The Tower - Madison, Wis....First Congregational United Church of Christ LXX March 2, 2014 No. 8 The...

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Transcript of The Tower - Madison, Wis....First Congregational United Church of Christ LXX March 2, 2014 No. 8 The...

First Congregational

United Church of Christ

LXX No. 8 March 2, 2014

The Tower

In 1982, Sister Helen Prejean became the spiritual advisor to a convicted murderer, Patrick Sonnier, who was on Death Row in Louisiana’s notorious Angola Prison. In the months before his execution, Sr. Helen came to know both the man and the families of the victims of his horrifying crime – the double-murder of two teenagers. Jerry Hancock credits Sr. Helen as a guiding light for the Restorative Justice program of the Prison Ministry Project. Over the years, Sr. Helen has been a leading advocate for the abolishment of the death penalty and for the value of Restorative Justice.

Sr. Helen chronicled her experiences in the 1993 book Dead Man Walking, which later inspired a film of the same name starring Susan Sarandon; a stage play; and the opera Dead Man Walking composed by Jake Heg-gie. The opera will be staged by Madison Opera in Overture Hall April 25 and 27.

Sr. Helen will speak in our Sanctuary at 7 p.m. April 24. She will be joined by Heggie who will accompany mezzo-soprano Susanne Mentzer singing his song cycle The Deepest Desire, based on Sr. Helen’s poetry.

In her public appearances, Sr. Helen recounts her experience of being awakened to fight for justice. She speaks of her work as a spiritual advisor to men on Death Row and how walking with them to their execu-tions has shaped her life’s work as a world-renown advocate against the death penalty. Using her wit, southern charm, and wisdom, she often defines Justice as “Just Us,” and encourages the audience, espe-cially young people, to find their passion for justice, and act upon it.

The opera, which begins with the murders of the two teenagers and ends with Sonnier’s execution, does not take a position on the death penalty. It leaves it up to each viewer to reach his or her own conclusion.

Because of the social issues raised by Dead Man Walking, Madison Opera has teamed up with several com-munity organizations, including our church and the Prison Ministry Project, to raise issues of criminal jus-tice, broader than the death penalty, which Wisconsin does not have. These include:

Incarceration and Inequality (panel discussion organized by UW-Madison’s Center for the Humanities), Madison Central Library, Monday March 10, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Religious Perspectives on Criminal Justice (panel discussion with representatives of Christian, Jewish, and Islamic faiths), Madison Opera Center, 335 W. Mifflin St, Sunday, March 23, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Unlikely Friends (documentary video and discussion led by Jerry Hancock) Madison Central Library, Wednesday, April 2, 7 p.m.

Compulsion (1959 film and discussion led by Jerry Hancock), UW Cinematheque, 4070 Vilas Hall, 821 University Avenue, Saturday, April 19, 7 p.m.

Details for these and other events can be found in next week’s Tower insert or at:

All events are free and open to the public. More details will appear in future Towers.

~~Phil Certain

Dead Man Walking Author to Speak at First Congo April 24

Sunday, March 2, 2014 Sunday Worship 10am in the Sanctuary

Scripture Readings: Matthew 17:1-9

Barbara Brown Taylor, the great teacher of preachers, says that when you’re preaching a Gospel story look for the hook. Look for the part of the story that doesn’t belong, the part of the story that seems out of place. In Sunday morning’s text what seems out of place is that Jesus wants to keep his identity a secret.

The story begins with Jesus climbing a mountain with three of his most trusted disciples: Peter, James and John. When they get to the top, Jesus is suddenly transfigured. “His face shone like the sun and his clothes became dazzling white.” Not only that, but Moses and Elijah appear. God’s voice announces that “This is my Son, the Beloved; with Him I am well pleased; listen to Him.” This story is known as the Transfiguration.

For the disciples it was the confirmation that Jesus was the Messiah. This was an event of unimaginable historic importance. The disciples had seen the future. God’s promise to the Jewish people had been fulfilled. But Jesus orders them to tell no one until after the events of Easter. The disciples think they know who Jesus is; they don’t. It is still a mystery that they do not understand. Jesus wants them to hold on to that mystery.

Like Peter, John and James, each one of us is left with the 2000-year old challenge of trying to understand the mystery of Jesus’ identity. Probably the best we can do—to paraphrase the poet Rilke—is to live the mystery. Live the mystery now. Live the mystery now in the faith that gradually we will, without even noticing it, live our way into the answer.

March 5 is Ash Wednesday. It is the beginning of Lent. By tradition Lent is the 40 days before Easter. It is when we hold on most dearly to the mysterious nature of Jesus: fully human, fully divine. Sunday’s story confirms His divine nature. The stories in Lent give us an opportunity to see his human side.

~Jerry Hancock

Join Us For Morning Service MUSICAL NOTES

You are invited to

con vivo!’s cham-ber music concert,

“Germanic Gems” on Sunday, March

2 at 2:30pm in the

Sanctuary. This concert will feature

three pieces by Don DeBruin on our fabu-lous organ, along with music by Bach, Mo-

zart and a mystery composer! Tickets at the door: $18/$15 seniors and students.

CANTATA CHOIR BEGINS REHEARSALS It’s time for the Cantata Choir to begin rehearsals. They will present Charles Gounod’s Seven Last Words dur-ing worship on Palm Sunday, April 13. The Seven Last Words is a musical depiction of the last words spoken by Jesus while hanging on the cross. Gounod depicts through his music the agony of the cross, along with the emotions of the crowds watching this horrific event. Everyone is invited to join the choir in singing this beautiful piece of music. Rehearsals are every Wednesday, from 7:30pm until approximately 8:15, beginning February 26.That’s right! Rehearsals begin this week so that we will have ample time to learn the musical notes as well as work on the emotions con-veyed through those notes. If you have any questions, please contact Don DeBruin at

Please join us for Ash Wednesday Service 7:00pm Wednesday, March 5 in the Chapel. Com-munion and Imposition of Ashes will be offered.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Gladys

Kathryn (Kay) Bray who died Thursday, February 20,

2014. Kay was a long time member of our congregation.

She was active in the church, assisting in education of

children during her younger years. Most recently she re-

sided at Attic Angels. A memorial service will be held at

11:00am Thursday, February 27 at Cress Funeral Home

on Speedway Road.

We have learned of the death last week of the Reverend

Lawrence Gruman, Senior Minister at First Congrega-

tional UCC from December 1965 until June 1975 when

he left to serve a UCC congregation in Eugene, Oregon.

Larry and Ellie remained in Eugene after retirement. Ellie

can be reached at 2440 Willakenzie Road #202, Eugene,

OR 97401. A celebration of Larry’s life will be held at a

later time. Please keep the Gruman family in your pray-



There are still a few

dates for you to pick your

favorite date to sponsor

the Chancel flowers in


The chart can be found in the back of

the Sanctuary.

The NEWLYWED Game Sunday, March 16 is

the date for this year’s Newlywed Game. Four cou-

ples will answer questions and share stories in a

celebration of love and relationships, all while

earning points for the coveted Grand Prize! Audi-

ence members have chances to win prizes too! A

light lunch will be served in the Dining Room fol-

lowed by the Game. A suggested donation of $10/

person (kids eat free) will cover expenses and

raise funds for Youth Mission Projects including

the High School summer mission trip to St. Louis.

Youth will work at Neighborhood House, an organi-

zation that has supported low-income families in

the inner-core of St. Louis since 1913. 7th & 8th

graders will be heading to Rockford, IL.

Join the Women's Book Study

in discussing I Am Malala: The Girl

Who Stood Up for Education and

Was Shot by the Taliban by Malala

Yousafzai. We have two more ses-

sions, March 15 & 29 from 8:00-

9:30am in the Student Lounge.

Just Bakery at First Cong On the first Sunday

of each month, starting on March 2, Just Bakery will have a table in the back of the Sanctuary to sell their artisan breads and baked goods. This is a unique monthly opportunity to take home delicious baked goods and breads AND sup-port the Just Bakery program. Proceeds from the sales will help Just Bakery fulfill its mission to pro-vide education and training to men and women re-turning to the community after incarceration.

First-Sunday Food Donation The first Sunday

of the month, March 2, is when we collect nonper-

ishable food items for distributions to local food

banks; please place canned or boxed items in the

basket by the table in the Narthex. Thank you!

PiPS Potluck! All families with Infants and

Pre-Schoolers are invited to a Potluck Lunch on Sunday, March 2 in the Fellowship Room

following Worship. Families are asked to bring a salad or dessert to share. A main entrée,

tableware and drinks will be provided. Come, gather round, share food and fellow-ship with common families. Please RSVP to

Jeff Rabe at by February 26. PiPS stands for Parents, Infants

and Pre-Schoolers.

Please join us in

c leaning the

nursery! We are

looking to get a

small group togeth-

er on Saturday,

March 22nd at 9:00

to clean, organize,

and beautify our

nursery. It will likely take us about 1 1/2 hours to

complete the project. We will also enjoy good con-

versation and light breakfast treats! Going for-

ward, we are hoping to assemble a small group 4

or 5 times a year to assure that the nursery re-

mains in great condition for our little ones. If you

are available to join us, please contact Emily

Cochran at 608-444-1395. Thank you!




Madison, Wisconsin 53726

608-233-9751 (phone) 608-233-7180


ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED IN CASE OF EMERGENCIES: Eldonna Hazen, 241-8117, and Jerry Hancock, 658-6630.

Office Hours: M-Th 8-12:30pm, 1-4pm, Fri 8-12

Staff: Eldonna Hazen, Senior Minister Jerry Hancock, Director of Prison Ministry Project Donald J. DeBruin, Director of Music Ministries Jeff Rabe, Director of Christian Education for Children & Youth Ann Beaty, Associate Minister Rob Eagle, Bookkeeper Jill Farnsworth, Office Manager Kristin Kanitz, Executive Assistant Bob Zeier, Building Manager

7:00pm UW Table Tennis ~ DR Wednesday, March 5 9:00am Staff Meeting, Worship

Planning ~ SL 7:00pm Ash Wednesday Service ~ C 7:30pm Cantata Choir ~ Chapel 8:15pm Chancel Choir ~ Chapel Thursday, March 6 Community Meals Day 6:00pm Confirmation Class ~ YR 7:00pm SA ~ LRC 7:00pm Mad. Area Jugglers ~ DR 8:00pm AA ~ Room 303 Friday, March 7 7:00pm UW Table Tennis ~ DR Saturday, March 8 Sunday, March 9 8 : 4 5a m A du l t Ed C l a s s “Encountering Scripture Through Sacred Reading” ~ C

10:00am Sunday Worship ~ S 10:15am Sunday School 10:15am YBS ~ YR 11:15am Cherub Choir ~ Rm 301

Thursday, February 27 6:00pm Confirmation Class ~ YR 7:00pm SA ~ LRC 7:00pm Madison Area Jugglers ~ DR 8:00pm AA ~ Room 303 Friday, February 28 7:00pm UW Table Tennis Club ~ DR Saturday March 1 9:00am MOSES ~ FR Sunday, March 2 10:00am Sunday Worship ~ S 11:15am Cherub Choir ~ Rm 301 11:30am PiPS Potluck ~ DR 2:30pm con vivo! Concert ~ S Monday, March 3 10:30am Stillpoint ~ SL 5:15pm Stewardship Board ~ FR 7:00pm All Boards ~ C Tuesday, March 4 12noon Bible Conversations ~ SL 5:15pm NA Women’s ~ Room 303 7:00pm NA ~ Room 303

Church Calendar February 27-March 9, 2014

Worship attendance on Sunday, February 23, 2014, was 190.

BK ~ Big Kitchen C ~ Chapel DR ~ Dining Room FIGS ~ Families Including God and Stuff FR ~ Fellowship Room LRC ~ Learning Resource Center MS ~ Minister’s Study PiPS ~ Parents of Infants and Pre-Schoolers S ~ Sanctuary SL ~ Student Lounge SR ~ Salad Room YR ~ Youth Room YBS ~ Youth Bible Study

SaturdayMarch19:00amMOSES~FRSunday,March210:00amSundayWorship~S11:15amCherubChoir~Room30111:30amPiPSPotluck~FR2:30pmconvivo!Concert~SMonday,March310:30amStillpoint~SL5:15pmStewardshipBoard~FR7:00pmAllBoards~CTuesday,March412noonBibleConversations~SL5:15pmNAWomen’s~Room3037:00pmNA~Room3037:00pmUWTableTennisClub~DRWednesday,March59:00amStaffMeeting,WorshipPlanning~SL7:00pmAshWednesdayService~Chapel7:30pmCantataChoir~Chapel8:15pmChancelChoir~ChapelThursday,March6CommunityMealsDay6:00pmCon irmationClass~YR7:00pmSA~LRC7:00pmMadisonAreaJugglers~DR8:00pmAA~Room303Friday,March77:00pmUWTableTennisClub~DRSaturday,March8Sunday,March98:45amAdultEdClass“EncounteringScripture ThroughSacredReading”~C10:00amSundayWorship~S10:15amSundaySchool10:15amYBS~YR11:15amCherubChoir~Room301Monday,March10Tuesday,March1112noonBibleConversations~SL5:15pmNAWomen’s~Room3035:30pmExecutiveCouncilAgendamtg.~SL7:00pmNA~Room3037:00pmUWTableTennisClub~DRWednesday,March129:00amStaffMeeting,WorshipPlanning~SL6:30pmCoventryRingers~Room3017:30pmCantataChoir~Chapel

8:15pmChancelChoir~ChapelThursday,March136:00pmCon irmationClass~YR7:00pmSA~LRC7:00pmMadisonAreaJugglers~DR8:00pmAA~Room303Friday,March147:00pmUWTableTennisClub~DRSaturday,March158:00amWomen’sBookStudy~SLSunday,March168:45amAdultEdClassMarcusBorg~FR10:00amSundayWorship~S10:15amSundaySchool11:30amNewlywedGame~DRMonday,March175:00pmSpecialNeedsCommittee~SL6:00pmExecutiveCouncil~FRTuesday,March1812noonBibleConversations~SL5:15pmNAWomen’s~Room3037:00pmNA~Room3037:00pmUWTableTennisClub~DRWednesday,March199:00amStaffMeeting,WorshipPlanning~SL6:30pmCoventryRingers~Room3017:30pmCantataChoir~Chapel8:15pmChancelChoir~ChapelThursday,March206:00pmCon irmationClass~YR7:00pmSA~LRC7:00pmMadisonAreaJugglers~DR8:00pmAA~Room303Friday,March215:30pmFamilyMovieNight~FR7:00pmUWTableTennisClub~DRSaturday,March229:00amNurseryCleaningSunday,March238:45amAdultEdClass“EncounteringScripture ThroughSacredReading”~C10:00amSundayWorship~S10:15amSundaySchool~DR11:15amCherubChoir~Room301Monday,March24Tuesday,March255:15pmNAWomen’s~Room3037:00pmNA~Room3037:00pmUWTableTennisClub~DR

March 2014


First Sunday Team: Jane Deyo, Janet Pugh, Kathy Gansner Second Sunday Team: Bob Burns, Jeanne Marshall, Vicki Teal Third Sunday Team: Dorothy Brown, Ellsworth Brown, Bob Gentile, Samantha Rickner, Carol Tous-saint Fourth Sunday Team: Katrina Dwinell, Kathy Gansner, Fred Wileman, Lance Bentley, Cheryl Bent-ley Fifth Sunday Team: Katrina Dwinell, George Elder Subs: Robin Craig, John Ehlke, David Ewing, Mark Rzchowski, Greg Ullstrom, Elizabeth Armstrong

1st Anna Rzchowski, Jill Larson 2nd Vivian Hadfield, Brenda Burke 3rd Jim Gussert 5th Paul Karch 6th Ron Jenne 7th Grace Frudden, Jeremy Bliss 8th Betty Hasselkus, Nana Kwesi Brewoo, Nancy

Payne, Josh Wimmer 9th Kristin Kanitz, Jenn Hackel 11th Patricia Campbell 12th Ron Campo, Gretchen Swadley 13th Elise Barho, Jess Salek, Robert Elvehjem, Ruth Davis, Emily Savage, Don Hausch 15th William Gansner, Chris Veit, Jenny Cam-

poneschi 16th Fran Lanier, Henry Hempe, John Cooper Jr.,

Laurie Dennis 17th Lily Cornwell, Mark E Flanum 19th Theodore Parker 20th Adam Sorensen, Emma Hetzel 21st Holden Ringle 22nd Robert Sorensen 23rd Michael Hall 24th Bill Provencher, Susanna Rasmussen, Brynn

Flanum, Filomena Cimino 26th Laura Pine 27th Ellsworth Brown, Emma Bittner 29th Jessica Schultz, Nia Rae Davis 30th Amy Whitehead, Lillian Flanum 31st Oliver Schultz

First Sunday: Fannie Hicklin Second Sunday: Barb Williams Third Sunday: Barb Williams Fourth Sunday: Fannie Hicklin

Office Hosts

First Sunday: Rob Hetzel Second Sunday: Mark Rzchowski Third Sunday : Gary Pine Fourth Sunday: Bob Burns Fifth Sunday: Tom Pugh

Sound System

First Sunday Team: Dana Chabot (even-numbered months), Emily Savage, Jeanne Marshall, Jane Ferguson Second Sunday Team: Jane Deyo, Fannie Hicklin, Josh Wimmer, Robin Craig Third Sunday Team: Steve Lerdahl, Judy Whipple, Betty Hasselkus Fourth Sunday Team: Mary Ellen Gerloff, Karen Gussert, Bob Metz, Betta Owens, Ann Maffet


MARCH Birthdays

Wednesday,March269:00amStaffMeeting,WorshipPlanning~SL 6:30pmCoventryRingers~Room3017:30pmCantataChoir~Chapel8:15pmChancelChoir~ChapelThursday,March276:00pmCon irmationClass~YR7:00pmLentenVespers~C7:00pmSA~LRC7:00pmMadisonAreaJugglers~DR8:00pmAA~Room303Friday,March287:00pmUWTableTennisClub~DRSaturday,March298:00amWomen’sBookStudy~FR9:00amACM~SL,S12noonLOVDane~DR5:00pmBCLPotluck~FRSunday,March308:45amAdultEdClassMarcusBorg~FR9:00amSundaySingers~S10:00amWorship~S10:15amSundaySchool~DR11:15amCherubChoir ~Room30111:30amAdvertisingCommittee Meeting~LRCMonday,March31