The Widow s Mite -

Post on 19-Dec-2021

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Transcript of The Widow s Mite -

The meaning behind each candle… Week 3 3rd Candle, is Pink,

symbolizes JOY It is called the

“Shepherd’s Candle,” and is pink because rose is a liturgical color for joy. The third Sunday of Advent is Gaudete Sunday and is meant to remind us of the joy that the world experienced at the birth of Jesus.

Catholic Parish of St Brigid’s Dubbo

Our Parish Vision Statement St Brigid's will be a community that

actively lives the Good News of Christ. We strive to be Christ centred, welcoming to all and to encourage everyone to grow spiritually.

Our Worship

First reading:

From the Prophet Zephaniah With gladness the Lord will rejoice over you. Responsorial Psalm Is 12:2-6. R/.v. 6 Said response: Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is

the great and Holy One of Israel. Sung response: Grant to us, O Lord, a heart renewed: Recreate in us your own Spirit, Lord! 2nd Reading: From the first letter of St Paul to the Philippians The Lord is near.

From the Holy Gospel According to Luke What, then, must we do? When all the people asked John, ‘What must we do?’ he answered, ‘If anyone has two tunics he must share with the man who has none, and the one with something to eat must do the same.’ There were tax collectors too who came for baptism, and these said to him, ‘Master, what must we do?’ He said to them, ‘Exact no more than your rate.’ Some soldiers asked him in their turn, ‘What about us? What must we do?’ He said to them, ‘No intimidation! No extortion! Be content with your pay!’ A feeling of expectancy had grown among the people, who were beginning to think that John might be the Christ, so John declared before them all, ‘I baptise you with water, but someone is coming, someone who is more powerful than I am, and I am not fit to undo the strap of his sandals; he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing-fan is in his hand to clear his threshing-floor and to gather the wheat into his barn; but the chaff he will burn in a fire that will never go out.’ As well as this, there were many other things he said to exhort the people and to announce the Good News to them. The Gospel of the Lord.

Reflection questions 3rd Week of Advent:

“He will exult with joy over you, he will renew you by his love;” When / how do I experience joy in my life?

“I want you to be happy, always happy in the Lord” What makes me truly happy, not just for a moment, but

lasting happiness?

“‘What must we do?’” What would John the Baptist say to me?

“to announce the Good News to them.”

How am I good news to those I meet?

3rd Sunday of Advent Year C

Today’s Readings: Zephaniah 3:14-18; Phil 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18

Next Sunday’s Readings: Micah 5:1-4; Hebrews 10:5-10; Lk 1:39-44

Our Faith

REFLECTION by Fr Michael Tate I want you to be happy Some people have an image of God who must be obeyed out of fear. Rules of behaviour are kept as part of a deal to avoid punishment. But St Paul was imitating God when he told the Philippians that all he wanted was their ‘happiness’. God’s deepest desire is that we share divine bliss. St Thomas Aquinas tells us that the goal of human life is this beatific happiness. Of course, there is a way of life which responds to the Divine Lover. John the Baptist insists on rules of social justice, particularly those which forbid taking advantage of the vulnerable. But these are the minimum. He envisages a response of extravagant generosity. It will take Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Fire to make this possible. This was effected by the One foretold by John. He doesn’t name him, but we know it was Jesus of Nazareth who had the power to unleash such over-the-top generosity. Jesus sent his Holy Spirit at Pentecost as if in wind and fire. This created a new community which, the Acts of Apostles tells us, responded with acts of unrestrained generosity to the vulnerable and needy. We might pause for a moment to pray for a generous spirit responding in gratitude to the Divine Lover who, as Risen Lord, has the power and will to enable us to be filled with Divine Bliss.

Remembering those who have died, particularly those who

could not have a funeral.

We are conscious of the many relatives and friends, near and far, that could not have the funerals we might have wished, due to the pandemic.

On the 4th Sunday of Advent (the weekend of 18th / 19th December) we will celebrate and remember all those who have died in the last two years. We will include in our masses that weekend a ritual to light a candle for our loved ones. We would also like to acknowledge their names by displaying them on the data projection during this ritual. Please contact the presbytery before Thursday to include friends and relatives whose funerals you could not attend or who had restricted numbers.


seeking plants or monetary donations to contribute to the creation of a green space in the Macquarie Correctional Facility Chapel.

Can you Help? For donations or more information, please call Fran on 0417 452 678 Thank for Donations for The Macquarie Correctional Centre Gardens. Fran

Mass on Tuesday 14th commencing at 5.30pm will be St John’s Primary School Mass. All welcome


RECENTLY BAPTISED Alexander Thomas &

Marcus James Collingridge Matilda Grattan

Morgan Thea Giddings


Alan James Gibson James Elliott

Adam Day

ANNIVERSARY Kathleen Bush, Michael O’Keefe

Kevin Isbestor, Douglas Clifford Fr Maurice Sullivan CM

Masses to be offered for: Beatrice Elot, Neville Treacy, Antonio & Domenica Luppino, Frank Zumbo, Pat Luppino, Micheal & Angela Luppino, Betty Gibson, Maree Maloney, Trevor Bolton, Chris Pope, Special Intentions, Peter Duffy, Maureen Nolan, Jake Walton, Judy Prentice, Jacqueline Lotz, Marcello Pavan, Mick Wilson, Don Egan, Greg Tratt, Paul, Phillip, Shirley Kennedy (ill), Karen Van Denhoven, Terry & Jim Fahy, Francesco & Bibiana Lappa, Arturo & Angela Marinucci, Ida Mathes, Tim Meehan, Ray Meehan, Bill O’Neill, Tom & Joan Slattery, Lappa family, Dec’d members of McMillan, Munro & Olsen families, Madden, Duggan & Honeysett families, Dec’d members of the Marinucci family.

Those who are sick: Eileen Atkinson (Ireland), Helen Barter, Philippa Beguin, Isabella Betts, Brett Cooper, Joan Cowley, Bonita Craig, Molly Croft, Irene Crowe, Vivienne Dandridge, Josie Deane, Michael Deane, Vivien Deane, David Egan, Josh Farr, Marlene Galea, Joe Gough, Mary Grimsdell, Anne Hall, Denise Hills, Anne Ingram, Heather Irwin, Brooke Kaluzyn (ill), Bernice King (Fr Carl Mackander’s sister), Leeca Laws, Colleen Moffitt, Shannon Nairn, Pat Nitschki, Mick O’Shea, Philomena Parker, Lisa Peaker, Tom Polak, Dave Redfern, Tania Rovere, Judy Ryan, Michael Simmons, Jim Sloane, Brendan Stanford, Nathan Stanmore.

Lord, may your peace come upon people across our world who are struggling in our present crisis. May the hope of resurrection sustain and comfort us. through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fr Greg Kennedy

Parish Priest Fr Mathew Humtsoe

Assistant Priest Fr Martin O’Mahony

Pastor Emeritus Mrs Judy Clark

Parish Secretary

Mrs Tricia Tomlins

Assistant Secretary

Mrs Leisa Galea Baptism Leader

Mrs Rosalie Hosking Sacraments Leader

Mrs Rhonda Gleeson Music Leader

Geoff & Bridget Mann RCIA Leaders

Bella Tipping

Altar Server’s Leader Laurence Clark

Property Manager

Pastoral Council

Jo Taylor, Chris Sullivan Fran Schubert

Greg Cant Andrew McKay

Noble Joe Neil Raines

Noel Manning Julie Freeman

This week at a glance Monday 13th December St Lucy, virgin, martyr 7.00am Mass - St Brigid’s 12.00pm Mass - St Laurence’s 5.30pm Choir Practice Tuesday 14th December St John of the Cross, priest, doctor 9.30am Mass - Orana Gardens 12.00pm Mass - St Laurence’s 5.30pm Mass - St Brigid’s SJP Mass Wednesday 15th December 9.30am Mass - St Laurence’s 10.30am Craft M/R 3 Thursday 16th December 12.00pm Mass - St Laurence’s 10.00am Rosary Makers Meeting 5.45pm Mass - St Brigid’s Friday 17th December 7.00am Mass - St Brigid’s 12.00pm Mass - St Laurence’s Saturday 18th December 9.00am Reconciliation 9.30am Mass - St Brigid’s 6.00pm Vigil - St Brigid’s Sunday 19th December 7.30am Mass - St Laurence’s 9.00am Mass - St Brigid’s 6:00pm Mass –St Brigid’s

Reconciliation 9.00 - 9.20am Sat. St Brigid’s 5.00 - 5.20pm Sat. St Brigid’s

************************** HARD OF HEARING?

St Brigid’s Church hearing loop can

be accessed by using the T-switch

on your hearing aid.


St Johns College Ph:6841 5100 E:stjohnscollegedubbo@ Web: stjohnsdubbo.

St John’s Primary Ph: 6882 2653 Web:stjohnsprimarydubbo.

St Mary’s Primary Ph: 6882 4790 Email:stmarysdubbo@ Web:stmarysdubbo.nsw.

St Laurence’s Ph: 6882 2129 Email:stlaurencesdubbo@

St Pius X Ph: 6228 3808 Email:stpiusdubbo@

Open Monday to Friday 9.00am-1.00pm 2.00pm-4.30pm

(02) 6882 4233

P O Box 579,

Dubbo NSW 2830


Web: www.

Finance Committee

Nicole Johnstone Wally Coleman

Doug Butcherine Brian Barnes

Matthew Thorne Karen Meredith Peter Whealy


St Brigid’s 200 Brisbane Street

St Laurence’s

70 Tamworth Street

Our Lady of Lourdes Federation St. Ballimore


Hamper Lists will be available at all Masses

this weekend.

Hampers are to be returned to the St Brigid’s hall on the weekend of 18th & 19th December for delivery commencing on

Wednesday, 22nd December.

If you are going away, please leave your Hamper at the Parish Office

Helpers will be needed to assist with delivery of

over 200 hampers from St Mary’s School Hall, commencing at 7.30am on

22nd December.

Christmas Appeal envelopes are available at the Vinnies Table. Many thanks to all for your past and present

generosity. Any queries, phone Dennis Crimmins 0407 459 382


2ND Rite of Reconciliation-

St Brigid’s Church

TUESDAY 21ST December 5.45 pm Mass including Reconciliation

St Laurence’s Church

WEDNESDAY 22nd December 9.30AM Mass including Reconciliation

CHRISTMAS MASSES Please note Christmas Mass times are

printed and displayed in the Church foyer

The Swag publication — Summer edition, is available in the foyer. Excellent reading. Article on Plenary facing change.


Spread the Christmas message to a friend or neighbour with a Christmas star.

Stars will be available in the coming weeks.