The True Cost of a Divorce: Calculating the Cost of Divorce in Illinois

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The True Cost of a Divorce: Calculating the Cost of Divorce in Illinois



The Emotional Cost of Divorce

Most people assume the cost of a divorce is purely financial; however, a divorce has a tremendous emotional

cost for the entire family


Regardless of how amicable a divorce may be, there is bound to be hurt feelings on

both sides

In addition to the emotional pain of the breakup, spouses may struggle with

feelings of guilt, anger, and fear as they contemplate creating a life without their


Making new friends, “dividing” old friends, and learning how to live alone again are all

challenges associated with divorce

The emotional cost of a divorce will depend solely on the parties involved and the

circumstances of the divorce

Having a compassionate and experienced attorney who understands these issues is

very important

The Children

Children are sometimes the most injured by the emotional cost of


They have absolutely no control over the situation

Children must learn to cope without both parents in the home, as well as,

learn how to “balance” having two homes

The emotional cost for the children of a divorce can be minimized if both

parents work together to make the children’s best interest a top priority

The Financial Cost of Divorce

There is no real way to calculate the financial cost of a divorce until you meet with an attorney to discuss

your situation in full with the attorney

Too many factors can affect the financial cost of a divorce;

therefore, it is impossible for an attorney to know the true financial cost of a specific divorce until he

has all of the facts

Factors That Can Affect the Financial Cost of a Divorce

Contested vs. Uncontested

An uncontested divorce typically costs less than a contested divorce

The attorney’s fees will be lower because the parties agree on the

issues at hand; therefore, the attorney does not spend as many

hours working on the case

Are Children Involved?

Disagreements over custody and child support often raise the financial cost of a divorce

If one party is contesting custody, the financial cost can substantially


Distribution of Assets and Debts

Parties do not need to have substantial assets or debts to drive

up the financial cost of a divorce

Heated battles over any property can raise the overall financial cost

of a divorce

Expert Witnesses

If expert witnesses, such as private investigators, accountants,

mediators, and appraisers are necessary, the financial cost

increases due to the fees charged by experts

Fixed Costs

Filing fees, court reporter fees, deposition costs, postage, copies, and other costs will be unique to

each case

While an attorney can estimate these costs based on the facts as

the client presents them to the attorney, it is impossible to calculate a definite figure at the beginning of

a case

Beware of a “Bargain”

If an attorney quotes a flat fee for a divorce before meeting with you, consider finding another attorney

You do not want your attorney to “fit” his representation of you into a

flat fee

You want an attorney who will do whatever is necessary to protect

your best interests

Contact Our Office for a Consultation with an Experienced

Illinois Family Law Attorney

If you need the assistance of an experienced divorce attorney in

central Illinois, call the compassionate and skilled

attorneys of Pioletti & Pioletti

We are dedicated to providing our clients exceptional service and support throughout the divorce


Contact our office at 309-938-4838 to schedule your free consultation

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