"The Ulverstone" February 2012 Newsletter

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Transcript of "The Ulverstone" February 2012 Newsletter

Bali 2012!Report by Mieke van Rooyen

• • •Once again, another team of Tasmanians have travelled to the Salvation Army Girls Home, Denpasar, Bali, to experience life and to deliver our financial contribution towards the running of the home. Our team consisted of five women, Cpt. Judy Lumb, Gemma Keogh (Both of Launceston Corps) Michelle Herweynen (Hobart), Lt. Katherine Dent and I (Ulverstone). As a result, ‘girl power’ was a predominant theme throughout the trip. We were shown around the Island by Captain James, which meant doing our fair share of shopping and photo-taking. We also spent time with the girls in the home, fumbled our way through basic Indonesian (learnt that some of us can’t roll our R’s) and tried to help improve the girls’ already fantastic English. On top of all that, we were blessed with some awesome opportunities to further experience Salvation Army life, in Bali. We participated in both

the Home League and Youth Anniversaries (held on consecutive evenings) and met many fabulous Balinese Salvationists, including Major Risma Manurang, a single officer who possesses a wonderful talent for powerful preaching. The group also bonded with staff in the home, including Widarti Mo (who had many questions about Australia) and Lieutenant Aprilian Mbuku, one of Kat’s fellow Ambassadors of Holiness. On Sunday afternoon, Judy and Kat travelled with some of the Corps leaders to homes of the Corps folk, where each family had their own heart-warming or heart-breaking story to share. I know each of us found a particular story during our trip that will stay close to our hearts, but specific ones, like the Corps Youth mission project to a local leper community and the remark from a Soldier that, “The boys home is more important that the girls home,” (due to the likelihood of girls eventually marrying into Hindu families) were particularly profound for us all.

The children began a week of school holidays while we were there and we took the opportunity to take all the girls to the local swimming pool. It quickly became apparent that despite living on an island,

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their swimming skills were very basic, so a few lessons quickly ensued. After plenty of giggling, we had most of the girls moving confidently in the water and our lessons were re-enforced by a second trip to the pool, the following day. The second day also saw a little competition between the Denpasar One and “Tasmania” Corps, with races, handstand competitions and various other battles of swimming prowess. The Tassie girls were most definitely superior in the pool, but were

showed up later that day when the Officer’s son, Rexy, and his friend Aswin decided a Sepeda Motor (Scooter) lesson was in order for Gemma and I. While Gemma did manage to slowly, but surely master the bike, I had far more trouble and much to everyone’s entertainment, failed to travel more than one shaky metre at a time.

This only scrapes the surface of all the wonderful things we experienced and we’re all so grateful that we were blessed

with the opportunity to travel to the Girls’ Home this summer.  The things God showed us and the friendships we made have had a substantial impact on each of our lives, which will not easily be forgotten. As always, the trip designed to help them, gave us far more.

Tuhan Memberkati, God Bless.

This is a great opportunity for young people aged 7-14 to become followers of Jesus. We believe that children are capable of having a real relationship with Christ and able to participate in mission.

So if know of any children who would be interested to join the Salvation Army, Junior Soldiers starts at 3:30pm every Wednesday during school term (finishing 5pm). We share in afternoon tea, play fun games and participate in bible-based mission focused lessons. For information see Lt. Katherine.

We believe that women play a vital role in shaping society. That is why Ulverstone Salvos are re-starting Home League. This is a place where women can influence each other practically, positively impacting a woman’s home, family and life through worship, education, fellowship and service.

‘I will live a pure life in my house ...’ (Psalm 101:2b, GNB)

So come along Wednesday 10:00am (during school term), bring a plate to share and enjoy sharing together with other women. For information see Lt. Katherine.

Prayer Meetings

At the Mercy Seat

Tuesday - 9.00am

Thursday - 9.00am

Sunday - 9.45am

A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could discuss his use of the car. His father said he’d make a deal with his son, “You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little, and get your hair cut. Then we’ll talk about the car.”The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he’d settle for the offer, and they agreed on it. After about six weeks his father said, “Son, you’ve brought your grades up and I’ve observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I’m disappointed you haven’t had your hair cut.”The boy said, “You know Dad, I’ve been thinking about that, and I’ve noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair, and there’s even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair.”“Perhaps, but did you also notice they all walked everywhere they went?!”

harvest festivalSaturday 3 March | 6.30pm

The Salvation Army23 Victoria Street, Ulverstone



ConfectionaryBakery goodsVouchers

ConcertHarvest Auction


sunday celebrationSunday 4 March | 10.30am

”World Day of Prayer

@ Church of Christ, Queen St & South Road, West Ulverstone

Friday 2 March @ 1.30pm

“Let Justice Prevail” - Guest Speaker Lt Kathleen Pearce

Aquatics Day!Cressy Swimming Pool

February 25th 201211.00am -3.00pm


one week’s salary on missionary service

Altar Service 1 Aprilwww.selfdenial.infoSTORIES


On the weekend of the 8-12th of March, a consultant from Territorial Headquarters will be visiting to conduct a “Planned Giving Survey”. Some interviews will be taken and then a presentation given to the Corps leadership about the health of the Corps. A decision will then be made about the future giving plans of the Corps. We’re looking forward to taking positive steps forward in continuing to live generously!

Youth Band started back on 17th FebOur young musicians have begun practicing again! Watch this space!

CORPS OFFICERSLt. Katherine DentLt. Kathleen Pearce

CONTACT23 Victoria StreetPO Box 63Ulverstone, TAS 7315(03) 6425 5382

For your Calendar!


22nd Home League Re-Launch

22nd Junior Soldiers Re-Launch

25th Divisional Aquatics Day @ Cressy Pool during the day.

26th Self Denial Appeal Launch


2nd World Day of Prayer

3rd Harvest Festival

8-12th Planning Giving Survey

16th Badge Day

25th Major Simon Damon


1st Self Denial Appeal Sunday


CONTRIBUTEContributions for the next Newsletter will be received until the 18th March.

Fe!v" in #e P$k!There's something for everyone!Where: Anzac Park, Ulverstone, TasmaniaWhen: Sunday 26th Feb 201210:30am - 4:30pmTickets: At the GateAdmission: $5 Adults, $2 children 10-16 years, Under 10 years Free

Notice BoardPlease have a closer look at these items...

Perspectives Study Program Perspectives on the World Christian Movement

Children’s Ministries Training Opportunities & Events

Regional Easter Meeting Info









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Are you 15+? Then, you are exactly who we are looking for to join our young troupe of Corps Cadets.

On Sunday nights @ The Quarters we’re gonna meet up and dig into the Bible, talk about issues, prepare for mission and have an all round good time.

Interested? Or, know anyone who would be? Chat to Lt. Kathleen.

1 Corinthians 2:1-5; When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.


WORM MeetingListen out for information about what this is and how you can be involved.

Collectors!Are you interesting in collecting for us at the Penguin footy gates?