The Well Being Behavioral Health & Fitness Center Depression Powerpoint Pdf

Post on 06-Dec-2014

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By incorporating a plan for exercise into each client\'s outpatient counseling and treatment plan, therapists at The Well Being Behavioral Health & Fitness Center are able to provide their clients with the support, encouragement, motivation, and accountability that may be missing in their lives. Their clients become healthier mentally, and healthier physically as well.

Transcript of The Well Being Behavioral Health & Fitness Center Depression Powerpoint Pdf


An Estimated 1 in 10 U.S. adults report depression!

Depression is a mental illness that can be debilitating to sufferers. It is important to recognize the symptoms and find the right balance of therapy and exercise.

According to the Mayo Clinic, “Depression is a medical illness that involves the mind and body. Also called major depression, major depressive disorder and clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave. Depression can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and depression may make you feel as if life isn't worth living”.



“More than just a bout of the blues, depression isn't a weakness, nor is it something that you can simply "snap out" of. Depression is a chronic illness that usually requires long-term treatment, like diabetes or high blood pressure. But don't get discouraged. Most people with depression feel better with medication, psychological counseling or other treatment”, Mayo Clinic.

Causes of DEPRESSION It's not known exactly what causes depression. As with many

mental illnesses, it appears a variety of factors may be involved. These include:

• Biological differences. People with depression appear to have physical changes in their brains. The significance of these changes is still uncertain but may eventually help pinpoint causes.

• Neurotransmitters. These naturally occurring brain chemicals linked to mood are thought to play a direct role in depression.

• Hormones. Changes in the body's balance of hormones may be involved in causing or triggering depression. Hormone changes can result from thyroid problems, menopause and a number of other conditions.

• Inherited traits. Depression is more common in people whose biological family members also have the condition. Researchers are trying to find genes that may be involved in causing depression.

• Life events. Events such as the death or loss of a loved one, financial problems and high stress can trigger depression in some people.

• Early childhood trauma. Traumatic events during childhood, such as abuse or loss of a parent, may cause permanent changes in the brain that make you more susceptible to depression.


Warning signs include:

• Loss of interest in doing things • Feeling down or hopeless • Trouble with sleep patterns • Having little to no energy • Trouble eating • Feelings of inadequacy • Slow speech and motions • Not feeling like oneself • Self belittling • Not wanting to leave the home

Recognizing DEPRESSION

Who Tends to be Most Depressed? • Persons 45-64 years of age • Women • Blacks, Hispanics, non-Hispanic persons of other races or multiple races • Persons with less than a high school education • Those previously married • Individuals unable to work or unemployed • Persons without health insurance coverage

DEPRESSION - General Statistics

The Task Force on Community Preventive Services recommends collaborative care, an approach that involves the collaboration of primary care providers, mental health specialists and other providers to improve disease management for adults with major depression on the basis of strong evidence of effectiveness in improving short-term depression outcomes.

General Suggestions for Treatment

Research Shows New Findings

In 2007, researchers from Duke University concluded the efficacy of aerobic exercise in treating Major Depressive Disorder was comparable to pharmacotherapy with Sertraline (Zoloft), a commonly prescribed SSRI. A 2008 meta-analysis by Wipfli, Rethorst, and Landers of randomized, controlled trials presents "Level 1, Grade A evidence" for the use of exercise as an effective treatment for anxiety disorders.

Research Shows New Findings

Research indicates that aerobic exercise increases the brain's production of brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which is considered to be the "Miracle-Gro" of the Brain.

Research Shows New Findings

Harvard Medical School clinical associate professor of psychiatry John Ratey’s book, “Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain,” makes sweeping claims that exercise is the best defense against everything from depression and attention-deficit disorder to addiction and aggression, as well as physical ailments such as menopause and Alzheimer’s disease.

Along with counseling and medications, aerobic exercise is the third viable option for mental health treatment. This is a fact supported by a large, and ever-growing body of research.

The Well Being LLC

The Well Being LLC Behavioral Health and Fitness Center is the first outpatient facility in West Michigan to directly incorporate exercise into mental health treatment.

Counseling Services

In counseling, The Well Being LLC utilizes evidence-based practices such as Cognitive Therapy, Dialectical-Behavioral Therapy, and Motivational Interviewing, in order to help address, resolve, or overcome the individual issues and concerns. Their therapists offer the same, high quality outpatient counseling as other local established providers and are additionally Licensed Master’s Social Workers as well as Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselors.

Counseling Services

Counseling is essential in finding the root cause behind the emotional and physical symptoms of depression. Without addressing the root cause, everything you do would merely be a band-aid. The Well Being Behavioral Health and Fitness Center is client-centered in their treatment. The client's goals and objectives for counseling are what's most important. The aim is to provide assistance in their achievement.

Incorporating Exercise

Engaging in regular aerobic exercise benefits our physical health. People who exercise regularly have significantly reduced rates of heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, and obesity. They tend to live longer, and enjoy a higher quality of life during their lifespan. What is not so commonly known is that regular exercise significantly benefits our mental and emotional health as well!

Incorporating Exercise

Not only does exercise make our bodies healthier, it makes our brains healthier at the same time! Simply put, a "healthy" brain is a well functioning brain, and people with well functioning brains tend to function well. During the course of our research, we have found the science behind this phenomenon to be rather difficult to understand at times, but here are some of the basics:

Physical and Mental Benefits

By improving the health of our brains, we enjoy the following benefits:

We are more able to process, learn, and remember new information, and are more able to remain focused and on task. We are less depressed, less anxious, less stressed and overwhelmed. We fall asleep more easily and sleep more soundly and we have fewer cravings or urges to use substances which may be causing us harm.

Exercise increases the levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine in our brains. These neurotransmitters play crucial roles in how we think and how we feel. Exercise not only increases the levels of these neurotransmitters in our brains, it balances them as well. Exercise elevates the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) throughout the brain. BDNF is very important to the health of our brain cells.

Physical and Mental Benefits

Breaking Down the Barriers There are many different barriers that can get in the way of a person engaging in regular aerobic exercise. It could be a busy lifestyle, financial stresses or an emotional or mental health issue that may be preventing the establishment of a regular exercise routine. Many feel unmotivated, fatigued, struggling with self-esteem issues, or tend to get anxious in social situations. Any of these can act as barriers to regular exercise. The Well Being address these issues in counseling, and seek to eliminate any and all barriers that are keeping their clients from improving their overall Well Being!

The Well Being Fitness Center

The fitness center is for the exclusive use of the clients of The Well Being, and is provided at no additional cost. Every client receives a free, one hour fitness consultation with a Master's level Exercise Physiologist. During this appointment, clients are shown how to exercise in a safe, effective manner, and will develop an Exercise Treatment Plan that becomes an integral part of their treatment.

A Well Balanced Health Plan

A well balanced health plan begins with acknowledging depression, finding the root cause, and getting the expertise in mental and physical health to put you on the right path towards a healthy new outlook on life. DEPRESSION is treatable and you do not have to be trapped in DEPRESSION one more day! The Well Being Behavioral and Fitness Center can help.

HEALTHY is within your



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1118 Front Ave. NW Suite #1 Grand Rapids, MI 49504

P: 616.458.6870 F: 616.458.6874