The Voice of Peace · 24/25 Acolyte: ————— Logan Thompson Reader: Pastor Merrell Bob Poe...

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Transcript of The Voice of Peace · 24/25 Acolyte: ————— Logan Thompson Reader: Pastor Merrell Bob Poe...


The Voice

of Peace

Servant Assignments [including Pg. 2

Midweek Advent acolytes], Birthdays,

Anniversaries, Our Gifts at Work ……………………………………………………………….. Monthly Calendar Pg. 3 ……………………………………………………………….. On the Calendar & Events Pg. 4 Mens Breakfast Bible Study

This Month

Advent by Candlelight

Advent Worship and Dinner


Ladies Guild Christmas Party / Meeting

Christmas / New Year’s Eve Worship

Sunday School Information …………………………………………………………………

December 2016

Peace Lutheran Church

of Waterford

Inside This Issue

“May the God of PEACE, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you

with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” John 14:27

Dear friends, Blessed Advent as we look together to the coming Christ Child! Advent is a time of beginning and beginning again for many. The season of Advent prepares us as we watch. Prepare and behold all that God has done on our behalf — for you and me. Every day, as we remember His grace, we are marked as His children. It is a time we look to those who are in need. The clothing drive for Houghton School gives us a chance to give back to those children in need. May this time of beginnings bring us all a sense of renewed focus to those neighbors who have need and how can we help? May the blessings of the Christ Child and His coming bring joy and blessings to you and yours. God bless, Pastor Tkac

35 “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we

must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he

himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Acts 20:35


December 2016 ~ Acolyte & Reader Schedule

Saturday 6:30 pm Sunday 10:30 am 3/4 Acolyte: Olivia Fisher Logan Thompson Reader: Mark Bunarek Jon Parlette 10/11 Acolyte: ————— Brianna Squanda Reader: Pastor Merrell Kim Deckard 17/18 Acolyte: Olivia Fisher Lauren Robar Reader: Ginny McDonald Elise Tilley 24/25 Acolyte: ————— Logan Thompson Reader: Pastor Merrell Bob Poe 30/31 Acolyte: Olivia Fisher Brianna Squanda Reader: Judy Harroun Beth Schreiner

Advent Acolyte Schedule Wednesday, December 7 Acolyte Lauren Robar Wednesday, December 14 Acolyte Brianna Squanda December Elders: Bill Krueger Jay Squanda December Altar Guild: Nancy Aronson / Judy Bowles

Saturday Divine Worship ……. 6:30 pm Sunday Divine Worship ……… 10:30 am

Intergenerational Sunday School

in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 am

Midweek Adult Bible Class

Thursday ………………………… 2:30—3:30 pm

No Sunday School or Bible Class Memorial Day — Labor Day

6th/7th Grade Confirmation Class

Monday ………………………… 5:30—6:30 pm

8th Grade Confirmation Class

Monday …………………………. 6:30—7:30 pm

Peace Lutheran Church

7390 Elizabeth Lake Road

Waterford, MI 48327

Church Office: 248.681.9360

Fax: 248.681.9361



Pastor: Rev. Russell S. Tkac

Home: 248.673.0042


Pastor Emeritus:

Rev. William D. Merrell

Home: 248.623.0717


Editor: Debbie Wittke


In the Office

Pastor Tkac: Monday—Thursday

Debbie Wittke: Monday—Thursday

Hours: 9 am—4:30 pm

The Voice of Peace is the monthly Newsletter of:

Worship and Class Schedule:


Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

1 Brandon Jones 4 Michael James 6 Robin Gallmeyer 9 Amy DeKeyser, Jason

Mathews, Jr. 10 Heinz Hoffmann,

Robert Klein, Elizabeth Nold

11 Kelly Powell 13 Victoria VanderVelde 15 Richard Durci 18 Karen Bond, Stephanie

Markwardt 26 Charles Fox 29 Richard Rappuhn 31 Jerry Doucette

Celebrating a BIRTHDAY

Years 5 Ron & Theresa Gray 52

28 William & Nancy Merrell 48

29 Charles & Ruth Dow 38

30 William & Heather Penner 21

Funds & Missions


Special Needs

St. Paul Mission

Our Gifts At WORK

Celebrating an ANNIVERSARY


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 6:30 pm Advent by Candlelight

2 3 9:00 am Mens Breakfast Bible Study 6:30 pm Worship/ Holy Communion

4 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship/ Holy Communion 2-4 pm Shut-in Christmas Caroling

5 Confirmation class ~ 5:30 pm grades 5 & 6 6:30 pm grade 8

6 NOTE CHANGE! 6:30 pm Parish Guild Christ-mas Party/Meeting— everyone bring a snack or dessert to share

7 6:00 pm Advent II Dinner 7:00 pm Advent III Worship


9 10

6:30 pm Worship St. Paul Mission Collection

11 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Praise Worship St. Paul Mission Collection

12 Confirmation class ~ 5:30 pm grades 5 & 6 6:30 pm grade 8

13 8:30-1:30 pm Circuit Conference, St. Matthew, Walled Lk. 7:00 pm Elders Meet

14 6:00 pm Advent Dinner 7:00 pm Advent Worship


16 17 6:30 pm Worship/ Holy Communion

18 9:30 am Sunday School for all ages 10:30 am Worship/ Holy Communion

19 NO Confirmation Classes

20 21 22

23 24 The Nativity of our Lord / Christmas Eve 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Worship/Holy Communion

25 Christmas Day No Sunday School 10:30 am Christmas Day Worship/Holy Communion

26 NO Confirmation Classes

27 28 29

30 31 New Year’s Eve 6:30 pm New Year’s Eve Worship/Holy Communion

December 2016 There is no December Adult Bible Class.

Class will resume January 8, 2017. 9:30 am Intergenerational Sunday

School in the Fellowship Hall

Advent by



December 1, 2016

6:30 pm

O Holy Night


Mens Breakfast Bible Study Join us for Bible study and breakfast on Saturday, December 3. Come and feed both soul and body. We will gather at 9:00 am for breakfast and finish

with Bible study. You will surely be built up in the faith that leads to life eternal as the Holy Spirit works within you!

No Thursday Adult Bible Class

in December

Classes resume January 8, 2017 at 2:30 pm

Monday, December 5 and 12

Confirmation Classes:

Grades 6/7 ~ 5:30—6:30 pm Grade 8 ~ 6:30—7:30 pm

No confirmation classes

December 19 and 26, 2016 and January 2 and 9, 2017

Tuesday, December 13

8:30-1:30 pm—Pastors Conference, St. Matthew, Walled Lake

7:00 pm Elders Meet

Saturday and Sunday December 10 and 11

St. Paul Mission Collection

Sunday, December 18 January 2017 Newsletter Deadline

Advent by Candlelight All ladies are invited on Thursday, December 1, at 6:30 pm for Advent by Candlelight. We will begin with appetizers, followed by dessert and our Christmas program. Join us as we make ready for the coming of the Christ Child with an evening of good food and fellowship. Please call the office at 248.681.9360 if you have not signed up but wish to attend.

Advent worship and dinner Our remaining Advent midweek worship services are December 7 and December 14, at 7:00 pm Soup and sandwich suppers will be available at 6 pm prior to worship. A freewill

offering will be taken to help cover the cost. Please speak to a Parish Guild member if you can help prepare dinner and clean up.

Come and join us as we carol to our shut-ins

We will meet at church on Sunday, December 4, at 2 pm to carol to our shut-ins. We will return about 4:00 pm. This is a family event so bring the kids along. Remember that you do not need a professional voice to bring a smile to our members who are homebound and cannot get out for Christmas worship and activities. PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE ~


All confirmed ladies are invited to join the Guild for their annual Christmas Party/meeting on Tuesday, December 6 (not the 13th) at 6:30 pm. Everyone is asked to bring a snack or dessert to share. Join us!

CHRISTMAS / NEW YEAR’S EVE Sat. 12/24 ~ Christmas Eve ~ Holy Communion ~ 7:00 pm Sun. 12/25 ~ Christmas Day ~ Holy Communion ~ 10:30 am Sat. 12/31 ~ New Year’s Eve ~ Holy Communion ~ 6:30 pm

Sunday School information This fall we started an intergenerational Bible study. After a prayer, singing a few songs, and going through the reading from the selected text, Ms. Elise and Ms. Beth take the children to a different room to do activi-ties that are age appropriate, while the adults continue their study. We start at 9:30 am and finish at 10:10 am. ALL ARE WELCOME! We miss seeing all the beautiful smiles. Please come and check out our new format for young and old alike. It is most worthy of your time. See you Sunday mornings! We have munchies too!