the way of the things

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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Transcript of the way of the things


1.Isometric Exercise- Isometric exercise is a static form of exercise in which a muscle contract and produce force without an appreciable change in the length of muscle & without visible joint motion.

2.Isokinetic Exercises Isokinetic exercise is a form of dynamic exercise in which the velocity of muscle shortening or lengthening and the angular limb velocity is predetermined and held constant by a rate-limiting device known as isokinetic dynamometer.

3.Plyometric Training Plyometric training is defined as a system of high velocity resistance training characterized by a rapid, resisted, eccentric contraction during which the muscle elongates, immediately followed by a rapid reversal of movement with a resisted concentric contraction of the same muscle.

4.Progressive Resistance Exercise Progressive resistance exercise is a system of dynamic resistance training in which a constant external load is applied to the contracting muscle by some mechanical means and incrementally increased.

5.Circuit Training Circuit training employs a series of exercise activities at the end of the last activity, the individual starts from the beginning and again moves through the series.