The Weekly Bulletin 040213

Post on 24-Mar-2016

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Weekly newsletter of the Rotary Club of The Hills-Kellyville

Transcript of The Weekly Bulletin 040213

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February 13

Issue 4. No.27 -��� ������$�F%��'�����������.����/�����


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Rotary Grace: “O Lord our giver of all good

We thank You for our daily food, May Rotary friends and Rotary

ways, Help us to serve you all our days”.


������������������������+������+��F�� Toast to Overseas Club Page 1 Presidents Message Page 2 Members’ News Page 2 Last Meeting Page 3-4 Australia Day Page 5 Welcome to Laura Seif Page 6 Joke of the Day Page 6 District News Page 8 Club Calendar Page 8

Rotary Four-Way Test: Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER

FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Toast to Overseas Club

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Additional Nutrition Community Service at SDN 01 Karet Tengsin

The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153


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�Congratulations to Alan and Carol on the birth of their latest grandson, Ernest John Dougall. Glad to hear that Mum and bub are doing well – Congratulations to Mum and Dad, Lucy and Tim.

Hello Everyone, Welcome to Australia, Laura Seif, our Youth Exchange Student from Brazil, who arrived last Monday morning to a “not so smooth” start, after her luggage went astray somewhere between her home in Toledo and here!!!! Read the full report in this newsletter. Congratulations to everyone who participated in the planning and the running of the Australia Day Breakfast / Flag Raising event last Saturday. Although as reported last week numbers appeared to be slightly less than in previous years it was still a fun morning and was well received by those from the local Community who turned out to celebrate. It was great to work alongside the Bush Fire Brigade and the Boy Scouts to make it a true Community event. Well done everyone. At our last meeting, we were expecting Stuart Telfer to come along to talk to us about Variety NSW, unfortunately Stuart was unable to attend and so Henry Grech kindly gave an off the cuff talk about meditation, which I hope you all enjoyed as much as I did. Judging by the questions that followed Henry’s interesting and entertaining talk a few members may be considering giving it a go. Tonight we have a joint meeting with The Inner Wheel Club of Baulkham Hills and will be entertained by Graeme Johnson, the Rhymer from Ryde. This is going to be a really fun night and I hope that you have invited along family, friends and potential new members. Wear your Aussie bushman gear….jeans, check shirts and hats etc. Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday. Warmest regards,

President B obby R edm an

The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153


Good luck to Wilf who will shortly be going into hospital for a hernia operation. Take care – we will be thinking of you.

� Update on Suresh who is still attending hospital on a daily basis to have changes of dressings on his leg. Dear Suresh, we hope you are soon feeling fit and well and look forward to seeing you around the end of February.

������������A�������Monday 21st January 2013 Acting Sergeant Greg Rieper opened the meeting and read the apologies from Ray Campbell, Graeme Rohan, Suresh Prasad and Jim Sifonios. President Bobby welcomed Mike O’Connell and Brian King, who was introduced by Wilf van Emmerik. Mike O’Connell said he was glad to be back at the Club and Brian said he was keen to find out more about Rotary. President Bobby also welcomed Haran back after his recent short stay in hospital and congratulated him on being appointed to a job. Haran thanked President Bobby and members for their support and said he was looking forward to this next stage in his recovery.

1. District Conference . The Early Bird registration had now been extended to the 14th February and President Bobby asked those members who were considering going to the conference to get their registrations in.

2. Youth Exchange Student. A small contingent was meeting our exchange student Laura Seif at the airport on Monday the 28th January. A welcome BBQ for our student would be held at Penny Hill’s home on Saturday 2nd February on a BYO (BYO everything except salads) basis. As there was not another meeting before this, members attending were asked to contact Penny with numbers by 1st February.

3. Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) President Bobby and Jim Sifonios had represented the Club at the RYLA dinner at Vision Valley on Tuesday 15th January. Our awardee at that stage was really enjoying the experience but was finding it rather strenuous.

Secretary (Wilf van Emmerik)

1. Our regional Rotary magazine, Rotary Down Under (RDU) is now available electronically. Wilf said he would circulate a list at the next meeting so members could indicate their preference. If most members chose the electronic version RDU would still provide 8 hardcopy versions for distribution by the Club.

Treasurer (Keith Stapley)

1. Semi-annual dues of $150 are due. 2. Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children. The Club had advised RIDBC that as well as

donating the proceeds from the Garden of Secrets towards a fit-out at their Rouse Hill centre we were prepared to extend this with in-kind support for the fit-out, by using our contacts with professional builders. Unfortunately our offer for in-kind support had not been

The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153


taken up and the fit-out had been awarded to an outside firm and was almost completed. After expressing our disappointment to RIDBC, a meeting had been held with the CEO of and our Board. He explained that he had been unaware of the situation, and had immediately reviewed it with his staff. The situation had arisen due to an internal misunderstanding and oversight at RIDBC and he had taken steps to ensure such a situation would not re-occur. He offered his sincere apologies to the Club, and offered to do what he could to restore the relationship, and to recognize the Club’s contribution.

Club Service (Alan Jones)

1. Our scheduled speaker for tonight had unfortunately double booked so was not available. Henry Grech had kindly offered to stand in as guest speaker and would be talking about meditation.

2. The next meeting (4th February) is the joint meeting with the Inner Wheel Club of Baulkham Hills and the guest speaker will be Graeme Johnson “The Rhymer from Ryde” . This would be a good night to bring guests along. The meeting after that will be Phil Isaacs - Low Power Consuming Computers.

Community –

1. Kids Research Institute (Alan Jones) Following a presentation by Murray Stone from that organization they had been asked to submit a wish list for equipment we could contribute to, and had suggested a Tissuelyzer which would greatly assist researchers by reducing the time taken to analyze tissue samples. The Board had considered the request and would apply for a District Simplified Grant to assist with the cost.

2. Australia Day celebrations. (Greg Rieper) There will be a final planning meeting tonight at the conclusion of our weekly meeting. Greg asked members to please attend if possible for the BBQ and flag raising in Rotary Park, Kellyville.

3. Bunnings BBQ (Ian Pearce) Our next BBQ at Bunnings, Castle Hill will be on Sunday 10th

February and Ian asked for support. A list would be circulated at our next meeting. Membership (Penny Hill)

1. Penny welcomed Mike O’Connell and Brian King and said she would provide Rotary information and a welcome pack to Brian.

Publicity (Gordon Scoble)

1. The local newspapers had given us some publicity for our Australia Day flag-raising. 2. Cinemas were running a series of Rotary advertisements until February. However, when

Brian King tried the “1300 Rotary” phone number mentioned in the advertisements this did not work, but he managed to contact us via the Rotary office in Parramatta, and our web-site.

Vocational (Ian Pearce)

1. Ian again reminded members of the Pride of Workmanship and Community Awards evening in May, and asked for nominations for suitable candidates.

2. The ABC had featured the use of Rotary Shelterboxes at some of the recent Bushfire disasters.

Guest Speaker - Henry Grech

Henry said he had been an avid practitioner of meditation since his mid-twenties, when as a young lawyer, he had been undergoing a period of significant stress and had tried various ways of coping including hypnotism and meditation. Meditation had helped him to cope with his stress and he had found it to be a better way to cope rather than resorting to drugs or alcohol. Last year he had experienced a very stressful year with a motor cycle accident and an extended illness and again meditation had been extremely helpful in helping him to cope.

The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153


Meditation has had a long history in human civilization and while it has often been associated with other religious practices, such as prayer and fasting, or with yoga it could be used very successfully without these practices. Far from being something practiced by mystics in remote caves it was very relevant to modern life, as it could be undertaken by anyone, almost anytime and anywhere. The basic aim of meditation is to relax the body and mind. This is done by controlled steady breathing, posture and removing extraneous thoughts from the mind. It does require practice but can be achieved by most people. Henry gave some tips to assist with the process, such as devoting a specific time to it, going to a quiet place which was not brightly lit, and using a simple phrase or word as a mantra to stop the mind wandering. Once the techniques of meditation had been learned, it could be undertaken almost anywhere, and Henry said on stressful days he had quite often taken some time out for meditation and had then returned refreshed and relaxed to the tasks at hand. President Bobby thanked Henry for his presentation and for replacing the scheduled speaker at such short notice.


All prepared for breakfast Breakfast’s on

The Scouts raising the Flag RFS members and Thomas plant the tree

Salvation Army Captain Nigel MacDonald

taking part in the ceremony Our friends from the RFS with Ray Williams


The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153


Welcome to Laura Seif, our Youth Exchange Student from Toledo in Brazil.

(Written by Bobby Redman) Our Youth Exchange Student, Laura Seif, arrived on Monday morning to a “not so smooth” start. After a very long trip over from Toledo in Brazil, that involved a 6 hour stopover at San Paolo and a further 12 hour stopover at New York, she arrived in Australia feeling a little on the tired side as you can imagine!!!!

Laura being welcomed at Sydney Airport All would have been well if her luggage had arrived with her, unfortunately that took a detour somewhere on the journey and as you can imagine this was pretty stressful for her on top of her tiredness and jet lag. Airport Authorities provided her with a $100 emergency card to buy anything she might need to tide her over until her baggage arrived – “Hopefully tomorrow” we were told. So Monday afternoon we set off to buy some emergency bits and pieces to get her through 24 hours, when really shopping was the last thing on her mind. After chasing the airport baggage service on Tuesday morning, we received a phone call at 9-30am to tell us that the luggage had arrived in Australia and would be delivered by courier somewhere between 11am and 3pm – so much for getting to the school and the bank and everything else we were planning to do on Tuesday. At 12-30 pm we received a second call saying that they had found the second piece of luggage and would be delivering it between 2pm and 6pm – oops there went the rest of the shopping!!! Both cases arrived at 4-15pm. At least it gave us the day to complete all the school forms and get to know each other better. In the meantime we had contacted the school who informed me that it had been decided, during the school break, they would not be completing new student interviews until early next week. They suggested that we complete all the enrolment forms and drop them off at the school and that they would contact us with an appointment time for next week. Laura, who had been expecting to start school tomorrow has been coming to work with me and gaining some work experience in working for a Disability Service. In spite of all the changes of plan Laura has remained happy and smiling throughout. I have no doubt that Laura is going to be a great student and am thoroughly looking forward to being her counsellor for the upcoming year.

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THE POLISH DIVORCE A Polish man moved to the USA and married an American girl. Although his English was far from perfect, they got along very well. One day he rushed into a lawyer's office and asked him if he could Arrange a divorce for him.

The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153


The lawyer said that getting a divorce would depend on the Circumstances, and asked him the following questions: Have you any grounds? Yes, an acre and half and nice little home.

No, I mean what is the foundation of this case? It made of concrete. I don't think you understand. Does either of you have a real grudge? No, we have carport, and not need one. I mean what are your relations like? All my relations still in Poland . Is there any infidelity in your marriage? We have hi-fidelity stereo and good DVD player. Does your wife beat you up? No, I always up before her. Is your wife a nagger? No, she white. Why do you want this divorce? She going to kill me. What makes you think that? I got proof.

What kind of proof? She going to poison me. She buy a bottle at drugstore and put on shelf in bathroom. I can read English pretty good, and it say:

The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153





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Australia Day – Penny ready for the kids –

The Rotary Club of the Hills-Kellyville meets Monday Night at the Castle Hill Tavern 6.15pm for 6.45pm start. Postal address: P O Box 6502, Baulkham Hills Business Centre 2153



Name Classification

Ray Campbell PP,PHF Education - Secondary

Thomas Cann PHF Landscape Supplies

Col Davis Accounting Taxation

Henry Grech PP Legal Practice

Michael Griscti PHF Lighting Technician

Penny Hill PP, PHF Customer Service Manager

Alan Jones PP,PHF Marketing Consultancy

Bob Low PHF Electrical Distribution

Robert Mackey PP,PHF Construction Services

Ian Pearce PP,PHF Industrial Consultancy

Bruce Pike Nursery Retail

Suresh Prasad PP Sugar Research

Haran Ramachandran PP,PHF Computer Support

Bobby Redman Psychology

Michael Richardson Honorary Member

Greg Rieper PP,PHF Consultancy

Graeme Rohan PP,PHF Petroleum Distribution

Gordon Scoble PP,PHF Education Primary

Jim Sifonios PP,PHF Product Development

Keith Stapley PP,PHF Photogrammetry

Rod Tilden PP,PHF Window Furnishing Sales

Alex Traill PP,PHF Building & Maintenance

Wilf Van Emmerik PP,PHF Specialised Transport

Allan Walker PP Funeral Director

P – President PP - Past President PHF - Paul Harris Fellow

Note: Apologies must be in to PP Graeme Rohan by 12pm on Mondays so numbers can be confirmed for dinner.

$�F%�$�������9�(�������A�E�F����C7���February / March

Sun 10 Bunning’s BBQ

Mon 11 Phil Isaacs - Low Power Consuming Computers

Mon 18 David Rosenberg - Inside Pine Gap 'The Spy Who came in from the Desert' ex US Military

Wed 20 Board Meeting

Mon 25 Paula Tazzyman - Improving Concentration

Mon March 4 Club Assembly �