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Transcript of THE STUDY OF EPHESIANS · Asia Minor...

IntroductionThe book of Ephesians was written by Paul the Apostle to the Church in Ephesus, a port city in Asia Minor (Modern day Turkey), during his first imprisonment. He wrote it in AD 60 while still under house arrest and the letter was hand delivered to the church by his associate, Tychicus (Ephesians 6:21-22). Paul also wrote four other letters while under house arrest; Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon and Philippians.

Ephesus was a fast and moving cosmopolitan society where people took pride in various abilities, backgrounds, skills and heritage. Paul took time to encourage the church and reminded them of the high position they had in the heavenly realms. The first believers there were disciples of John the Baptist who on Paul’s mission, not only received Jesus and were gladly baptized, but also received the Holy Spirit.

Paul established Ephesus as one of his missionary operation bases and for two years, he taught and grounded the believers at the Tyrannus Hall (Acts19:8-10). Ephesians is among the few letters in which Paul was not prompted to correct some error or heresy as he wrote. However, much later Apostle John wrote to the same church urging them to go back to their first love (Rev 2: 4-6).

Paul also took the aspect of the unity of the trinity in various chapters and encouraged the church to be like minded while at the same time urging the Church not to be caught up in “old habits” that were not agreeable to their holy calling. He wrote to this Church giving them assurance about their status in Christ, and throughout the letter, he assures them of the roots and structure of the church.

The book of Ephesians teaches us not to take pride in our works because our salvation is purely by grace and faith alone. Our works become the effect of an obedient walk with God, who ordained our roles before creation for the sake of the church and His glory. Paul also reminds us that we are engaged in spiritual warfare – that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, principalities and spiritual forces in heavenly realms. He therefore encourages us to put on the full armor of God so that we may be able to stand our ground (Ephesians 6:10-18).


The first Chapter of Ephesians brought out the Trinity. In this week’s study we pause from covering the second chapter of Ephesians and instead focus on the Trinity and the Holy Spirit. We will study on who the Holy Spirit is; how we get filled; some of the attributes of the Holy Spirit as well as the role of the Holy Spirit in the church.

MONDAYBible Reference: Deuteronomy 6:4, John 14:6-14, Mathew 3:16-17, 2 Corinth 13:14

Icebreaker: Name some things that are the same but would appear in three states? (e.g. husband, son and brother)

Reflection: Throughout the Bible believers are reminded that, “… the Lord your God, the Lord is One.” This reminder distinguishes believers from all other societies that require many ‘gods’ for different seasons and reasons. The One true God is all sufficient, powerful to attend to every situation, all the time. God is fully in control and nothing is out of His jurisdiction. In the New Testament, He is revealed as God the Father, who is above all, God the Son - Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit. This is the mystery of the Holy Trinity. The Father is revealed in the Son and made manifest in the Holy Spirit. Prayers, blessings and the grace, including the great commission are made in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in believers’ marks each one of us and changes us to become like Jesus and do the works of God. How does the mystery of the Trinity strengthen your walk with the Lord?

Prayer: God, You are One, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The mystery of who You are will cause my mind to wonder and yet Lord, You reveal yourself to me every day in different ways. May I experience your goodness and worship You daily. I need nothing else but You Lord. Work in me and continue to change me to become more like You every day. Amen.

Bible Reference: John 16:7, Ephesians 1:13-14, Acts 2:4, 38-39

Icebreaker: Where would you like to have a permanent dwelling?

Reflection: Before His ascension, Jesus the Son of God told His disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit to guide them in all truth. When the day of Pentecost came, the believers were all together and suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came and they


were all filled with the Holy Spirit. The infilling of the Holy Spirit happens after one repents of their sin and invites Jesus into their heart. Jesus comes and dwells within the heart of a believer by the Holy Spirit. When one believes in Jesus they are marked with the seal of the Holy Spirit who guarantees their inheritance as God’s possession.

According to Acts 1:8, what happens to a believer when the Holy Spirit comes upon them?

Prayer: Thank you God for the gift of the Holy Spirit in my life. I pray and ask that You help me to pay more attention to His leading and His work in my life. May You fill me afresh in Jesus name. Amen.

Bible Reference: Zechariah 4:5-6

Icebreaker: How do you relate with someone who you can’t see but is in the same house with you?

reflection: Any attempt to live a Christian life in our own strength, without the Holy Spirit, is impossible (Zechariah 4:5-6). Have you ever driven a car without fuel? You would have to manually push it, right? Is it even possible? The Holy Spirit is the power that fuels our Christian walk and manifests through His attributes and character. The attributes of the Holy Spirit are many; we shall mention just a few; the Teacher (John14:25-26), Advocate and Counselor (John 14:16-17), Intercessor (Romans 8:26-27), Guide (John 16: 13, Acts 11:11-16), Witness (Romans 8:16, John 15:26) and He can be grieved (Ephesians 4:30). Based on the attributes above, how would you like the Holy Spirit to help you?

Prayer:Dear Lord, thank you for the Holy Spirit. I am grateful that I don’t have to live my salvation through my own strength. Help me to obey His leading and to listen to His counsel, in Jesus name. Amen.


THURS DAYBible Reference: Luke 4:18, 4:31, 13:2, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4:12

Icebreaker:What or who empowers you in your everyday activities?

Reflection: In the olden times, priests were anointed to lead people in sacrifices and worshipping God. Kings were anointed on governance, leadership, administration and service, while the prophets were anointed in delivering the oracles of God. In the New Testament, the gifts of the spirit are mirrored around the priestly, kingly and the prophetic ministry. The Holy Spirit fills believers with boldness to speak the word of God. The Holy Spirit empowers believers, calls them out, sends them, gives out gifts and brings out the fruit of the spirit in the life of an obedient believer. All this is done to build the church and bring her to unity, maturity and to manifest the glory of God on the earth. What are the spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12?

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus I thank you for the promise of the Holy Spirit. I ask You to fill me again with the Holy Spirit and reveal to me the spiritual gifts that You have bestowed upon me. I thank You for these gifts. I pray that I will use the gifts in me to extend Your Kingdom. Amen.

Bible Reference: Galatians 5:22-25, Colossians 3:12-17, John 15:16

Icebreaker: Think of a time when you had no mobile network connection, how did it feel and what did you do?

Reflection: The Holy Spirit enables followers of Jesus Christ to bear fruit that will last. The fruit of the Spirit is love joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Christians bear fruit through the Holy Spirit when they are connected to God.


In John 15, Jesus is the vine and God (the Father) is the gardener. We are the branches and in order to produce fruit, we need to remain connected to Jesus (the vine). When we repent, and ask for forgiveness of our sins and accept Jesus Christ, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit causes death of our sinful nature and brings new life with a desire and passion to please God.

What fruit of the Holy Spirit are you bearing?

Prayer: Dear Lord, I pray that the fruit of the Holy Spirit will be evident in my life. Amen.

Memory verse for the weekGalatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

Prayer of SalvationLord Jesus, I come to You to confess that I have sinned. I have not obeyed you and instead, I have led my life as I thought best and as it pleased me. Forgive me of my sin and come into my heart. Take charge of my life from this day onwards. I believe You sent Your Son to die and pay for my sins. I receive Your gift of salvation and make You Lord and Savior of my life today. Write my name in the Lamb’s book of life and make my life new again. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.