The West Bengal University ofTeachers' Training, Education ... · The West Bengal University...

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Transcript of The West Bengal University ofTeachers' Training, Education ... · The West Bengal University...

The West Bengal University of Teachers' Training,"Education Planning and Administration

25/2 & 25/3, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata - 700019

No. WBUTTEPAlRO/AFFLl155/2016 Date 21.04.2016

ToThe PrincipalGandhi Centenary B.T. College.P.o- Habra, Prafullanagar.North 24 Parganas, Pin- 743268.

Sub: Granting Affiliation of B.Ed. Programme at Gandhi Centenary B.T. College.Affiliation ID: WBUTTEPAlAffIlB.Ed/2016/15008

Sir 1 Madam,

With reference to your application ID (Application ID App/2016/03/24/836931) and onthe basis of the submitted data, I am directed to inform you that in pursuance of G. O. No.119-Edn (U)/1 U(WBUTIE)-11/15, dated 11.02.2016 of Higher Education Department(University Branch), Govt. of West Bengal and the recognition granted by the National Councilfor Teacher Education (NCTE), No. F.ERC 1 NCTE 1 APE00310 1 B.Ed. (Revised Order)12015/32462, dated- 30.05.2015, the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor is pleased to grant affiliation ofB.Ed. Programme at your Institution under The West Bengal University of Teachers' Training,Education Planning and Administration w.e.f. the academic session 2016-2017 subject to therenewal of affiliation every year and fulfillment of the following terms and conditions:

1. The college shall be guided by the NCTE Regulations 2014 in respect of appointment ofteaching and non-teaching staff, purchase of books, audio-visual material andautomation of the library.

2. The college will continue to organize and equip the laboratories as per stipulation ofNCTE. Other infrastructure are to be maintained as per NCTE.

3. The said college shall be obliged to follow the fee structure and other terms andconditions specified by the State Government /Competent Authority under NCTEregulations from time to time. Appropriate action shall be taken if any irregularities arefound in this regard.

4. Intake capacity will be as per NCTE norms.

5. Appointment of faculty already done/ to be done in future and their pay and allowancesmust follow the latest NCTE, UGC and State govt. norms. It is advised to make paymentto the staff of the college through AlC payee cheque drawn on a (preferably) NationalizedBank. Stern action shall be taken if any irregularities are found in this regard.

Phone: (033) 2475-0033, E-mail:, Website:

The West Bengal University of Teachers' Training,Education Planning and Administration

25/2 & 25/3, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata - 700019

6. In respect of maintenance of academic and financial discipline the college will strictlyfollow norms of NCTE (in strict observance of the latest notification)/State GovernmentOrders issued from time to time and relevant conditions/rules of the Affiliating Universityin this regard especially with respect to the minimum number of teaching days in anacademic session as stipulated by the Affiliating University/NCTE.

7. Expert(s), duly authorized by the University may make 'surprise visit' to the college forrapid, on-spot assessment of the quality of functioning. If any short-fall / discrepancy isidentified by the Inspection Team, affiliation of the programme may be withdrawn.

8. The college authority shall abide by the Acts, Statutes, Regulations etc. of thisUniversity as are in force or as may be amended from time to time.

9. Admission of students will be as per norms stipulated by the University.

10. Staying in the college hostel, if any, is not mandatory for the students.

11. The Governing Body of the College is to be constituted as per provisions of the StateGovt. / Affiliating University.

12. The following school subjects are approved as Pedagogy subjects for curriculumtransaction at your college along with other foundation courses and optional courses, ifany:

Bengali, English, History, Geography, Education, Life Science, PhysicalScience and Mathematics.

This is for your information and necessary action.

With thanks,

YOUfl~~\{,(Dr. P.K. Chanda)~\ ,0


Registrar-The Wes~Be~g~ University ofTeach~rs Tratmng, EducationPlanmng and Administration

Phone: (033) 2475-0033, E-mail: wbuttepa@gmail,com,Website:

The West Bengal University of Teachers' Training,Education Planning and Administration

25/2 & 25/3, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata - 700019

No. WBUTTEPAlRO/AFFLl155-Al2016 Date 21.04.2016

ToThe PrincipalGandhi Centenary B.T. College.P.o- Habra, Prafullanagar.North 24 Parganas, Pin- 743268.

Sub: Intimation for fulfilment of the deficiency as per NCTERegulation 2014.Affiliation ID: WBUTTEPAlAffI/B.Ed/2016/15008

Sir I Madam,

I am directed to inform you that the following deficiency has beennoticed as per data submitted by you, which will have to be fulfilled beforecommencement of the coming academic session. You are further requested to submitthe action-taken report to the undersigned subsequently:


i) The following fulltime teachers are to be appointed:

a) Health & Physical Education teacher-1b) Performing Arts / Fine Arts teachers-1

Thanking you,

Yours fai~h~~I~~~ "W\k>~tl~~6~·

(Dr. P.K. Chanda)REGISTRAR

RegistrarThe West Bengal University ofTeach~rs' Training, EducationPlannmg and Administration

Phone: (033) 2475-0033, E-mail:, Website: