THE VOICE OF 4-H - Extension Vernon County · Diorama Show/State 4-H News! Pg 16 What’s Going...

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Transcript of THE VOICE OF 4-H - Extension Vernon County · Diorama Show/State 4-H News! Pg 16 What’s Going...


THE VOICE OF 4-H Vernon County 4-H Family Newsletter

Vol. 2015 Issue 308 December/January

An EEO/Affirmative Action Employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and DA. Extending the resources and knowledge of the University of Wisconsin

Requests for reasonable accommodations for disabilities or limitations should be made prior to the date of the program or activity for which it is needed. Please do so 10 days before the program activity so that proper arrangements can be made.

4-H Focuses on…..

Decision Making

Problem Solving

Relating to Others

Planning and Organizing

Learning to Learn

Communicating with Others

Leading Self and Others

Relating to Change

Applying Science & Technology

Developing Self

Mental and Physical Health



VERNON COUNTY UW-EXTENSION STAFF Colleen B Pulvermacher Karen Ehle-Traastad 4-H Youth Development Educator Family Living Agent, Department Head karen.ehle-traastad

Sonya Lenzendorf Sheena Cook-Fuglsang WNEP Coordinator WNEP Educator

Linda Morrison Cindy Daniels Ag & Family Living Administrative Assistant 4-H Administrative Assistant

Website Address:


Save the Date/L/P Federation Pg 2

Club News Pg 3

Jan./Feb. Calendars Pg 4

Window Display Contest Pg 5

L/P Federation Banquet Pg 6

Adult Volunteers Recognized Pg 7

Horse & Pony Proj/Shooting Sports News Pg 8

2016 Arts Fest Guidelines Pg 9

Arts Fest Guidelines Pg 10

Demonstrations/Talks/Actions Centers Pg 11

Vernon Co. Fair Entry Forms Pg 12

Arts Fest Entry Form Pg 13

Vernon Co. 4-H Scholarship/WNEP Pg 14

Cloverbuds & Explorers Clover College Pg 15

Diorama Show/State 4-H News! Pg 16

What’s Going Happy Holidays! Pg 17


Save the Date!



April 16th, 2016

Save the Date!

4-H Arts Fest

Saturday, March 5th, 2016

Complete entry information on pages

****** of this newsletter. Note, entry

deadline date ! Save the Date!

Upham Woods

Summer Camp

July 24-26, 2016




The Vernon County 4-H Leader Parent Federation is looking for adults

to serve as vice president and Treasurer for the 2016-2018 term.

The purpose of the Federation is to:

a. Assist the Vernon County University Extension office staff in planning, conducting and administering the

4-H program in Vernon County.

b. Set policies and provide financial support for 4-H activities, trips and programs.

c. To serve as an advisory body to County Extension personnel with regard to the county 4-H program.

Please Consider:

—4-H Adult Volunteers with a good understanding of our county 4-H program, along with a willingness to

learn, are well positioned to enjoy serving on the Federation.

—Consistent attendance is needed at the monthly 4-H Leader Parent Federation Meetings .(Currently held on

the 2nd Sunday evening of the month, 7 p.m. at the UW-Extension, Erlandson Building Conference Room.

Meetings generally last 1-1 1/2 hours).

—Proficiency with Microsoft word and e-mail is essential.

Vice President

The role is a two year term, the first year being a support to the President of the federation and the second year

to moving into the President role.

Duties include:

Filling in for executive officers that may not be able to attend a meeting, including leading the Federation

meeting if the President is not able to attend. Serve as chairman of the promotion committee. Assist in

providing 4-H officer training.


This is a two year term. The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping Federation financial records and will

handle all disbursements and receipts of Federation funds. In addition he or she shall give a Treasurer’s

Report at each Federation Board meeting and present bills to be paid for approval. The Treasurer will help

prepare an annual budget for the Federation. Any unbudgeted or questionable expenses shall be reviewed by

the Federation Board. Voting will be conducted at the January recognition banquet. For further information, or to express interest,

please contact the Extension Office, 637-5276.


Nerison—Teresa Falter

September—The Nerison 4-H club held their monthly meeting on September 28th, 2015 at the Coon Valley

Village Hall. President Claire Hawthorne called the meeting to order and led the pledges. Members were asked

to sign a sheet at the end for roll call. The cloverbuds were dismissed for their activity. The secretary’s report

was read by Teresa Falter. John Falter made motion to accept the secretary’s report and Elias Bolstad

seconded it. Emily Palm read the treasurer’s report and John Falter made the motion to accept it, with a

second from Bridget Palm. In Old Business, we discussed the 4-H Window Display. We are planning on

having it at the library in Coon Valley. We hope to be able to set up on Tuesday, October 20, at 4:30 pm.

Please bring projects to the next meeting. Claire told us about what she found out about having a project at

Fair Haven Assisted Living. We are planning on doing some sort of craft and having the Falters play their

instruments. The Falters will bring some dates that work for them to the next meeting. For New Business, we

discussed the 4-H Banquet. Our club has to help organize the annual 4-H Banquet in January. There are three

meetings in the first floor Conference Room at the Extension Office. The dates for the meetings are: Tuesday,

November 24, Thursday, December 3, and Tuesday, January 5. All of the meetings are at 4:00 pm. The

Banquet will probably be on January 10 or 17. We discussed whether the members should reimburse the club

for the junior fair tickets. John Falter made a motion that the club would cover the cost of all of the junior

exhibitor fair tickets, but not the adult tickets.Natalie Bolstad seconded the motion. We can re-enroll on the 4-

HOnline website. Our next meeting is October 19th, at 6:30 pm at the Coon Valley Village Hall. We will have

officer nominations. It will be a potluck Halloween party. Elias Bolstad made a motion to adjourn the meeting

and Michaela Palm seconded.

Springville Superstars—Jonah Jepsen

October—The October meeting meeting for Springville Superstars was called to order at 7:00 by Josie

Wiltrout. The Roethel and Olson family led the Pledge of Allegiance. Lydia Olson led the icebreaker game.

Jonah Jepsen read the secretary's report. Bethany Roethel moved a motion to approve it, and Gabby Olson

seconded that. The motion was passed. Jonah Jepsen read the Secretary's report. Bethany Roethel moved a

motion to approve and Gabby Olson seconded it. The motion was passed. There was no Parent Leader

Federation report. Angie Roethel gave the Club Leader's report. Under unfinished business - Thank you to

those who worked at the food stand. Kids showed things they brought to the fair.Under new business - You

need to re-enroll into 4H by the November meeting. The club pays dues for members who attended three

meetings last year. There will be a window decorating contest. Eli Jepsen moved a motion to adjourn the

meeting and Ben Roethel seconded that. Barry Grimsled gave a presentation about his military life and our

activity was writing letters to veterans going on the Freedom Honor Flight.

November—The November 4H meeting was called to order by Josie Wiltrout. The Torgerson and Engh

family led the Pledge of Allegiance and 4H pledge. Bailey Olson led the icebreaker "Electric Shock."

Jonah Jepsen gave the secretary's report. Bethany Roethal made a motion to approve the secretary's report and

Ben Roethal seconded that. There was no discussion and the motion passed. Lydia led the treasurer's report.

Morgan Swenson made a motion to approve, and Trista Rumpee seconded that. There was no discussion and

the motion passed. There was no parent leader report, and Angie Roethal gave the club leader report. Old

business: The fair checks will be completed in one to to weeks. New business: In the past, we've done a toys

for tots fundraiser, and that will most likely continue this year. We will be doing a Salvation Army bell-

wringing fundraiser on December 13th at Village Market. We will be doing a bake sale on the 14th or 21st of

December, and we are looking for a parent to lead that. Janzen McClelland made a motion to adjourn the

meeting and Trista Rumpee seconded that. There was no discussion and the meeting was adjourned. Our

activity was trail mix-making and frosting cookies.


January 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Happy

New Year!

Office Closed


3 4Clover College

& L/P Fed Banq

Reg. Deadline!

5 6 7 8 9

10 L/P Awards


11 12 13 14 State Live-

stock Contest


15 Diorama

Show Reg.


16 Clover


17 L/F Awards

Banquet Snow

Date/H&P Mtg

18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28

State 4-H Arts



Arts Fest Reg.




Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Online Hunter

Safety Reg.


2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13


L/P Federation


15 16 17 18 19 20 Diorama


State 4-H Meats



Horse & Pony

Project Mtg

22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29

February 2016


2015 4-H Window Display Contest Congratulations to the following clubs for their participation!

Seas Branch Smithies—1st place

Enterprise Eagles Nerison

Lucky Clovers Rainbow Reachers

Thank you to the Emerald Club members who served as judges for

this event and to the area businesses for their support!

Animal Tracks Veterinary Clinic—Viroqua, Coon Valley Library—Coon Valley,

Ewetopia– Viroqua, VFW—Westby and WCCU—Coon Valley

Emerald Club Members and

Judges From Left to Right:

Bill Marohl, Joanne Hornby, Sandy

Marohl & Joanne Dach

Wow! They all did

such a great job!

This is a really hard



There will be a Freewill Offering collected to help with the cost of this event.

PLEASE call the Extension Office 637-5276 or email with

your RSVP on or before Monday, January 4th. This is needed for accurate purchase of

food, beverages etc. Even if your club is helping host this event, an RSVP is needed!

Liberty Pole Boosters Nerison

The Vernon County 4-H Leader/Parent Federation

2015 Vernon County 4-H Leadership Banquet Sunday, January 10, 2016—1:00 p.m.

Viroqua VFW

Hosted by Area #1 4-H Clubs

Winter Wonderland of 4-H!

Special Guests

Ag & Extension Committee Members

Special Leaders-Friends of 4-H-Volunteer of the Year

Davis Diggers Kickapoo Rustlers Hillsboro Hotshots Enterprise Eagles East Ridge Beavers

Mississippi Steamers MM/Rt 56 Lucky Clovers

Seas Branch Smithies

Retreat Ramblers Rainbow Reachers

Springville Superstars Three Chimneys Rockies Tewalt Toilers


1 Boardman, Sarah Retreat Ramblers

1 Engh, Tracy Springville Super Stars

1 Gretebeck, Becky Seas Branch Smithies

1 Klinkner, Robert Seas Branch Smithies

1 Lysne, Sally Lucky Clovers

1 Olson, Emily Springville Super Stars

1 Prentice, Heidi Mississippi Steamers

1 Slack, Sarah Mapledale Motivators/Rt 56

1 Solverson, Rebecca Mapledale Motivators/Rt 56

1 Torgerson, Brenda Springville Super Stars

5 Berra, Kay Mississippi Steamers

5 Diehl, Renae Liberty Pole Boosters

5 Dregne, Heather East Ridge Beavers

5 Mathison, Keith Enterprise Eagles

5 Nelson, Emily Mapledale Motivators/Rt 56

5 Pedretti, Tammy Retreat Ramblers

5 Rigby, Donna Springville Super Stars

5 Schneider, Marie Liberty Pole Boosters

5 Swenson, Dusty Liberty Pole Boosters

10 Diehl, Karen Liberty Pole Boosters

10 Klinkner, Gail Seas Branch Smithies

10 Krause, Forrest Enterprise Eagles

10 Krause, Sue Ann Enterprise Eagles

10 Servais, Lisa Enterprise Eagles

10 Servais, Tim Enterprise Eagles

10 Sherry, Tamra Mapledale Motivators/Rt 56

10 Wieczorek, Laura Enterprise Eagles

15 Crowley-Vento, Lorna Tewalt Toilers

15 Zink, Tamera Tewalt Toilers

20 Anderson, Jayne Seas Branch Smithies

20 Cina, Angela Resource Leader

20 Nigh, Betty Lucky Clovers

35 Crowley, Marcia Tewalt Toilers

2015 Recognition Listing - Vernon County Adult 4-H Leaders/Volunteers


Horse & Pony Project News The Vernon County Horse & Pony Project meeting took place on November 13th at the UW-

Extension Office, 1st Floor Conference Room. Project members attending were: Emilie Brose,

Kerbie Brose, Eli Bolstad, Natalie Bolstad, Drew Dravis, Alexis Fortney, Alex Harnish, Angie

Harnish, Hope Petersheim, Bella Roth, April Roth, Anna Roth, and Raina Schultz.

Topics discussed were:

Office elections for 2016 will take place at the January meeting. Ideas and interest for events that youth, as

project members, would like to plan for were, Trail Rides, Camping, Gymkhanas, Overnight Clinic, and

Shows. It was discussed that perhaps some of the events might be open for participation from 4-H Horse &

Pony Project members in other counties. Please bring your ideas to the January meeting so we can finalize our

2016 events calendar. We also discussed the Duck Egg Restoration of the trails, which will be our mandatory

event instead of the Wild West Days booth. Yes, this is correct, we will not have a WWD booth this year.

Other possible community volunteer work discussed was Roadside Cleanup.

Hopefully, everyone in the project received my email in regards to the Christmas/Bowling Party, which will

be held on December 13, 1:00 p.m. at the Nordic Lanes, in Westby. Pizza will be provided by the Project. We

will not be exchanging gifts. The next Horse & Pony Project meeting will be held at the Extension office, 1st

floor conference room at 1:00 p.m. on January 17, 2016. Along with the officer nominations and election,

we will announce on this day our “End of Year Award” winners for participating in the most project events

throughout the summer.

That is all for now. Happy Holidays to you and your family!

Sally Brose,

Vernon County 4-H Horse & Pony Project Leader

Shooting Sports News

The Coon Valley Conservation Club will be offering an On-Line Internet Wisconsin DNR Hunter

Safety Education Class with registration beginning Feb. 1, 2016 for the on-line course and Final

mandatory FIELD DAY on Saturday, Mar. 19, 2016. There will be no regular classroom course

offered in Coon Valley due to changes in the scheduling requirements for offering the classroom


Enrollment is limited for On-Line Internet courses. Preference will be given to those students attending the

Westby Area Schools who will be 12 years of age prior to beginning of the 2016 hunting seasons. Students

must first register for the class and then complete one of the 3 on-line courses approved by the WI DNR prior

to the Field Day. The Field Day includes additional hands on training, written and practical exams.

Information from the WI DNR – “The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Hunter Education Program

accepts three online courses:

// ($24.95)

// ($24.50) or

// (free)

No other online courses are accepted at this time and there is no minimum age requirement to enroll in an internet

hunter education field day course. The course is written at a sixth grade level (12 year old) and can be difficult for

students age 10 and under.”

A Wisconsin DNR Customer ID Number is required for the Class. This ID number can be obtained by call-

ing the DNR at 1-888-936-7463. To register for this class students must email their Name, Birthdate, DNR

Customer ID Number, and School Attending to –



2016 VERNON COUNTY ARTS FEST Saturday, March 5, 2016

Registration Deadline - Friday, January 29th, 2016

Make sure and follow the directions for your entries! Incomplete entries may be disqualified!

All performances, Arts & Crafts and Photography are to be performed and or displayed at your club meetings in February!

Arts & Crafts All 4-H members can enter Arts & Crafts at Arts Fest, even if you are not enrolled in an Arts & Crafts project! You may enter two (2) arts & crafts items. You must attach a 3x5 card to each entry with the following information: your name, club’s name, grade, date completed and a brief description of materials used and work done to make the art or craft. Be sure to write legibly! Attach card to your item (s) securely but not in a place that will distract or cover the appearance of your article. All items are to be brought to Westby High School Cafeteria by the exhibitor. There are (3) divisions: K-2, 3-7 & 8-13. Entries need to be in place by 8:30 am, on the day of the festival, to be judged and for display. Judge may be available after 11:30a.m.for comments and feedback. Pre entry for Arts & Crafts is required and is included on the 4-H Arts entry form. Arts & Crafts are to be displayed at the club level in February. Make sure and pick up your entries at the “end” of the day!

Photography Limit of two (2) photos per exhibitor. Photos must be 5”x7” and be mounted on top of poster board, (any color) measuring 6” x 8”. A 3x5 card must be attached, with your name, club’s name, grade and title of photograph. As with Arts & Crafts, photography entries are to be brought to the Westby High School Cafeteria on festival day, (8:30 a.m.) by the exhibitor for judging and display. Also as in Arts & Crafts, there is (3) divisions: K-2, 3-7 & 8-13.Pre entry for photography is required and is included on the 4-H Arts form. Photography is to be displayed at the club level in February. The Judge will be available after 11:30 a.m., on the day of the Arts Fest for comments. Make sure and pick up your entries at the “end” of the day! Speaking Pieces (individual or two people): Your club leader will turn in a roster of performers for Arts Fest by January 29th. All speaking pieces need to be performed at your 4-H club during the month of February. Read the rules carefully. Musicals, Dramas, Play Readings, Mini-Dramas & Full Dramas: Also to be performed at the club level and then compete at the County level. Read the guidelines carefully ! Again, the rules are very specific, so please read them before you make a group selection. As with Speaking Pieces entries need to be turned into Leaders prior to the January 29th deadline & performed at the club level in February.

Question: What entries will be judged as a “fair entry”? Answer: Demonstrations, vocal, piano & instrumental are performed for members grade 3-13, on the same day as County Arts Fest and are considered fair entries. Question: Where do I turn in fair & arts fest entries? Answer: All entries are turned into your 4-H club leader. Question: When is the entry deadline? Answer: Entry deadlines for both fair & arts fest entries is January 29th. Question: How will I find out my performance times? Answer: The performance schedule will be posted the morning of Arts Fest. If you have extenuating circumstances re: time frame needs, please note this on your entry form. Question: May more than one entry be put on a form. Example– Siblings are entering the same events. Answer: No. Individual entry form (s) must be completed.



PURPOSE of the 4-H Festival of Arts is to provide the opportunity:

1. for 4-H members and Cloverbuds to share their skills and talents with others.

2. for 4-H members and Cloverbuds to further develop their skills in communicating through the

arts with constructive feedback on their efforts.

3. to share with the public the Arts and Communication phases of the Wisconsin 4-H Youth

Development program.

4. to discover additional arts ideas from others in the area.


1. Throughout the program, participants and others will not leave or enter the room while a group

or individual is performing.

2. Please respect the time guidelines in each category.

3. Please respect the scheduled performance times. Groups are expected to perform at

scheduled times.

4. All 4-H arts festival participants must be enrolled 4-H members.

5. All participants will receive a ribbon. Merit awards will be based on quality of the exhibit and

age of participant. Only those who follow the guidelines will be eligible for merit awards.

6. When selecting material for presentations, please keep in mind that 4-H is a family

organization. Presentations should be appropriate for audiences of all ages.


1. Time Guidelines—Maximum time 5 minutes for all categories.

2. Description -The following categories must have 1 or 2 readers.

A. Memorized selection: Prose, poetry or any other piece, which must be memorized. No

notes allowed.

B. Prose-reading: include stories, narratives, anything not written as a poem; should be

presented as a reading. No props.

C. Poetry-reading: may be original poem or a selection written by someone else, either in

verse form or open-ended; should be presented as a reading. No props.

D. Original speeches: A speech written by the speaker on any subject, preferably one

pertaining to his/her 4-H project work. Notes permitted.

E. Storytelling: Original or from a book, told as if to younger children. No poetry allowed.

Presented without using notes; costumes or props are encouraged, and facial expression and

gestures are allowed.



1. Description - may be individual or in teams

a. Demonstrations and Illustrated Talks: either teach someone how or show and tell how to

do something

b. Consists of 4 parts - a) introduction, b) body, c) conclusion, and d) questions from audience

c. Visuals and charts can be used. Use maps, charts, posters, graphs, pictures, slides or

models to explain what you're saying.

d. Action Center (informal): a show and tell with an emphasis on showing.

e. Presenter (s) carry on conversation with passersby (no seated audience)

f. People watching take part by - a) watching and listening, b) talking with demonstrator, c)

trying things with senses, d) judging things, e) asking questions

g. Handouts may be used (instructions, directions, recipes)

h. Posters or pictures can be used to show key steps or to show a close-up view.

2. Time Guidelines:

a. 15 minute maximum for demonstrations: b) 15-30 minutes for action center.



1. Description: Categories include instrumental, vocal, dance. If tapes are used, only

instrumental accompaniment tapes are permitted. Vocal tapes will be allowed for dance

numbers only. No open flames, hay, straw, cornstalks, shavings or sawdust may be used.

2. Time Guidelines - The maximum performance time limit is 12 minutes. Clock starts with

opening of curtain. No minimum time limit.

3. No directing is permitted from the audience or in front of the stage.


1. Description - a) One Act Play, commercial , mini drama or original drama. b) No open

flames, hay, straw, cornstalks, shavings or sawdust are to be used.

2. Time Guidelines - The maximum performance time limit for: One Act Play, commercial & mini

drama is 12 minutes. Full drama is 30 minutes. This timeframe is from opening curtain to final

curtain. No minimum time limit.

3. No directing is permitted from the audience or in front of the stage.

Note: Music & Drama State Fair Selection – Must be a group of 5 or more.

County 4-H Youth Development Agent will contact groups of possible Wisconsin State Fair participation.

Maximum time allowed for state fair entries is a total of 20 minutes This is from the start of set up through take down!



SATURDAY MARCH 5,2016 Leader Entry Deadline - January 29th, 2016

Be sure to write legibly! “J” DEPARTMENT 18

CLASS H—MUSIC Lot No. (Circle music presentation you are

participating in)

1. Vocal presentation, grade 3 - 4

2. Vocal duet presentation, grade 3 - 4

3. Vocal presentation, grade 5 - 6

4. Vocal duet presentation, grade 5 - 6

5. Vocal presentation, grade 7 - 9

6. Vocal duet presentation, grade 7 - 9

7. Vocal presentation, grade 10 - 13

8. Vocal duet presentation, grade 10 - 13

9. Piano presentation, grade 3 - 4

10. Piano presentation, grade 5 - 6

11. Piano presentation, grade 7 - 9

12. Piano presentation, grade 10 - 13

13. Stringed Instrument Presentation, grade 3 - 4

14. Stringed Instrument Presentation, grade 5 - 6

15. Stringed Instrument Presentation, grade 7 - 9

16. Stringed Instrument Presentation, grade 10 - 13

17. Band Instrument Presentation, grade 3 - 4

18. Band Instrument Presentation, grade 5 - 6

19. Band Instrument Presentation, grade 7 - 9

20. Band Instrument Presentation, grade 10 - 13

21. *Instrumental Duet Presentation, grade 3-4

22. *Instrumental Duet Presentation, grade 5-6

23. *Instrumental Duet Presentation, grade 7-9

24. *Instrumental Duet Presentation, grade 10-13

*Instrument can be: Piano, String and or Band







Grade Phone # _______________

Club _________________________________ ___

In order to receive a fair premium for your participation in

this event, you must be enrolled in the music project and

enter your music presentation along with any other fair

entries per Vernon County Fair entry rules and deadlines.


Each exhibitor limited to 2 Team Demonstrations Lot No. (Circle demonstration you are participating in) 1. Animal Science - Beginner, grade 3 - 7 2. Cultural Arts - Beginner, grade 3 - 7 3. Home & Family - Beginner, grade 3 - 7 4. Mechanical Science - Beginner, grade 3 - 7 5. Natural Science - Beginner, grade 3 - 7 6. Plant & Soil - Beginner, grade 3 - 7 7. Animal Science - Advanced, grade 8 - 13 8. Cultural Arts - Advanced, grade 8 - 13 9. Home & Family - Advanced, grade 8 - 13 10. Mechanical Science - Advanced, grade 8 - 13 11. Natural Science - Advanced, grade 8 - 13 12. Plant & Soil - Advanced, grade 8 - 13 13. Animal Science - Mixed age group 14. Cultural Arts - Mixed age group 15. Home & Family - Mixed age group 16. Mechanical Science - Mixed age group 17. Natural Science - Mixed age group 18. Plant & Soil - Mixed age group

CLASS B - INDIVIDUAL DEMONSTRATIONS Each exhibitor limited to 2 Demonstrations

Lot No. (Circle demonstration you are participating in) 1. Animal Science - Beginner through grade 3 - 7 2. Cultural Arts - Beginner through grade 3 - 7 3. Home & Family - Beginner through grade 3 - 7 4. Mechanical Science - Beginner through grade 3 - 7 5. Natural Science - Beginner through grade 3 - 7 6. Plant & Soil - Beginner through 3 - 7 7. Animal Science - Advanced, grade 8 - 13 8. Cultural Arts - Advanced, grade 8 - 13 9. Home & Family - Advanced, grade 8 - 13 10. Mechanical Science - Advanced, grade 8 - 13 11. Natural Science - Advanced, grade 8 - 13 12. Plant & Soil - Advanced, grade 8 - 13




Grade Phone # ________________

Club _____________________________________

In order to receive a fair premium for your participation in this event,

you must be enrolled in the appropriate project and enter your

presentation and or your demonstration along with any other fair

entries per Vernon County Fair entry rules and deadlines.



Saturday, March 5, 2016

Westby High School Cafeteria - Art & Crafts & Photography Entries: 8:30 a.m.


Leaders Entry Deadline—Friday, January 29th, 2016

PLEASE NOTE: Check Category you wish to enter and note the title of your selection. Completed

forms are to be turned into your General Leader! Entries without name/ title of entry and required

information may have placing effected and or disqualified from the competition. Be sure to write legibly!

YOUR NAME(S) __________________________________________________________________________________________


ADDRESS ____________ PHONE ______________________GRADE_________

CLUB _______ GENERAL LEADER________________________________

MUSIC (3 performers or more) (Note: Must be a group of 5 or more to compete at State Fair)

_____ Instrumental________________________________________________________________________________________



_____K—2 Instrumental (1 or 2 performers)___________________________________________________________________

_____K—2 Vocal (1 or 2 performers)_________________________________________________________________________

DRAMA (Groups of 3 or more) (*Note: Must be a group of 5 or more to compete at State Fair)

_____One-Act Play________________________________________________________________________________________


_____Full Drama (Not State Fair Eligible)_____________________________________________________________________


COMMUNICATION ARTS (Description—The following categories may have 1 or 2 readers –Title must be noted with


_____Memorized selection___________________________________________________________________________________



_____Original speeches_____________________________________________________________________________________


_____Play Reading ________________________________________________________________________________________

Please review the complete entry guidelines for these categories!

ARTS & CRAFTS -May enter (2) items—Must attach 3x5 card to entry. See Arts & Crafts entry requirements.



PHOTOGRAPHY (May enter two photographs— Must attach 3x5 card to entry. See Photography entry





Don’t Let Germs Crash Your Party!

Holidays are a great time to invite

friends and family over to enjoy a

meal. Leaving food out too long can

leave the door open for uninvited

guests—bacteria that can cause food borne illness.

Bacteria can double every 20 minutes in food kept at

room temperature so it’s important to keep HOT foods

HOT and COLD foods COLD. Here are a few

suggestions to help you keep unwanted “guests” from

joining your party.

Follow the “Two-Hour Rule”. Foods should not sit at room temperature for more

than two hours. Keep track of how long foods have

been sitting on the buffet table and discard food that

has been there for two hours or more.

Cool and store leftovers.

Divide leftovers into several clean, shallow

containers, allowing them to chill faster.

Arrange and serve on small platters.

REPLACE empty platters rather than adding fresh

food to a dish that already had food in it. Many

people’s hands may have been taking food from the

dish, which has also been sitting out at room

temperature. Source: Holiday or Party Buffets, Food Safety and Inspection Service,

United States Department of Agriculture


Eligible applicants: 2016 graduating seniors and 2015 or older graduates Application due in Extension Office by: 4:00 p.m., March 1, 2016

Checklist: Class of 2016 Vernon County 4-H Scholarship Application (3 pages) Essay Two Photographs High School Transcript Three (3) Current Letters of Recommendation ( one from 4-H Leader) Post-high School Applicant High School and/or College Transcript Three (3) Current Letters of Recommendation

Complete guidelines and applications will be available at the Extension Office and on the Vernon County UW-Extension Website

Vegetable Pasta Soup Make it your own by adding your favorite ingredients.


1 tablespoon vegetable oil

4 cups chopped or sliced vegetables

(like onions, carrots, and zucchini)

1 can (14 1/2 ounces) diced tomatoes with green


1 can (14 1/2 ounces) low sodium broth

2 cups water

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon Italian seasoning or dried basil

2 cups small whole wheat pasta

6 cups fresh spinach leaves (about 1/2 pound), thor-

oughly washed


1.Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium heat

until hot. Add onions and carrots. Cook, stirring of-

ten, until the vegetables are softened (about 3


2.Stir in zucchini and canned tomatoes. Cook 3 to 4

minutes. Stir in the broth, water, salt, and Italian sea-

soning or dried basil. Bring to a boil.

3.Stir in the pasta and spinach. Return to a boil.

Cook until the pasta is tender, using the time on the

package for a guide.

Source: Iowa State University Extension


WHEN: Saturday, January 16th, 2016 TIME: 1:00 P.M. until 3:30 P.M.

PLACE: Kickapoo Valley Reserve

S3661 State Road 131

La Farge, Wisconsin 54639

Phone: (608) 625-2960


Cultural Arts-Get creative and take home a creation all your own!

Foods-Make a yummy treat, learn and eat at the same time!

Recreation-Have fun at what you love best...playing!

Natural Science-Investigate the natural world and see what’s out there.

Mechanical Science-Can you say Lego Challenge!!

Animals-Giddy up!! This session will look at what it takes to be an equestrian

IN CASE OF WINTER STORM: If weather is bad, Clover College will be cancelled. Tune to

WCOW 97.1 FM after 7:30 a.m. or keep an eye on your 4-H Online email account on January

16th for weather-related information. We will cancel by 10am. COST: $3 per child. Maximum of $9 per family. Registration fees MUST accompany registration

form. Participants will be assigned to a clover color group and led by a clover youth leader. Sessions

will be 20 minutes in length. Clover color groups will rotate to all clover sessions. 4-H adult volunteers

and junior leaders will teach twenty-minute sessions.

Saturday, January 16, 2015 Registration Deadline: Monday, January 4th!

Name(s) of Participant(s): _________________________________________________

Member (s) of which Vernon County 4-H Club:__________________________________

Parent/Guardian: _______________________________ # of Parents attending ______

Phone: _______________ Any allergies or special needs:__________________________

Fees: $3 per person; $9 per family max $__________Enclosed

Make checks payable to Monroe County 4-H Leaders Association. Mail registration and check to:


member of Vernon County 4-H .

Please Log onto 4-H Online by January 6th to update the health form of youth participating.

Monroe County 4-H Welcomes Vernon Co. 4-H Members to

An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin—Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and ADA requirements. Please make requests for reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to educational programs as early as possi-ble preceding


State 4-H News! State 4-H Group On-line Application Form is up and ready to go!

Attention all 4-Her’s in grades 9-13 interested in participating in one of Wisconsin’s State 4-H Arts Groups

for 2016. 4-H Art Team, 4-H Drama Company and 4-H Communications Team can all be applied for on-line

at: Please note: 4-H Showcase Singers is on hiatus for 2016. Information, Job De-

scriptions, Photos, Video and Timelines can all be found on our website at

art-groups/ Application forms and audition materials are due January 28, 2016, so please spread the word and

encourage your friends to apply! For more information contact Christina Rencontre, 4-H Youth Development

Communication Arts Specialist, (608) 262-1536,

Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program

The Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program, has posted a new item, 'State 4-H Meats Contest set for Saturday,

February 20th!'We cordially invite you to again bring your county junior and senior teams to the upcoming

meat judging contest, to be held Saturday, February 20, at the UW Madison Meat Laboratory. All of the ma-

terials can be found online at

We will continue with the change from the 2005 contest, junior contestants will be given [...]

You may view the latest post at

Other Youth Livestock Program News! 1. So you want to start a Knowledge Team! January 14th, 2016 – NEW!

This program is to engage volunteers, leaders and agents on how to start and coach knowledge based

teams. Examples of these in the livestock area are: Quiz bowl, Skillathon, Meats Judging and Livestock

Judging. This webinar/wisline will enable participants to be more knowledgeable about resources availa-

ble, logistics of getting a team started and how to become successful in the process. More information will

be coming out on this soon.

To sign – up for this program, Share your information in the link provided.


2. 2016 4-H Meats Judging contest - Feb. 20, 2016

For more info:

3. 2016 Quiz Bowl & Skillathon Contest, March 5, 2016

For more info:

More information forthcoming

Richland County


4-H Diorama Show

February 20, 2016 UW-Richland Wallace Student Center Cafeteria

Set Up: 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

2:00 p.m.: Diorama Workshop

2:30 p.m.: One-on-One Judging starts

Fee: $5 per exhibitor (Please pay with entry form)

Entry deadline: January 15, 2016 Send Entry to: Richland County Extension Office

1000 Highway 14 West, Richland Center, WI 53581

Sponsored by the Richland County 4-H Junior Leaders

Complete information regarding this wonderful opportunity is available at

the Richland Co. website and the Vernon Co. Extension Office.



Sunday Dec. 13 L/P Federation Meeting 7:00 p.m. UW-Ext., 1st Floor

Conference Rm

Sunday Dec. 13 4-H Horse & Pony Project Christmas Party 1:00 p.m. Nordic Lanes, Westby

Thursday Dec. 24 Christmas Eve—Office Closed

Friday Dec. 25 Merry Christmas!!

Thursday Dec. 31 Happy New Year!

Friday Jan. 1 New Years Day—Office Closed

Monday Jan. 4 L/P Federation Banq. Registration—


4:30 p.m. UW-Extension Office

Monday Jan. 4 Monroe Co. Clover College Reg. Deadline 4:30 p.m. Monroe Co. UW-

Extension Office, Sparta

Sunday Jan. 10 L/P Federation Banquet 1:00 p.m. Viroqua VFW

Thursday Jan. 14 Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program-

State 4-H Meats Contest


Friday Jan. 15th Richland Co. 4-H Diorama Show—

Registration Deadline

Richland Co. Extension

Office, Richland Center

Saturday Jan. 16th Monroe Co. Clover College 1:00 p.m. Kickapoo Valley Reserve

Sunday Jan. 17 Horse & Pony Project Meeting 1:00 p.m. UW-Ext., 1st Floor

Conference Rm

Thursday Jan. 28th State 4-H Arts Group Deadline See page 16 of this


Friday Jan. 29th Arts Fest Registration Deadline 4:30 p.m. UW-Extension Office

Feb. 1 Monday Coon Valley Conservation Club On-Line

Hunter Safety Program—Registration

See page 8 of this


Colleen Sheena Sonja








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