The Teaching Book Assisting Skills Table of Contents

Post on 13-Mar-2016

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Assisting skills -- Table of Contents is part of The Teaching Book resource materials for home health and hospice. The Teaching Book helps you plan, deliver and document your teaching so nurses teach efficiently as a team to improve outcomes, improve patient satisfaction and maximize scores on Medicare Home Health Compare.

Transcript of The Teaching Book Assisting Skills Table of Contents

© Pritchett & Hull Associates, Inc., Atlanta, GAFrom The Teaching Book. Use restricted by license agreement.

Caregiver Assisting Skills

Putting on and taking off sterile glovesPutting on elastic stockingsFeeding


G-Tubeabout G-Tubes

G-Tube ports

G-Tube care and skin care

safety checks


feeding and foods

bolus feeding

continuous feeding

giving medicines

G-tube common problems

Helping someone take medicineMonitoring

fluid intake and output

taking temperature by mouth

taking rectal temperature

taking axillary temperature

taking a pulse

counting respirations

taking blood pressure

Oxygen safetyOxygen tank (cylinder)Oxygen concentratorHumidifierSuction machine