The wind Beneath Mywings. Biography Some Activities Please choose.

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The wind Beneath Mywings. Biography Some Activities Please choose.


windBeneath My wing



Some Activities

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Her Majesty Queen Sirikit is the daughter of His Highness Prince Chandaburi Suranath (Mom Chao Nakkhatra Mangkala Kitiyakara) and Mom Luang Bua Kitiyakara (nee Mom Luang Bua Snidwongse).

Her father later on became Thai Minister to France, then to Denmark and, ultimately, Ambassador to the Court of St. James in England. 

Her Majesty accompanied him and continued her general education in the three countries and lastly in Switzerland.

She was born on August 12, 1932.  She attended kindergarten class at Rajini School, but subsequently went to St. Francis Xavier convent school at Samsen District in Bangkok. 

It was while her father was stationed in Paris that she first met His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who was then studying in Switzerland but went now and then to Paris.  The chance meeting in Paris ripened into friendship and understanding. 

When His Majesty met with a very serious motor accident in Geneva, Switzerland, and had to stay in a hospital at Lausanne, Her Majesty was a frequent visitor.  When His Majesty was well again and left the hospital, he was graciously pleased to arrange for Her Majesty to continue her studies at Riante Rive, a boarding school in Lausanne. 

Some Activities

President of the Thai Red Cross Society

Her Majesty has many public functions to perform. She became President of the Thai Red Cross Society on August 12, 1956, and her keenness in the work has built up her popularity and aroused enthusiasm in the public for the cause of the Red Cross. Later on, in 1979, upon learning of the influx of about 40,000 Cambodian refugees into Trat province, Her Majesty Queen Sirikit flew to the site to see the situation herself. Then, in her capacity as President of the Thai Red Cross Society.

Her Majesty set up the Khao Larn Thai Red Cross Center to give shelter, food and medical care to those Cambodian refugees who were mostly peasant families with small children and unaccompanied orphans. The Center was a refuge for these displaced people for some years.

Promoting Thai National


Her Majesty the Queen is naturally endowed with artistic talents and is keenly interested in the world of arts and culture, especially those of Thailand. Her cultural promotion activities date back to 1960, when she accompanied His Majesty the King on a state visit to Europe and the United States. She noticed at the time that there were no national dresses for Thai women, unlike the Indian Sari or the Japanese Kimono, to name only two.

She concluded it was time to create such costumes for the sake of national identity. With this in mind, Her Majesty made a research into traditional costumes that Thai women had worn in different historical periods, from the Sukhothai and Ayutthaya to the Rattanakosin (Bangkok) Periods. Then she set out to adapt and modify these different modes into Thai national costumes for present-day use. Initially, there were five designs, all worn with a long skirt.

Establishing Sai Jai Thai Foundation

Her Majesty the Queen has made it her duty to be at the King’s side on every possible occasion. These functions include royal audiences, receptions held on the occasion of the state visits by heads of states, royal and state functions, Buddhist and traditional ceremonies, commencement ceremonies of various universities, etc.

Their Majesties frequently travel on extended journeys to visit their subjects in all corners of the realm, especially the most remote and neglected. They have always felt particular concern for those in dire need of help and support, whether material or moral.

Establishing SUPPORT


Her Majesty the Queen has learned from these visits that the majority of her subjects who are farmers find it difficult to subsist on farm incomes alone.  While His Majesty the King has launched several agricultural projects to relieve their hardships, Her Majesty the Queen has sought extra income-generating occupations to supplement their basic earnings. 

The Queen has come to the conclusion that most Thai people are dexterous, industrious and meticulous.  Each region, moreover,has its own indigenous raw materials and coge industry.  If these indigenous hancrafts can be promoted and their utility emphasized, the rural poor will have additional occupations and   incomes.

With this in mind, wherever she travels, the Queen pays special attention to indigenous cottage industries and crafts, and gives appropriate support to all kinds of regional projects.

Present By :Present By :

Pavitra Kobkulsuwan P.6/3 <Plane>

Pattaraporn Kusalangkulwat

P.6/3 <Muk>