The Value of Facilitators

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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This is essentially a transcript of the fast talk that Michelle Golden delivered to kick off the IAF North America conference in Halifax on May 11 2012

Transcript of The Value of Facilitators

The  Value  of  Facilitators  

FastTalk  by  Michelle  Golden  at  Interna6onal  Associa6on  of  Facilitators  

Halifax,  NS  on  May  11  2012  

What  value  do  we  bring?  

•  Do  we  know  what  value  we  bring  as  facilitators?  •  Must  value  ourselves  before  others  can  value  us  

•  Not  just  talking  about  your  gain  in  price  or  salary  •  Gain  in  confidence  •  Gain  in  credibility  •  Effec6vely  reassure  those  who  hire  us  that  they’ve  made  a  wise  choice  

•  Have  to  create  value  greater  than  your  price  •  Both  par6es  must  profit  in  the  transac6on  

How  both  par6es  profit  

Observa6ons  about  IAF  folks:  

•  Each  of  you  helps  people  through  your  giRs  and  skills  •  I  see  a  few  consistent  traits  —  make  you  powerful  influencers  when  conveying  your  ideas  and  worth  •  You  take  groups,  orgs,  and  individuals  to    places  they  can’t  get  to  themselves  

•  excep6onal  at  thinking  on  their  feet  •  Among  the  most  organized  (idea-­‐wise)  people  I've  encountered  in  business  

•  persuasive  in  an  understated  way  •  make  people  feel  comfortable  and  create  a  sense  of  safety  and  confidence  

See  some  challenges,  too:  

•  Facilitators  aren’t  recogni6on  seekers  by  nature  •  Many  are  introverts,  used  to  being  in  front  of  groups  but  not  domina6ng  the  room  

•  Reluctant  to  toot  horn  or  bring  a\en6on  to  your  value  •  In-­‐house  facilita6on  jobs  disappearing  &  Independent  work  slowing  down  

•  Struggle  with  marke6ng  and  frustrated  about  it  

•  I  think  our  profession  has  a  confidence  problem  •  Read  Rabbi  Daniel  Lapin’s  book  “Thou  Shall  Prosper”    (for  people  of  all  faiths)  -­‐  dispels  myth  that  $  is  grubby  

Introducing  the  5  Cs  of  value  

1.   Comprehend  clients’  key  value  drivers  

2.   Create  value  for  clients  

3.   Communicate  that  value  w/open  discussion  

4.   Convince  clients  they  should  expect  (and  be  prepared  to  pay  for)  value  

5.   Capture  value  in  your  pricing  strategies  (or  salary)  

Source: Thomas Nagle and Reed Holden: The Strategy & Tactics of Pricing

Quick  note  on  pricing    

•  Value  is  NOT  in  the  hours  you  perform  •  Bu\s-­‐in-­‐seats  is  dead…    •  Learn  about  “ROWE”  (results  only  work  environment)  

•  Comprehending  value  is  fun!    •  Value  is  always  in  eye  of  the  beholder  •  It’s  subjec6ve  &  contextual  (e.g.,  water)    •  It’s  fluid  (tomorrow  diff/today)  •  It’s  both  tangible  and  intangible  

Tangible  &  Intangible  Value  

•  Be  confident  that  you  know  what  your  buyer  values  most  •  What  are  their  real  issues  (pains)?  •  What  do  they  look  for  in  ROI?    

•  Tangible  is  easy  pre\y  easy:  •  What  is  the  economic  benefit  of  solving  the  problem?  

•  Increase,  reduce,  improve,  or  create  

•  Alternately,  what’s  the  cost  of  NOT  solving  this  problem?  

Intangible  value  is  tougher  

Harder  to  quan,fy,  most  value  is  intangible  vs  tangible  •  All  the  unique  traits  I  shared  about  facilitators  plus:  •  Specialist  exper6se/knowledge  •  Brand/reputa6on  •  Confidence  in  good  result  •  Reducing  risk  •  Excellent  experience  •  Making  your  client  “look  good”  •  Rela6onship  

•  Don’t  underes6mate  how  much  these  things  increase  your  worth  

Always  confirm  the  value  

•  Explore  value  through  conversa6on  •  I  KNOW  facilitators  are  good  at  this!  

•  External:  Conversa6on  with  buyer  about  worth  •  Tangible  and  intangible  •  Early  and  oRen  (it’s  not  sta6c)  

•  Internal:  Client  selec6on,  what’s  the  value  to  you  •  What  are  the  “worth  it”  points?  

•  Does  the  job/project  add  to  YOUR  skills  or  markets  •  Fit  &  feel  good?  Walk  away  if  it’s  not  right  

Skills  to  harness  and  enrich  (here)  

Seek to continually expand the intangible & tangible value you deliver. Value comes from these five essential skills that you hone right here at IAF:

1.  Establishing clarity around purpose 2.  Drawing people's thoughts from their minds 3.  Creating environment of trust and safety 4.  Expanding awareness – spotting the concern behind

the conversation or the unsaid 5.  Visualizing outcomes — seeing a path to fruition

Leave  you  with  this  

•  I  challenge  you  today  and  the  rest  of  the  week  with  these  three  things:  1.  Believe  in  your  value  -­‐  appreciate  the  unique  skills  

that  you  bring  to  the  table  

2.  Learn  to  communicate  with  others  about  the  real  WORTH—tangible  and  intangible—of  what  we  bring    

3.  Expand  at  least  one  skill      •  Go  create  some  value!