The Tragic Arrow Of Time

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An analytical paper written for CPLT 3590

Transcript of The Tragic Arrow Of Time

Heather Hildreth

Professor Renate Voris

CPLT 3590

23 April 2010

The Tragic Arrow of Time

Einstein’s theory of general relativity revolutionized the way mankind perceives time.

Prior to Einstein, man viewed time as linear and continuous; after Einstein, he views time as

nonlinear and relative. In either case, Stephen Hawking asserts that time is defined by memory

via chaos, a state of disorder. In Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved and in Euripide’s tragic play

Medea, time moves forward in the direction of increasing chaos, which is sparked by memories

shared in dialogue. The sharing of these memories helps define a sense of time relative to each

participating character, and it is obvious that time is more linear in the ancient Medea and more

curved in the modern Beloved. Ultimately, sharing memories by means of dialogue increases

disorder in each character’s universe and results in Sethe and Medea committing murder.

In A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking asks, “Why do we remember the past but

not the future?”(148). Hawking begins to answer this question as he explains that there is a

“thermodynamic arrow of time” and a “psychological arrow of time” and that the latter depends

on the former (149). He defines the “psychological arrow” as an arrow of time that points in the

way people feel time passes based on their memories. These memories help to distinguish the

past from the present, but memory itself relies on the “thermodynamic arrow,” which points in

the direction of increasing entropy. Entropy is the scientific word for chaos, or uncontrolled

disorder. The second law of thermodynamics states that in any closed system, entropy will

increase with time. Unless energy is added to the system, entropy will continue to increase. This

law can be applied to broader actions in life: when situations are left unrestrained, chaos ensues.

Hawking illustrates the second law of thermodynamics by using a cup falling off of a table

(148). As time moves forward, a cup falls off of a table and breaks into pieces, exemplifying

increasing entropy. It is impossible in our universe to see the pieces falling back up the table and

reassemble into a cup. The failure to reverse is not because it violates another law of physics,

such as conservation of energy, but simply because entropy cannot decrease with time. In this

example, an observer would remember the cup being on the table, and then on the floor in

pieces. Hawking asserts that this “psychological” arrow will always travel in the same direction

as increasing entropy (51). This dependence is due to the fact that remembering an event itself

will use energy to “order” one’s memory because energy will help to order a system, while lack

of energy will disorder it. However, the use of energy used to organize a memory will dissipate

heat into the universe, and actually increase entropy, because entropy is directly related to heat

transfer. The increase in entropy is always greater than the order in organizing a memory, and

thus people will always remember events in the direction that entropy increases. So, even if it

were possible for the pieces of the cup to fall back up to the table, an observer would still

remember the cup falling to the floor. Scientifically, it is clear that time increases when entropy

does, and memory builds when entropy increases. As a result, memory will order events from

ordered to chaotic, which defines a past and present for the observer, or the person in possession

of the memory, that correlates with chaos.

In Beloved, time is curved as the reader peers into different memories and “rememories”

belonging to different characters. Rememories are memories that have been unlocked by a telling

of a memory. A perfect example of rememory is when Sethe shares the story of her mom’s death

with Beloved and Denver. Sethe begins by sharing her memory of her mother and moves on to

explain how she was killed: “Hung. By the time they cut her down nobody could tell whether

she had a circle and a cross or not, least of all me and I did look”(73). Sharing that one piece of

information with Beloved and Denver through dialogue was enough to crack open a lost memory

that occurred after:

“Oh, my Jesus,” she said and stood up so suddenly the comb she had parked in Denver’s

hair fell to the floor… she was remembering something she had forgotten she knew.

Something privately shameful that had seeped into a slit in her mind right behind the slap

on her face and the circled cross…”I never found out. It was a lot of them,” she said, but

what was getting clear and clearer …was the woman called Nan who took her hand and

yanked her away from the pile before she could make out the mark.”(73)

In actuality, Sethe did not look for her mother’s circle and cross, but rather was pulled away by

Nan. It is clear that sharing this rememory through dialogue creates chaos in the present

situation. Not only is there a physical increase in entropy: “Sethe gathered hair from the comb…

and tossed it into the fire. It exploded into stars…suddenly the comb fell to the floor”(73), but

the situation itself becomes disordered, as well. Denver worries over the scattered state of her

mother: “What’s the matter with you?” Moreover, the disorder inside the rememory increases as

well, as Sethe recounts how Nan told her about how her mother killed all of her previous babies:

“She threw them all away but you…Without names, she threw them”(74). A memory simply

about the hanging of her mother changes into a rememory of her mother killing babies, and the

increase in chaos in the rememory extends Sethe’s psychological arrow of time forward as she

remembers new things that occur after her initial memory, and sharing this rememory through

dialogue creates chaos in the present and draws the arrow of time to her present situation. While

her arrow points forward (relative to her), it is somehow warped in her own space-time.

Sethe’s first memory of Sweet Home was positive: “suddenly there was Sweet Home

rolling, rolling, rolling before her eyes…in shameless beauty”(7), but as the novel continues in a

spiral of chaos, she has rememories that drastically change her perception. The arrival of Paul D

sets rememory in motion, which creates chaotic actions. As soon as he spots Sethe, the two

begin to share memories of Halle’s death and Sethe’s escape. Their conversation leads Paul D to

remember how the Sweet Home guys waited for Sethe and when he begins to talk to Denver, she

remembers how lonely she was as a child and ignites with vengeful grief as she begins to weep.

Immediately after, “Something in the house braced”(18), foreshadowing an uncontrollable

disorder that will soon arise. Paul D resumes his dialogue with Sethe. As she shares her memory

of “whitegirl” and how she had milk to nurse her baby, she is struck with a rememory of when

she was raped and robbed of her breast milk by Schoolteacher’s nephews. Chaos has increased in

the state of the house in addition to inside Sethe’s rememory, since it starts out with aid from a

white person and ends in abuse from a white person that she cannot contorl. After sharing the

rememory, Paul D is overcome with an uncontrollable desire for Sethe, and although Sethe

wants to “push busyness into the corners of the room”(21), the house trembles, stirring Paul D to

remember how he was chained up and used to shake, like the house. Then, “The house itself was

pitching. Sethe slid to the floor and struggled”(21). Paul D tries to calm Beloved’s ghost down,

but at the expense of wrecking the house. While one may analyze this situation as a decrease in

chaos because Paul D defeated the ghost, it is exactly this defeat that taunts the ghost to come

back in human form, which eventually increases disorder in the 124 system. Like before, this

increase in disorder dictates where Sethe’s arrow of time points. Chaos increases in her

rememory of robbing, and this rememory increases chaos in 124, so the arrow begins at Sweet

Home, travels through her rape, and warps around to Paul D’s arrival and his “defeat” of

Beloved. Paul D’s arrow has a similar curved trajectory: the arrow begins at Sweet Home (before

Sethe), travels through his days of enchainment, and curves around to the same event of Sethe’s

arrow, or the temporary termination of the baby ghost. One may wonder what is chaotic about

his days of enchainment, but the novel clearly, yet briefly, compares Paul D’s state during his

emprisonment to the uncontrollable disorder in the house: “Paul D had not trembled since

1856…locked up and chained down, his hands shook so bad he couldn’t smoke or even scratch


Travel through time cannot go backwards (unless antimatter or wormholes are involved),

so pieces of the arrow cannot be “added on” in the middle; rather, events pile onto the tip of the

arrow as it grows. Accordingly, as Sethe and Paul D continue to have rememories, these

rememories will seem closer to the present and they will have the sensation of reliving these

rememories as their sense of time spirals outward.

Just when Sethe is set on “keeping the past at bay”(51), the family finds Beloved by their

house. Morrison uses labor imagery, describing Sethe as containing a bladder “filled to

capacity” after seeing Beloved, who had just emerged from a stream and “had new skin, lineless

and smooth”(61). The image of Beloved’s second birth delivers a hint to the reader that the

characters’ sense of time is about to change again.

Beloved’s presence sparks rememories in others through dialogue. After a discussion

Paul D has with Beloved, he has “the feeling a large, silver fish had slipped from his hands the

minute he grabbed hold of its tail” and begins to have a rememory about all of the African

Americans he ran into after his escape (78). Morrison uses choppy language, “Move. Walk.

Run. Hide.” to express the hectic sensation Paul D feels as he ponders a scene of chaos in his

rememory: people who “had hidden in caves and fought owls…who…stole from pigs…who…

had buried themselves in slop and jumped in wells”(78). Of course, “No sooner did he have the

thought than Beloved strangled on one of the raisins…she fell backward and…thrashed

around…on her hands and knees, [she] vomited…and strangled for breath”(79); a clear

indication that Paul D has rekindled chaos’s nasty flame with a rememory, and by definition has

curved his arrow of time from his escape to his current situation in 124. Immediately afterward,

Sethe argues with Paul D over the consequences of his provoking of Beloved.

Their conversation immediately leads to Paul D sharing a rememory with Sethe about the

time he last saw Halle, and “Sethe was gripping her elbows as though to keep them from flying

away” after soaking in his rememory(81). While this rememory does not belong to Sethe, the

chaos that spawns from it ultimately effects Sethe more than it effects Paul D because this

rememory begins Sethe’s breakdown by leaving her unable “to imagine, let alone plan for, the

next day”(83). As her breakdown progresses throughout the novel, she is unable to control

Beloved and is powerless in her sense of self.

One exchange of words is very perplexing. Denver asks a provocative question of her

own to Beloved: “Why you call yourself Beloved?”(88) Beloved answers that “In the dark my

name is Beloved” and proceeds to describe the place she came from as dark, hot, and filled with

dead people (88). Beloved curls up in a tight position that resembles the fetal position. Is

Beloved having a rememory about a grave or a womb? Is it a rememory at all? Morrison depicts

Beloved’s origins so ambiguously because Beloved was never buried in a grave, hence there is

no designated place to remember her. Her appearance in human form is a struggle to maintain

her memory, by the end of the novel, she fails. As a result, she has no rememories for herself

and thus no arrow of time to follow. Many critics interpret her origins as a symbol of the origins

of slave life in the United States: “I wait; then I got on the bridge…It was a long time”(88).

Beloved could be describing the bridge of a slave ship traveling along the Middle Passage, and

since she has no memories of her own, she holds the memories of the slave population. Since

these rememories belong to the African American population as a whole, she does not have her

own sense of time, which is why she can be a baby and a full grown woman at the same time and

may also be why she appears as different things to different people.

As Beloved probes characters to delve deeper into rememories with her questions,

disorder in the family builds. Paul D has sex with Beloved. Pieces of Beloved start to fall off of

her. Sethe begins to lose control of herself and starts making sacrifices in order to feed Beloved

and keep her alive. However, dialogue with characters outside of 124 also increases disorder at

124. For example, after Denver and Beloved have an argument over who choked Sethe in the

Clearing, Denver begins to remember her isolation as a child (119). Then, she thinks about the

short period where she interacted with children, and she begins to have a memory of a

conversation she had with Nelson Lord. Remembering Nelson’s question, “Didn’t your mother

get locked away for murder? Wasn’t you in there with her when she went?”(123) unleashes a

rememory of how she went deaf until she heard the ghost of her sister crawling up the stairs

(122). The disorder inside the rememory increases because Denver remembers the growing spite

of the ghost and the fury it bombs onto the house. The rememory creates disorder in the family at

124 because after the rememory is over, Denver begins to lose dedication to Sethe and loses

control in her attempt to please Beloved as she thinks that “the choice between Sethe and

Beloved was without conflict,” even after contemplating the danger Beloved has in store for

Sethe (123).

One of the climaxes of the book occurs when Sethe’s arrow of time travels through the

murder of her baby. The event first arises when Stamp Paid shares a newspaper clipping about

Sethe murdering Beloved (181). Paul D knows “that it ought to mess him up. That whatever was

written on it should shake him”(181), a clear indication that disorder is about to increase. In the

next chapter, Sethe shares her rememory of the murder with Paul D. Time travels in the direction

of increasing disorder, and disorder is definitely increasing during this dialogue, which results in

Paul D leaving, and also results in Sethe murdering her baby. Obviously, one cannot remember

the future, as this would imply. However, one can remember an event as it is happening. First

off, Morrison uses the two chapters previous to the one where Paul D receives the clipping to

describe the event. She places this event right after Beloved loses her tooth and cries in order to

emphasize that what is happening is happening in the present time and is not a rememory. The

two chapters have no speaker, nor are they limited to only one character’s point of view, which

again emphasizes that it is an even happening in the present and its memory does not belong to

anyone, yet. Morrison does not have Sethe describe these events afterward to Paul D during her

rememory because the event is happening as Sethe is remembering it. Morrison also makes it

clear that it is an actual event by describing Sethe as “spinning. Circling him the way she was

circling the subject, round and round, never changing direction”(189), implying that her arrow

of time is still moving forward despite its seemingly circular pattern. As her rememory

continues, disorder results, and the events that lead up to her murder move forward. “Circling,

circling”(191) through, chaos piles on as Paul D has a rememory of his days in Alfred, Georgia.

“[T]he circle she was making around…him…would remain one”(192) as Sethe remembers, and

the oncoming chaos results in Sethe’s murder, then emprisonment, “[a]nd then no words.

Humming. No words at all”(179). Immediately, “a forest sprang up between them; trackless and

quiet”(194). The same responses to the rememory and event are happening in these two different

chapters, and the chaos spawned by both Paul D’s rememory and Sethe’s causes Paul D to leave.

However, the disorder that caused Sethe to slaughter Beloved did not just arise from this

rememory with Paul D, but also from the already increasing chaos caused from rememories

before that started Sethe’s breakdown of control. Through these chapters, Sethe’s arrow of time

oscillates between event and rememory, but always moves forward in the direction of increasing

chaos, as the rememory fuels the already increasing chaos that eventually causes her infanticide.

Sethe’s dialogue with Paul D is crucial in advancing time in the novel; and without the exchange

of this rememory, characters would be stuck in their past due to the suppression of their


While some may consider this event the core of the novel, chaos certainly does not stop

at Beloved’s murder. Time spirals forward as both Denver and Sethe lose control of Beloved and

disorder increases at 124. The series of monologues at the end of Part II highlights the existing

chaos. Both Denver and Beloved define themselves by their relationship to Beloved: Sethe

begins with “Beloved, she my daughter. She mine”(236) and Denver begins with “Beloved is

my sister”(242). The fact that these two women are dependent on Beloved for their definition of

self reveals that each has completely lost control of herself, and an inability of control implies

disorder. Beloved’s monologues reemphasize Sethe’s loss of control by confirming Beloved’s

possession over her: “I am Beloved and she is mine”(248). Her dialogue with Sethe hammers

down the point:”You are mine/You are mine/You are mine”(256). While the first three

monologues are not dialogues and do not spark disorder, the last dialogue continues the story and

the increasing chaos through the novel, but this pattern begins to change slightly when Denver

decides she is tired of Sethe and Beloved “rationing their strength to fight each other”(281).

Denver seeks help from Lady Jones, and she regains control. This is analogous to putting energy

into a system to decrease entropy; Beloved is “strengthened by food”(294) her neighbors feed

her, resulting in an improvement in her “outside life.” However, chaos for Sethe comes to a

head when Sethe comes face to face with her past when she believes she sees schoolteacher as

Mr. Bodwin approaches her house. “Sethe flies” at Mr. Bodwin with an ice pick, and what

results is “[a] hill of black people, falling. And above them all.the man without skin,

looking”(309). Beloved disappears in the chaos, and Paul D decides to put energy into the 124

system and bring back order: “Now his coming is the reverse of his going”(318). Since

rememory is a correlate to chaos, “disremembering,” or the act of locking away the rememories,

is a correlate to order, and the household can finally disremember Beloved and return to an

ordered state(323).

In Medea, time is linear as spectators listen to memories shared by various characters.

The first memory, delivered by the Nurse, summarizes how Medea fell in love with Jason and

how he left her for Creon’s daughter. Note that this memory is not shared in dialogue, but is

merely a recitation functioning to provide background information. No chaos ensues because the

Nurse is not dissipating heat trying to order her memory; it is already ordered. Thus, the play

does not advance significantly in time.

When the tutor enters, he shares with the Nurse through the first dialogue of the play that

he “heard a person saying….while I myself/seemed not to be paying attention…that

Creon...intends to drive/these children and their mother in exile”(p. 3). The Tutor is sharing his

memory with the Nurse, which helps him to order it. He needs to order it because while the

event was happening, he was not paying attention. This memory brings a little disorder to the

house; the Nurse notes that “It’s black indeed for us”(3) and then hurries to remove the children

from their raging mother (4). This increase in chaos causes time to move forward linearly,

allowing the play to move in chronological order. The Tutors s arrow of time travels from his

entrance to his exit. The path his arrow takes is not curved because chaos does not increase in the

Tutor’s memory itself and only increases as a result of the sharing of the memory. Therefore, the

arrow cannot begin at the event the memory speaks of and warp around to his exit.

The Chorus in Medea shares a quality that Beloved has in Beloved: both ask probing

questions that stir the sharing of memory. After the Chorus needles the Nurse for information

with questions like “O, say, what has happened?”(5) and “Will she come into our presence”(7),

the Nurse shares that “Her husband holds fast to his royal wedding,/While she, my mistress,

cries out her eyes”(5). As the Nurse shares the memory of Jason’s speedy commitment to

Creon’s daughter and begins to remember “Those poets of old who wrote songs”(7), an increase

in disorder becomes evident when Medea comes out of the house and expresses her loss of desire

to live and expresses a woman’s dependency on a man (8), indicating a loss of control over

herself. Since she has lost a little control, she has become more disordered; however, her

memories have not. Consequently, her arrow of time travels straight through the scene,

mimicking the arrow of time that belongs to the spectator.

The chaos continues to increase as a result of dialogue sharing these memories and

others, and time continues to run unswervingly forward. Medea loses more control of herself and

becomes insane. For example, after sharing with Jason her memories of how she “saved [his]

life…that snake who encircled The Golden Fleece…[she] killed…[she] killed him, Pelias…and

[Jason] took another bride to bed”(16), and after sharing the memory of Jason’s adultery with

Aegus (23), disorder manifests in Medea’s execution of the first half of her revenge and her

growing insanity, shown by her exclamations of “I am lost, I am lost!”(33). As the play

advances forward in time, the Messenger comes bearing the longest passage in the play, which is

his memory of the death of Creon’s daughter (37-40). Despite the gruesome details the memory

provides and the pity the Chorus feels for Creon’s daughter (40), Medea is hungry to finish the

revenge by killing her children “and not, by wasting time, to suffer my children/to be slain by

another hand less kindly to them”(40). Medea becomes insane with the increasing chaos, and she

slays her two children. While one may think that chaos increases in the messenger’s memory, the

events that the messenger describes are ordered according to Medea’s plan, indicating that she

had full control over them. She does not, however, have control over herself and her morals,

which is displayed by her hasty murder. Medea’s arrow of time travels through her murder to the

end of the play in a straight shot the audience can easily follow.

During the final dialogue, Medea taunts Jason with the bodies of his children, implying

that she is in possession of their memory (43).

Medea: Go to your palace. Bury your bride.

Jason: I go, with two children I mourn for.

Medea: Not yet do you feel it. Wait for the future.

Jason: Oh, Children I loved!(45-46)

Medea won’t let Jason see his children, hoping that he will forever mourn for them and that the

effect of her revenge is lasting. She also commands him to bury his bride, suggesting that all he

will have to remember her wrath is Creon’s daughter’s tomb and that he will forever be haunted

by the deaths of his children, since he does not have access to their tombs to gain closure. The

play does not end in an ordered state, leaving the spectator to wonder how Medea and Jason cope

with the death of their children.

Morrison’s novel form for Beloved is fitting for a curved sense of time, while Euripide’s

tragedy for Medea sets up the perfect arena for a linear direction of time. It is interesting to note

that Medea was written before Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity, which define

time as relative and nonlinear, while Beloved was written after and display’s man’s modern

sense of time after Einstein. While both forms rely on dialogue to advance the arrows of time

and move the story, Beloved engages the readers in past and the present by intertwining the

description of events in the present tense with their respective rememories in past tense during

dialogue, while Medea separates the past and the present by not including an event acted out in

the play that corresponds with a memory; for example, there are no scenes where Jason’s

adultery, Medea and Jason’s marriage, or even Medea’s murder of Creon’s daughter are acted

out. In other words, spectators do not see the events that correlate with the shared memories that

define time in Medea, which helps to define these events as strictly in the past and the action of

the play as strictly in the present.

These directions of time in each work help to portray the character’s ending intention

through their correlation to chaos. In Beloved, time is curved in the direction of increasing

chaos, but at the end of the novel, when energy is physically put into the system, order increases.

Just how sharing memories through dialogue creates chaos, disremembering Beloved by making

her “not a story to pass on”(323) is correlated with the final order, and the novel ends implying

that each character intends to grieve no more for Beloved, despite her lack of grave. In contrast,

Medea clearly intends for everyone to remember how she avenged Jason; she even declares that

she “shall establish a holy feast and sacrifice/each year”(45). Medea wants her story passed on,

and the play ends with a dialogue and the exodus of the chorus to emphasize that her story

should be passed on: “What we thought/is not confirmed and what we thought not god/

contrives. And so it happens in this story”(47).

While the memory of Medea’s children will live on, what happens when a memory of

something dead is disremembered? In the beginning of Beloved, Sethe describes “thought

pictures,” or images and sounds that a person thinks they made up, as a “bump into a rememory

that belongs to someone else”(43). Can others only see someone else’s rememory once it has

been disremembered? Or is it simply a wrinkle in time? Whatever the reader concludes, the fact

that unfamiliar rememories may be seen suggests that the memory of the dead is a constant in the

time continuum and does not change, which explains why Beloved never develops as a character

and maintains her same, baby-like personality.

The act of remembering something increases chaos, and increasing chaos defines

increasing time. The way in which characters remember events through dialogue in Beloved

creates a warped travel of time, while the way in which characters share memories through

dialogue in Medea define a linear passage of time. Ultimately, the memories shared in dialogue

in both works lead to uncontrollable disorder that results in Sethe and Medea murdering their

children. What does the inevitability of chaos mean in terms of fate in Greek tragedy? According

to thermodynamics, if things are let be, chaos increases; yet if energy is put into the system,

chaos decreases. When the gods interfere, there is not necessarily order, but any disorder is

controlled, resulting in ordered chaos. When things are left to themselves, characters have a

choice of whether they want to let chaos increase or if they want to put in the necessary energy to

stop it. Medea was clearly presented with opportunities to keep her kids alive, yet chaos drove

her to insanity, influencing her choices. The question of the role of fate remains because time

points in the direction of increasing entropy.

Works Cited

Euripides. Medea. Trans. Rex Warner. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1993.

Hawking, Stephen. A Brief History of Time. New York: Bantam Books, 1998.

Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York: Random House, Inc., 2004.