The Trojan War

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of The Trojan War


Judgment of Paris

ParisShepherdSon of Priam (King of Troy)Judge in the apple of

discordHusband of Oenone

(mountain nymph)

Judgement of Paris

• Eris (Goddess of Discord) wasn’t invited in the wedding of Peleus & Thetis.

• She went to the wedding and threw a Golden Apple.

It belonged ‘to the fairest’.

•Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite reached for the apple.

Judgment of Paris

•Zeus said that Paris would serve as the judge.•The 3 goddesses bribed Paris:

PowerLord of

Europe & Asia

GloryVictory &

Great Hero

LoveMarry the

most beautiful woman.

Judgement of Paris

Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite.

However, the most beautiful woman was already married.

Helen of Sparta

Helen of Spartadaughter of Zeus & Ledaher alleged father is King Tyndareus

(husband of Leda)

Sister of Castor, Pollux, & Clytemnestra

Wife of Menelaus

In Sparta…• King Tyndareus chose Menelaus to be Helen’s husband, and made him King of Sparta.• Paris went to Sparta to get Helen. • When Menelaus returned from Crete, Helen was gone.

Abduction of HelenParis & HelenMenelaus & Helen

MenelausBrother of Agamemnon (King of Mycenae)

Became King of Sparta Helen’s husband

Greek Armament

Greek Armament

• Menelaus asked help to search for Helen.• Odysseus (King of Ithaca) pretended to be insane

[Plowed their field with salt instead of seeds]• Achilles (son of Peleus & Thetis) was dressed in women’s


• The Greek fleet, led by Agamemnon, went to Troy.




Prophecy of ThetisJoin

the war

Die with great glory

Live an obscure



Finding Troy

Finding Troy

• They attacked Teuthrania. (thinking it was Troy)• Achilles wounded Telephus (King of Teuthrania) in the thigh. • Oracle: Telephus' wound would only heal from the spear

that wounded him.




Finding Troy

• Telephus threatened to kill Agamemnon’s son unless healed by Achilles.• Achilles scraped rust from the spear to the wound. It healed. • A violent storm brought them to Aulis.

Achilles & Telephus

Sacrifices at Aulis

Sacrifices at Aulis

• They couldn’t sail because of the unfavourable winds.

• Calchas(seer) said that they angered Artemis because they killed a hare.

Iphigenia (Agamemnon’s daughter) must be sacrificed to Artemis to calm the seas.



Sacrifices at Aulis

They sacrificed Iphigenia and sailed

for Troy.


(son of Heracles)

was bitten by a snake &


TenedosRuled by

Tenes (son of Apollo). Killed by Achilles.

Arrival in Troy

Odysseus and Menelaus were sent as ambassadors to Priam.

They demanded Helen back.

Priam refused.

OdysseusPriam Menelaus

They reached Simois. Protesilaus landed first on

Greek soil and died. (Prophecy)

The Quarrel

The Greeks destroyed the surrounding

kingdoms of Troy and gained women captives.

In revenge, Agamemnon sent Briseis away from


Achilles sent Chryseis (daughter of Apollo’s priest) away from Agamemnon to appease Apollo.

Achilles withdrew from the war.

Achilles called for his mother’s (Thetis) aid. Thetis asked help from Zeus

Zeus made the Greeks suffer.Promised victory to

Agamemnon through a dream (LIE)

The Quarrel

The Day of the Battle


TROJAN • Paris• Hector• Pandarus• Aphrodite• Ares• Apollo• Artemis

GREEK• Menelaus• Agamemno

n• Achilles• Diomedes• Ajax• Odysseus• Nestor

• Patroclus• Calchas• Athena• Hera• Poseidon• Hephaestu


• Zeus*• Aeneas


• The war favored the Greeks until the battle came down to Menelaus & Paris.

•Menelaus proved to be a better warrior.

• Aphrodite spirited Paris away.

• It was agreed that Menelaus had won, so peace settlement was reached.

• As ‘victor’ Menelaus ordered Helen back.

Menalaus and Paris

•Before the Trojans could agree, Athena interfered.

•Athena persuaded Pandarus (Trojan) to shoot an arrow at Menelaus.

•The war was on again.



•Ajax & Diomedes led the Greeks.•Contributions of Diomedes:•Killed Pandarus•Wounded the son of Aphrodite, Aeneas.•Wounded Aphrodite•Wounded Ares

•Hector was advised to offer a lovely robe to Athena and ask for mercy. She denied their prayers.

Reversal of Fortunes


•Zeus remembered his promise to Thetis, so he ordered the immortals back to Olympus.

•Nestor advised Agamemnon to apologize to Achilles.

•Agamemnon agreed and sent Briseis back.

•Achilles still refused to join the battle.



•Hera charmed Zeus and poured sweet sleep on him.

•Hector was almost killed by Ajax.

•Zeus woke up and stopped Poseidon from helping the Greeks.

•Apollo revived Hector.

Moments of Glories


•Patroclus (close friend of Achilles) asked Achilles for his armor instead.

•Hector killed Patroclus and wore Achilles’ armor.

•Achilles was outraged, and decided to join the war wearing armor made by Hephaestus. Patroclus (close friend of

Achilles) asked Achilles for his armor instead.Hector killed Patroclus and wore Achilles’ armor.

Achilles was outraged, and decided to join the war.

Death of Hector

Meanwhile in Olympus…

•Zeus let out his golden balances. The Trojan’s blood weighed more than the Greeks’. Hector was destined to die.•God vs. God• Athena vs. Ares & Aphrodite•Hera vs. Artemis• Poseidon vs. Apollo• Zeus watched in great amusement

Athena vs. Ares & Aphrodite

Hera vs. Artemis

Poseidon vs. Apollo

WOW! Just WOW!


In the battlefield…• Achilles came with Athena (disguised as Deiphobus, Hector’s brother)•Hector sent his spear, (caught by Achilles’ shield). He was about to get his brother’s spear when he realized Deiphobus was Athena. Hector fought with his sword, Achilles with the spear.

Hector died..

Funeral & Ransoms

• Achilles, in victory, dragged Hector’s body behind his chariot.• The gods sent Iris to Priam (Hector’s father) and told him to redeem his son’s body from Achilles. •Guided by Hermes, Priam went to Achilles, begged, and offered him treasures. • Achilles gave the body to Priam. • They lamented the body for 9 days, set it to fire, and placed the bones in a golden urn. Great piles of stone covered it.

Achilles, in victory, dragged Hector’s body behind his chariot.

Achilles gave the body to Priam. They lamented the body for 9 days, set it to fire, and placed the bones in a golden urn. Great piles of stone covered it.

Menelaus Paris Diomedes AchillesOdysseus Nestor Agamemnon

The Trojan War