The tipping point

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of The tipping point

There are many changes in life and all those changes are influenced by others, let see some vocabulary related to it.

Do you know the meaning of…? Mavens

Word of mouth Transmission

Goes a long way toward

These girls are Madison mavens.

By simple word of mouth the information about my friend’s pregnancy was spread.

Transmission of information is necessary in our lives.

They went a long way toward their goal.

Maven /ˈmeɪvən/Noun-people who know a lot and talk a lot about a particular subject.

Transmission/trænsˈmɪʃən/Noun-passing of something from one person, place or thing to another.

Word-of-mouth/wɜrd əv maʊθ/Noun-related tp people telling people

Goes a long way toward/goʊz ə lɔŋ weɪ təˈwɔrd/Idiom-succeeds in