The twentieth century

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The twentieth century

PowerPoint Presentation

The twentieth century

Igor Milosevic-Peric 428/15

Battle on the river Somme (1 july 1916)

Battle at Passchendaele (400,000 dead and wounded)

Victory on Dardanelles (1917)

Battle at Jutlad (Admiral Jellicoe)

5 million soldiers (750 000 casualties)

Versailles 1919

The First World War

Treaty of Versailles (Orlando, Lloyd George,Clemencau,Wilson)

Document that confirmes the Treaty of Versailles

Founded in 1874-1900Trade UnionsNew voting system57 seats in 1918 and 191 seats 1923Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (Communist Party)Liberal Party fall (1924)Conservative Party and Labour Party

The rise of the Labour Party

Poster Advertisement for Labour party

1870 Right to vote1888 exqual work-equal pay law1897-1914 suffragettes1918 29% workers were womenDivorces 800 in 1910, 8,000 in 1940The rights of women

Suffargette with her message

The Easter Rising 1916 in Dublin1918 new parliament in Dail,Dublin1921 independence of southern Ireland1937 Eamon de Valera, Prime minister declared Ireland Republic


Building devastation after The Easter Rising

1914 outbreak of strikes1926 general strike1925 miners strike1930-1933 5 million unemployed1934 Recovery of industry1937 British heavy industry

The great depression

1920 League of Nations1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia1939 German invaded Poland22 June operation BarbarossaD-day 6th of June 1944May 1945 defeat of GermanySeptember the 1st 1945 End of World War II303,000 military and 60,000 civil casualtiesThe Second World War

Teodor Rusvelts Four Freedoms Soviet union formed Warsaw pact and Western countries formed NATOFirst nuclear power station 19561956 battle of Suez and British defeat1960 Britain interested in European Community

The new international order

North Atlantic Peace Organisation and Warsaw pact flags

1950 30% bigger wages than in 1939, car production doubled, living standard increasedPopular cultureThe Beatles1 in 3 marriages ended in divorceIncreased popularity of the Royal Family1952 Elizabeth II became the Queen

Youthful Britain

1947 British left India 1965 most of the colonies were self-governingTreaty through Commonwealth 1982 Britain had defeated Argentinians at the Falklands1985 Britain had only Hong Kong ,Falklands and Gibraltar

The loss of empire

Mahatma Ghandi (1869-1948), political activist

67% of people in Ulster were Protestant1969 protests began in Ulster 1972 Northern Ireland government was removed1985 formal agreement was made in Hillsborogh

Northern Ireland

1970 Party of fellow contrymen Paid Cymru1981 only 19% spoke Welsh1974 Scottish Nationalist Party54% was for limited form of self-government

Scotland and Wales

1980 4/5 had telephones, 2/3 had cars and homesBritain joins European Community 19731960 250, 000 coloured immigrants1985 56 million coloured citizens1985 58% wives had jobs1985 3,5 unemployed

The years of discontent

1979 Margaret Thatcher was elected1983 Conservative party won 144/650 seatsIndustrial production have declined 10% and manufactoring production by 17%1987 Privatisation of Airline,Ship builders,Airspace...1986 41% was unemployed, among black population 82%

The new politics

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