The Trestleboard - Sun City Lodge ·...

Post on 08-Jul-2020

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Transcript of The Trestleboard - Sun City Lodge ·...




A publication of

Sun City Lodge # 72


Remember...You Can

“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you

can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you can.” - anonymous


Calendar of Events

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




DeMolay 4-7 PM



HI-12 8 AM

Nile Club: 9A

Lodge Trustee10A


Officers 7P


Job’s 7PM



Boy Scouts:


SCL#72 Stated:



Oasis CHPT:



St. Andrew


Knight Masons:



LOS: 1130A


LOP: 1230P

Boy Scouts:


26 Degree

Practice 2 PM






Amaranth: 6P





DeMolay 4-7PM




Earl Trundy

Memorial 2PM


Boy Scouts:



Past Master

Movie and



SC-OES: 730P




Stewart Council:






Boy Scouts:



Peoria OES:




DeMolay State

Honors and






Jackson Rm

1 Office



Job’s 7PM


Your Lodge at a Glance

Worshipful Master Craig Montgomery 623.521.5580

Senior Warden Bob Cole 602.978.6640

Junior Warden Mark Nelson 480-253-0969

Secretary Richard Flinton PM 623.972.2217

Treasurer Michael Kennedy 623.972.2217

Chaplain Jack Daniel PM

Senior Deacon Kevin Baver PM

Junior Deacon Matthew A. Link

Senior Steward Cory Chavez

Junior Steward Ed Tannheimer

Alternate Stewards Andy Pratt

Marshal Michael Rial

Tyler Charles Hardy PM

Lodge Trustees - Chairman, Pat Hayes PM Members David Miller PM, Steve Wieters PM, Earl Paasch PM, Jan Lilly PM

Building Manager Jack Daniel PM 623.972.2217

Audit Committee Jim Rolle PM, Dan Robinson

Banquet / Event Committee, Frank Visceglie

Stewart Bikes For Books Bob Cole, Charles Hardy PM

Candidate Mentoring Pat Hayes PM, Steve Wieters PM

Trust Fund Trustees—Chairman, Hal Knowlton, Members Kevin Baver PM, Doug Robertson,

Bryan Cooper-Keeble PM. Randy Sturdevant

Lodge Ritual Director Pat Hayes PM

Lodge Website Committee David Miller PM, Craig Montgomery PM

Masonic Education

Masonic Funeral Coordination David Miller PM 623.875.2149

Membership Retention Pat Hayes PM

Sickness and Distress George Coxey 602.339.0997

Trestleboard Editor / Publisher Craig Montgomery, WM



I hope you have all enjoyed your time off this summer. It is now time to be

called from refreshment to labor, and come back to the Lodge and pursue our labors. Freemasons

have two gavels. One is the Master’s Gavel, Symbol of authority that must be wisely used to pre-

serve harmony within the Lodge. The other is the working tool of the Entered Apprentice. In either

sense the Gavel is of ancient origin and honorable history.

As a symbol, of authority, the gavel always has ruled deliberative assemblies. From the gathering of

a neighborhood sewing club to legislatures, congresses, supreme courts, presidents and monarchs,

the gavel brings order and obedience. Handing the gavel to another transfers for the time the au-

thority of the one who originally wielded it. A Master of a Lodge is an autocrat while in possession

of his gavel. The Grand Master does not actually take over a Lodge until the Master yields his gavel.

Our other gavel, that of the Entered Apprentice, is for the workmen to employ in their labors. It ap-

proaches in importance the gavel of authority. In one sense it is as important as the other gavel, for

no Master may open a Lodge unless the workmen are present. He cannot preside and supervise

the work unless the workman are at their labors. He cannot be successful in his conduct of the

Lodge and his supervision of the work unless the workmen are willing ones. He cannot drive them

to their labors, autocratic as his powers may be, even when they are at his bidding or summons.

The Master’s term in office, his supervision of the work, must all fail unless the workmen are inter-

ested in their labors, unless they have pride in the kind of work they present for inspection, unless

each workman is able to vision the completed work and voluntarily uses his gavel to produce a fin-

ished Ashlar of service, that Ashlar to either support or surmount the Perfect Ashlars of other


Brethren, I hope to see you all at our Stated Meeting.

Craig Montgomery, WM

From The East



OK, now indulge me for a minute and let me pose this question: If you swear an oath in the middle of the forest and no one is around to

hear it, did you still make a bona fide oath?

It is my opinion, and I think that most good Masons would agree, that a valid oath was still made. On the other hand, if you break your

oath in the middle of the proverbial forest (or anywhere else for that matter) and no one witnessed it, was it really violated? I think we can

all agree that the answer would be “yes”.

I present this line of questions because of some disturbing reasoning I have picked up on recently. I heard or read about a few brother ma-

sons who divulge our Masonic secrets openly and to the uninitiated. The argument being rationalized is that the oath of secrecy in Mason-

ry, which we all so solemnly and sincerely swore before God and our lodge, has little value these days because anyone can look up just

about all our secrets in a good public library or by the click of a mouse on the internet.

There is no doubt that anyone who cares to do the research, or even watch the Discovery Channel for that matter, can find out most of

what we hold as “secret”. This completely misses the point of swearing the oaths of our obligation. I don’t believe it is so much a question

of whether a non-mason will discover some of our Masonic secrets. Certainly, there is nothing we can, or should do about the content be-

ing in public domain as in a public library or a TV documentary. The important thing is, it’s a question of whether those secrets were dis-

covered from one of us. Keeping the oaths of our obligation is a testimonial about our personal integrity as men and as Masons.

We swore an oath before God to keep these secrets, not to protect Masonry, but to provide ourselves with a tool to measure our worth as

men. And although God may sometimes be our only witness, when we swear an oath, we make a pact not with other Masons, but we

make a promise to ourselves. And for anyone who has an ounce of self-respect, to violate that promise would be to profoundly let our-

selves down. And what would that say about us as men or as Masons? Taken in part, FROM THE EAST master of Blue Hill Lodge

I hope to see you all in lodge

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Bob Cole

Senior Warden

From The West


Sun City Lodge No 72 is coordinating an order for short sleeve collared polo shirts embossed with the Square and Compasses. The shirts

have the following features:

+ Port Authority is the shirt manufacturer;

+ Shirt is short sleeve with a collar;

+ Left breast pocket with Name above the pocket;

+ Square and Compasses with SUN CITY LODGE No 72 on the Right breast; and

+ Shirts are in Black, Blue, or White.

Price is $30.00 per shirt with payment made to SUN CITY LODGE No 72.

If you are interested in ordering a shirt, please contact Dave Miller at 602.317.6136 or When ordering, include:

+ your shirt size;

+ the shirt color; and

+ Name you want placed above the shirt pocket (if any).


The Twenty-Four Inch Gauge

Over the last months of my new job I have pondered the meaning of the twenty-four inch gauge. As humans we try very hard to keep up with the times, trends, and culture we live in. We want to devote our time to many things, such as family, friends and God. I’ve noticed that sometimes we lose sight of why we work and become very materialistic in our climb to the top and can find ourselves imbalanced in our daily life. We each know somebody that gave work more attention than their family and be-came divorced or neglected their work and would eventually find themselves unemployed.

We all want the nice car, or the big house and we want it now, so we work overtime, have two or three jobs, so that we can maintain or obtain the status we want. I myself have thought about talking a part-time job just to earn more money when I don’t even need it. However, I remembered the lesson of the twenty-four inch gauge.

The twenty-four inch gauge is a rule two feet long, which is divided by marks into twenty-four parts each one inch in length. The Operative Mason uses it to take the necessary dimensions of the stone that he is about to prepare. It has been adopted as one of the working-tools of the Entered Apprentice in Speculative Freemasonry, where it divisions are supposed to represent hours. Hence its symbolic use is to teach him to measure his time so that, of the twenty-four hours of the day, he may devote eight hours to the service of God and a worthy distressed Brother, eight hours to his usual vocation, and eight hours to refreshment and sleep. In the twenty-four inch gage is a symbol of time well employed.

I don’t believe that God wanted mankind to work or play all day, but to have a balanced life. This balance comes through the individual fulfillment through hard work, service to others, and strength through rest and refreshment. I was asked once if I like my job (which I do) and I replied, “a job is a job”. Whether you flip burgers and McDonald's or work for Goldman Sachs, it’s something to take pride in, you are earning your wages.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Mark Nelson

Junior Warden

From The south

Stated Meeting Dinner Menu

The ladies of the, Peoria Chapter # 59 Order of the Eastern Star, Proudly and with great care

prepare and serve the meals at the Sun City Lodge Stated Meetings.

MENU: Chicken Enchiladas, Spanish Rice, Re-fried Beans and Dessert

The cost for dinner is $8.00

Reservations would be appreciated at least 3 days in advance.

RSVP to: Mark Nelson E-mail

or call the lodge at 623-9722217

From the Secretary’s Desk

We have 224 members. We have one waiting for a demit (Earl Chambers). We have two entered

apprentices who appear to have dropped out. We have one Fellowcraft (Rolland Rogge). We have

one to vote on. I think we are doing very well. Our average age is 70.12


None Reported, Praise God

“Remember him before the silver cord is severed, or the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it”. ~ Ecclesiastes 12:6-7

Masonic tradition calls on us to aid and assist all distressed brothers, withersoever dispersed. While we are getting better at assisting our brothers, we have been neglecting our ladies and their needs. If any of you know of a sick or distressed brother or a Masonic widow in need, please call the lodge office at 623.972.2217.

The Trestleboard is available through your e-mail…

Issues of the Trestleboard can be sent directly to your e-mail. The advantage of this is

that you will receive it earlier than if mailed. To receive the Trestleboard in your e-mail,

please send your request and e-mail address to or

call the lodge office at 623.972.2217.

Sickness and Distress

None Reported.


Happy Birthday to All!

Jonathan K. Larsen 09/02

Dan N. Miller 09/07

Thomas E. Cartwright Sr 09/09

Robert W. Wright 09/10

E James Heig 09/11

Christopher L. Kinor 09/11

Leland A. Schlabach 09/12

Edward J. Tannheimer 09/13

Richard E. Edmands 09/16

Edward R. Harris 09/16

Edward J. Anderson 09/17

Milton L. Bournonville 09/18

Benjamin H. Strasser 09/18

Allan O. Johnson 09/19

Leslie Kessler 09/20

Donald M. McElroy 09/20

Jack E. Adams 09/21

Keith E. Rabb Jr 09/22

William E. Boehm 09/24

Ian J. Dunbar 09/27

Robert J. Cole 09/28

Adrian C. Gohn 09/28

Bryan F. Cooper-Keeble 09/29

Masonic Anniversaries

John E. Allen 09/07/1974

Michael S. Rial 09/02/2014

Brian K. Turner 09/27/2008

Kamal F. Busaid 09/24/1975

Paul J. Dore' Jr 09/24/1996

Steven C. Shroyer 09/27/2012

Steven K. Wieters 09/14/2010

Steven D. Wieters 09/21/2010

Stanley S. Stobierski 09/22/1983

Randell C. Smith Jr 09/06/2012

Donald M. McElroy 09/16/1992

Marcos P. Lakandula 09/08/2012

Oral K. Judish 09/09/2010

John W. Geyer 09/09/1947

John C. Boulware 09/09/1946


Articles and other Trestleboard submissions are due no later than the 15th of the month. If your submission is not received and other arrangements have not been made, it will not be printed. All Trestleboard submissions must be sent via e-mail in Microsoft Word format, to WM. Craig Montgomery, at: If you have questions, please call Craig at 623.521.5580

I would like to contribute to The Sun City Trestleboard for the 2017 year at the following level:


Under $25 $25 - $49 $50 - 74 $75 - $99 $100 or more

Donation is IN MEMORY or IN HONOR OF (circle one). Name: ____________________________________

Please this n ____________________________________

Enclosed is my donation in the amount of $ ______________________________

Please detach this form and include it with your check. Thank you!


*Denotes Multi-Year, Trestleboard Contributor

We need current telephone numbers, addresses, and email addresses for all brothers and Trestleboard subscribers.

You will be receiving the Electronic Trestleboard if we have your email address. If you require a printed copy, Please

notify the Lodge Secretary, Richard Flinton at 623-972-2217.

*Saint Andrew


Marjorie Gornall in memory of

Geoffrey Gornall


*James Becker

*Pioneer Lodge

*James D. Spooler

Oasis Chapter R.A.M.

*Steward Council C.M.

*John Stoefer

*Ardath Wilber

Steve Wieters Gary Bain

*Peoria OES # 59

Karen Bulawa

Arthur Hart

*David Miller

*West Valley Scottish


John Geyer

Jim Leber

(in Memory of

Margaret Leber WM)


Make checks payable to Sun City Lodge #72

Mail to: P.O. Box 1353, Sun City, AZ 85372


New DeMolay State Officers Sun City Masonic Center Related

At the 21-23 July 2017 Arizona State DeMolay Convention/Conclave in Tucson, two of the new DeMolay

State Officers have strong Sun City Masonic Center connections.

Installed as the State Deputy Master Councilor is Harrison Cantrell. Many of the Sun City Lodge members

know Harrison as a recently raised Master Mason who attends meetings of Sun City Lodge when his

schedule of work/school/DeMolay duties permits. Harrison served as Master Councilor of Glendale Chap-

ter and now is serving the Arizona State DeMolay Association as a state-wide officer.

Installed as the State Junior Councilor is Caleb Crabtree. Caleb has been serving as the Master Councilor

for PV Chapter, which meets in the Sun City Masonic Center, and was a critical part of the transition of PV

Chapter relocating to Sun City Masonic Center from Paradise Valley.

Sun City Lodge and the Masonic groups meeting in the Sun City Masonic Center are proud to see these

fine young men recognized for important leadership positions with Arizona State DeMolay Association.

New Miss Arizona Job’s Daughter

Bethel #22 is Proud to announce Miss Kyra Rial, the new Miss Arizona Job's Daughter. She is a Past Hon-

ored Queen of her bethel. She is not only involved with Job's Daughters, but she is active in Rainbow and

DeMolay. She currently is the Worthy Advisor at Glendale Assembly, and is the Arizona DeMolay State

Princess. In addition to her Masonic youth involvement, she attends ASU. She is the recipient of Masonic

Scholarships and keeps a balanced life. She is the daughter of Mike Rial, Marshal of Sun City Lodge #72.

Her mother is Susan Rial who is a Past Honored Queen, Past Grand Bethel Honored Queen from the State

of Washington, and a recipient of the degree of Royal Purple. Kyra has made the Bethel so proud and will

represent the Job's Daughters International very well.

Past Master’s fellowship

The Past Masters meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 8:30 am. Location

changes monthly. All Past Master are welcome. You don’t have to be a Past Master

from Sun City Lodge # 72. Our purpose is to assist the Worshipful Master, the

Officers, and the Lodge in general.. We also perform Masonic Funeral services when

requested. Contact Dave Miller PM at 602-317-6136 to schedule our services.

Join us at Jacques’ Bistro

A Glendale DeMolay Fundraiser Dinner

Sunday September 24th, 2017 5:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m.

Located at: 6831 N 58th Ave, Glendale AZ 85301


You will be served by your own DeMolay members

You will have your choice of Meatball Sandwiches, Chicken Parmesan, or a

Vegetarian Option.

There will be a Silent Auction and a 50/50 Raffle

Tickets are $12.00 each purchased before the event $15.00 at the door

Sun City Lodge # 72 will hold a Trilogy Veteran’s Show on October 28,2017 at 6:15 p.m. The cost of the ticket will be $10 a person. We will have non-alcoholic beverages available, but feel free to BYOB, wine and beer plus any snacks you would like to share at your table. Cups, paper plates and utensils will be provid-ed. We are looking for a great show with musical numbers, skits and special guests for a fun evening.

The Trilogy Vet’s club has many missions serving vets i.e.; Providing furniture for Vet’s who were homeless and need items in their new units. We also support the Madison Outreach center, that on an ongoing basis provide monthly meals to homeless vets. In the past our group has supported Operation Stand Down, collecting jeans and other items for this particular program. In addition, we have assisted in the Toy’s for Tot’s program and “ breathern a Street Mis-sion” along with support for other Vet programs including social or Legislative activities.

We invite you to come and enjoy a great evening with lots of enjoyment and fun. Hope you can attend.

Please contact Brother Bob Meizinger at 623-349-3253 or thru email at

Thank you Brethren

Stewart Council #16 meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at Sun City Lodge #72 in Sun City. Our potluck begins at 6:30 and our meetings start at 7:30.

This last weekend we had our grand sessions in Mesa. There was a lot of official visitors from neighboring states and a lot of very useful information was discussed about the future and direction of Masonry in Arizona and the Councils in specific.

The two main areas of discussion concerned membership and retention. Our emerging leadership program is de-signed to bring “new Blood” into the craft and improve the leadership skills they bring to the table. Stewart Council has 65 members and while we added 5, we lost 5 and remain at 65 companions.

We had fair amount of legislation to review but the most noteworthy and discussed was to review that was present in all York Rite bodies was the instance the any elected officer must have a current dues card to preside over a chapter or commandery. The legislation did not pass but it is clear and evident that all elected officers must be in GOOD STANDING while serving.

St Andrew meets on the second Saturday of each month, Officers, sword and

ritual training at 7:30AM coffee & donuts 8:00AM Conclave at 9:00AM

Oasis Chapter RAM meets on the third Friday each month.

Pot Luck. 6:30PM Education. 7:00PM Meeting. 7:30 PM

The Sir Knights of St Andrew Commandery will be meeting on Saturday 09 September 2017 at the Sun

City Masonic Center. Coffee and doughnuts at 8:00 A.M. with meeting opening at 9:00 AM.

I would like to first congratulate five of our Commandery Sir Knights being installed in the AZ Grand Com-

mander Line; SK Doug Roberts, SK Dave Miller, SK Steve Wieters, SK Adrian Gohn, and SK Brian Turner.

I know these SK's and the rest of AZ Grand Commandery are going to do great things this Year.

Please bring in a Brother for greet and meet if they are interested in the Commandery.

We will be continuing some interesting education on "The Order of the Knights Templar", by W.F. Wilke.

This is just a brief history and book review done by James Burnes in 1829.

Stewart Council No 16 Cryptic Masons

Meets at Sun City Lodge N0 72

Welcome back Companions, The hot weather will be gone soon and we can get back our tasks. The Ari-zona Grand York Rite recently held their Grand Sessions. The event was held in Mesa Arizona. All three bodies presented and voted on legislation and elected and installed the new Officers, and Trustees. There was also a lot of fun and good fellowship, even the ladies had a great time playing cards, and visiting local points of interest. The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Arizona elected Joseph F. Zito as its new Grand High Priest. If you would like to know the results of the legislation that was presented and voted on, you can attend our next Chapter meeting, or contact me or Pat Hayes. One of the tasks we need to tackle this fall is our membership Program. It will be starting September 1

st. Our new Veils should be here very

soon, I hope they will be here before our next meeting, which will be September 15th. Please plan on at-

tending. It will be great to see you. Steve Wieters Excellent High Priest

Oasis Chapter N0 15 Royal Arch Masons

Meets at Sun City Lodge No72

Saint Andrew commandery no 17

meet at sun city lodge no72


The West Valley York Rite Bodies have chosen to participate in supporting Bingo ac-

tivity at the Phoenix VA Home. On Wednesday, July 12 2017, three Companions/Sir

Knights initiated the assistance. Pictured below are the three participants: Corey

Chavez, Doug Robertson, and Myles Sagen.

This joint effort by Oasis Chapter, Stewart Council, and St Andrew Commandery is an

activity to involve members in outreach to the community and extend the fellowship

of the Freemasonry to others. The event sponsorship involves providing several

small prizes for winning/playing the Bingo games as well as sodas to the Vets playing

Bingo for refreshment. There was much gratitude expressed to the three volunteers

for their time and contribution.

If you would like to participate in this York Rite outreach activity in the future, con-tact Doug Robertson (602.391.5634, or Dave Miller (602.317.6136,

Why is Freemasonry a Ritual Practice?

What makes something a “ritual?” Is it an evil connotation? Is it something sinister? Why then is Freemasonry con-sidered a ritual practice? How could something so full of moral virtues practice something ritualistic?

The use of the word ritual is described as the regular practice of the same series of ceremonies at each meeting.

Often there is a connotation of something sinister or counter to popular practice by the use of the term ritual.

To the contrary, it is instead meant to imply that the degree ritu-als are an established or prescribed practice to con-vey the knowledge and symbolism of the Fraternity in a repetition to impart their teachings.

What this means is that the same ritual ceremony is practiced with each candidate to induct him into the fraternity so that each man undergoes the same experience creating a unifying shared experience. That practice imparts the three principal tenets of the fraternity which are Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.



No Article Submitted

Sun city west High Twelve club

Sun City High 12 Club is completes the Summer Luncheon program in September. On Thurs-

day, 21 September, at 12 Noon, the lunch will be at Red Line Grill, which is located at 15332

W Bell Road in Surprise. RSVP for the lunch is to Jeff Samuelson – 623.876.8911. This will

be the final Summer Luncheon for the year.

On Friday, 13 October, at 8:00 AM, the Sun City West High 12 Club will resume monthly meetings. The Club meeting

begins at 8:00 AM with breakfast at Golden Corral Restaurant, 17674 N Litchfield Drive (Corner of Grand Ave and Li-

tchfield) in Surprise. Any Master Mason is welcome to join in the breakfast and meeting. Spouses are welcome to

join in the breakfast meal and attend the meeting. The restaurant opens at 7:30 AM and breakfast is available at

that time. When paying the Golden Corral Restaurant, be sure to identify that you are eligible for those attending

the Sun City West High 12 Club meeting. At that meeting, there will be a presentation on Hospice Care in the West

Valley area.

The Arizona State High 12 Club Association Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, 23 September, in Tucson. The

State Association Annual Meeting begins at Sabbar Shrine at 10:00 AM. For additional information and registration,

see the website and click on the AZ Annual State Convention. If you would like transportation infor-

mation, contact Dave Miller at 602.317.6136,


Daina Montgomery Worthy Matron and Craig Montgomery Worthy Patron, Welcome everyone back for a fun filled year at Sun City #66. We meet for breakfast at the Royal Cafe every 2nd Tuesday of the month, please join us on Sep-tember 12, 2017 at 9 am. All are invited as well as guests. On September 13th, 2017, we will be having our School of Instruction with our DI Ilene Douglas at the lodge at 6:30pm, Please bring your ritual and plan on attending. Then a big welcome back from being dark, our 1st meeting back will be SEPTEMBER 19TH, 2017 @ 7:30 please everyone come out and visit with us as we start back this “All Aboard Eastern Star Year” REMINDER to all we will be having Initiation On October 17th, 2017 so PLEASE be working on your parts so we can welcome our new member Vicki with our great ritual work. Grand Chapter was totally fun with Ellen O'Malia and Randy Ahrens. $5000. was donated to Re-generative Medicine. Our chapter contributed $1200 as part of this donation. We are proud of you! The installation of the new Grand Chapter officers was beautiful, sparkly, burgundy and gold gowns. We are blessed with Tori Loll and Perry Casazza as our leaders for this coming year. Here is a list of the Sun City #66 appointments. Sandy Greeneltch PM …Grand Organist Rosemary Bennet PM …. Associate Grand Organist Daina Montgomery WM …. District Instructor-District 10, Co-chairman Distinguished Guests Com-mittee, Chairman Directory/Calendar sales. Sandy Munster PM …Fiesta Day, Stars over AZ reporter, Banquets, Grand Representative Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island Sheri Goodman PM… Election committee John Bennet PP… Asst. Grand Sentinal John Munster PP …General Grand Chapter Appt. Hummingbird, Chairman of Regenerative Medi-cine We encourage all members to sign up for E mail at This gives you infor-mation of all upcoming events. Now is the time to get those dues paid. $27.00 if you haven't already paid them. Now get ready for a fun filled year. Respectfully submitted, Sandy Munster PM


Ladies Ladies Ladies , Our time meet again is coming up soon, October 2

nd, 2017 is the official date we are back from

being dark, So mark your calendars to attend our luncheon meeting. In the meantime, let’s be gearing up for our Queens Visit on November 15

th, 2017 at El Dorado

with purchasing Gift Cards for the Hospitals, Below you will find a list of what Gift cards to get and some other much need things for the hospitals, so add a little to your shopping list each week and before you know it we will have a Big supply of Donations for the Hospitals. We Can Accept: Gift Cards (Target, Walmart, I-Tunes, Michaels, prepaid Visa). Dolls (Disney princesses and Barbie’s are great) or Super Hero and Star Wars figures. Toy cars and trucks, Play-doh kits, Coloring books, colored pencils, markers, crayons or arts and crafts sets. Infant and toddler toys, New Release DVDs, Legos (smaller sets) Much Needed Items for Teens: Headphones, Hair accessories, nail polish, Sports hats/t-shirts with local and national sports teams. Video games for X-box 360, Wii, Xbox One games, PS4 games. Here’s hoping all is well with everyone and I am looking forward to seeing you all very soon! Daina Montgomery – President Sun City Nile Club


No Article Submitted

PV DeMolay Chapter has moved to the Sun City Masonic Center and is now regularly meeting on the 1st and 3rd Sun-

days of the month. However, for September, due to the Labor Day Holiday, the Chapter’s Stated Meeting will be on

Sunday, 10 September, beginning at 4:00 PM. The Roundtable meeting for September will be on Sunday, 17 Septem-

ber, also at 4:00 PM.

On Saturday, 26 August, the Chapter hosted a Laser Tag event at the Sun City Masonic Center. The goal was to de-

velop prospects for Chapter membership. As this item is being written in early August, the event’s results will be re-

ported in the October issue of the Trestleboard. Special thanks to the Sun City Lodge Trustees for permitting the use

of the building and to the members of Sun City Lodge for their generous financial support of this activity.

In August, there was also a Pool Party at Dad Bryon Howe’s residence. This event, plus the Laser Tag activity on 26

August, were part of a major effort by PV Chapter to increase membership of local teenage youth.

Over the 21-23 July weekend, the Arizona DeMolay Annual Convention was held in Tucson at the Hilton East. Receiv-

ing special recognition was Tiffany Rial, the PV Chapter Sweetheart, as Sweetheart of Year. Also receiving special

recognition as DeMolay of the Year was Caleb Crabtree, who is currently serving as Master Councilor for PV Chapter.

PV Chapter was well represented at the annual conclave/convention by both advisors and members.

DeMolay is a Masonic youth organization for young men between the ages of 11 and 21 years of age. DeMolay

Chapters confer two degrees for membership. The members engage in a variety of service and fun activities. Service

events include working with adult Masonic groups and working in local community charity events. DeMolay mem-

bers enjoy social activities with members of locally Masonic sponsored Rainbow Girl Assemblies and Job’s Daughter

Bethels, as well as recreational events involving sports and electronic game challenges. The Chapter meetings are

run by the youth Chapter officers with guidance from the Dad Advisor.

Currently, the following Sun City Lodge members serve on the PV Chapter Advisory Council: Jim Almrud; Glynn Ley;

Dave Lowry; Dave Miller; Craig Montgomery; and Mike Rial. For further information about becoming a member of

DeMolay, how to become a member of the Advisory Council, or PV Chapter meetings/events, contact Dave Miller at

602.317.6136 or

Paradise valley



Greetings from the fairest in the land,

Bethel #22 has had a very full and exciting summer. Some traveled to Pennsylvania for Supreme Session, and re-ceived Supreme Bethel Representative positions. The girls then came back to attend Royal Retreat. Bethel #22 is very excited to have Miss Kyra Rial win the Miss Arizona Job's Daughters International Pageant. We are so proud of the hard work and the love she has for the order. The Bethel had their first meeting on August 22nd. It went well with a lot of instruction. Tori Cantrell preceded over the meeting. On Sunday August 27th,they had their Go to Church Sunday at CCV in Surprise. It was a great sermon and the pastor spoke about becoming engaged in our spir-itual growth. On September 12 we have a Bethel Meeting. On Tuesday, September 26th at 7:00pm we have our honor our PHQ's. We invite all PHQ's and MM of Job's Daughters to come out and share your stories of Job's Daugh-ter with us. We always like to hear of what it was like then. Our Bethel is planning on going to California for Su-preme Leadership. This is a great opportunity for the daughters to get a better understanding of what our role is and how to improve. We will get to spend time at Disneyland while we are there.

Save the date:

October 10 @ 7:00pm- Bethel Meeting

October 22 Halloween Tea, come have some witches brew with us.

October 24@ 7:00pm- Honor our Dads and Masons night. Please come out and see our meeting. We always like to have side liners.

If you know a young lady from the ages of 10-20 we would love to meet her.

Bethel #22 meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 7:00pm We hope to see you there.


The Buzz from our Beehive,

We are excited to start the new term. The Jobie-2-bee is a program for young girls who are not old enough to be Job's Daughters. This year the Supreme Guardian has appointed a Supreme Bee Keeper. Her name is Beki Lane. She They get introduced to a little bit about Job's Daughters and get to attend activities with the girls. We are 9 bees strong and the girls are absolutely amazing. It is so much fun to watch them grow and interact with the girls.

Our hive meets the 2nd Tuesday of the Month. We are planning on having a social at 6 to start our meeting at 6:30.

If you know of young ladies under 10 years old, we welcome them to be part of our hive. We will participate with the activities with the older girls, and get to know them well. Our next meeting is September 12th.

Ad space is now available on the Trestleboard. You may purchase a business card

size for $120 for one year, or a larger ad for $200 for one year. (11 issues) Please

support our Brothers and Friends of the Lodge who advertise in our Trestleboard.

Contact: Craig Montgomery, WM 623-521-5580

Mailing Address


F. & A.M.

P.O. Box 1353

Sun City, Arizona 85372

U.S. Postage Paid

Permit No. 45

Sun City, AZ

Non-Profit Org.

Telephone: 623.972.2217


Office hours: Mon / Wed / Fri – 9AM -1 PM

We’re on the Web!




Physical Address


F.& A.M.

18810 North 107th Avenue

Peoria, Arizona, 85373