The Ultimate First Aid Backpack - Emergency Preparedness

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Transcript of The Ultimate First Aid Backpack - Emergency Preparedness

Traveling for the Holidays? If you will be on roads that could be dangerous because of flood or ice, on a storm path or away from a city for a few hours consider packing a 1st Aid bag & be prepared: it may make a World of Difference for your loved ones & fellow travelers!


Understand what is needed and why

Who needs a Backpack

Hikers, Boaters, Campers

Outdoors enthusiasts

Motorists - Motorcyclists

Contractors or Mechanics

Home Makers

CPR certified individuals


Motorists - Motorcyclists

Troup or Scout Leader(s)

Office Group Administrator

CPR certified individuals

Sport Fans



Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015

Where Should You Keep your Backpack?

In Your Closet In Your Garage In Your Vehicle Trunk


In Your Vehicle Trunk A smaller version could be stashed in

your glove compartment for access At Your Office

In short, anywhere you can grab it quickly on your way out or if immobilized

Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015

Prepare for the following Disasters

Getting Lost – Falling, Getting Hurt

Fire – Flood – Mud Slide -Lightning

Storm – Tornado – Blizzard –


Storm – Tornado – Blizzard –Hurricane – Extreme Weather

Civil Unrest - Individual Crime

Earthquake – Tsunami - Contagion

Hazardous Material Incident

Act of Terrorism – Car AccidentPresentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015

Ask for a couple hours presentation and training on ways to help maintain or improve a condition until specialized help reach you: understanding the principles at work can save lives, yours and the ones of those around you.

Your local Firemen could help your office, school, group.5

Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015

Booklets and other Handbooks

Important: In the heat of the moment, practice really saves lives. If you do not have an opportunity to train yearly, please buy or copy the steps by steps essential maneuvers and


train yearly, please buy or copy the steps by steps essential maneuvers and measures you need to take to help:

Preserve a Life

Prevent Deterioration /worsening of

the condition

Promote Recovery

Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015

It’s not helpful to have the First Aid Kit if…

When disaster strikes, every second counts. There is no time to reach for an instruction manual or enter queries into a search-engine. Working knowledge of first aid can literally be the difference between life and death. Yet studies show that more than half of those polled (59%) would not feel confident enough to try and save a life, and almost a quarter (24%) of responders would do nothing but wait for an ambulance to arrive or hope that another passer-


responders would do nothing but wait for an ambulance to arrive or hope that another passer-by would take charge. The result? Thousands of people continue to die each year from lack of first aid in situations where it could have been prevented.

Now, the finding that untrained bystanders are not acting in emergency situations because they are afraid of possible contamination and/or they are worried about crossing a social barrier created a Hands-only CPR removing these obstacles and making it easier to save lives. It is important to note that if one is already skilled in administering rescues breaths, it is advised to continue with that technique, as it is preferable over compression alone.

Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015

It’s not helpful to have the First Aid Kit if…

You don’t know what most of the items are used for

If the items in your Kit are not


If the items in your Kit are not disaster or weather appropriate

If the items are not matching your specific circumstances (young kids, diabetics, etc…)

If you can’t reach/pick the KitPresentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015

What Extras could be included in your 1st Aid Kit & for who/whom?


Yourself or other Adult


Extra Pair of Glasses / Extra Medication / Mask Extra Gloves (avoid contamination): latex/leather Extra Pull-Ups / Personal Hygiene Items Extra dry or powder Food, Bars, water pouches






Random Strangers

Contacts for Emergency

Extra dry or powder Food, Bars, water pouches Extra Cleaning & Antiseptic agents, sanitizers Extra Thermal Reflective Blanket or Ponchos Extra Clotting Sponges, non-stick sterile bandages Extra Batteries & solar chargers & waterproof matches, book or deck of card Extra Paracord Bracelet / Duct Tape / Whistle

Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015


Prepare for the Most Common INJURIES possible (not for the rare one, ie consider dealing with blisters, fatigue, overheating, damages to muscles, ligaments, tendons, cuts, bruises , colds, cleaning wounds…)

Pack Products you cannot make in the Field (don’t waste precious space & yes you can replace a triangular bandage with a ripped t-shirt



space & yes you can replace a triangular bandage with a ripped t-shirt but can you recreate an irrigation syringe or needle-nose pliers?)

Take Inventory and Restock (when you return and verify also before leaving, there is no point in having expired medicine, ointment spilled all over the place and no band-aids when you need them)

10Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015

Let’s Talk about Gears

Backpack – Tool Belt Binoculars - Compass Gloves, Socks, Raincoat

Water Purifiers & Bottles Plastic Bags (multi-use) Hand/Solar/Battery Radio


Knives, Multi-tools, Whistle Light – Lanterns - Fire

Cans - Dry Food RationsToilet Paper / Tissues

Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015

Canine First Aid Considerations

Veterinary Wound Powder/Spray Diarrhea Tablets / Water Pouches Self Adhering Bandage

Antibacterial & Antifungal Wipes


Antibacterial & Antifungal Wipes Microchip/Tag your animal Online

Plan for Abscess, Insect or Snake Bites, Heat & Dehydration, Vomiting, CPR, Wounds, Electrocution, Chocking, Poisoning, Fractures, Syncope, …

Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015

More Canine First Aid Considerations

Minimize your Pet Anxiety

Use Carrier to minimize injuries

Consider Time Seizures


Consider Time Seizures

Keep Face away from injured animal & Wear leather gloves

Contact of your Vet and/or local

Poison Control 888.426.4435Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015

Domestic Animals 1st Aid Preparation

Check Pet Carriers & ID Tags

Scan, Email Vet Records

Have enough Meds for 5 Days

Comfort Food Docs Safe


15 days of Dry




Have enough Meds for 5 Days

Have list of Friends, Motels, Shelters accepting animals in an emergency

Do not try to hold animal during disaster but place in protected carrier

Print stickers notifying emergency personnel you have a Pet at Home


of Dry Food TreatsWater

Poison ControlKey Ph. Contacts

BagsPaper TowelsSoap

Duct TapeFeliwayAnti-Itch

Small DishGatoradePedialyteVitacal

PhotoProof you own animal


Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015

Close Encounters… with the World

Particulate Respirator or Resuscitation Face Masks

Iodine Tablets (Radiation)

Wire Brush & LED Light

Cutter & Utility Knifes

In time of Stress, proceed in Peace The Prepared Family Tool Belt


Iodine Tablets (Radiation)

Water Purification Tablets

Anti-Virus Wipes/Lotions

Plastic Bags for everything

Hand Powered Radio/Light

Burns Blanket

Cutter & Utility Knifes

Pliers/Screwdrivers Set

Anti-Fog Goggles, Gloves

Rope & Gauge Wire

Hatchet/Hammer combo

Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015

Calorie Intakes are essential: You need to be able to wait for help and be in condition to help others. Check the appropriate amount of calories each person in your party need per day and try to provide variety in your selection

In most circumstances folks are rescued within 3 days, please let people know if you will be in remote areas, contact them at regular interval so if something goes wrong, appropriate help can be send quickly. Plan for 5 days if unsure

One can survive with water and little food longer than the opposite. Drink

Checklists work marvels – Review online products options before going to your local store

Review your Meeting Points (outside the house, in the neighborhood, outside of town, in another town) with each family member. Keep on your person a keychain/whistle/flashlight

Not everything you’ve seen on TV is right in your circumstances, Think before you Act

One can survive with water and little food longer than the opposite. Drink small amounts at regular intervals rather than a big amount & risk to run out of liquid. Sport drinks may supply electrolytes, vitamins, energy when needed


Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015

At the End of the Day…

Water & Food

Spare Glasses, Medication, Cane,

• It’s your Life, your Legacy, your World• Prepare yourself & your loved ones• Help others with Your support to Relief groups, local shelters & education or


Medication, Cane, Hygiene Products


Sharpies & Knife

Easily Accessible

groups, local shelters & education or opportunities for relief personnel to serve• Shop around for best deals & compare• Learn to use any and all of the items in the dark, in the rain, under harsh conditions

Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015

INTERESTED IN MORE? EXPLORE: comprehensive pdf files on all conditions but scorpion bites: a must!


Very comprehensive pdf files on all conditions but scorpion bites: a must! Readiness & National Security Wheel found at

REMEMBER THE FACT THAT for Your CHILDREN & ELDERLY Parents, each must have:A simple, light version of their own backpack in their closet & understand what is in it. Please make a list of all essential contacts for every family member but know that if Electricity (& therefore communication) is cut having a safe spot to meet is still essentialFor those with Asthma, Diabetes or any Handicap or Chronic Disease talk to your Doctor

Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015


Always check what you already have & expiration dates.

Everyone in my family is in the Medical field & agrees: Information, Awareness & Practice do Save Lives.



Shop Smart, there is no major differences between items in expensive or local stores.

Wait until Sales to purchase the rare or unique equipment or gear.

Read your Handbook or research

& Practice do Save Lives.

If you want to suggest additions or want more information on some items please leave a comment, do not hesitate to connect with me.

Presentation by Pat Stissi Nov 2015