repetitive affirmations such as "I am healed" etc. in connection with health, financial and other problems.These techniques conform to faith in faith and faith in oneself more than to faith in God.There is little or no emphasis on the place of God's will in one's life.The great danger here is that Catholics who do not find themselves prospered or healed will be ridden with guilt and doubts about the positiveness and sufficiency of their 'faith'.His Pentecostal tendencies are much more pronounced when he ministers to small home groups or to individuals, when no senior Renewal leader or priest is present, as was personally observed by me.4. Non submission to episcopal/Church authority:This was informed to me by CCR leaders and also by Bishop Bosco Penha of Bombay Archdiocese who said that Bro. Johnson stands banned from preaching in Bombay. The Bishop kindly gave me permission to quote him on this. He also referred to the issues that I mentioned earlier.

*Yes I too have heard Johnson preach in our parish and saw he doesn’t give any importance to the sacraments and his disciples here also have followed in his footsteps. He is regular here in a house near our place. Thanks for the information and the alert signals.

*I used to attend retreats of Br.Johnson in Mangalore years back. But I too found out so many errors in his teaching and especially claiming the word of God into one' life without submitting to God's will. It goes against the Catholic teaching of "Answering of prayers" as in the Catechism. Rather than a humble request to God it is like a command to God. After I can came to know the truth i stopped attending those retreats. He has given retreat to Jesus Youth in Mangalore, Retreats at Fatima retreat House. Especially as the new academic year starts he might give retreats to the school Children this month of July. I ask you to stop him from doing anymore harm to the Catholic Church and especially my friends who are in high schools and PUC of Mangalore Catholic institutions or to correct him of his ministry.Also, when I went to Potta 3 years back he had a couple of Brothers from New Life ministries with him. He was calling my friends and me to come to his room and pray. I had left the room in 2 min. But then I was surprised to see him when he came to Mangalore to preach and that too in retreat house. May I forward this letter to people who have the same agreement as you and me and have stopped attending this retreat.

*It is good that you are keeping track and alerting concerned people/areas/Diocese about the various preachers who are anti-catholic or who have left the Church but continue to use the Church or Charismatic platforms for anti-Church teachings/activities… Johnson Sequiera wanted to come [here] and I was contacted in this regard about two years ago. I enquired about him and was told that he was preaching a prosperity gospel. That was enough for me to ban him from being called to any of the prayer groups [here]

*I checked with Bishop Bosco. Johnson Sequeira has not received any authorization from him to preach.  I thought it would be good to communicate this to you. Thanks for all the trouble you take for


safeguarding the faith.  God bless you.+ Agnelo [Gracias, Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay]

*This is an eye opener on Johnson Sequeira. Must keep my folks informed, although they probably have noticed for themselves by now, but are not too sure.God bless your heart! You still keep me informed about the errors and corruption of faith being actively propagated by the unsure, in spite of my lack of correspondence. I truly hope our Bishop takes cognizance of what's happening in our city and does something about it. It's unbelievable that you haven't received any response from him thus far. I really pray that something comes of it.

*I have personally had experience with five people who have attended his prayer meetings. This is what I have to report:

In one case, I have seen that after being prayed over by Br Johnson or some member of his team, the person who had been prayed over experienced a severe spiritual block about even listening to anything concerning The Blessed Virgin.

In all other cases, I have seen that the people who have attended his talks exhibit the following symptoms:

1. There has opened, within them, a spiritual channel, which seems to provide them insights into the word of God which are very convincing to them, but which are contrary to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

2. One of these insights is that the Mass is not necessary, in fact it is forbidden by Christ himself. 3. There is no transubstantiation during Mass; if there was, then it would be like magic! The Mass is

or should be just a memorial of the “Breaking of Bread”. (In fact the bread is presented as an idol). 4. There is no need to pray the Rosary or to have any devotion to Her or to the Saints. (The Blessed

Virgin was considered “blessed” during her visit to St. Elizabeth only because Christ was in her womb. Now that she has delivered, she is blessed no longer!)

5. The sacraments have no meaning. “water baptism” does not regenerate you. 6. You need to be BORN AGAIN to be saved. This insistence on the word “BORN AGAIN” is

suggestive of some link to the Mormon Church of which, a branch called “The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter day Saints” is functioning in Goa. This “Church” is a Masonic organization.

7. I believe they are responsible for getting the above Luciferian statue (and its variants) installed in our churches and chapels by displacing the Blessed Sacrament.

8. He conducts prayer meetings on Sundays which ensures that his followers do not attend Sunday Mass.

9. He emphasizes salvation by faith and not by works. 10. He does not give any consideration to Tradition and relies solely on scripture. 11. No respect for the Pope. 12. Each one is free to interpret the Bible in their own way and for themselves; and everyone is

supposed to be right. This is again akin to Masonic thinking.13. Br Johnson is guilty of misinterpreting Scripture.

In the light of the above, we request you to kindly WARN your flock to stay away from Br Johnson’s “retreats”. Failure in this, I believe, would render you guilty of great spiritual neglect of your people before God.