The TORAH of YHWH (part 2)

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of The TORAH of YHWH (part 2)


(the fathers name)

English is written (left to right hebrew right to left)

אהיה/ הוהי ) )

Sola scriptura


The name of His Word, who lived among us


Yud,Hei,Wav, Hei, Shin,Wav, Ayin

His Name is unique; no other name will bring salvation

Zekeniam Y’Ishra’al

Sherut haRitztzuy (the ministry of reconciliation)

by whom we have now received the( Atonement)

Reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuyLet this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration

ahayah asher ahayah(AHaYaH (He was), HoYAH (He is), and YihYAH (He will be).


There seems to be some confusion with my spelling of Y’Ishra‘al, in the believe that al stands for Allah, if

you look at the word Y’Ishra’al ; The Y is the stick pictured at the beginning and represents the House of Yosef and the house of YahuwDah; The ISH is the name for man who’s Covenant is with Ra ( God) who

is Al ( aleph)

( I AM HE)



YaHuWaH (I AM) YâHuWsHúa`

ShaMa Y’Ishra'al היהא Aluahiym היהב

YHWH echad,2 in 1

I AMDevarim 6:4

Hear, Y’Ishra'al: YHWH is our Aluahiym!  YHWH Is One!

Devarim 6:5 And you shall love [long for] aleph-taw YaHuWaH your ALuaHiYM

with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your might. (me'ode)

Exact Hebrew translation.

Debarim 6:4  Here, O Y’Ishra'al,


WHO IS SELF EXISTENT, The Great 'Al of All Increase


The Only One.] .. exact Hebrew translation.


Often spoke of Himself has

I AMMy Memorial for generation after generation.”

Shemot 3:13-16This is MY NAME for ever,


היהאAluahiym of your father’s Abraham, Yitzchak [Isaac], and Ya’aqob [Jacob], has sent me to you. This is my name forever, and this is my memorial for generation to generation." and I appeared to

Abraham, to Yitzchak, and to Ya’aqob as hashadday [the almighty]. And my name,

היהאwas not well known (famous) to them.

היהא Aluahiym Tzevaot,


is his name.The ministry of reconciliation

Message of Reconciliation

Torah sh’Bichtav (Written Torah)

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear?

“Sola Scriptura”

(the Scriptures alone is authoritative for faith)



YâHuWsHúa` ‘Nätzräya king of the Jews

(in His Name)



(Fathers name of the

[Yah -hoo-Wah]

is the Name of the Creator.

היהב YâHuWsHúa`

(YâHuWsHúa`) is His Son


[Al-u-heem - ALHYM] means "Mighty Ones“ or "Power"


Means Set-apart, Pure.


(Qodesh) also means "Set-apart"

Raukh (Raukh) is the Ibry (Hebrew) name for His "Presence", pictured as the Counselor, Helper, and Advocate, the One Who

"proceeds from the Father"


(I am He)

Tehillim 27:5

For in the day of trouble He will keep me secretly in His booth. In the covering of His Tent He will hide me. On a Rock He raises me


is for you too!

Scripture speaks of a secret place where we can simply go, be alone, be protected, pray,

and hear from

היהב YâHuWsHúa.

Knowing there is such a place is a matter of faith. Going back time and again, that's a matter of building a relationship. You

need not have an advanced degree in any subject, need not have memorized Scripture from beginning to end, but instead

be aware the

היהאOf Y’Ishra’al

Has a place for each Jew and Gentile who will open their minds and hearts to Him.

Mt 6:5-8

When you pray, you shall not be as the role-fakers, for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the

streets, that they may be seen by men. Most certainly, I tell you, they have received their reward. But you, when you pray, enter

into your inner chamber, and having shut your door, pray to your Father Who is in secret, and your Father Who sees in secret shall reward you openly. In praying, don’t use vain repetitions, as the

Gentiles do; for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Therefore don’t be like them, don't you see that your

Father knows what things you need before you ask Him.

The truth in reality is visited in this secret place AND must be shared by those who will live or else ... they will perish ... in


It is written

Lu 11:33

“No one, when he has lit a Lamp, puts it in a cellar or under a basket, but on a stand, that those who come in may see the Light.

Tehillim. 119:105

Your Word is a Lamp to my feet, and a Light (aur) for my path.

The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is good, your whole body is also full of Light; but when it is evil, your body also is full of darkness. Therefore see whether the light that is in you isn’t

darkness. If therefore your whole body is full of Light, having no part dark, it shall be wholly full of Light, as when the Lamp with its

bright shining gives you Light.”

The Menorah is the only symbol created by

היהב YâHuWsHúa`

With this in mind, heart soul and strength let us study together in the Raukh

And now brothers and sisters

Come out of the secret place bearing light!

Who see it from afar? The Secret Place, here, shines a bit of light so many can see from afar. The topics we have chosen are

addressed to Jew and Gentile together. We do this because that is what the Bible does. This opens the window to make more sense

of what Scripture tells us!

In the secret place is plain language, something simple to read. This is a mere starting place for deeper consideration.

If the Raukh of

היהאHas moved your Raukh to seek out his word

Before the study I wish to point out that only the WORD is the TRUTH, be it days, months, years, hence the calendar is “sola

Scriptura” based.

!!! WHY SOLA SCRIPTURA !!!Dan_7:25

And it shall speak words opposing the Most High, and it will wear down the pure ones of the Most High Ones, and it will try to

change set times (Festivals) and Law, (Lawlessness) and they shall be granted into its hand for a time and times and half of a


And then I will profess to them,

‘Never did I acknowledge you: even if you are on My lap and do not do the will of My Father Who is in heaven, out of My lap will I cast you away! Depart from Me, all ye workers of Lawlessness!’

So that in them is fulfilled the prediction of Yshá`Yâhuw, which says: “You shall surely hear, but you shall not understand; and

you shall surely see, but you shall not perceive! For the heart of this people has grown thick, and they do hardly hear with the ears, and they have shut their eyes, lest they should see with

their eyes, and with their ears they should hear, and their heart should understand, and they should return to Me and I should

cure them.

False worshippers of the Sun Moon and Stars

The Hebrew Bible is fully aware of that. Deuteronomy declares the worship of sun, moon, and stars as allotted by

היהא that is to all the other peoples

But strictly forbidden for Y’Isra’al

Red = OJBGreen = Modern day translation

Dev 4:19.

And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto Shomayim, and when thou seest the

Shemesh, and the yarei'ach, and the kokhavim, even all the tz’va HaShomayim, shouldest be driven to hishtachaveh (bow down, worship) them, and serve them which Hashem Aloheicha hath

divided unto kol HaGoyim under kol HaShomayim.

Translated it reads

Duet 4:19"or lest you lift up your eyes to the heavens and see the sun,

the moon, the stars, and all the armies of heaven, you should be impelled to bow down to them or enslave yourselves to

these [things] that

היהאhas apportioned to all the nations under the whole heaven;

Anyone can see the heavenly bodies, but we have heard from

היהא There is no “hard copy” of Him! People want something they can

identify with, which is what makes the “god-man” concept so attractive, because it makes them think they can be gods too.

We can only understand what

היהאAllows us to know about Himself, and we cannot control what we cannot comprehend. Apportioned: divided, assigned, distributed;

Aramaic, "designated to serve". I.e., He gave them to all the nations and they are common (contrast v. 20).

But none of them is to be identified specifically with

היהאDev 4:20

But Hashem hath taken you, and brought you forthOut of the iron furnace, even out of Mitzrayim, to be unto Him an

Am Nachalah (a people of inheritance), as ye are yom hazeh.


היהאhas selected you, and brought you out from the crucible of iron--from Egypt--to

become His own--for the purpose of being a people [that are His own] prized possession, just as [is the case] today."

Any wood placed into a furnace for smelting iron would be consumed immediately. Egypt completely used them up, while feeding them—like pack animals. Even the products forged of iron there—chariots—were used to kill them. Now they were

going to a place that would serve them rather than consuming them. Nothing in the Tabernacle was made of iron;


Had no use for it at this point. Prized possession: How awesome! Why throw away such a rare privilege and settle for something that the nations all stoop to--nations that He considered a mere

drop in the bucket in comparison

Yeshayah40:15?Surely the Goyim are like a drop in a bucket, and are accounted as dust of the scales; surely He taketh up the iyim (islands) like

fine dust.

Isa 40:15See, nations are as a drop in a bucket, and are reckoned as dust

on the balance. See, He lifts up isles as fine dust.

Today we see the illegitimate worship of these celestial bodies, within those who claim to WORSHIP

היהאHow many more times will Y’Ishra’al turned to HIS CREATION and not their CREATOR

Melachim Bais 23:5, And he did away with hakemarim (the idol priests), whom the

Melachim of YahuwDah had ordained to burn ketoret in the high places in the towns of YahuwDah, and in the places around

Yerushalayim; them also thatBurned ketoret unto Ba'al, to the shemesh, and to the yarei'ach,

and to the mazalot (constellations) and to all the Tzeva HaShomayim.

2 kgs 23:5And he put down the black-robed priests whom the sovereigns of YahuwDah had appointed to burn incense on the high places in

the cities of YahuwDah and in the places all around Yerushalayim, and those who burned incense to Baʽal, to the sun, and to the

moon, and to the constellations, and to all the host of the heavens

Melachim Bais 23:11And he took away the susim that the Melachim of YahuwDah had

dedicated to the shemesh, at the entrance of the Beis Hashem, by the chamber of Natan-Melech the saris, which was in the

colonnades, and set eish to merkevot Hashemesh.

2 Ki 23:11 And he did away with the horses that the sovereigns of

YahuwDah had given to the sun, at the entrance to the House of

היהא By the room of Nathan-Melek the eunuch, that were in the court.

And he burned the chariots of the sun with fire.

Yirmeyah 8:2And they shall spread them out before the shemesh, and the

yarei'ach, and all the tz'va haShomayim, whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have consulted, and whom they have worshiped; they shall not be gathered up, nor be buried in a kever; they shall

be like domen upon the surface of ha'Âthâ´m ah.

Yirmeyah 8:2 ;( modern version)And shall spread them before the sun and the moon and all the

host of the heavens, which they have loved and which they have served and after which they have walked, which they have

sought, and to which they have bowed themselves. They shall not be gathered nor buried; they shall be for dung on the face of the


And He brought me into the khatzer Beis Hashem hapenimit [i.e., the Court of the Kohanim], and, hinnei, at the petach (entrance) of the Heikhal Hashem, between the Ulam and the Mizbe'ach, were about five and twenty ish, with their backs toward the Heikhal Hashem, and their faces toward the east; and they

bowing down toward the east worshiping the sun.

Ezek 8:16And He brought me into the inner court of the

House of

היהאAnd there, at the door of the

Hĕkal of

היהאBetween the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men

with their backs toward the Hĕkal of


And their faces toward the east, and they were bowing themselves eastward to the sun.

Yet in the creation story these celestial elements are simply taken as creatures like any others

Any word Highlighted is a point to ponder the treasure hidden in scripture

The Torah

(Part Two)

Is the Living Waters


Living Words


YHWH’s instructions.

Has Its roots in the living word of YHWH

The Righteous Tree

This book is called “the words”. The Torah is not given in images, but words, so words are very important. “The way we

communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives.” It becomes our strength

(sword) by communicating the Torah, we keep Moshe alive In our thoughts: He taught them the words and the catchy tune that

would keep it ringing through their heads as a deterrent to getting off the path. Music is “Raukh (spirit)ual” in that it speaks

more deeply to our souls than mere pictures. Images or video, and to some extent broadcasting to;


(Repentance; Believe; Immersion)That you may receive the Raukh HaQodesh, though the

grace of YHWH, by the laying on of hands

Gentile or Goy (from Latin gentilis, by the French gentil, feminine: gentille, meaning of or belonging to the 10 lost tribe’s) is an ethnonym that commonly means non–Jew.

We has the lost tribes of Y’Ishra’al are often described has such


The term is used by English translators for the Hebrew



Strong’s #1471: ;


People usually of Hebrew descent of descendants of Abraham

of Ishra’al

And נכרי


in the Hebrew Scripture and the Greek word ἔθνη (éthnē) in the New Testament. The term "gentiles" is derived from Latin, used for contextual translation, and not an original Hebrew or Greek

word from the Scripture. The original words goy and ethnos refer to "peoples" or "nations". Latin and later English translators

selectively used the term "gentiles" when the context for the base term "peoples" or "nations" referred to non-Jewish peoples of the

nation Y’ishra’al

Now to you who are Gentiles, I say this: Insofar as I am indeed one sent to the Gentiles, I hold my ministry in high honor, [hoping that] I may somehow provoke you my kinsmen according to the

flesh to jealousy, and may bring some from among them to salvation—

This insuring of obedient Gentiles that is now happening and is to our brothers (Benjamin, Levi, and Judah) the Jews a sign that YHWH is “calling out from among the Gentiles a people for His


The prophet


Prophesied around the ninth century B.C., after the division of the Kingdom into Yshra’al and YahuwDah. His own life story, as

recounted here, is an allegory about the Northern Kingdom, often known as Ephrayim for short, because its first king (Yarab’am, but not the same one mentioned in 1:1), who led the secession from

YahuwDah, was from that tribe. In actuality, it was YahuwDah that seceded, because the other tribes all gave Rehab’am (son of

Shlomo) an opening to improve upon his father’s treatment of their laborers, but he refused. YHWH said the kingdom was being torn from him; only Dawiyd’s throne remained to him, along with one additional tribe. He has the same name as that of the son of

Nun - the right hand man of Moshe. His name most likely was pronounce as Huwshua: He was the "right-hand-man" of Moshe -

and was a type of YaHuWsHua. His changed name (by Moshe) was the same name that was given to our Savior by His Father.

And the observations as to the spelling of the original name seen below and the spelling of the changed name MUST BE TRUE -

otherwise we in no way can arrive at YaHuWsHua as the name of our Savior and Life-Giver.

Around the eighth century B.C., after the division of the Kingdom into Ishra’al and YahuwDah

This is the 1st time the house of Ishra’al made war against the house of YahuwDah

In the seventeenth year of Peqah the son of Remalyahu Ahaz the son of Yotham sovereign of YahuwDah began to reign. Twenty years old was Ahaz when he began to reign; and he reigned

sixteen years in Yahrushalom: and he didn’t do that which was right in the eyes of YHWH his Al, like Dawiyd his father. But he

walked in the way of the sovereigns of Ishra’al, yes, and made his son to pass through the fire, according to the abominations of the nations, whom YHWH cast out from before the children of Ishra’al. He slaughtered and burnt incense in the high places, and on the hills, and under every green tree. Then Rezin sovereign of Aram and Peqah son of Remalyahu sovereign of Ishra'al came up to Yahrushalom to war: and they besieged Ahaz, but could not

overcome him. At that time Rezin sovereign of Aram recovered

Elath to Aram, and drove the men of YahuwDah from Elath; and the Aramiy came to Elath, and lived there, to this day.


Hoshea 1

The Word of YaHuWaH that came toward Huwshua the son of Be'eriy, in the days of UzziYahuw, Yowtham, Achaz, and

ChizqiYahuw, kings of YahuwDah, and in the days of Yarob'am the son of Yow'ash, king of Ishra’al.

Note that until the two houses come back together,

YahuwDah is not considered part of Yshra’al. Huwshua’s name is the same as YaHuWsHua’s was prior to Moshe’s renaming him

and thus bears a special connection to the name of YaHuWsHua HaMeshiakh. Beeri means “my well”, but at root, means one who explains or clarifies, indicating that he is one who interprets the “water” of YHWH’s Word correctly. The kings’ names, in order,

mean: Strength of YHWH, YHWH is Perfect, He has Seized, Strengthened by YaHuWaH, A People Will Contend, and YHWH


This is the calling to day YHWH will reunite them under the house of Yosef

Deut. 32:44

Then Moshe came and quoted all the words of this song in the people's ears--[both] he and Hoshea the son of Nun.

And thus bears a special connection to the name of YaHuWsHua the Meshiakh. Beeri means “my well”, but at root, means one who

explains or clarifies, indicating that he is one who interprets the “water” of YHWH’s word correctly. The kings’ names, in order,

mean: Strength of YHWH, YHWH is Perfect, He has Seized, Strengthened by YHWH, A People Will Contend, and YHWH Burns.

Hoshea 1:2.

When YaHuWaH spoke at first by Huwshua: YaHuWaH said to Huwshua, “Go, take for yourself a wife of prostitution and children of unfaithfulness; for the land commits great adultery, forsaking


The Land: that is, Ishra’al. Idolatry is always considered adultery against YHWH, to whom YHWH was married at Mt. Sinai. Intimacy

with anything He hates is another form of idolatry.

Hoshea 1:3.

So he went and took Gomer (coming to an end/completing) the daughter of Diblayim; and she conceived, and bore him a son.

Gomer means “coming to an end”, which was a prophecy (v. 4). But it also means “completing”, because through this dispersal of

Ishra'al, YaHuWaH would bring His work in the earth to completion. Diblayim means “a pair of fig cakes”. The Aramaic

translation interprets this as meaning if they did not repent they would fall like the leaves of a fig tree. The fig tree loses its leaves

very rapidly once they begin to fall.

Hoshea 1:4.

Then YHWH told him, “Call his name Yizre’al, because [only] a little longer and I will charge the blood of Yizre’al to the House of Yehu, and I have brought an end to the sovereignty of the House

of Ishra’al.

Ishra’al became Yizre’al. The similarity of the two names reminds YHWH that one day they will become Y’Isra’al again.

Yizre’al means “Äluahiym scatters”, and this is the theme of the rest of the book. In fact the Aramaic has, Call their name

Scattered Ones. But it also means “Äluahiym sows”, and a sown seed dies only to re-emerge an bear much fruit—the meaning of the name Efrayim. Only a little longer and I will: i.e., I am very

close to doing this. Charge: visit, revisit, muster, or call to account. The blood of Yizre’al: including Y’Izabal the Aramaic

targum says, “I will avenge the blood of the idolaters which Yehu

[son of Y’hoshafat] shed in Yizre’al, when he put them to death because they had worshipped Baal (cf. 2 Kings 9-10); now they themselves have turned back to go astray after the calves in

Beyth El. Therefore I will account it as innocent blood upon the House of Yehu, and I will abolish kingship from the House of

Ishra’al.” I.e., I got rid of Y’Izabal, a foreigner who was corrupting the royal house, but now Ishra’al herself has grown just as evil, and I almost regret having rescued you once. An end: literally, a Sabbath (ceasing). The end would not actually be played out for another two centuries, but this placed a damper on the rest of its

history, which encompassed one evil king after another.

Hoshea 1:5.

“And what will come about is that I will shatter Ishra’al bow in the Valley of Yizre’al.”

Hoshea 1:6

She conceived again, and bore a daughter. [Not Huwshua's child] Then He said to him, “Call her name Lo-Ruchamah; for I will no longer have mercy on the House of Yshra’al that I should in any

way pardon them.

Note that this time it does not say, “She bore HIM a daughter”, as with Yizre’al the firstborn. Yizre’al was YHWH’s firstfruits; the

others were only the children of the House of Efrayim. YaHuWsHua says He sowed the sons of the Kingdom as seeds, but an enemy sowed a worthless crop in the same field. (Mat. 13:37)

So soon after her marriage, she has already gone back to her harlotries. (2:4) This is a picture of Isra’al going after other lovers beside YHWH, and bearing fruit that is not for Him. Lo-Ruhamah means “no pity”. Not… again: the rest of the chapter makes it

clear that this does not mean “never again”, but “This is the last straw; I have had it with you, and I am not going to spare you the

punishment you have deserved for a long time!” Carry them away: this indeed happened through the Assyrians, who resettled

those they conquered in other lands so as to be away from the

land of their deities and thus made somewhat homogeneous. The LXX has, I will set Myself in array against them.

Hoshea 1:7.

But I will have mercy on the House of YahuwDah, and will save them through the Word [Memra] of YHWH their Aluah, and will not

save them by bow (symbol of power), sword, battle, horses, or horsemen.”

Bow: a symbol of power. Not by bow:


Zecharyah 4:6.

So he began to answer by telling me, “This is the word of YHWH to Zerubbabel, and I quote: ‘Not by Special Forces and not by

heavy [artillery], but by My wind instead’, says YHWH [Master] of Armies.

The Hebrew nuances here indicate that your battle plan is not what will win the war; if YHWH's wind is not blowing in that direction, the most capable, expert, elite armies and most powerful bombs in the world will not accomplish anything

significant. (Tehillim 20:6-8) This is addressed to the one "sown in Bavel", so it can apply to those of us who are in exile and

longing to return to our homeland. If the wind is not right, it is very difficult to sail in that direction. Religion says that if it was once YHWH's will, the same thing is always His will, but wind can change directions, and the application of Torah may end up being the opposite of what it was last year. For someone who is stuck in

only one way of doing things, this would be disastrous. The righteous are compared to the palm tree, whose roots are not very extensive, yet which is flexible enough to bend with even hurricane-force wind and still thrive. (So righteousness is less

about our roots than about how we respond to the wind.) So how do we tell which way His wind is blowing? What are our wind-

vanes? We can determine YHWH's will by what doors open and which ones shut (what options are left to us), what wisdom comes

to light when the community is all together and our resources are pooled, the witnesses and confirmation YHWH gives us through

our experiences, but most of all, through Torah, because if it goes against that, it is not truly YHWH's wind; someone else may have

just turned on a fan!

Through YHWH: Aramaic,

by the Memra [living Word] of YHWH,

That is, YaHuWsHua

Yâhuwchânâ´n 1:14

And the Word became flesh, and tabernacled among us, and we perceived His Honor, an Honor as of the Sole-of-kin from a

Father full of favor and truth!

This is a reference to the fact that Yâhuwshúa` chose the First day of the Feast of Tabernacles, to be born. This is calculated

using the references in Luwqá’ 1: 5 (He also chose the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles to be circumcised.) He made this pre-

ordained Birthday an eternal Feast Day. So to NOT celebrate birthdays ISN’T a doctrine from YHWH, however, remember that the Roman Papal calendar is not the one of YHWH, and that the

traditional method of birthday celebrations are pagan.

Dâ’niyya’’l 7:25

And it shall speak words opposing the Most High, and it will wear down the pure ones of the Most High Ones, and it will try to

change set times and Law, and they shall be granted into its hand for a time and times and half of a time.

Wear out: or wear down, as Pharaoh did, using up their energy on its own priorities, forcing them to find roundabout ways to fulfill

the Torah rather than being able to do things the straightforward, open way, thus creating much emotional and thus physical drain, and/or keeping them constantly on the move as nomads to evade the enforcement of its laws. It may also include decimating their

numbers. Intends to change: Rashi interprets this very directly as "He will plan in his heart to cause them [Ishra’al/Yehud ah] to

transgress all their appointed times and their laws." Changing the (times is YHWH's prerogative alone (2:21); even the pope is not permitted to do so, though he claimed that the only reason he

"changed" the Sabbath to Sunday was to prove he had the authority to do so. At first the celebration of YaHuWsHua'

resurrection was tied directly to Passover and the Firstfruits of the Barley Harvest, as it should be, but a church council which

excluded all Jewish believers in Meshiakh deliberately changed the calculation to one based on the vernal equinox and restored the direct connection to that Babylonian festival named for its goddess Ishtar (Easter), thus cutting off many true followers of

Yahshua from the feasts He kept. Anything not part of the "universal" is now considered foreign, and to be such a "heretic" (holding any different opinion) often determined who would be

killed when the numbers needed to be thinned out. In the 1500s, Pope Gregory also officially changed the calendar to what most of

the world uses today. Laws: not the word "Torah", but one meaning "royal decrees"; i.e., that which a king allows or does not

allow. In other words, he tries to take away the priestly prerogative to determine what one may or may not touch, and

what is considered right and wrong. Constantine decided that no one would be permitted to work on the day of the sun. Such "blue

laws" remain in effect in many places today, continuing to frustrate keepers of the true Sabbath who need to be able to

make purchases on Sunday because stores are all closed by the time they get off work on weekdays. Esau is called a "man of the field", and Yahshua said the field represents the world. Notice the

strong emphasis on the world that has come into Christianity through a reading of the "great commission" that does not take

into account the fact that Yahshua also told his disciples to target only the lost sheep of the House of Israel, screening carefully

those even with whom they ate. In 1865 Pope Leo XII minted a coin with his emblem on one side and a woman with a cup of wine on the reverse, stating in Latin, "The World is her seat." Compare)

Yirmeyahu 51:7.

Bavel is a golden cup in the hand of YHWH that made the whole earth drunken. The nations have drunk of her wine; that is why

the nations are raving like fools.

Edom had little arable land and thus made most of its wealth through trade, and the "indulgences" of Luther's day were

another example of how Edom cum Rome continued to gain its wealth. 2Thess 2:4 tells us that he "sits as Elohim and boasts

himself to be Elohim." The Geneva Study Bible states, "For this name of blasphemy both the Roman Emperors did then challenge

to themselves, as Suetonius and Dion do report of Caligula and Domitian: and after them the popes of Rome professed the same of themselves, when they challenged to themselves sovereignty

in holy things of which kind of sayings the sixth book of the Decretals, the Clementines, and the Extravagants, are very full.

For these men were not content with that which Anglicus wrote in his Poetria (the beginning of which is Papa stupor mundi--'The pope is the wonder of the world'), Nec Deus es, nec homo, sed

neuter es inter utrungue: "Thou art not god, nor art thou man, but neuter mixed of both... But they were bold to take to themselves

the very name of [deity], and to accept it given of other: according as... there was made for Sixtus the fourth, when he should first enter into Rome in his papal dignity, a Pageant of

triumph, and cunningly fixed upon the gate of the city he should enter at, having written upon it this blasphemous verse: Oraclo vocis mundi moderaris habenas, Et merito in terrs crederis esse

Deus. That is, 'By oracle of thine own voice, the world thou governest all, And worthily a god on earth men think and do thee

call.' These and six hundred the like who can impute to that modesty by which [righteous] men of old would have themselves

called the servants of the servants of [Elohim]? Verily either this is a name of blasphemy, or there is none at all." Time, two times, and half (or a dividing of) a time: often considered three and a

half years, or 1,260 days (by the most ancient pattern of 360-day years), as compared with the 1,290 and 1,335 in 12:11, 12. Some

note that in symbolic prophecy "each day [stands] for a year", according to Ezekial 4:5, 6. Rav Saadia Gaon thought that "the times are 480 [years], which is the time from the Exodus from

Egypt until the Temple was built, and 410 [years], [which are] the

days of the First Temple, totaling 890, and another half of this time, 445, totaling 1,335. [See 12:12] Figure these from the time the daily sacrifice was discontinued until the daily sacrifice will be

restored to its place; it was discontinued six years prior to the destruction." A more modern interpretation, published by the Davenport Seventh Day Adventists, sees the 1,260 years as extending from "538 C.E., when Belisarius, one of Justinian's generals, routed the Ostrogoths, the last of the Arian powers, from the city of Rome." (Emperor Justinian had proclaimed the Bishop of Rome the head of all churches in 533, but because of the Arian domination of Rome, the pope could not yet actually

exercise his civilly recognized power.) "By the military intervention of the Eastern Empire the pope was freed from the

dominating influence of states that restrained his activities in the civil sphere." The list of ten horns leading up to that point posits the three horns that fall as the Heruls, Ostrogoths, and Vandals, (The Catholic emperor Zeno (474 - 491) arranged a treaty with the Ostrogoths in 487 which resulted in the eradication of the

kingdom of the Arian Heruls in 493. The Catholic emperor Justinian (527-564) exterminated the Arian Vandals in 534 and

significantly broke the power of the Arian Ostrogoths in 538.) The account continues, "Exactly 1260 years later, in 1798, the French

general Berthier entered Rome, declared a republic, and after taking the pope prisoner, proclaimed the political rule of the

Papacy to be at an end... The little horn represents a system, a church-state combination, a religious power that would grasp civil

power to enforce certain beliefs and practices." So it stands to reason that if, on this level, the set-apart ones are no longer

"given into his hand", we should no longer walk in the times and seasons he has set, but fully use our liberty to return to the ones YHWH gave. The captivity to that system may have been part of

the curse of our exile, but for YHWH's sake, now that He has retracted that curse, do not live under any part of it any longer! The beauty of Hebraic perspective is that we do not need to take

an "either-or" approach to interpretation. The pattern is established here in deliberately ambiguous terms, to be

understood when it needs to be and by those who need to, but it can be fulfilled in all of these, and possibly more, ways, since

YHWH has built this pattern into the history of how the powers of the world interact with His people. It can fit on many different occasions, with the outcome the same in all. Many expect that

there is another latter-day fulfillment yet to come, in which there would be a literal three and a half years of persecution as this

wounded beast, knowing it is in its death throes, bares its claws in a last-ditch effort to rid the earth of its true heirs as haSatan did with ’Âthâ´m and Chauwâ´h so that by default the rule could go

back to Lucifer. Since Passover and Sukkoth begin exactly six months apart, the time might begin on one of them and end on

the other. There is another possibility, which we hope might prove true: The word for "time" means "period" and, though inherently unspecified, it is sometimes used, as in English, of the woman's

menstrual time, and so this time of wrath might be a much shorter one--only three and a half months--at which point YHWH's

anger is sufficiently piqued that He chooses to cut it off very swiftly.

Disclosure 13: 5

And to it was given a mouth, speaking great things and scorn; and to it was granted privilege to act forty-two months

Yshá`Yâhuw 16: 14,

But now YHWH has spoken, saying,

“In three years,

(From the 6th seal to the 7th trumpet there are 3 ½ years.)

Because of the years of a hired laborer

Yshá`Yâhuw 7: 20,

On that Day, my Sovereign shall shave [her, the Land] with the razor of the hired laborer [from across the river, the King of

Successful One (’Ashshúwr) [~4th seal Great persecution by the anointed falsifier from Germany], the head and the hair of the

legs and it will also take off the beard!

Yshá`Yâhuw 21: 16,

What here belongs to you? And who is for you here that you should cut out a grave for yourself here?”

(He is hewing his grave in a high place and chiseling a resting place in the Rock for himself

Yâhuwchânâ´n 10: 12

But the hired hand, who is not even a shepherd, whose sheep are not his own, sees the wolf coming, and abandons the sheep and

flees; and the wolf seizes them and scatters the sheep.

Yâhuwchânâ´n 10: 13.

And the hired hand flees because he is a hired hand, and does not care about the sheep.

even the honor of Mow’â´v shall be despised by all of the Huge Throng

Disclosure 7: 9

After these things I saw, and look! A huge throng, which to number it no one was able, egressed entirely of heathen masses and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne

and before the Lamb, clothed about with white long-fitting gowns, with palms in their hands,

Hoshea 1:8.

And when she had weaned Lo-Ruhamah, she became pregnant again and gave birth to a son.

Weaned: or brought to maturity.

Hoshea 1:9.

And He said, “Call his name Lo-Ammi, because you are not My people, and I do not belong to you.

Lo-Ammi means “not My people”. I.e., again, this was Gomer’s son, but not Hoshea’s.

Hoshea 1:10.

“Though the number of the descendants of Ishra’al will come to be like the sand of the sea, which is not measured or exactly

counted, yet it will come about that in the place where it is said of them, ‘You are not My people’, they will be described as

‘Sons of the Living Al’.

Number can also mean “tale”. Sand comes from a word meaning to writhe, dance, or whirl about, as can be observed in the shifting

patterns on a sand dune. The sea often symbolizes the Gentile nations, so in addition to there being an immeasurable number of

Ishra’alites in exile (because they are lost track of in their intermingling with the Gentiles; cf.

Bber. 48:16,

"May the messenger who redeemed me from every trouble bless the young men, and may they be called by my name and the name of my ancestors, Avraham and Yitzhaq; and may they

proliferate like fish into a multitude in the midst of the earth."

Their “story” will also be one of moving from place to place like the ever-shifting sand. Yet: Even those on whom He had no compassion can still become His children because they are

related to Efrayim.


Yeshayahu 65:1ff

“I have let myself be inquired of, not by those who asked; I was found, not by those who sought Me, I said, 'here I AM, here I AM'

to a nation not calling on My Name.

Thus begins YaHuWaH’s response. Who did not ask… did not seek: even some from among the nations. But, a nation: only one, not many, so it refers to the Northern Kingdom of Ishra’al. I have spread out My hands all the day to a rebellious people, who walk

in a way that is not good, after their own thoughts; a people who provoke Me to My face continually, slaughter in gardens, and

burning incense on bricks; who sit among the graves, and lodge in the secret places; who eat pig’s flesh, and broth of abominable

things is in their vessels; who say, "Stand by yourself, don’t come near to me, for I am holier than you." These are a smoke in My nose, a fire that burns all the day. “Behold, it is written before

Me: I shall not remain still, except to pay back; indeed I shall repay them in their laps [second death]!

YHWH would not lose track of one grain.

Amos 9:9

“For, behold, I will command, and I will sift the House of Ishra’al among all the nations, as grain is sifted in a sieve, yet not the

least kernel will fall on the earth.

Their very own descendants will one day be reassembled like the dried-out bones of Ychezqa’l 37) in the same Land (as the ancient Aramaic interpretation bears out) and, as suggested by the term

“place”, at the Temple Mount itself, which is often specifically nicknamed “The Place [where I have set My Name]”. The Aramaic

interpretation supports this. Sons of the Living Al: This claim is made in

1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 3:1.

See what affectionate love the Father has given to us, in order that we should be called, and we are:

“Bnëy YHWH”! (Sons of YaHuWaH)

We will not look like our fathers, but like YaHuWsHua when we see Him. Compare

Yâhuwchânâ´n 1:12.

1But as many as accepted Him, He gave privilege to them to become sons of YHWH - to those that believe on His name!

This therefore identifies where we can find the House of Ishra’al today. It is a “people” who are “called out” of every nation,

kindred, tribe, and language. The exile continued long after this declaration, however. The reason is that there are two concurrent


My brothers and sisters, hear me:

The Kingdom Of YHWH is near, its in your hearts, to bring us together, the Nation that He loves and chose above all nations,

Hoshea 1:11.

“Then the descendants of Yehudah and the descendants of Ishra’al will be gathered into one, and will [together] appoint for themselves one head, and go up from the land, for great is the

Day of Yizre’al!”

Not only will this scattering be remedied, but the division between the two kingdoms will be as well. Ychezqa’l prophesied that the

punishment of the House of Ishra’al would be 390 years.

Yhzq. 4:5

5. “Now I have designated for you the years of their punishment by the total number of days: up [to] 390 days you must raise

Israel’s punishment.

Thus the length of time determined as the Northern Kingdom’s punishment was 390 years. So why has it never returned from

exile? Two punishments had been assigned to the House of Israel from which they needed redeeming, symbolized by the names of Hoshea's sons. (Hos. 1) The first was “no mercy”, and the second was “not being a people”. But He also said, “In the place where it was said to them, “You are not My people”, they shall be called

“Sons of the Living Elohim.” (Hos. 1:10) Can you think of any people from every nation, kindred, tribe, and people, who describe themselves as redeemed and are called “sons of

Elohim”? (Hint: Yochanan/John 1:12; 1 Yoch. 3:2) Whomever fits this description is where we will find Ephraim today. Paul said all of creation was eager for the time when it would be revealed who these "sons of Elohim" are. (Rom. 8:19) Remember the prodigal’s father, who had one son still at home, looking expectantly for his other son to return? Judah was still safe at home then, but though YHWH had forsaken Ephraim “for a moment”, His heart longed to

have His "firstborn" back! So He says, "Declare it to the far-off coastlands that He who scattered Israel will regather him and

watch over him like a shepherd.” (Yirmeyahu/Jer.. 31:10) He said, I will send for many fishermen, and they will fish them out...for My

eyes are on all their journeyings..." (Yirm. 16:16) But first, He said, He would repay double for their sins. I.e., He would double

their sentence. That brings us to 780 years. From the first overthrow by Assyria in 734 B.C.E., that comes out to 46 C.E., or if

we count from the final overthrow in 722, then 58 C.E.—either way, right about the time Paul was saying, “I’m turning to the

Gentiles!” But where did he look for those “Gentiles”? In synagogues! So these were people already feeling the call back to

the covenant. Before long, the Apostles were raving about how many were "returning to YHWH from among the Gentiles". So why is there not a Northern Kingdom today? Because there were two

sentences running concurrently for Ephraim. The first ran out soon after Yahshua’s day. Individuals from Ephraim began

responding to Him, and Hoshea's judgment of "no pity" was no longer in effect. But Leviticus 26 also says that if they would not repent, He’d increase their punishment seven times. Hoshea's other sentence--that of “not being a people”—a unified ethnic

group recognizable as a nation--lasted 2,730 years from the time Assyria took Israel into exile, and it was not up until right around

1996—or possibly 2008. Either way, we’re right in the thick of that time! That's why the blinders are only now being removed from

our eyes.

Yirmeyahu gave more detail:

Yirm. 16:14-18

“I will send for many fishers, and they will fish them out...because My eyes are on all their journeying’s; they are not hidden from My presence. But neither is their guilt hidden from My eyes, so first I will recompense their iniquity and their sin

double, for they have defiled my land [with idols].”

When YaHuWsHua paid our ransom "in the fullness of time", Hosea's sentence of "no mercy" was up, and it was only a matter of informing the scattered Ishra’alites that they could come back

home. That's why He said He was sending His disciples out as “fishers of men”.

Mat. 4:19

And He says to them,

“Come after Me, and I will make you fishers of humans unto life.” [Luwqá’ 5: 10]

Before long, they were celebrating because many were "returning to YHWH from among the Gentiles". Even Ya`aqóv YaHuWsHua's brother, who at first hesitated to allow these supposed Gentiles into the household, later addresses his epistle overtly "to the

twelve tribes of Ishra’al who are scattered abroad". Others could respond, which is one reason He scattered them. But if Efrayim’s

seed so mixed with all nations, then many, if not most, of the people who respond to the Gospel are Gentiles only in this

secondary sense. Indeed, Paul writes to the new believers as "former Gentiles" who were now equals with the Jews (the House

of Yehudah) and were forming “one new man”.

1 Cor. 12:2

Understand ye, because ye were heathen masses led away towards the voiceless worshipped images, in that manner ye

might yet be led!;

Eph. 2

Yet the focus on bringing Ishra’al back to the covenant they had abandoned was lost in the push to reach every last tribe with what was turning out to be a new religion instead. They took

advantage of His amnesty. Eventually all who wished to be part of the institutional church had to cut all ties to their Hebraic roots.

The other side also gave an ultimatum: to believe that Bar Kochba, not YaHuWsHua, was the Meshiakh or be put out of the synagogues. So the two houses became separated once again.

How could this happen? Because Leviticus 26:18 also says that if Ishra’al had not repented after 390 years (which they had not), He

would increase the sentence seven times. Though individuals could return to the covenant after YaHuWsHua renewed it (Mat.

26:28), Hoshea's other sentence--the concurrent, but longer, one of “not being a people”—would last 2,730 years! Yet in our day

this is coming to an end. We have another unique open door, and no longer have to remain as loners walking with our Shepherd. He

is fusing us back into being a unified group--the nation of Ishra’al--once again! Up from the land: the Aramaic adds, of their exile. Yizre’al also pertains to the last days, because the Valley of Yizre’al is right beside the tel called Har Megiddo (Armageddon).

Aramaic, Great is the day of their assembling.


Yeshayahu 11:12-14

12. And He shall raise a signal for the heathen masses, and He will gather the outcasts of Yisrâ’a´l and He shall assemble the

dispersion of Yâhuwthâ´h from the four extremities of the earth; [144,000]

13. And the jealousy of ’Ephráyim shall depart, and the enemies of Yâhuwthâ´h shall be cut off: ’Ephráyim will not be jealous of

Yâhuwthâ´h and Yâhuwthâ´h will not tie up ’Ephráyim,

14. And together they will hover on the shoulders of the Sojourners (Phlishttíym) who are towards the sea, they will plunder the sons of antiquity, they will impose their hand on

’Ethówm and Mow’â´v Believers and the Tribal sons (Bnëy-`Ammówn) shall be obedient ones.

This is the second sowing—back in their Land.

Amos 9:11-15

In That Day I will raise up the booth of Dawiyd which has fallen down, and repair its breaches, and I will raise up its ruins, and I

will build it as in the days of old; that they may possess the remnant of Adam (some have Edom), and all the nations upon

whom My Name is called,” says YaHuWaH Who does this. “Behold, the Days come,” says YaHuWaH, “that the plowman

shall overtake the reaper, and the one treading grapes him who sows seed; and sweet wine will drip from the mountains, and flow from the hills. I will bring My people I’shra’al back from captivity, and they will rebuild the ruined cities, and inhabit them; and they

will plant vineyards, and drink wine from them. They shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them. I will plant them on their Land, and they will no more be plucked up out of their Land which

I have given them,” says YaHuWaH your Aluahiym.

But this return is not accomplished by magic; we must allow Him to do it through us if we are to be the ones who receive the

promise. One head: The Aramaic adds, from the House of Dawyid. YHWH Himself will set His King in place

Ychezqa’l 34:23

I will set up One Shepherd over them, and He shall feed them, even My servant Alef wTaw Dawiyd; He shall feed them, and He

shall be their shepherd.

so appointing for themselves one head has a deeper meaning. It could be rendered take for themselves a head of unity, i.e., have

one mind, agreeing on all things, as Paul so often wrote.

Rom. 15:5;

But may the Mighty Ones of patient steadfastness and encouragement grant you the same opinion in one another

concerning the Anointed Yâhuwshúa`:

2 Cor. 13:11;

The rest, brothers, is to be glad, be thoroughly complete, be encouraged, have the same opinion, be at peace; and the mighty

One of affectionate love and peace shall be with you.

Phil. 1:27;

2Only conduct yourselves worthily of the Glad Tidings of the Deliverer, so that whether I come and see you, or whether I am

absent [dead ], I might hear these things about you [compare To the `Ivríym 12: 1]: that ye stand fast in One spirit, unanimously

competing together for the persuasion of the Glad Tidings,


Therefore, if you have any encouragement within the Anointed, if you have any words of affectionate love to share, if you have any

fellowship of spirit, if you have any sympathy and compassion, Fulfill my joy in order that ye may be of the same mindset:

maintaining the same affectionate love with the same motivation together, and one mindset. But not [maintaining the same

mindset] according to the plot [1: 16] and by honoring vanity, instead by humility, esteeming one another above themselves.

1 Kefa 3:8

And the goal is for all to be of a same mind, sympathizing, brotherly loving, compassionate, humbly minded,

If this is not enough motivation, remember that unity of mind is what gives the Counterfeit Meshiakh his power and authority

Rev. 17:13

These have one resolve, and they shall deal out their own power and authority to the Beast.

and we certainly do not want him to outdo the Meshiakh. The “head” of grain is meant to produce “one bread and one body”.

1 Cor. 10:17

Because like one loaf, we the many ones are one body, for we all partake from the one loaf.

Until we are united, there is no Kingdom for the King to rule over.

Deeds 15:14.

Shim`ówn has recounted to you first just how YHWH visited to claim from the heathen masses a people for His name.

Deeds 15:15.

And the words of the predicators agree with this, as it has been written:

Deeds 15:16.

After these things, I shall return, and “In that Day, I will raise the tabernacle of Dâwíth which has fallen, and I will repair their

broken places, and his ruins I will raise up, and I will build her as the ancient days,

Deeds 15:17.

So that the remnant of ’Âthâ´m might seek YHWH, with all of the heathen masses who shall call on My name. Over them” declares

YHWH, “I am doing all this.”

`Âmówç 9: 11-12

In That Day I will raise up the booth of Dawiyd which has fallen down, and repair its breaches, and I will raise up its ruins, and I

will build it as in the days of old; that they may possess the remnant of Atham, and all the nations upon whom My Name is

called,” says YHWH Who does this.

And this is a signal to us (gentiles) that the promised restoration of Y’Ishra’al, upon which this depended, had begun and many of

you are failing to participate in it. Has Gentiles we are responsible for carrying out this “obedience of faith” this is crucial to proving

this to the Jews.

Deeds 1:5;

For Yâhuwchânâ´n indeed immersed within water, but ye shall be immersed within the Raukh of the Pure One after not many days.”

It is not so much about our salvation that makes our Jewish brothers and sisters jealous, but has with Paul’s ministry in

particular, it reveals a failure on the part of other contemporary Jewish missionaries

Mat. 23:15

Hówy to you, scribes and Phrushíym, role-fakers, because ye go around the sea and the dry land to make one foreign convert, and when he has become one, ye make him two times more a son of

Gëy-Hinnóm than yourselves!

Our Jewish brothers live still behind the veil and have failed to be the kind of “light to the nations” that YHWH intended , and most importantly their failure to restore the lost tribes to the true faith.

Yirmeyahu 16:16

“‘Here I am, sending out numerous fishermen,’ declares YHWH, ‘and after they have indeed fished for them [and catch them], I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them from upon

every mountain and every hill or from the holes [bored into] the rocky cliffs,

Fishermen: This is what YaHuWsHua was alluding to when He told the literal fishermen who followed Him that He was now

sending them out as fishers of men.


And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I shall make you fishers of men.”

After they have fished: This is the stage we have reached in the present day, for He is taking many who understand the truth

about the light out of the Church, and thus terminated the first stage of the job. YaHuWsHua parable of the dragnet clarifies what

the “hunters” will do. They will sort out the unclean from the clean, and throw back the fish or other creatures caught that are

not kosher.

Throw the net on the right side of the boat,

Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:1 After this YaHuWsHua manifested Himself again to the taught

ones at the Sea of Kinnereth, and He manifested this way:

Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:2 Shimʽon Kĕpha, and T’oma called the Twin, and Nthan’a’l of Qanah in Galil, the sons of Zab dai, and two others of His taught

ones were together.

Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:3 Shimʽon Kĕpha said to them, “I am going to fish.” They said to

him, “We are also coming with you.” They went out and immediately entered into the boat. And that night they caught

none at all.

Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:4 But when it became early morning, stood on the beach. However,

the taught ones did not know that it was. YaHuWsHua.

Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:5 Then YaHuWsHua said to them, “Children, have you any food?”

They answered Him, “No.”

Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:6 And He said to them, “Throw the net on the right side of the boat,

and you shall find.” So they threw, and they were no longer able to draw it in because of the large number of fish.

Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:7 That taught one whom YaHuWsHua loved then said to Kĕpha, “It

is the Master!” Then Shimʽon Kĕpha, hearing that it was the Master, put on his outer garment – for he was stripped – and

plunged into the sea.Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:8

And the other taught ones came in the little boat – for they were not far from land, but about two hundred cubits – dragging the

net with fish.Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:9

So when they had come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread.

Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:10 YaHuWsHua said to them, “Bring some of the fish which you have

now caught.”Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:11

Shimʽon Kĕpha went up and dragged the net to land, filled with one hundred and fifty-three big fishes. And though there were

so many, the net was not broken.

Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:12 YaHuWsHua said to them, “Come, have breakfast.” And not one

of the taught ones had the courage to ask Him, “Who are You?,” knowing that it was the Master.

Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:13 YaHuWsHua came and took the bread and gave it to them, and

the same with the fish.Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:14

This was now the third time YaHuWsHua was manifested to His taught ones after He was raised from the dead.

Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:15 When, therefore, they had eaten breakfast, YaHuWsHua said to

Shimʽon Kĕpha, “Shimʽon, son of Yonah, do you love Me more than these?” He said to Him, “Yea, Master, You know that I love

You.” He said to him, “Feed My lambs.”Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:16

He said to him again, the second time, “Shimʽon, son of Yonah, do you love Me?” He said to Him, “Yea, Master, You know that I

love You.” He said to him, “Shepherd My sheep.”Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:17

He said to him the third time, “Shimʽon, son of Yonah, do you love Me?” Kĕpha was sad because He said to him the third time,

“Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Master, You know all, You know that I love You.” YaHuWsHua said to him, “Feed My

sheep.Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:18

“Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were younger you girded yourself and walked where you wished, but when you are old you shall stretch out your hands, and another shall gird you

and bring you where you do not wish.”Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:19

Now this He said, signifying by what death he would esteem Äluahiym. And having said this, He said to him, “Follow Me.”

Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:20 And Kĕpha, turning around, saw the taught one whom

YaHuWsHua loved following, who also had leaned on His breast at the supper, and said, “Master, who is the one who is

delivering You up?”Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:21

Seeing him, Kĕpha said to YaHuWsHua, “But Master, what about this one?”

Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:22 YaHuWsHua said to him, “If I wish him to remain till I come, what

is that to you? You follow Me.”Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:23

Therefore this word went out among the brothers that this taught one would not die. However, YaHuWsHua did not say to him that he would not die, but, “If I desire him to remain until I

come, what is it to you?”Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:24

This is the taught one who bears witness about these matters, and wrote these matters. And we know that his witness is true.

Yâhuwchânâ´n 21:25 Now there is much else that YaHuWsHua did. If every one of them were written down, I think that the world itself would not

contain the written books. Amĕn.

Mat. 13:47ff

Again, the Reign of YHWH is similar to a dragnet cast into the sea, and gathering together fish from every kind, Which when it was

filled, having drawn it up upon the shore, and having sat down, they collected the good into vessels, and they cast out the worthless. Thus shall it be at the completion of the age: the

envoys shall go out and separate the evil from the midst of the righteous And shall cast them into the furnace of the fire: there

shall be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth.”

I.e., those in the gathered-out congregations that are fit for His consumption will be preserved, and those who are not will

become part of the only other entity at the time, the Beast’s worldwide system which no one can buy or sell without identifying

with. The Hebrew form of the word “hunt” is not the form that indicates “hunt for themselves”, i.e., to enjoy the provision as

their own sustenance. Thus they will not be professional evangelists or pastors who make this their livelihood, but will be doing it for YHWH. Holes bored into the rocky cliffs: where YHWH

had told Yirmeyahu to hide away his waist-sash

Others would also be able to hear about YaHuWsHua and respond to His offer. Efrayim’s father Yoseyf also brought the

world great benefit by being “cast away”, and revived the life of his father when they were reunited.

Bber. 45:27; 48:2

They told him all the words of Yahuwseph, which he had said to them. When he saw the wagons which Yahuwseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Ya'aqob, their father, revived. Someone told Ya'aqob, and said, “Behold, your son Yahuwseph comes to

you,” and Ishra’al strengthened himself, and sat on the bed.

But v. 4 also suggests that there is a set number in the remnant of Ishra’al

(cf. Deut. 32:8; Acts 1:20),

When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when He separated the children of men, He set the bounds of the

peoples according to the number of the children of Y’Ishra'al.

For it is written in the scroll of Tehillim, [69: 25 and 109: 8]:

‘May their [his] place become deserted, let there not be one dwelling in their tents. and, ‘ Let his days be few, let another take

his office.’

and that for some from the other tribes to be included in this, the greater part of Yehudah had to be temporarily set aside. (v. 17) Reconciled: returned to favor, differences having been settled.

Those differences were why the Northern Kingdom was rejected. The language is that of moneychangers, with the sense that if

YHWH exchanges part of Ishra’al for a remnant of the Gentiles, He will receive it back with interest! Received: back to their home with kindness after having been estranged. (Philemon 12) Life

after having been dead: The Jews would receive far more blessing even than their abasement brought to the rest of us—not less, as

we might be tempted to think. (v. 18)





In His Name

Blessed be, in His name

"d'aidala nehwa Awraham aina ayti"

Asher Hu-Howeh, Hayah, waBah –

YHWH be with you.' and they answered him, YHWH bless you.' "

Be not blind to the truthAnd, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they

heard that YâHuWsHúa` passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O YHWH, [thou] Ben David. An YâHuWsHúa` stood still, and

called them, and said, what will ye that I shall do unto you they say unto Him, YHWH, that our eyes may be opened. So

YâHuWsHúa` had compassion [on them], and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.

His servant and yoursshalowm in Righteousness

by the GRACE of YHWH



Remember me and pray for me that YHWH will be gracious unto me and be merciful unto my sins which I have sinned against him.

Peace be to them that read and that hear these things and to their servants:

Amein and Amein

Freely ye have received, freely give

A rule necessary, and of great extent. A servant in the Gospel Vineyard, though worthy of his Comfortable support while in the work. Should never preach for hire, or make a secular traffic of the Raukh (Raukhual work): what a scandal is it for a man to traffic with gifts which he pretends, at least, to have received

from the Raukh HaQodesh, of which he is not the master, but the dispenser. He who preaches to get a living, or make a fortune, is

guilty of the most infamous sacrilege

The Everlasting Covenant is The Sabbath


be with your Raukh