The ventures of boone

Post on 14-May-2015

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Transcript of The ventures of boone

The Ventures of BooneChapter One


Welcome to a new legacy by me, ilovereecee/Katie. It’s been a while since I’ve played my own family – I have a few joint legacies going on, but have been wanting to start my own new one. So, I had my wisdom teeth pulled out a few days ago and thought what better timing!? So since I’ve been sitting around being lazy on my pain pills, I’ve decided to take a sim I made a while ago to play through college and start a legacy with him.

I hope that you all enjoy the first chapter and that you fall as in love with this family as I have. Enjoy the chapter :)

I’d like to introduce you to Alex Boone! He is the founder of my new legacy, The Ventures of Boone. His aspiration is popularity/family with the lifetime want to become a celebrity chef. He’s attracted to witches who are good cooks, but is turned off by a face full of make up. His personality is Which makes him very outgoing, but a total slob!

Popularity aspiration Alex darts outdoors as soon as the first passerby appears on the sidewalk. Lucky for him, it’s the cute mail delivery girl Dagmar Bertino. Immediately, Alex fulfills his first want to meet a new person and finds that he is instantly attracted to Dagmar. This could lead to good things!

Alex and Dagmar hit it off right away. My founder already has two chemistry bolts for his new acquaintance. They got to chat for a while and Alex even broke out a few jokes. Dagmar pulled the whole “the joke has been over, but I’m still hysterically laughing” face, which I have personally always found amusing! Do anyone else's sims do this?

Even though Alex and Dagmar have obvious chemistry together, I had Alex call the matchmaker to see if he could find a date who had more characteristics that he was attracted to. Basically, I’m on a witch hunt, literally, to find a witch who is a good cook (Alex’s turn on) who doesn’t wear a lot of make up (his turn off).

“Four thousand dollars? Oh, dearie, that only leaves you with a hundred dollars in your bank. Well I’ve got the perfect girl for you. Just hold on tight while I search my crystal ball for her!” Matchmaker Lindsay works her magic and presents Alex with. . .

A young woman named Trina Ying who only meets one of the requests, no make up, Alex made to the matchmaker. Alex spent four thousand dollars on this blind date and totally got ripped off. I’m highly disappointed Alex wasn’t presented with a witch. Dagmar is already a clear winner when it comes time to choose a girlfriend.

The zero cleaning points are already shining through for my handsome founder. A few days after moving in, Alex needed to clean the house. Before every chore, Alex made the “do I have to?” face and stomped off to complete whatever task lay ahead. Also, instead of washing the dishes like a normal person, Alex just licks them clean to be reused at a later time. Sanitary? No. But think of the money he’ll save on the water bill!

So far, Alex isn’t having any luck finding the culinary career in the help ads on the computer or newspaper. He still checks everyday, but until that day comes I’ve decided to work on his relationship with Dagmar. Now that the house is clean and the dishes are literally spit shine clean, he can invite her over for dinner.

The couple didn’t do much eating, besides Dagmar stuffing her face full of chips as soon as she got to the house, but Alex and his crush had a blast playing red hands and especially pillow fighting all of the small house. They are already so cute together! I think Dagmar may be Alex’s future bride!

“Dagmar, that game of pillow fighting sure put some tension in your back.”“Probably more from carrying this mailbag around all the time more so than the pillow fighting!”“Here, let me rub out some of those knots in your shoulders. Feel better?”“Mhm! A girl could get used to this.”

“So can I,” Alex said confidently as he spun Dagmar around to share their first kiss together.I tell you what, no game gets intimately faster than pillow fighting! This was the night that Alex and Dagmar became official and started to take the serious path as a couple together.

Alex finally found the culinary career on the internet and accepted a job making $812 a day as a Sous Chef. He gets to start out so high because, remember, I’ve already played him through college. Alex hits a lucky streak and impressed the restaurant owner his first night and was promoted to executive chef! Now he makes $1208 a night and gets to be more hands on with the food and menu selection instead of playing babysitter with the kitchen staff.

Since Alex’s skills are not maxed out, he needs to catch up in order to get another promotion at work. Unfortunately for him, he has to work these next few days and has little time to study. He is a diligent worker though and tries to earn the skills needed as quickly as possible. Over the next few days Alex adopted the daily routine of going to work, coming home to eat and then skill until he passed out in bed. Then repeated the pattern the next morning.

This left little time to hang out with his girlfriend Dagmar, clean the house or do anything fun really. Alex’s moods began to drop at an alarming rate. So he hired Remington Harris, Pleasantveiw’s favorite maid, to help keep the house clean in turn, keeping him in a better mood because he’s not living in filth. Also, Remington is proving to be a great buddy. He and Alex chat everyday and are becoming fast friends.

Alex has been working his tail off and finally gets two days off in a row. He jumps on the chance to throw a party and invites his new friend Remmy and, of course, his girlfriend Dagmar! Remington stuffs his face with chips while Alex embraces his girlfriend for the first time in many, many days.

“I didn’t think it was possible to miss someone this much! I’m glad I’m doing well at the restaurant, but let’s not go this long without seeing each other again.”“Deal, now come here and kiss me. We’ve got lots of lost time to make up for!” Dagmar aggressively pulled Alex in for a make out session. . . While Remmy inhales a second bag of chips.

Alex’s party is a huge success and his guests are having a blast. The night ended with the three smustling to the radio on the front lawn… if you can even call it a lawn without any landscaping!

“Dagmar, I was thinking,” Alex said, “I’ve missed you so much these past few days. I don’t know if I can stand to go without you that much longer. I know it’s kind of quick; but what do you think about moving in with me? I can’t think of anything that would make me happier!”

“Gee, this is awfully fast. I missed you too, but you don’t think it’s too soon for all that?”“Not at all. I missed you, you missed me. So let’s not have to miss each other anymore. I promise you won’t regret it, D!” “D, haha, that’s cute,” Dagmar laughed nervously. Her romance aspiration side was screaming and holding up a big red sign. Settling down had never been in her life plans. “Well, as long as you promise I won’t regret it.”

Without further ado, Dagmar Bertino moved in with Alex. I, of course, gave her a makeover which made her look phenomenal in my opinion! She better get over her fear of commitment quick, because I have cute babies planned for her and Alex.Dagmar’s stats are:Aspirations:Romance/PleasureLTW:Woohoo with 20 SimsPersonality: Hopefully those six neat points will keep the house a bit more tidy.

When Dagmar moved in, she brought a small fortune of $17,000 simoleans with her. Combined with Alex’s accumulated $5,000 simoleans, they were able to expand the small one room home into a large two story (the second story isn’t functional yet because they have no stairs) family home. It has no paint inside or out and only has two rooms: the bedroom/bathroom and kitchen/living/study.

It’s a spacious home right now because the couple couldn’t afford to close off the different sections of the house to use as rooms, but it will work until they get some more money to start making it look more like a home. That means, Dagmar has to get a job since she quit being a mail carrier when she moved in.

Alex obviously has some pull in the culinary field, so he used his connections to get Dagmar a job as a drive through clerk at the local fast food joint. It isn’t much pay, but at this point every simoleon is going to help make this house a home. This same day, Alex got promoted do a Restaurateur and now brings home a hefty $1330.

Dagmar hasn’t been all that happy since moving in with Alex. She’s a romance sim and isn’t ready to settle down just yet, so she calls over Remington the maid for a little romance while clueless Alex is away at work.

Alex’s plan to get Dagmar into the working world was a success. Even though she’d much rather stay at home romancing anyone who walks by, she turns out to be a good worker and earns a promotion to hostess her first night at work. Alex was also promoted tonight! He fulfilled his lifetime want to become a Celebrity Chef! Maybe now he can open his own restaurant? His new lifetime want is to marry off six kids – I have a feeling Dagmar is going to fight me every step of the way with that one.

“I’m so proud of you for getting a promotion your first night, D!”“Well, I do have my hot boyfriend to thank for that I guess. You did get me the job after all.”“About that… I was thinking maybe it’s time I became your hot fiancé instead of your hot boyfriend?”

“We’re both doing great financially for our age, I’m ready to settle down and start a family. And I want that with you.” Alex watched for signs of happiness on Dagmar’s face. “I promised you wouldn’t regret moving in, and you haven’t have you?“Well, no. It’s really not been bad at all.” Dagmar responded thinking of the long hours Alex is away from home that she’d get to spend working on her extra marital affairs.

“Then I’ll make the same promise to you about marriage. You will not regret it! I’ll make sure you’re a happy bride and I love you.” Alex dropped to one knee, his heart racing. He knew Dagmar was a romance aspiration, and hoped she was ready to settle down too despite her aspiration wants.

“I love you too, Alex. You know that. This is a huge step though, especially for me!” Dagmar watched as Alex slipped on a huge diamond that took her breath away. She admired the ring and thought surely she can juggle marriage and still make herself happy too. “Yes,” she breathed, “yes, I’ll marry you Alex Boone.” She jumped into Alex’s arms and they both thought silently of the very different marriages they had planned for themselves in the upcoming years.

The next day Dagmar went to her first day as a hostess in an upscale restaurant. She was surprised when she saw Alex standing at the hostess booth. He let her know that he had bought the restaurant, named it D’s Diner, and told her she could take the next step up to waitress if she wanted. Of course, she said yes. It was better than hostess and plus she got the added bonus of tips. The biggest surprise of course was that her fiancé bought a restaurant and named it after her! Not too many girls could say that.

“We have our own business! How freaking cool is that!? I can’t believe a few months ago I was delivering mail and now I’m engaged to a restaurant owner and I waitress in a diner named after me!” Dagmar glowed that night with pride. “If you liked that, just wait until you see the wedding I’m planning for us, D. All my old friends and professors from college, all the top chain restaurant big bosses. It’s going to be huge!”“Oh,” Dagmar pulled her face into a frown, “I was hoping for a small wedding. The sooner the better.”“If that’s what you want sweetheart. Anything for you.” Alex wiped his wedding vision out of his mind.

“Not getting cold feet are you?” He questioned. He thought it was every girl’s dream to have a big wedding to make the whole town talk about. “No,” Dagmar lied, “I just think we should save some money. You know, to expand the house.”“Right, for when we start having children!” Alex smiled, happy at the thought of welcoming a baby soon. He pulled Dagmar onto him.“Not exactly what I was thinking, but there is always time to talk about that later. Now let’s just focus on the wedding. I was thinking this weekend?”“Perfect,” Alex smiled and kissed his soon to be bride goodnight.

With only a day until the wedding left, Alex and Dagmar had to get ready quick. The house had to be cleaned and a garden prepared as the site to exchange the vows. They both split the chores equally, even though Alex is the cause of all the mess in the house. And even though they have a kitchen and a bathroom sink, Alex still prefers to wash the dishes with his tongue. Hopefully Dagmar comes behind him and throws it in their new trashcan!

The day of the wedding arrived! Alex had invited only two guests, his college professors. Dagmar made it clear she wanted a small wedding, so he didn’t want to push her. He stood waiting, looking around at the variety of yellow flowers he had planted for this very day.

Of course when Dagmar walked down the petal led aisle, he was only looking at her. She looked beautiful in a long sleeve, lace backed gown with a satin bow in place of a veil. It suited her perfectly. They exchanged vows and Dagmar became Mrs. Boone.

The guests, Alex’s old college professors, clapped as they heard the newlywed’s say “I do”, exchange rings and complete the ceremony with a kiss. It was a small, quick wedding as Dagmar had wanted. It fulfilled every want Alex had too, because he got to marry the girl of his dreams!

After the vows were said, Alex and Dagmar said goodbye to their guests and went inside for a private cake cutting.

Alex smashed the cake into his new brides face, but she didn’t mind. They even got a good laugh out of it.

Alex had to go into work after the ceremony and this left Dagmar lonely. So she invited over their mutual friend Remington for lunch… and a little extra care. It made Dagmar a happy woman and gave her the first woohoo towards 20, so that she can complete her LTW.

It wasn’t too long after the wedding that Dagmar found out she was expecting a baby. Alex, of course, as a secondary family aspiration has been ready for this for a long time! Dagmar, on the other hand, fears the birth of the bun in the oven and what changes the little one will bring once he or she arrives.

Dagmar isn’t going to let a little thing like pregnancy get in the way of achieving her lifetime want, however. While she’s supposed to be resting on maternity leave from D’s Diner, Dagmar spends time flirting with the townies and scoping out her next lover – which will make woohoo #3 of 20.

When Alex is home from work, however, things are different. Dagmar is careful not to let her faithful husband know just how unfaithful she is being. So, Alex thinks his beautiful wife spends her time painting masterpieces to help buy baby furniture and chatting on the phone with “friends” throughout the days.

“Can you believe the big day is almost here, D? We’re going to have a baby any hour now. Isn’t it exciting?”“Of course, dear.” Dagmar joked. “You aren’t going to be the one giving birth!”Alex laughed, “I know, but just think, once the hard part is done, we have a baby to call our own! I just can’t wait!”

“Oh, Dagmar. You’re so sexy when you cringe in pain like that. Keep going baby!”Alex chooses an inappropriate time to check out his wife as she goes into labor with their first nooboo.

Well, Dagmar wasn’t just carrying one child; she had three in that belly! From right to left, top to bottom: Baby boy Zander, baby girl Zoe and baby girl Zora. They all have their dad’s black hair and eye shape. They inherited Dagmar’s brown eyes, however.

Alex, who has the second lifetime want to marry off six children, is happy as a pig in mud! Three babies at one time is a dream come true for him – and Dagmar’s worst nightmare! For now things are pretty easy. The new parents team up to take care of the feedings, changing and baths. They’ve got a nice routine down, but little do they know the chaos that will break out when the triplets become toddlers! I, for one, am already to get past that stage!

Zander, Zoe and Zora are pretty easy to care for as children. Alex and Dagmar make great parents too. While one of them gets enough sleep to cover their upcoming baby shift, the other takes care of the triplets and tries to get a meal and a shower in as well until it’s time to hand off baby watch to the spouse.

Time is flying by and Alex is still over the moon about being a father to his three new babies. Dagmar doesn’t mind being a mom, but hates carrying all that excess baby weight now that her children are about to be toddlers. So she’s been working like a madwoman to get her girlish figure back while Alex pulls double diaper duty.

Dagmar shed her extra pounds in time to celebrate Zander, Zoe and Zora’s toddler birthdays! I can’t even begin to tell you how much I am dreading raising these three as toddlers. The math just doesn’t add up when you have two parents who need a full eight hours sleep and two meals a day to watch over three toddlers who can run on four hours sleep and need to be potty trained and fed constantly!Here we go!

Top to bottom, left to right: Zander,,,

Zander is a mean slob, Zoe is a lazy baby and Zora got a good mix of both parents and is extremely outgoing.

While all three toddlers and both adults are in a good enough mood, Alex sends Dagmar off to rest while he takes the first toddler shift. First things first: break out the smart milk! Zander is potty trained in a flash andZoe was talking before Alex could even blink. Unfortunately, I don’t think the fly infested dishes are sanitary for little Zoe to be sitting right next to while she learns to talk, but hey… she does come from a father who will lick two day old plates clean!

“Arg! I’m losing my mind over here!”

Well that didn’t take too long. And just think, he wants three more of these adorable little things! Hopefully he and Dagmar will spread them out a little next time though. I’m already having a hard time handling these triplets as toddlers, I don’t want to go through this again.

“I just had to marry him! Now I’m living in this filthy house swarming with flies and crawling with sticky toddlers who pee on themselves. I could be single and living the easy life. Why did I say ‘I do’?”

My favorite time of day is when Kaylynn the maid comes and for a few short hours after she leaves, the house is spotless. That is until the toddlers get fed and into the toilets and drag out all their toys. I do have to say though, there are short moments hidden in the madness that are pretty cute. Like when Alex gets to teach his baby girls to talk, or Dagmar helps her only son take his first steps! So sweet.

Alex may throw a temper tantrum to rival his toddlers every day or so, but don’t let him fool you! He wouldn’t trade this messy house and sleepless nights for anything in the world. He’s a natural born father!

This used to be the garden that Alex and Dagmar exchanged vows in. Now it’s just a weed patch that lets all the neighbors know what a dump I’ve let the house go to. If the Boone family had the money to hire a gardener or the time to weed it themselves, it wouldn’t look like this. But alas, the triplets come first.

Woohoo! It’s birthday time for Zander, Zoe and Zora. Both parents are on the brink of starvation and can’t make it to the kitchen because they keep passing out from exhaustion, so it’s up to these little tykes to grow up all on their own.

The toddler days are over, woot woot! These last few slides don’t even begin to cover how hectic it’s been in the house. Not one bit! But that’s all over now and the kids are… well just that, kids! And aren’t they cute!? I have to say, they favor Alex with their slanted eyes and chunky cheeks.

Okay, maybe now you can grasp just how bad it’s been for Alex and Dagmar. I wasn’t kidding when I said they were on the brink of starvation. That’s Dagmar dead on the floor from starvation and to add fuel to the fire, she’s pregnant again. Luckily, her faithful husband was there to beg the Grim Reaper not to take her away!!

“Oh, sure you can have her life back. And the baby too, yes. If you can guess which hand I’m holding their very mortal lives in! Ha!”“Oh geez. Eenie, meenie, minee, moe!” Alex… maybe this isn’t the best time for games!

Or, maybe it is!

“Boo-yah! Take that Grimmy! Give me my wife and baby back.”

So after a near death experience, Dagmar is back safe and sound. The baby lets us all know he or she is alive and kicking too! Hopefully now all will return to the good old days when nobody was starving to death or passing out all over the house.

After such a near death experience, Dagmar has a lease on life and has decided that having 20 different lovers proves nothing about who you are. But having a large family to care for and love you means the world! It’s what saved her very own life. Dagmar used the aspiration changer to reset her aspiration to family/romance. Just in time too! It looks like the baby is on the way!

And thank goodness this time it is just ONE baby. Little Boone number four here is a boy with black hair and brown eyes. He is named Zack. This is also the first picture where Dagmar is actually smiling while holding her newborn. Looks like her aspiration change did some good!

It’s been a few years since Alex had to care for a newborn, but it all came back to him in no time. Baby Zack is the perfect addition to the Boone family. He is still to small to play with his three older siblings, but once he ages into a toddler I think he’s going to have three great play pals!

Dagmar loves spending time holding Zack and making sure he is a content little fellow. She never paid this much attention to Zander, Zoe or Zora when they were babies. Now she’s trying to make up for lost time by doing things right this time around.

It isn’t long before the family is singing happy birthday to little Zack. Pregnant Dagmar brings her baby boy to the cake and helps him blow out the candles so that he can age into a toddler!

Zack aged into a handsome little tyke! He has his mom’s eye color, but dad’s hair color and slanted eye shape like all three of his older siblings.

“Alex, I just can’t tell you how grateful I am that you fought Death so that baby Zack and I could live.” Dagmar is still in awe at her second chance to be a good wife and mom. She’s definitely made a one-eighty! “You know I’d do anything for you. Didn’t I promise you before we even moved in together, ‘You won’t regret it’?”

And she sure hasn’t regretted it lately! Dagmar gave birth to her fifth child. This time a girl named Zeena. She has black hair and slanted brown eyes like her siblings!

Zander loves being a big brother to a little boy. Zoe and Zora are best friends, so they tend to stick together. Thankfully little Zack is a great addition to the family and Zander just adores him. He loves teaching him how to use his toys and even talks about all the things he can’t wait to do when Zack gets just a little bit older.

“How do you feel about being a big sister again, Zora?” Dagmar questioned her youngest triplet daughter. “Daddy and I are going to have another baby!”“Momma, really?” Zora questioned. “Don’t you think you have enough babies already?” Little Zora is right. There are already five kids in the house, and barely enough room for them! Luckily, Alex only wants to marry off six kids, so this will be the last baby for him and Dagmar.

“Hello in there little one! Are you ready to come out and meet your family? We are ready for you sweetie!”

“Alex, the baby can’t understand you silly.” Dagmar laughed, but pulled her husband in for a hug anyway.

I wasn’t happy when Dagmar died, but her being brought back to life by Alex really did the girl some good. She’s had a complete change of heart. She loves playing with Zeena and is even excited for the new baby to get here.

Alex, of course, has always loved being a dad. He is friends with every one of his children from Zander, the oldest, all the way down to little Zeena. As a celebrity chef, Alex only works Tuesday through Thursday, so he has plenty of time to stay at home with his wife and five children. This means he gets to watch them learn and grow.

Zander, Zoe and Zora are in school now. They’re doing pretty good. They all have above a B average in their classes. Dagmar wants better for her kids though, so she’s invited the headmaster over for dinner and a tour of the home to see if she can’t get the kids into private school.

Headmaster Korey greeted pregnant Dagmar outside of their home and was immediately offered a tour of the home. Thankfully, I got the flowers fixed from the disastrous mess they used to be, so the Boone’s made a good first impression.

Dagmar only showed the downstairs to the headmaster – the upstairs consists of one nursery for little Zack and a sparsely furnished bedroom shared by the triplets. Thankfully, Headmaster Korey was impressed with the few rooms he did get shown.

“Gas prices are on the rise again, Mrs. Boone. I notice that you and Mr. Boone do not own any cars. How will the children get back and forth to my institution?” Headmaster Korey questioned over his hamburger dinner.

“Well, of course they will ride a bus.” Dagmar answered. “You see, gas prices are high, but also Alex and I prefer to carpool and let the kids ride a bus together so that we do not pollute the air more than necessary. We're all about saving the planet.”The real reason why the Boone’s don’t have a car is because they can’t even afford a crib for their upcoming child yet, but Dagmar’s answer sounds better than the real reason!

Headmaster Korey was impressed with Dagmar’s tour, dinner and little white lie about why the Boone’s don’t own a car. He accepted Zander, Zoe and Zora into the private school. When he left, Alex pulled out a birthday cake for Zack and helped him grow into a child.

I think Zack grew up to look more like Dagmar than Alex. He sure is a cutie! Zack didn’t grow into a child before Headmaster Korey left, so he will be attending public school alone until Dagmar sets up another visit.

The night after Zack’s birthday, it’s time for four more of the Boone children to grow up! This time Zander, Zoe and Zora are making birthday wishes as they age into teens!

Baby Zeena is also celebrating her toddler birthday. Dagmar and Alex help her up to her cake with just a few candles on it.

Zander, the oldest Boone triplet, aged into a handsome young man. He rolled a knowledge/family aspiration with the lifetime want to become a criminal mastermind. That doesn’t seem very logical, or family oriented to me. But, hey, to each his own!

Zoe, the second born triplet, looks a lot like her father as a teenager! She rolled a fortune/knowledge aspiration with the lifetime want to max all seven of her skills. That should be easy enough!

The last triplet, Zora, looks a lot like her father as well. Zora rolled a fortune/pleasure aspiration and has the lifetime want to become a celebrity chef like her dear old dad!

And rounding out the birthday update is little miss Zeena. She certainly got the chunky cheeks of her father and those slanted eyes. Her personality is

The Boone family is still living paycheck to paycheck, so sweet Zander got a job working as a nursing home assistant as soon as he was old enough to go to work. It isn’t much money, but every extra little bit helps.

Dagmar hasn’t set foot in D’s Diner to waitress since the triplets were born, but she’s still collecting maternity leave money since she’s been pregnant pretty much ever since having the triplets. This works out well because Dagmar can stay home while pregnant with baby number six and look after Zeena while everyone else is at work or school.

Looking after Zeena, keeping money in the house and keeping the house clean has now become a family effort. Since the triplets have become teenagers, it has gotten easier. Zander helps bring in money, Zoe mostly works on her lifetime want to max all seven skills, but also helps out with the cooking and cleaning. Zora likes to make sure her little siblings Zack and Zeena are taken care of.

Things have been going so smoothly in the house lately. This is the perfect time for baby number six, the last baby, to make a debut! Dagmar goes into labor on Alex’s birthday of all days. A great birthday present if you ask me!

A sweet little girl is welcomed as the last family member into the Boone home for this generation. Alex immediately rolled the want to have ten kids, but that will not be happening! Little Zelda here just completed this large family. She has brown eyes and black hair, of course, like the rest of her big brothers and sisters before her.

With Zelda settled into her nursery, it’s time for Alex to bid his younger days adieu! His cake is topped with so many candles, if he leans over any farther I’m sure he’ll get burned!

Alex makes a handsome old man. He’s still very cute and now that he is older, his second lifetime want to marry of six of his children makes more sense. But, you’ll have to wait until next time to see all that, because it’s goodbye for now! Thanks for coming to read the first chapter of my new legacy. I sure hope you enjoyed and are looking forward to more from the Boone family! See you next time :)