The weekly bulletin of HOLY CHILD JESUS PARISH

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Transcript of The weekly bulletin of HOLY CHILD JESUS PARISH

June 20, 2021

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Pastor, Rev. Phi Nguyen

Associate Pastor, Rev. Arthur Bautista

Resident Pastor, Msgr. Jerome Ham

Weekend Assistant

Rev. Gerald Gunderson


Michael Neba Francis Duc Nguyen

David Pham Joseph Thuan Van Than

Operations Director

Annette Fox

Evangelization & Ministry Director

Art Blumberg

Religious Education Director

Joseph Vu


Trongphuc Tran

Executive Assistant/Office Manager

Julie Kent

Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper

Nancy Nguyen

Music Ministry

Steve Burke

Howard Schneider



4:00 pm (English)

6:00 pm (Vietnamese)


7:30 am (Vietnamese)

9:30 am (English)

11:30 am (Vietnamese)

1:30 pm (English)


Monday-Saturday 8:00 am (Bilingual)


Hours: Monday-Friday

9:00 am-12:00 pm & 1:00-5:00 pm

Parish Website:

The weekly bulletin of


2324 W. Chase Avenue,• Chicago, IL 60645


Activity Center 7341 N. Claremont

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time � Year B�

� The theme of this Sunday’s Gospel, Mark 4: 35�41, is about faith in God.�

The setting of today’s Gospel passage is a violent storm on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus is with the

disciples and asleep in the boat. Filled with much fear, they reproach Him with the complaint,

"Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?" Jesus immediately calms the sea, and the

storm ceases! Then He, in turn, rebukes His disciples for their lack of faith in Him.�

� We believe that faith is a free gift that God makes to us. Believing is only possible by

grace and the help of the Holy Spirit, who moves the heart and opens the eyes of the mind to

understand and accept the truth which God has revealed to us. Faith enables us to relate to God

rightly and confidently, with trust and reliance, by believing and adhering to his word, because

he is utterly reliable and trustworthy. �

� If we want to live, grow, and persevere in faith, then it must be nourished with the word

of God. Fear does not need to cripple us from taking right action. Courage working with faith

enables us to embrace God's word of truth and love with confidence and to act on it with firm

hope in God's promises. �

� The love of God strengthens us in our faith and trust in him and enables us to act with

justice and kindness towards our neighbor even in the face of opposition or harm. Remember,

whenever we encounter trouble, the Lord is there with the same reassuring message that He is

always with us.�

� On this Fathers' Day, we need to pray for all fathers whose roles reflect the protective and

nourishing role of God Himself toward their children and their spouses. We pray that they will

show firm and steady love, wise and understanding care always. We pray also for fathers who

are deceased or absent, that we will always pray for them, and forgive them for any hurts we

bear because of weakness or neglect on their parts. In turn, we pray that God will help them

forgive us any neglect or lack of love we showed them while they were with us.�

� � � � � � � � � � Fr. Phi Nguyen�

F r o m t h e Pa s t o r ’ s D e s k


� Our Holy Child Jesus Parish Religious Education Program is looking for people who want

to teach our Catholic faith to our young people. Being bilingual in either English and Vietnamese

or English and Spanish is helpful, but not required. What we are looking for are people who will

share their faith and knowledge with the next generation of Catholics.�

� Classes will begin in September. �

� Please email our Religious Education Director, Joseph Vu at for more



� Rehearsal for the 9:30 am Mass Choir will begin on Thursday, June 24th, at 7 pm in the

Rectory basement.�

� Do you like to sing? That’s all that is required!�

� Won’t you please join us...we welcome new members. Come and share your voice with us!�



Holy Child Jesus Parish Is Fully Reopened!�

� Please review the following guidelines that are effective with the start of Restore

Illinois Phase 5 beginning June 11 for all archdiocesan locations unless otherwise noted. �


�� All capacity restrictions are lifted.�

Masses, liturgies, sacramental celebrations, parish/school events and all offices may resume

100% capacity.��

�Physical Distancing�

�� Physical distancing is NOT required for vaccinated persons.��

Physical distancing�is recommended�by public health authorities, when possible, for unvaccinated persons if

conditions allow up to 6 ft. of separation.�


�� Masks are NOT required for vaccinated persons.��

Masks are recommended by public health authorities for unvaccinated indoors, particularly in crowded venues.��

�Hand Sanitizing�

Hand sanitizer will remain available.�

�Masses and Liturgies�

�� All forms of sacramental and liturgical ministry may resume normal practice with a few minor exceptions

noted below.�

�� Registration is no longer required.�

�� Proof of vaccination is not required for attendance at any liturgies or services.�

�� Choirs, congregational signing, oral responses, use of worship aids, envelopes and bulletins may be fully


�� The Sign of Peace may be restored.�Please make the Sign of Peace in whatever way you are most comfortable


�� Reception of Holy Communion:�

�� Receiving Holy Communion in the hand no longer requires extra hand sanitizing on the part of the

Communicant. However, the priest and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion should continue to sanitize

their hands prior to distributing Communion.�

�� Receiving Holy Communion on the tongue may resume; however, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy

Communion must have hand sanitizer nearby and use it immediately in the event of contact with saliva (which is

good practice in all circumstances).�

Distributing/receiving Holy Communion from the cup remains suspended at this time. The archdiocese will

communicate once sharing of the cup may resume.�

�Social gatherings�

All social gatherings (potlucks, office luncheons, parish picnics, carnivals, etc.) may resume while incorporating

the guidance on masks and physical distancing noted here.�

�Reporting COVID�related Illnesses�

Please let the parish know if you become COVID�positive and you attended a Mass or liturgy within three days of

diagnosis. �

A notice with date and time of Mass/liturgy will be posted on the Holy Child Jesus Parish websites alerting

parishioners who were also in attendance that they should monitor themselves, especially if unvaccinated.�

�In the event that anything changes per the State of Illinois, City of Chicago or public health departments, we will

communicate immediately.�

�We thank everyone for your patience and commitment to serving the people of God, our communities, and one

another amidst year�long protocols and guidelines. In many ways, the Archdiocese of Chicago and Holy Child

Jesus Parish have been role models during the pandemic because of each of you.�

�Let us continue to pray for an end to the pandemic globally and the grace to move forward in solidarity and

charity with our sisters and brothers around the world, down the street and next door in a renewed way.�


COVID�19 Task Force and the Holy Child Jesus Parish Reopening Team�



Part 9�

In Communion with Christ � �

� Christians are baptized into the paschal mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sin and

fullness of salvation. This mystery is celebrated at every Mass, remembering Christ’s loving deeds and giving thanks and

praise to God. By this action, the “Sacrifice of the Cross is continuously made present in the Church” (General Instruction

of the Roman Missal, no. 72). �

� For the Preparation of the Altar, the gifts of bread and wine have been brought forward, expressing our love and

gratitude towards God. After receiving the bread and wine during the Presentation of the Gifts, the priest stands before the

altar to prepare the offerings prior to the Eucharistic Prayer. He prays over the offerings to be used during the consecration

of the bread and wine. The mixing of the wine with water symbolizes the union of the divine and human in Jesus and the

union of our lives and sacrifices with the sacrifices of Jesus. The washing of the hands by the priest is an expression of his

desire to be spiritually cleansed and made worthy to consecrate the Mass. The preparation of the offering concludes with

two prayers. First, the celebrant invites the people to pray together that this sacrifice will be acceptable to God the Father.

Don’t pass this over too lightly: the sacrifice of the Mass is Christ’s action and Christ’s sacrifice. It is also the sacrifice of

the priest and of the people. � � � � � � � � � �

� The Prayer over the Offerings concludes this preparation and readies everyone for the Eucharistic Prayer. The pur-

pose of the Eucharistic Prayer is to unite all the above actions, prayers, and gestures into a single prayer that offers these

simple gifts of bread and wine to the Father. At the end of the prayer, the people signify their agreement by responding,


� All the baptized present at the Eucharistic celebration make the sacrificial offering in union with Christ and pray

the Eucharistic Prayer in union with him as we come together in community as one people.�


� You may be familiar with the concept of the “road less traveled,” which entered the social conscious

through Robert Frost’s 1915 poem, TheRoadNotTaken. In today’s culture, the concept of the “road less

traveled” is highly valued in terms of individualism.�

� Scripture does tell us there is a less�traveled road. Scripture also tells us, however, that it’s not an

easy one. It is our path towards salvation.�

� Jesus explains it like this:�

� Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and

those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those

who *ind it are few. (Matthew 7:13�14)�

� St. Faustina Kowalska had a vision illustrating the difference in dif*iculty between the two paths.

One path she saw was pretty and wide, and the people were happy, but it ended in an unexpected preci-

pice to hell. The other was narrow, dif*icult to traverse, and those who traveled on it were crying and fall-

ing down. However, it ended in a beautiful garden. (Diary 153)�

� The Lord states that he tries us, referring in Isaiah to the “furnace of af*liction.” (Isaiah 48:10) That

is consolation in times that are trying.�

� But what if you live a faith�*illed life but feel you don’t suffer enough. Or what if you are experiencing

a period of relative ease. Perhaps try “narrowing your gate” with mini morti*ications known only to you

and the Lord. Like denying yourself your *irst choice of food, or in other choices. Or fasting on Fridays.

Denying yourself in little ways lets the Lord know your mind is still on Him, even in times of ease.�




9 AM—3 PM



� � � � � � � Formally Known as Gardening Around SMM�

� It has been a long time since many of you have heard from me so let me reintroduce

myself. My name is Maryl Gordon Kavanagh and for the last 25+ years I have been tending

the gardens at St. Margaret Mary Parish. Over the years we have had so many volunteers who

made my mission of beautification easier. After all….it takes a village, right? We have had

our struggles with weather, and weeds, and funds to keep our spaces beautiful, BUT we always

come together to make our Church grounds the best on the north side of Chicago. �

� My story started with a previous pastor, Fr. Raymond Devereaux. He simply asked me

to tend to some roses on the east side of church, which I did gladly. With our next pastor, Fr.

Mark Sorvillo, we expanded some and started putting hostas in the shaded areas on the west

side of church. We also, around that time, had issues with flooding in the parish buildings. The

rectory basement, the school and the church basement all took on water whenever there was a

heavy storm. We redesigned the front of the rectory and planted the boxwoods, grasses,

viburnum, spirea, hydrangea, and roses. With the help of Jack Kent and an environmental

company, we were able to divert the water from the roof of the rectory into rain gardens in front of the rectory. They also

dug out the center of the parking lot to make a bioswale that was planted with native plants. This lasted a few years until the

bioswale turned more into a weed pit. Now a new pastor, Fr. James Barrett, came into SMM’s life and we were able to fix

the bioswale and turn it into the beautiful Serenity Garden that it is today. We received many donations of plants, the tree,

the bench (from Gethsemane) and we were also able to fix the sides of the garden because they were falling in. We installed

the wrought iron fence you see today to finish it off. Through a memorial brick fundraiser, we were able to pave the path in

the garden and eventually up the walkway to the front of the rectory. What a celebration we had when all this was finally

accomplished. The garden was blessed by Fr. James Barrett at our 90


Block Party Reunion on July 28


, 2012. We, as a

parish, have come together to tend these gardens either through manual labor or donations because they both are needed.

With that being said, I am reaching out to the parish to see if there are persons who love to garden and are willing to make

this their volunteer project. I won’t fool you into thinking it’s an easy task, but it is the most rewarding work I have ever

done. As my mom would say… A labor of LOVE! �

� So, there’s a call out for ministry folk of the parish to be a part of the Parish Building and Grounds Beautification


� Although I am retiring from my work here, I have devised a plan with Zones around the parish grounds that you can

sign up for. You will be responsible for pulling weeds, pruning roses (if they are in your zone) trimming or deadheading

plants, fertilizing when the season is appropriate, and watering! There should be a “mulch the gardens day” planned after

all this is initially done. The sooner the better, I always say, when it comes to care of the garden. (Mulch will eventually

help with the weed control and the necessity for watering.) �

� The Zones are as follows:�

The whole west side of church.�

The whole east side of church.�

The garden area in front of the Activity Center.�

The garden surrounding the front of the rectory building.�

The rain gardens.�

The Serenity Garden.�

The planters along the cloister.�

� Please contact the parish office at 773�764�0615 or email�

� I will be available to assist with identification of plants (weed or leave) for anyone who is signed up to a zone. I

will also share my knowledge of the best times to water and weed.�

� For those who love gardens, but may be unable to physically work in them, monetary donations will help us buy

mulch, soaker hoses, sprinklers, plants, etc. Whatever amount you can spare will be appreciated!�

� HCJP needs the help of everyone to make the new parish the beautiful space it was when it was St. Margaret Mary

Parish.� � � � �

� � � � � � � � � � � Maryl Gordon Kavanagh �



Sunday, June 20 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time


7:30 am C�u cho linh h�n Phanxicô Tr��ng Anh


C�u cho linh h�n Maria.

C�u cho linh h�n Martha Tr�n Th� Quyên.

C�u cho linh h�n Anna D��ng h� Ng��n

(L� gi�).


9:30 am Barbara Isaacson

John Cipriani

Marie Schmid

John Potucek

Richard Schaefer

Bernadette Edom (living) Thanksgiving

William Stanton

Martin Stanton


11:30 am C�u cholinh h�n Maria Nguy�n Th� Mnh

C�u cho linh h�n Martha (L� gi�), c�u

cho các linh h�n tiên nhân và thân

nhân và các đng linh h�n

C�u cho linh h�n William Redmond

Power (m�i qua đ�i).

C�u cho các đng linh h�n.

Xin bình an cho gia đình.


1:30 pm Deceased members of Holy Child Jesus

Monday, June 21 St. Aloysius Gonzaga

8:00 am Xin bình an cho gia đình

T �n Chúa, Đ c M� và thánh Giuse

Xin bình an cho gia đình con cháu.

Tuesday, June 22 Sts. Paulinus, John Fisher &

Thomas More

8:00 am C�u cho linh h�n Maria, Martha, Giuse,

Augustine và Phêrô

Wednesday, June 23

8:00 am Manuel & Ana Vega

For the soul of Cyril

C�u bình an và s c kh�e cho cha m�

và c�u cho các linh h�n

Death anniversary of Maria Salud,

Ruben and Reynaldo Martinez

Thursday, June 24 Nativity of St. John the Baptist

8:00 am For the souls of Dominic and Maria

C�u cho linh h�n Đaminh và Maria

Friday, June 25

8:00 am C�u cho linh h�n Matthew Nguy�n Hi�n

Aurelio & Elena Garcia (living)

60th Wedding Anniversary

Wor s h i p C a l e n d a r



+Iena Irene Arellano,

daughter of John-John and Sharlin,

received new life in the Lord through the

waters of Baptism this past weekend.

May her parents and godparents be a light to her




June 13, 2021


Saturday, June 26

8:00am Thanksgiving to St. Margaret Mary for

the blessings received

C�u cho linh h�n Giuse Nguy�n H��ng

và linh h�n tiên nhân


4:00 pm Ann Donohue

Teresita Carandang - anniversary


6:00 pm Deceased members of Holy Child Jesus

Sunday, June 27 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time


7:30 am Deceased members of Holy Child Jesus


9:30 am Bernadette Edom (living) Thanksgiving

Violet Ezirike


11:30 am Deceased members of Holy Child Jesus


1:30 pm Deceased members of Holy Child Jesus

Saturday, June 19

4:00 pm Maureen Varallo & Lee Draus

Sunday, June 20

9:30 am Paul Alao & Terry Fernandes

1:30 pm Danielle Blaquera & Peter Pham

Saturday, June 26

4:00 pm Greg Umogo & Julie Ashbach

Sunday, June 27

9:30 am Anita Onyekwere & Peter Johnston

1:30 pm Tita Camilotes & Youth Lector

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