The Temples of Fallen Angels: how and why religious houses have been misused and how this knowledge...

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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The Temples of Fallen Angels is about why external spirituality deteriorated to a high degree, and how that manifests in the world today.Knowing this information, you’ll be able to understand what’s happening in the world today spirituality-wise which will serve to empower you.What’s more, with this new knowledge you’ll be able to visit spiritual places without feeling resistant or feeling down. Temples and churches can be great sources of inspiration and faith, if viewed from a certain angle.

Transcript of The Temples of Fallen Angels: how and why religious houses have been misused and how this knowledge...

I like Sri Lanka – it's a beautiful country with

lush vegetation and smiling sun-kissed people.

It offers one of the most beautiful train rides in

the world through tea plantations, mountains

and forests; all kinds of exotic fruit grow there,

and there is an amazing variety of wildlife.

However, there is one thing that really goes

against my being in Sri Lanka, and that's

charging foreigners for entry into temples.

Temples are the houses of God. They should be

open to people of all faiths and countries. If

they're closed to a particular sex or nationality,

then they are not houses of God, but houses of

greedy and ignorant human beings or demons.

'Demon' may seem like a strong word, but a

demon is nothing more than a negative force

that needs energy in order to survive in the form

of human faith or blood sacrifice. Perhaps,

rather than describing it as a negative force, it's

better to say that it's like an absence of energy.

So, to prove its validity, it needs constant 'life'

channelled into it through human faith or

animal sacrifice.

When a foreigner is expected to purchase a

ticket in order to be allowed to visit the house

of God, the temple becomes yet another tourist

hub, attracting only those who have merely

material eyes to see.

Then, the temple truly becomes a tourist spot,

losing its sacred nature. There's no spiritual

benefit in visiting any temple with an entry

ticket in hand, because spirituality can never be

purchased with money.

In most cases, the temples that are not open to

all are human temples, rather than the ones

dedicated to demons. If they were truly houses

of God, they would welcome all, as the Divine

spark is in all. How could a creator, the

originator of all, deny entry to any of its

children? That, of course, applies not only to

Buddhist and Hindu temples in Sri Lanka, but

also to mosques that deny entry to women.

For countries in the Arab world and others in

which people still consider it common sense to

prohibit women from entering mosques, I

encourage the men there to think about how

they would feel if they grew old and, because of

their advanced age, were denied entry to the

mosque. This kind of age discrimination seems

totally unreasonable. This thought process

should be transferred to the case of women, so

everyone can understand how foolish this

discrimination and incongruity is.

However, since human beings are prone to

making errors, they fall victim to greed,

jealousy, and discrimination. This erroneous

mind-set leads them to charge for entry into the

houses of God, favoring those whom they

perceive to be richer and denying entry to a

certain part of humanity for other reasons, thus

extinguishing any Divinity that was in the

temple in the first place. Yes, the egos of those

who consider themselves superior by having

full access to the temple might be pleased, but

God can never dwell in an ego-ridden place.

It's better to deny entry to the holders of

different faiths than to charge people to enter

the house of God or to discriminate between

God's equal creation of male and female

(though not best of course, as it still shows

human fallibility). Denying one aspect of God’s

creation to enter the temple is denying the

absolute perfection of two aspects of creation,

without any of which the whole creation would

come to naught.

Incongruities, as such, really cause chaos and

ignorance in people's minds. We inherently

know that two opposites are of equal

importance, but when it's constantly ingrained

in us that one part, in this case male, is

somehow superior, it causes a huge amount of

friction within us, and the ability to hear one's

inner voice is lost, because harmony is


The sun doesn't discriminate; it shines on Hindu as well as Muslim, on woman, as well as

man. It's the man and his perverted thinking that discriminates against God's creations. Temples should be sources of Light, giving hope and illumination to all, rather than temple priests being selective about who should receive such treasures.

Any attempt to limit access to God is in direct contradiction to God's unconditional love for all creation.

Some people say that the angry, discriminating,

or jealous gods of certain religions are demons;

I believe that major religions of One God

believe in the same original creator, and it's

only perverted human minds that place

boundaries around the Only Creator and project

their own beliefs and fears onto It, thus making

It look different in different religions.

I don't go to temples where entry is limited in

some way, because I know that God doesn't

dwell there; the spirit may originally have been

there, but it was driven out by fear-based people

trying to profit from their fellow brothers and

sisters or by feigning importance by denying

entry to those of another sex or faith. Where

material gain or discrimination is the focus, a

spiritual atmosphere is non-existent.

I understand the installation of donation boxes.

Although in certain spiritual places they are too

numerous and visible, this is much better than

charging for entry, because it enables those who

don't have money to visit anyway. I love how in

Sikh temples a pilgrim is allowed a night's rest

and is given free food. This clearly shows

adherence to the spiritual attitude of

unconditional love and care.

Moreover, those rare, special places where

donation boxes are hard to find, and the people

are focused only on the Divine, are houses of

spiritual relief. The people there seek out the

donation boxes to give in thanks for the

experience of peace and happiness the place


Though the only real temple is the temple

inside each and every one of us, I really love

external houses of God. When I see them, I

remember my inner temple. They are beautiful

reminders of what's inside, but unfortunately

many of these external temples no longer reflect

the spiritual riches within.

Houses of God where entry is available only

upon purchasing a ticket are comparable to zoos.

Animals that God willed to be free are captured

and caged, and not only do they lose their

freedom, but they are also used for profit

without any benefit for themselves. They are

used as money-generators for ticket sellers.

So, houses of God that should be free for all

and should provide spiritual relief for all, are

captured by greedy humans who hold their

spiritual aspect hostage; only those who are rich

enough and are of a particular sex or faith are

allowed to behold the heart of a temple. The

ticket sellers gain profit, and denying entry to

some people appeals to the ego of the temple

maintainers and priests, but spirituality suffers,

as God is unwelcome there.

The funniest part (or maybe the saddest) about the Sri Lankan government making the entry to Buddhist temples for foreigners only possible upon purchasing a pricey ticket is that Buddha renounced all money. He had no money himself and maintained his body through offerings of food from devotees.

Charging for entry to a Buddhist temple, therefore, is in direct contradiction to Buddha's teachings.

The Buddhist nun with whom I visited some

temples was shocked to find out that foreigners

are profited on by greedy temple monks. She

was so disappointed in the people who

maintained the temples that she lost the desire

to enter them.

No longer are such temple servants true to

Buddha; instead, Buddha is used as a pretext to

make money. Perhaps that's why I never felt a

real spirit in the temples of Buddhism, because

the focus in them, even the ones that don't

charge foreigners, is more on collecting money

and on never-ending rituals than on living the

pure teachings of Buddha. Also, all monks, as

well as Christian priests, who are slaves to

money and food fail to live up to the teachings

of the enlightened masters who inspired these


Not all houses of God were truly dedicated to

gods or to One God. Some are the houses of

demons, such as the temples that accept animal

sacrifices, which still exist in the world today,

though only in undeveloped or developing

countries. In certain cases, these houses used to

belong to minor deities, but people's perverted

understandings of the Divine have encouraged

them to sacrifice animals to appease the 'wrath'

of divinities. This, of course, only shows the

externalization of people’s guilt about their own

wrongful living and the wishful thinking that

this guilt can be deleted by transferring it to an

innocent creature and then killing it.

This transference of sin is the original meaning

of a 'scapegoat', and Jesus too was sacrificed

because of this ignorant and perverted belief

about such a way of blotting out of sins.

People who kill animals to offer them to the

temples sometimes do it because they're fast

asleep and thus simply follow established

customs without questioning them in any way.

Other times, they do it because they are so

greedy and earth-bound that they like to lie to

themselves, refusing to acknowledge the quiet

voice within.

Within their hearts, they know it's a sin to kill,

but the greed or the fearful need to belong to a

community is stronger, and thus they sacrifice

innocent creatures as prayers either for their

own material gain or for an established custom.

When it comes to animal sacrifice, know that

some temples do need it, because they host

original negative forces that require blood

sacrifice in order to survive. Demons can only

be kept alive if throngs of people constantly

visit them and channel their energy in the form

of faith and hope, or kill goats and other

animals and offer their blood. If these temples

are abandoned, this demonic negative energy

consumes itself, like cancer does when a person


It should be (but isn’t) very clear that God

cannot be pleased by any offering or animal


None of the offerings to God make sense,

because everything belongs to God anyway.

The only offering that makes sense is the

sacrifice of your lower nature, though this is not

because God needs it, but because you need it.

When you become a real human being, instead

of remaining a human animal in an

unwillingness to consciously evolve, you can

present this dead lower nature for the Divine to

behold; it represents the best sacrifice you can

make. You make this sacrifice on the altar of

your Inner Temple every time you kill some

animalistic trait in you, such as overeating,

laziness, attachment, or greed.

God cannot be pleased when innocent animals

that It created are killed by fearful and guilt-

ridden human beings. God cannot be ‘pleased’

in any way whatsoever, because the quality of

being pleased is a human quality - a projection

onto One that is attribute-free.

People know when they aren’t living in

accordance with the laws of the Universe,

though sometimes they know unconsciously. To

at least in some way 'appease' angry God for

their wrong behavior, they give gifts to It;

‘angry god’ in such a case being nothing more

than their inner disappointment in themselves

externalized and projected onto the attribute-

free Divine.

This is never going to make any difference to

real God; what makes real difference is your

pure way of living. And this makes a difference

not to God, but to yourself.

It's especially sad to see human beings

bargaining with God; it's prevalent in India. Say

a woman wants to have a child, so she goes to

her favorite god and presents her 'deal' in a sort

of prayer. If a deity would give her a child, she

would donate a large amount of money to the

temple or buy some pricey offering.

This shows total disbelief in the compassionate

nature of the divinity, and it shows total

ignorance of the laws of the Universe, such as

the law of attraction.

The deals that are made between humans do not

apply to the Divine. Ask and it’s already given

– but are you on the proper vibration to receive


Work, therefore, to align yourself with your

desires, rather than presenting tempting deals to

That which cannot be tempted.

Human beings ascribe all kinds of character

traits to gods, which shows just how

undeveloped the world still is. Some gods are

considered to be greedy for offerings, some

hostile, some jealous, some angry, some

lustful...but these are all human traits. Higher

evolved beings do not even have them, let alone

gods. It's really time to stop ascribing human

qualities to gods, and it's better not to pray to

individual manifestations of certain forces,

which are still middle-beings, but to

acknowledge the Original Creator of all.

As It contains all, It has answers to all, help for

all, and pure unconditional love for all.

Nobody in the world can cleanse you but

yourself; not prayers, not some deity, not other

people. Only when you correct your way of life,

apologize to those you hurt, and honestly regret

your mistakes and neutralize them by doing

only good deeds from now on, will you be


People who don't change nor want to change,

but still pray to God to be forgiven, will

definitely not be forgiven. Only by your own

hard work and effort can you gain forgiveness.

God helps only those who help themselves.

Staying in bed all day and praying to God to

win the lottery isn’t going to make the ticket

fall into your hands from the sky.

So, the transferring of sins onto an innocent

creature and killing it, or the belief that by

offering material gifts to God will get one

favors, is an ancient and ignorant belief. It

really no longer belongs to this age, so it must

be eliminated in order to move on to loftier

spiritual heights.

Some young souls will still cling to rituals, like

feeding statues of gods with all kinds of food,

but if you're reading this, you must be grown

enough to feel the pettiness of such actions.

Enough with hurting fellow brothers and sisters,

then praying in the hopes of gaining

enlightenment. It's time to own up to all your

wrongdoings, forgive those you hurt (with

every apology your ego will be diminished),

clean up your conduct, pray for your past

wrongful actions to be forgiven, and do not in

any way generate new karmas with hurtful

words or ignorant reactions.

Doing this will open your eyes to see the temple

of God within you, and if enough people are

finally freed from blindness, there will no

longer be such hypocrisy in external houses of

God in which people pretend to be servants of

God while denying some people entry to Its

house, charging certain others to enter, or

sacrificing innocent creatures.

Since external temples of God are only projections of what’s within, once inner discord and separatist egoistic attitudes are no more, the external temples of God will become open to all.

If this booklet opened your spiritual eye a little bit more or

inspired you in some way, I’d appreciate it if you would

donate any amount you wish to support my ability to

continue writing such booklets. Or, share this booklet with

those who might need it.

Thank you.

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The End.