The subject of this course is the culture of motherhood as - uni Web viewto increase the students...

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ERASMUS+ Faculty Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Rozalina Engels – Kritidis,


(in the foreign language)

BA/MA Language Semester




Number of hours Professor

(name and e-mail)Lectures Exercises/Seminars Practical work


BA in Pedagogy of Media and Artistic


English Winter 3 15 - 15 Senior Asst. Prof. Danail Danov, PhD

The course offers in-depth knowledge, strong skills and positive attitudes in regard to application of modern communication technologies in education. Students will use various internet-based instruments along with interactive approaches to better utilize the key principles of teaching and learning. Students will also zoom into the different communication and learning styles and analyze their importance and relevance for constructing an effective learning environment.


BA in Pedagogy of Media and Artistic


English Summer 6 30 30 - Senior Asst. Prof. Danail Danov, PhD

The course reviews the development of the information culture assessing its significance for the individual development. It analysis the key concepts and trends in information society in regard to the psychological and pedagogical application of communication. Moreover, the course would help students to better understand the digital environment and its tools as well as to use them in the learning process.


BA in Preschool

English Winter and summer (ongoing:

Part 1 - 5 - - 60 hours Senior Asst. Prof. Ekaterina

Education and Foreign Language Teaching

Year 1-Year 3) credits

Part 2 – 6 credits

Part 3- 6 credits

Part 4 – 6 credits

Part 5 – 6 credits

Part 6 – 6 credits

per term Sofronieva, PhD

Asst. Prof. Christina Beleva


to enhance students’ communicative abilities in both the written and spoken media of the English language to alert the students to the stylistic and genre diversity of the English language to raise the overall language awareness of the students to make their knowledge of grammar explicit and automatically manageable to increase the students word power and consolidate their range of vocabulary to further develop and refine the students’ listening, speaking, and reading skills to expose the students to a wide range of appropriate authentic language to enrich students’ communicative and writing skills and appropriate employment of formal and informal styles to increase students’ abilities in taking sides, arguing in favour or against a statement, balancing an argument


BA in Primary School Education and Foreign language

English Winter and Summer (ongoing Year 1 – Year 3)

Part 1 - 5 credits

Part 2 - 5 credits

Part 3 - 5 credits

- - 60 hours per term

Senior Asst. Prof. Iliana Simeonova, PhD

Asst. Prof. Elka Stavreva

Teaching Part 4 - 5 credits

Part 5 - 5 credits

Part 6 - 5 credits

The aim of the course is to consolidate and enhance the students’ linguistic (phonological, morphological, syntactic, lexical, discursive, pragmatic and sociocultural) knowledge and skills. The course syllabus is in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) as regards the course content and methodology.


BA in Primary school Education and Foreign Language Teaching; BA in Preschool and Primary School Education

English Winter 2 30 - - Full Prof. Iliana Mirtschewa, PhD

Fostering the internationalization of teacher training students from currently six partner universities in USA, Japan, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria and Spain meet on an online platform and carry out small qualitative research projects, work in international groups on a topic or plan classroom projects with partner classes in different countries. The IPC project is based on an inquiry-based and constructivist understanding of learning. Coached by their teachers and student tutors the students work in international groups using web tools as e.g. wikis, chat forums or blogs. By working on topics selected from the teacher training curriculum the students improve their expertise related to the curriculum and develop awareness of cultural differences and communalities. Depending on the didactical format the students get a basic insight into research methods, gain experience in organizing project work, enhance their competence in using internet and media tools and practice their abilities in planning teaching projects and lessons and in managing the classroom.

HISTORY OF BA in English Summer 3 30 - - Senior Asst. Prof. M. Pironkova,


Pedagogy of Mass and Artistic Communication


The course presents the evaluation of the education from the Antiquity to the Modern Times. The first part of the course focuses on the ideas of great philosophers and educators – from Aristotle trough Comenius, Rousseau and Pestalozzi to Montessori, Freinet and Dewey. The second part of the course focuses on the Bulgarian education, from the medieval times to the middle of the 20th Century.


BA in Pedagogy of Mass and Artistic Communication

English Summer 3 30 - - Prof. Dsc Klavdia

The course introduces students to the basic characteristics of the performing arts and their ability to develop social communication skills and practices. The course is structured with a focus on theater and theatrical forms.INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION

MA in

Educational Sciences and Intercultural Education

English Winter 4 15 15 - Senior Asst. Prof. Ekaterina Sofronieva, PhD

Asst. Prof. Christina Beleva


to raise students’ intercultural understanding and communication skills to enrich students’ experience in topics related to “communication in action”, ”encountering the other one”, “studying abroad”, “good practices in

successful foreign language acquisition”, etc. to raise the overall language and intercultural awareness of the students

to increase the students word power and consolidate their range of vocabularyINTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE OF TEACHERS

MA in

Educational Sciences and Intercultural Education

English Winter 4 15 15 - Assoc. Prof. Rozalina Engels-Kritidis, PhD

The academic discipline reveals the core of the intercultural competence as one of the key competences contemporary teachers need to acquire. Further on, the course introduces specific educational technologies aimed at intercultural education, mainly focused on pedagogical interaction with preschool aged children.


ERASMUS+ Faculty Coordinator: Prof. Siyka Chavdarova-Kostova,

Course(in the foreign language) Languag



Number of hours ProfessorLectures Exercises/



Hiver5 30 30 Prof. Dr Habil Yana Merdjanova

Le course englobe les problemes generals del’education professionnelle au niveau theorique et pratique en plan comparative et national specifique. Les etudiants peuvent exercer des differantes activites sur les casus de la formatio nprofessionnelle des jeunes.PHILOSOPHIE DE L’EDUCATION Français Summer

été5 pédagogie4, 5 éducation non-formelle



Prof. Dr Habil Yana Merdjanova

Le course réalise des objectifs lies avec laconstitution et support méthodique d’activités déterminées correspondant à la pensée et à la culture philosophico-éducative et introduction à leur apprentissage. Les étudiants forment successivement la pensée philosophico-éducative dans le ddialogue éducatif


Français Summerété

4,5 éducation non-formelle

30 30 Prof. Dr Habil Yana MerdjanovaAssoc. Prof. Dr Habil Monika Bogdanova

Par cet course les etudiantsétudent la maternité comme notion universelle a été effectuée conformément aux positions et dans l’esprit de la méthode synergique et de la méthode évolutionnelle, sur la base des découvertes scientifiques radicales, effectuées pendant les dernières décennies du XX-ème et le début du XXI-er siècles. Le but étant d’argumenter de façon convaincante et de partager les pratiques et l’expérience consultative dans la maternité correspondant non seulement aux tendances socio-culturelles, mais aussi à l’essence évoluée et emancipée de l’homme.DIDACTIQUE DE L’ÉDUCATION SUR DES DISCIPLINES PHILOSOPHIQUES

Français Summerété

5 pédagogie

30 15 15 Prof. Dr Habil YanaMerdjanova

La systématisation (non pas la classification) des méthodes de formation civique présentée dans ce programme coordonne les critères et les indices d’origine didactique et d’origine de la spécification des disciplines philosophiques à l’école contemporaine. Les étudiants préparent, présentent et exercent le portfolio personnel en contexte philosophique.INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION English Winter 5 30 30 - Prof. Dr Habil Siyka Chavdarova

- Kostova

Main accents: Determinants of the intercultural education – philosophical, law, actual socio-political problems – immigration, globalization, etc. The attitudes to diversity. Cultural inter-influences. Social and educational integration. Teacher training and diversity. Religious, ethnical, language, other types of diversity and intercultural education. Intercultural education – limits, stereotypes, prejudices. Patriotic education in the context of the intercultural education.EUROPEAN INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE BY EDUCATION

English Winter 4,5 30 30 - Prof. Dr Habil SiykaChavdarova - Kostova

Main accents: Diversity, intercultural dialogue and education. Intercultural dialogue in the European educational policy. International organizations and international dialogue. Intercultural dialogue and human rights. Ethno-cultural and religious dimension of the intercultural dialogue and intercultural education. Intercultural competence.FAMILY PEDAGOGY English Winter





Prof. Dr Habil Siyka Chavdarova - Kostova

Main accents: Specific of the child`s upbringing and education in the family. Determinants of the family education. Parents as role model for children. Single – parent family. Single – child family. Interaction between siblings. Newly created families. Grandparents and family education. Children with SEN in the family. Gifted children in the family. Interaction between parents and teachers, etc.THEORY OF EDUCATION English Summer 7 or




Prof. Dr Habil SiykaChavdarova - Kostova

Main accents: Education as social phenomenon. Educational process. Educational goals. Principles and methods of education. Main components of the content of education – intellectual, moral, aesthetic, physical and labor education. Derivative components of the content of education – intercultural, religious, gender, ecological, human rights education, etc. Main factors of education – family, school, mass-media, etc.ANDRAGOGY English Winter 5 or 30 30 - Prof. Dr Habil Viara Gurova

4,5 Assoc. prof. Dr Vanya Bozhilova

The course is intended for students who are interesting in non-formal education of adults.Course participants are going to learn about the history of adult education, basic principles of Andragogyas as science, the system of education of adults, the characteristics of adults as learners. They are going to develop project for organizing a course with adult learners.TEAM WORK English Summer 4,5 30 30 Prof. Dr Habil Viara Gurova

Assoc. prof. Dr Vanya Bozhilova

The course is intended for students who are interesting in team work as a tool for improving the functioning of organizations.Course participants are going to understand the difference between a group and a team, the types of teams, process of team development, how to organize the team and the team work - team roles, motivation of team members, team leadership; possibilities for dealing with difficult l situations in the team work, forms of monitoring and control of teamwork and measurement of the team effectiveness.During the course they have to develop an analysis of a real team.EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT English Winter 4,5 30 30 Prof. Dr Habil Viara Gurova

The “Educational management” course is designed for teaching students as future educational managers how to manage educational organizations and activities. The aim is to make student familiar with main notions, theories and practice of the area of educational management.The objectives are related to students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes’ development about: Specificity, content and development of educational management; Conceptions about educational institutions’ effectiveness; Mission, vision, aim and objectives of educational institution; Curricula and syllabi design and effective management of teaching and learning process; Constructing of an supportive study environment for learners; Effective relationship of educational institutions with their extra-mural environment; Educational institutions’ management; Functions and roles of an effective head of educational institution; Assessment and evaluation of educational institutions.CHILDREN’S RIGHTS EDUCATION English Winter 5 30 30 Prof. Dr Habil Viara Gurova

The Children’s Rights Education course is designed to make students familiar with the main rights of the child, the international conventions and declarations on children rights, as well as how to organize and realize children rights educational activities. The aim is to stimulate students to develop a culture on Children’s Rights and to give them knowledge and skills to work with children and adults on Children’s Rights in an educational environment.

DIDACTICS English Winter 8 45 45 15 Assoc. Prof. Dr Habil V.Delibaltova

The study of didactics aims to provide students with knowledge about the process of training and education as an important part of the structure of society. On the basis of this knowledge, the students develop skills and habits for the design, construction and practical realization of the instruction.ТasksAcquiring conceptual knowledge related to the technological and epistemological interpretation of didactic phenomena.Development of skills to solve problems related to the design and practical implementation of the training."Train" of key skills needed for effective instruction.Development of critical thinking in didactic discourse.PREPARATION OF ADULT English Summer 4,5 30 30 Assoc. Prof. Dr Habil

EDUCATORS V.Delibaltova

The study of this discipline aims to provide students with knowledge on theoretical grounds and best practices related to the preparation of staff for adult education, allowing adequate realization in the field of human resources.SOCIAL WORK WITH WOMAN, VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE

English Winter 4 30 30 Assoc. Prof. Dr Habil V. Delibaltova

The course focuses on the knowledge of the problem of violence against women, existing best practices for dealing with it and development of skills for working with victims.TasksUnderstanding the nature of violence against women and its sociological, psychological, economic and other aspects.Knowledge of certain practices and projects to solve the problem.Skills training for recognition of violence and assist victims.Social work with victims.VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING

English Winter 5 or 4,5 30 30 Assoc. Prof. Dr Habil Monika Bogdanova

Methodologically the program is developed in theoretical and practical level. The main tasks of the theoretical level are to develop students’ abilities to be aware, to compare, and make a reasoned choice of methods and approaches in the fields of vocational guidance and career planning for students in collaboration with their parents and other significant factors. The practical level engages and consolidates these abilities in overall situations. The aim is on one hand to systematize information culture of students and on the other to build and stabilize the competences to design, build and manage social stabilization of people according to their personal life priorities, projects and objective realities. On practical level is used a variety of tools and is given the opportunity to participate in the process of guidance in different practices.FAMILY COUNSELING English Summer 4,5 30 30 Assoc. Prof. Dr Habil Monika

BogdanovaThe course aims to provide students with basic knowledge in the field of family counseling and to learn about the different theoretical paradigms being challenged to choose their own.During the course students will receive basic information on individual problem areas on which they can build their work as family consultants and will learn about "good practices".SOCIAL WORK WITH FOSTER FAMILIES

English Winter 4 30 30 Assoc. Prof. Dr Habil Monika Bogdanova

Foster care arises in view of the growing public demand for raising and educating children deprived of parental care and the need for providing various social services. It is a measure of child protection – the child is placed in family environment in order to prevent negative effects of institutionalization.The course aims the acquisition of theoretical knowledge about the specifics of social work with foster families, to form competences for realization of social work with foster families; competences for counseling; acquisition of practical skills for the realization of social work in the field of care for children deprived of parental care.Tasks: Introduction to characteristics and key activities in the implementation of social work with foster families, as well as mastery of specific methods and


Introduction to regulatory framework and internal documentation of the institutions working in the field of care for children deprived of parental care and also forming skills for recognizing and analyzing specific features.

Acquisition of practical skills for working with foster families. Formation and development of skills for description and case management.EVOLUTION OF THE MOTHERHOOD, PRACTICES AND COUNSELING

English WinterSummer




Assoc. Prof. Dr Habil Monika Bogdanova

The subject of this course is the culture of motherhood as prophylaxis, experience and professional support within both pedagogical-and-social and psychological-and-consultative contexts. The academic course has interdisciplinary scope and is based on the evolutionary study of the humanity's attitudes towards giving birth, motherhood and children rising during the first years of their lives. The main aspects of those attitudes are biological, medical-assisted, psychological, economic, juridical, political, cultural, and aesthetic. In modernity, the intersections of these fields have been structuring the formation of specific professional skills and competencies of the specialists from educational and social professions. Those are namely the professionals for which the course has been designed.STAFF SELECTION English Winter 4 30 30 Assoc. Prof. Dr Habil Monika

BogdanovaThere is almost no data of systematic researches on methods and techniques for assessment in staff selection. This activity is largely carried out spontaneously as the intermediary-companies use experts’ services - psychologists, sociologists, managers (seldom educators) - each expert prepares "his part" of the procedure. So working teams performed more united mechanical activities than complete and validated procedures. There is also no research on the acceptance of techniques for the candidates themselves. On the other hand the activities of recruitment are highly actual and are now a real part of the whole mechanism of movement and human resource development. Training of specialists in this area is one of the new tasks of high education. On the third side the application to work from template procedure has become a key stage in the career path of each specialist. The program integrates these important fields and roles and competences of existing entities - employers, intermediaries, candidates.So on one hand selection and applying for job by professional counseling depends on the satisfaction and career prospects of the candidate, the effectiveness of the organization and on the other hand what we have as a consequence - increased resilience of labor market.The program aims to form competences for counseling, organizing and conducting staff selection procedures; competences for counseling when applying for job; guidance competences and management of the activities in this field.PERSONAL COUNSELING English Summer 4 30 30 Assoc. Prof. Dr Habil Monika

BogdanovaShort description of the courseThe last years of globalization and borderline economic and social life; extremely dynamic development and consolidation/automatization of regional specific crops; a blip in national and international holdings problematize like never before professional and comprehensive realization of human life. First, the choice of profession, social and citizenship, personal start proved to be just the beginning of the sequence of solutions of different nature that determine the dynamics and direction of life and personality. The problems of continuous personal counseling are formed. Secondly, the profession turns out to be just one of the areas of career development in the overall life plan personality and changing social environment. A group of situational and personal multicultural counseling is formed. Thirdly, the integration between the various spheres of economic and social life; extension of reality beyond time and space of narrow professionalisation shape the problems of coordination and management of the factors for professional and career, for personal, formal and non-formal personal development. Nowadays in Bulgaria young people are permanently in the category of "risky". This determines the particular and great society-wide and professional significance of the issue as a basic component of the preparation of the social worker . The program is developed methodically on theoretical and practical level. Theoretical level aims to develop the abilities of students to be aware, to compare, and to make a reasoned choice of methods and approaches in the fields of counseling and professionals and unemployed citizens and students. Practical level exercises and consolidates these abilities in overall situations. The aim is both to systematize informational culture of students and to build and develop

competences for design, construction and management of people’s social development according to their personal and vital and their objective realities.INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH

English Summer 7 45 45 Assoc. Prof. Dr Boncho Gospodinov

The course of Experimental pedagogy aims to provide students with theoretical and practical training for the origin, development, nature, organization and implementation of scientific educational research.



Winter 5 30 30 Assoc. Prof. Dr Toni Manasieva

Short description of the course)Es werden verschiedene Systeme der sozialpädagogischen Tätigkeit mit verhaltensauffälligen Kindern und Jugendlichen dargestellt, besonders die bulgarische und deutsche – Einrichtungsarten, Unterordnung, Besonderheiten, Zusammenhänge und Zusammenwirkung, Spezyfik der Arbeit, Probleme der Kinder und ihrer Ressozialisation.SOZIALARBEIT MIT KINDERN IN STATIONÄREN EINRICHTUNGEN


Winter 4 30 30 Assoc. Prof. Dr Toni Manasieva

Short description of the courseEs wird die Sozialarbeit mit Kindern in den stationären Einrichtungen (Heime u.a.) dargestellt. Es werden die Einrichtungsarten in Bulgarien, ihre Unterordnung, Besonderheiten, Zusammenhänge und Zusammenwirkung, Spezyfik der Arbeit behandelt, wie auch Probleme der untergebrachten Kindern im Risiko und der Elternarbeit.COMPARATIVEEDUCATION

English Summer 5 (for pedagogy)4,5 (for No formal education)

30 30 30 Iliana Petkova

The course is aimed to introduce students to the essence and problems of comparative education. Will be presented: 1) the historical bases for the formation of comparative education as a science; 2) stages of historical development; 3) theory, methodology and methods of comparative education as a pedagogical direction; 4) the particularity in the structure and functioning of education systems in the European Union and another countries; 5) issues, trends and prospects in the development of comparative education and alternative approaches to training. The course will be finished with presentation and comparison of the country which the Erasmus student from with another country.EDUCATION COMPAREE Français Summer


5 (pour pédagogie)4,5 (pour nonformal education)

30 30 30 Professeur associé Dr. Iiana Petkova

Le cours a pour but de présenter aux étudiants l'essence et les problèmes de l'éducation comparée. Seront présentés: 1) le fondement historique de la formation de l'éducation comparée comme science; 2) les étapes du développement historique; 3) la théorie, la méthodologie et les méthodes d'éducation comparée comme orientation pédagogique; 4) Les particularités de la structure et le fonctionnement des systèmes d'éducation dans l'Union européenne et ailleurs; 5) problèmes, tendances et perspectives dans le développement de l'éducation comparée et approches alternatives à la formation. Le cours se terminera par la présentation et l'analyse comparative entre les pays d’origine des étudiants Erasmus.


4 30 30 Assoc. Prof. Dr Ginka Mehandzhiyska

L'objectif de ce cours est de développer des compétences spécifiques, relatives au domaine du travail social gérontologique. L'accent est mis sur les interventions auprès des personnes âgées à l’environnement des soins et des services sociaux. La programme assure une formation gérontologique et méthodologique sur les problèmes de la dépendance ; l’évaluation de l’autonomie sociale et fonctionnelle; l’évaluation de la qualité de vie; l’élaboration de plans d'interventions ; la méthode de gestion de cas (le case work); les formes de support social; les méthodes de travail sociale avec des groupes; l’ergothérapie gérontologique ets. La formation offre beaucoup de techniques et d’outils pour l'application pratique au domaine des services d'aide et de soins à domicile, les services sociaux institutionnels, ainsi que les services et les activités au cours de la journée.WORKING WITH CHILDREN AT RISK English Winter 5 30 30 Assoc. Prof. Dr

BozhidaraKriviradevaThe main objective of the course is to provide students with knowledge and skill for work with different groups of children at risk, Students will learn about different factors that can put children and families at risk as well as for different groups at risk. The course also provides knowledge about different institutions that work with children at risk and skills for applying different approaches toward main problems that risk groups face.


English Summer 4,5 30 30 Assoc. prof. Dr Vanya Bozhilova

The course is intended for students who are interested in continuing education in the context of lifelong learning and validation of competences in adults, acquired through non-formal and informal learning.Course participants are going to learn the historic conditions, prerequisites for the emergence and development of the concept of non-formal and informal learning and scientific-theoretical and practical models to justify it; validation of competences acquired through non-formal and informal learning as a system–goals, determinants, forms, methods, institutions and organizations; various European validation practices.Participants should develop a map with professional tasks of the validation consultant. They are going to develop skills in solving specific cases.

PEDAGOGY AND PHOTOGRAPHY English Winter 5 30 30 - Assoc. Prof. Dr Vladislav Gospodinov

The course of "Photography and Education" placed in its focus visually into its modern and coming in the time dimension. The photographic visually occupies an increasingly significant part of the way which people perceive the world today. Mastering the knowledge and skill formation for interaction with the creation and sharing of manifestations of photography in their values and pedagogical context is the purpose of the course on "Photography and pedagogy".Upon completion of the course students should possess: Higher level of knowledge and awareness, including and practical aspects on how to be included and could be include photography in educational contexts; Formed attitude towards the products of photography and the form of their use and location of subjects and objects in the process; Formed skills to accompanying the interactions and performances of children and adults in photography; Formed skills for developing, organizing and conducting educational activities involving the use of photography in formal and non-formal contexts; Development of creativity and variability as qualities of future specialists.SOCIAL ACTIVITIES AND EDUCATION English Summer 4 30 30 - Assoc. Prof. Vladislav

Gospodinov, PhDThe course "Social Activities and Education" in his nature and content is interdisciplinary – between and integrating theory of education and social activities.The aim of the course is to give adequate training, knowledge and skills of students to carry out more professional from humane-educational, as well as differentiating-sectoral perspective, their future support, including specific-institutionalized interactions and functions in social activities with people with

different problems, from different ages and social communities. Upon completion of the course students should possess: Knowledge and skills related to the use of categories and concepts in the context of the focus of the course; Value attitude towards the educational process and participants; Formed skills to diagnosis the level of education; to apply in social activities established patterns of educational interaction, but also to bring their own handwriting in them; skills to predict; Competences to plan and create appropriate combination of different components of the phenomenon education to achieve optimal development in terms of individual characteristics and social requirements; a higher level of professionalism, humanity and creativity.EDUCATION OF GIFTED CHILDREN English Summer 5 30 30 0 Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo

Tepavicharov PhDIn this course are disused problems about special educational needs of gifted and talented students. The central topics are - psychological characteristics of gifted children, their diagnostic as well as special educational strategies, forms and methods. There is a special focus on personality of the teacher, as central point teaching-learning process.ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IN EDUCATION

English Winter 5 30 30 0 Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo Tepavicharov PhD

The aim of this program is to give to future teachers extended knowledge about evaluation in educational context. Except evaluation of student’s subject of discussion are evaluation of quality of education, teacher’s professional activity, effectiveness of educational innovation and many others.EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY English Winter 7 45 45 0 Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo

Tepavicharov PhD

The goal of that course of lectures is to provide future educational specialist with information regarding place and role of education in society. Central focuses in course are fundamental themes as socialization of young persons, social functions of education, interactions between teachers and students and other.DIAGNOSTICS AND EVALUATION IN SOCIAL WORK

English Summer 4 30 30 0 Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo Tepavicharov PhD

The purpose of these lessons is to give to future social workers theoretical knowledge and practical experience about diagnostics and evaluation. The focal point in lectures is diagnostic of clients’ personality and their family, social environment culture.SOCIAL CASE WORK English Summer 4 30 30 0 Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo

Tepavicharov PhDThe content of this course is related to one of fundamental methods of social work – work with specific person. In lectures are analyzed specific characteristics of working process, different techniques and practical approaches. Special attention is giving to diagnostics, interviewing and consulting.ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT IN SOCIAL WORK

English Summer 6 45 45 Assoc. Prof. Dr Rossitsa Simeonova

The course aims at development of basic management competence (knowledge, skills and attitudes) and knowledge about the specifics of management in

social work organizations (legislation, structures, services providers, etc.). Compulsory course for students in social work undergraduate program.

PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT English Winter 4 30 30 Assoc. Prof. Dr Rossitsa Simeonova

The course aims at development of knowledge and skills for management of the personnel in social work settings, including development of programs for

personnel planning, requirement, selection, payment, evaluation, development, team building, etc. Elective course for students in social work undergraduate


HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT English Winter 4,5 30 30 Assoc. Prof. Dr Rossitsa Simeonova

The course aims at development of knowledge and skills for management of the personnel in non-formal education settings, including development of

programs for personnel planning, requirement, selection, payment, evaluation, development, team building, etc. Elective course for students in non-formal

education undergraduate program.

EDUCATION AND SOCIETY English Winter 4,5 30 30 Assist. Prof. Dr Silvia Varbanova

The course presents characteristics of relationships between education and components of social system. The main issues are discussed from different sociological perspectives: The relationships between education and economic development; education and social structure of society; educational influence over social mobility; selective function of education are considered. The factors affecting the inequality of knowledge are analyzed. Cultural reproduction and symbolic violence are discussed. During debate about relation equality – quality of education some myths of equality are underlined. Effects of cultural capital and culture of poverty on educational behavior are considered. Characteristics of hidden curriculum, non-cognitive skills, social school context and their effects on academic attainments are analyzed. The nature, stages and factors of socialization are discussed. The ideas of youth culture, school subculture, and deviant behavior are examined.SOCIAL ADAPTATION AND DISADAPTATION

English WinterSummer




Assist. Prof. Dr Silvia Varbanova

The course presents main characteristics, types, forms of social adaptation. Indications of social disadaptation and factors affecting it are examined. The cycle of maladaptation and protective factors are analyzed. Course presents main theoretical perspectives regarding the social adaptation. The Mechanisms of adaptation and adjustment problems are discussed in relation with social roles, statuses, social attitudes, individual choices. Course examines school adaptation mechanisms and causes of school adaptation problems. Instruction involves methods of development of social skills and personal problem solving skills. Adaptation under social and psychological overstimulation is discussed. The factors of risk behavior and early identification of behavioral risk are considered. The nature and power of prejudices are examined. Course presents structure and conditions for promotion of social and psychological well-being.PÄDAGOGISCHE KOMMUNIKATION German Summer 5 30 30 Assist. Prof. Dr Bistra Mizova

Der Kurs wird als Einführung in die Berufskommunikation für Studenten kozipiert, die sich für den Leherberuf vorbereiten. Der Kurs hat einen Überblickscharakter und führt somit in die grundlegenden Modelle der zwischenmenschlichen Kommunikation aus der psychodynamischen, konstruktivistischen, humanistischen Perspektive. Im Vordergrund ist das Wechselspiel von Trainingsanzatz, bzw. –methoden und Erlebniserfahrung in der Lehrgruppe. In den Seminaren werden die Teilnehmer zu den Grundprinzipeien der zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation und Metakommunikation sesibilisiert, zur Erweiterung der Selbsterkenntnis und zur Berufsreflexion, sowie zum konstruktiven und bewussten Umgang mit den Unterschieden im Schulkontext gefördert.EMPIRISCHE FORSCHUNG IN DER NONFORMALEN BILDUG

German Summer 4,5 30 30 Assist. Prof. Dr Bistra Mizova

Der Kurs gibt einen allgemeinen Überblick über die Geschichte, das Wesen und die Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung im Bildingsbereich. Es werden Forschungsdesign, Technologie des Forschungsablaufs und Auswetrung von Daten quantitativer und qualitativer Art erlätert. Am Ende des Kurses haben die

Teilnehmer grundlegende Forschungskompetenz und können die Angemessenheit der empirischen Froschungsmethoden für ihre Fragestellungen beurteilen. Es werden im Kurs Themen wie Phasen des Forschungsablaufs, Forschungsdesign, Beobahtung, Umfrage, Tiefinterviews, Expertenurteil, Soziometrische Techniken, Inhaltsanalysen etc. behandelt. Eigene Forshungsprobleme werden zusammen mit Kursleiter diskutiert.KOMMUNIKATIONS- UND VERHALTENSSTRATEGIEN

German Summer 4 30 30 Assist. Prof. Dr Bistra Mizova

Der Kurs ist für Sozialarbeiter und richtet sich nach der Antwort auf die Fragen: Wie kann ich neue Kommunikationsfertigkeiten an sich entwickeln und somit höhere Motivation für die Berufsausübung gewinnen? Wie sollte ich effektiv mit den Klienten und Kollegen am Arbeitsplatz kommunizieren? Zuverlässige Kommunikationfähigketen begleiten erfolgreiche Kooperation und Dialog mit Klienten und Kunden in allen Sritten und Phasen des helfenden Umgangsablaufs – von der Kontextualisierung des Problems und der Bedürfnisse der Klienten bis zur Auftragklärung und Intervention. Im Kurs wird erlebnisaktivierende Fallarbeit demonstriert, zur Erweiterung der Selbstreflexion sesibilisiert und mit schwierigen Kunden unplanbar und unerschrocken umzugehen gelernt.MEDIENBILDUNGSPROGRAMME German Summer 4,5 30 30 Assist. Prof. Dr Bistra Mizova

Der Kurs gibt einen Überblick über Mediennutzung im Bildungskontex, genauer im Unterricht zur Elangunung von allgemeinen und konkreten Bildungszielen. Außerdem bietet der Kurs für die Teilnehmer Anregungen, wie sie als Bildungsexperte und Lehrkräfte an der Schule und in den nonformalen Bildungsformaten, bzw. –umgebungen die Chancen und Risiken der Anwendung von neuen Medien wie internetbasierten Medien diskutieren und berücksichtigen sollten. Im kurs werden folgende Themen behandelt: Mediennutzung in verschiedenen Bildungskontexten von Kindern und Jugendlichen; Rechtliche Aspekte bei der Nutzung Neuer Medien; Cybermobbing, -bulling und andere problematische Phänomene; Förderung der Medien- und digitale Kompetenz im Bildungskontext (in der Schule, Familie, durch nonformalen Bildungsformen).DIAGNOSTIK DER NORMALEN UND ABNORMEN ENTWICKLUNG

German Winter 5 30 30 Assist. Prof. Dr Bistra Mizova

Am Anfang des Kurses wird auf verschiedene entwicklungspsychologische Konzepte und Perspektiven hingewiesen. Danach kommen die einzelnen Lebensabschnitte (Kindheit, Jugendalter, frühes, mittleres und höheres Erwachsenenalter) zur Diskussion. Es werden physiologische Veränderungen, psychologische Eigentümlichkeiten und die entwicklungsbedigten Störungen der einzelnen Phasen behandelt. Außerdem wird einen Überblick über aktuelle kinderdiagnostische Verfahren und Entwicklungstests angeboten, indem folgende Fragen beantwortet werden: Worauf kommt es an beim Durchführen standardisierter Tests?; Wie liest man ich Testergebnisse und Auswertungen? Was sagen einem Diagnostiker die Testergebnisse? Die Kursteilnehmer werden noch zum Einüben von Testsituationen und zur Reflexion infolgedessen gefördet.PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS FOR PREVENTION OF RISK BEHAVIOR AMONG CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS

English Winter 5 30 30 Assist. Prof. Dr Yonka Parvanova

Course “Programs and projects for prevention of risk behavior among children and adolescents” provides knowledge for some of the up-to-date prevention approaches toward different types of risk behavior like drug use and abuse, risk sexual behavior, alcohol and cigarettes use and others. Within the course students will acquire knowledge and skills needed to plan, implement and evaluate prevention programs in schools and special institutions as well as to administer and coordinate prevention activities at school and municipal level through developing prevention projects.SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION AND DOCUMENTATION

English Winter 5 30 30 Assist. Prof. Dr Yonka Parvanova

This course provides students with practical skills for planning and organization of school activities from the management point of view. Main areas of course curriculum include law-framework for school administration, planning and management of different aspect of school functions, main principles and school budget management, etc.