The Studios: Edison · Edison's...

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The Studios:

Edison Studios

George Eastman and Thomas Edison

Edison Studios was an American motion picture production company owned by the Edison Company of inventor Thomas Alva Edison. The studio made

over 2,100 films as the Edison Manufacturing Company (1894–1911) and Thomas A. Edison, Inc. (1911–1918) until the studio's closing in 1918 (the


last one, The Unwritten Code, was released in 1919). Of that number, 54

were feature length, with the remainder being shorts.

Its first production facility, Edison's Black Maria studios in West Orange, New Jersey, was built in the winter of 1892–93. The second facility, a glass-

enclosed rooftop studio built at 41 East 21st Street in Manhattan's entertainment district, opened in 1901. In 1907, Edison had new facilities

built on Decatur Avenue and Oliver Place in the Bronx.

Edison himself played no direct part in the making of his studio's films beyond being the owner, and appointing William Gilmore as vice-president

and general manager. Edison's assistant William Kennedy Dickson, who supervised the development of Edison's motion picture system, produced the

first Edison films intended for public exhibition, 1893–95. After Dickson's departure for Biograph in 1895, he was replaced as director of production by

cameraman William Heise, then from 1896 to 1903 by James H. White.

When White left to supervise Edison's European interests in 1903, he was replaced by William Markgraf (1903–1904), then Alex T. Moore (1904–

1909), and Horace G. Plimpton (1909–1915).

The first commercially exhibited motion pictures in the United States were from Edison, and premiered at a Kinetoscope parlor in New York City on April


14, 1894. The program consisted of ten short films, each less than a minute

long, of athletes, dancers, and other performers. After competitors began exhibiting films on screens, Edison introduced its own Projecting Kinetoscope

in late 1896.

The earliest productions were brief "actualities" showing everything from acrobats to parades to fire calls. But competition from French and British

story films in the early 1900s rapidly changed the market. By 1904, 85% of Edison's sales were from story films.

Some of the studio's notable productions include The Kiss (1896), The Great

Train Robbery (1903), Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1910), the first Frankenstein film in 1910, the first ever serial made in 1912 titled What

Happened to Mary, and The Land Beyond the Sunset (1912), which film historian William K. Everson considered "the screen's first genuinely lyrical

film". The company also produced a number of short “Kinetophone sound

films in 1913–1914 using a sophisticated acoustical recording system capable of picking up sound from 30 feet away. The studio also released a

number of Raoul Barré cartoon films in 1915.

A Kinetoscope Parlor In New York City

Everson, calling Edison Studios "financially successful and artistically unambitious," wrote that other than directors Edwin S. Porter and John

Hancock Collins, Edison studios never turned out a notable director, or even one above average. Nor did the Edison films show the sense of dynamic


progress that one gets from studying the Biograph films on a year-by-year

basis. On the contrary, there is a sense of stagnation.

However, new restorations and screenings of Edison films in recent years contradict Everson's statement; indeed Everson's citing The Land Beyond the

Sunset points out creativity at Edison beyond Porter and Collins as it was directed by Harold M. Shaw (1877–1926), who later went on to a successful

career directing in England, South Africa, and Lithuania before returning to the US in 1922. Other important directors who started at Edison included

Oscar Apfel, Charles Brabin, Alan Crosland, J. Searle Dawley and Edward H. Griffith.

In December 1908, Edison led the formation of the Motion Picture Patents

Company in an attempt to control the industry and shut out smaller producers. The "Edison Trust,” as it was nicknamed, was made up of

Edison, Biograph, Essanay Studios, Kalem Company, George Kleine

Productions, Lubin Studios, Georges Méliès, Pathé, Selig Studios, and Vitagraph Studios, and dominated distribution through the General Film

Company. The Motion Picture Patents Co. and the General Film Co. were found guilty of antitrust violation in October 1915, and were dissolved.

The breakup of the Trust by federal courts under monopoly laws, and the

loss of European markets during World War I, hurt Edison financially. Edison sold its film business, including the Bronx studio, on March 30, 1918 to the

Lincoln & Parker Film Company of Massachusetts.

List Of Edison Manufacturing Company Films (Last to First) A Noble Profession (1912)

The Writing on the Blotter (1911)

The Rival Candidates (1911)

The Iron Master (1911)


The Price of Victory (1911)

Mr. Bumptious, Detective (1911)

The Rival Sculptors (1911)

A Stage Romance (1911)

The Ransom of Red Chief (1911)

The Rajah (1911)

His First Commission (1911)

Two Valentines (1911)

The Doctor (1911)

Selling Old Master (1911)

Bumptious as Romeo (1911)

The Try Out (1911)

The Black Bordered Letter (1911)

The Lover and the Count (1911)

An Eventful Evening (1911)

Mike, the Miser (1911)

Uncle's Birthday Gift (1911)

With Interest to Date (1911)

The Link That Held (1911)

The Gardener's Ladder (1911)

The Home of the Seal (1911)

The Test of Friendship (1911)

A Western Night (1911)

Fire Dept. of New York City (1911)

Sleep, Gentle Sleep (1911)

In the Days of Chivalry (1911)

Aviation Meet of the Aero Club, St. Louis, Mo. (1910)

The Romance of Hefty Burke (1910)

A Family of Vegetarians (1910)

Eldora, the Fruit Girl (1910)

A Christmas Carol (1910)

The Joke They Played on Bumptious (1910)

The Police Force of New York City (1910)

The Red Cross Seal (1910)

Pigs Is Pigs (1910)

A Mountain Maid (1910)

An Old Silver Mine in Peru (1910)

The Captain's Bride (1910)

Amateur Night (1910)

The Life of a Salmon (1910)

The Winning of Miss Langdon (1910)

The Cowpuncher's Glove (1910)

Arms and the Woman (1910)


The Greater Love (1910)

A Daughter of the Mines (1910)

Through the Clouds (1910)

His Mother's Thanksgiving (1910)

The Toymaker, the Doll and the Devil (1910)

The Stolen Claim (1910)

Into the Jaws of Death (1910)

The Adoption (1910)

The Ship's Husband (1910)

A Trip Over the Rocky and Selkirk Mountains in Canada (1910)

The Lassie's Birthday (1910)

The Little Station Agent (1910)

Boy Scouts of America in Camp at Silver Bay, Lake George, N.Y. (1910)

Riders of the Plains (1910)

The Key of Life (1910)

The Swiss Guide (1910)

The Breach of Discipline (1910)

A Wedding Trip from Montreal Through Canada to Hong Kong (1910)

The House of the Seven Gables (1910)

The Chuncho Indians of the Amazon River, Peru (1910)

The Stolen Father (1910)

The Song That Reached His Heart (1910)

Bumptious Plays Baseball (1910)

The Farmer's Daughter (1910/I)

More Than His Duty (1910)

Ononko's Vow (1910) The Stenographer's Friend; Or, What Was Accomplished by an Edison Business Phonograph (1910)

Over Mountain Passes (1910)

The Footlights or the Farm (1910)

A Jar of Cranberry Sauce; or, The Crime in Room 13 (1910)

Almost a Hero (1910/I)

An Unselfish Love (1910)

Bumptious as a Fireman (1910)

From the Arctics to the Tropics (1910)

The Great Secret (1910)

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1910)

The Big Scoop (1910)

The Man Who Learned (1910)

Carrie de Mar (1910)

The Pickaninny and the Pup (1910)

From Tyranny to Liberty (1910)

The Valet's Vindication (1910)


Love and the Law (1910/I)

Bumptious Takes Up Automobiling (1910)

How the Squire Was Captured (1910)

His New Family (1910)

The Attack on the Mill (1910)

The Lady and the Burglar (1910)

The Moths and the Flame (1910)

United States Submarine 'Salmon' (1910)

With Bridges Burned (1910)

Sea Waves (1910)

St. George and the Dragon (1910)

The Great Ball Game Between the East and the West (1910)

Bumptious as an Aviator (1910)

The Unexpected Reward (1910)

Peg Woffington (1910)

A Frontier Hero (1910)

Lazy Farmer Brown (1910)

The Old Loves and the New (1910)

A Vacation in Havana (1910)

How Bumptious Papered the Parlor (1910)

Out of the Night (1910)

A Wireless Romance (1910)

A Tale of Two Coats (1910)

Equal to the Emergency (1910)

The Stars and Stripes (1910)

The Little Fiddler (1910)

The Judgment of the Mighty Deep (1910)

Bootles' Baby (1910)

A Central American Romance (1910)

The House on the Hill (1910)

United States Life Saving Drills (1910)

The Bellringer's Daughter (1910)

Mr. Bumptious on Birds (1910)

The Shyness of Shorty (1910)

The Piece of Lace (1910)

Panoramic Railway View from Front of Train (1910)

The Mule Driver and the Garrulous Mute (1910)

'Mid the Cannon's Roar (1910)

All on Account of a Laundry Mark (1910)

Fortune's Fool (1910)

Sisters (1910)

The Princess and the Peasant (1910)

Accidents Will Happen (1910)


Carminella (1910)

History Repeats Itself (1910)

The Stuff That Americans Are Made Of (1910)

Love and Marriage in Poster Land (1910)

The Senator and the Suffragettes (1910)

The Cigarette Maker of Seville (1910)

A Yorkshire School (1910)

Drowsy Dick, Officer No. 73 (1910)

Gallegher (1910)

Ready in a Minute (1910)

The Miner and Camille (1910)

A Case of Identity (1910)

Her First Appearance (1910)

For Her Sister's Sake (1910)

King Cotton (1910)

Sandy the Substitute (1910)

It Pays to Advertise (1910)

The Heart of a Rose (1910)

Michael Strogoff (1910)

Bradford's Claim (1910)

The Capture of the Burglar (1910)

The Suit Case Mystery (1910)

A Western Romance (1910)

The Man with the Weak Heart (1910)

Frankenstein (1910)

A Mountain Blizzard (1910)

Fruit Growing, Grand Valley, Colorado (1910)

His First Valentine (1910)

Love Drops (1910)

My Milliner's Bill (1910)

The Right Decision (1910)

At the Eleventh Hour (1910)

The Man Under the Bed (1910)

Ranson's Folly (1910)

New York of Today (1910)

Lost and Regained (1910)

That Girl of Dixon's (1910)

A Victim of Bridge (1910)

A Trip to Mars (1910)

The Miniature (1910/I)

The President's Special (1910)

An Equine Hero (1910)

A Queen of the Burlesque (1910)


The Livingston Case (1910)

His Just Deserts (1910)

The Bad Man from Riley's Gulch (1910)

The Surprise Party (1910)

A Japanese Peach Boy (1910)

A Georgia Possum Hunt (1910)

The Skipper's Yarn (1910)

A Woman's Strategy (1910)

Luck of Roaring Camp (1910)

The Coquette (1910)

In the Nick of Time (1910)

A Warrior Bold (1910)

The Parson's Umbrella (1910) Troop 'B', 15th U.S. Cavalry Bareback Squad in the Monkey Drill, at Fort Myer, Virginia (1910)

Bear Hunt in the Rockies (1910)

Ashes (1910)

The Engineer's Romance (1910)

Pardners (1910)

The Comet (1910)

Fishing Industry at Gloucester, Mass. (1909)

Marie Dressler (1909)

The Cap of Fortune (1909)

The Fallen Idol (1909)

Tobacco Mania (1909)

Faust (1909)

A Happy Accident (1909)

The Mischievous Elf (1909)

A Gift from Santa Claus (1909)

Fenton of the 42nd (1909)

The New Policeman (1909)

The House of Cards (1909)

My Lord in Livery (1909)

What the Cards Foretold (1909)

The Keeper of the Light (1909)

Atlanta Automobile Speedway Races (1909)

The Fox Hunt (1909)

The Heart of a Clown (1909)

The Wonderful Electro-Magnet (1909)

Annual Celebration of School Children at Newark, New Jersey (1909)

Bluebeard (1909)

Thanksgiving, Then and Now (1909)

A Rose of the Tenderloin (1909)


Three Thanksgivings (1909)

A Winter's Tale (1909)

The Imp of the Bottle (1909)

A Man with Three Wives (1909)

His Masterpiece (1909)

A Bride and Groom's Visit to the New York Zoological Gardens (1909)

A Duel in Mid-Air (1909)

Bill, the Bill Poster (1909)

Comedy and Tragedy (1909)

All's Fair in Love (1909)

The Three Kisses (1909)

The Lie (1909) Landing of Com. Robert E. Peary, the Discovery of the North Pole at Sydney, Nova Scotia (1909)

A Great Game (1909)

The Lost Handbag (1909)

Their Social Education (1909)

Hansel and Gretel (1909)

Whitler's Witless Wanderings (1909)

A New Life (1909)

Expert Glass Blowing (1909)

The Minister's Daughter (1909)

Laddie (1909)

The Wallace Jewels (1909)

Two of a Kind (1909)

Why Girls Leave Home (1909)

Naval Parade of the Hudson-Fulton (1909)

A Knight for a Night (1909)

Love and War: An Episode of Waterloo (1909)

True Love Never Runs Smoothly (1909)

The Ordeal (1909)

How the Landlord Collected His Rents (1909)

'Tis Now the Very Witching Hour of Night (1909)

The Little Sister (1909)

The Amateur William Tell (1909)

The Making of Honey (1909)

A Dangerous Pair (1909)

The Temptation (1909)

Backward, Turn Backward, O Time, in Your Flight (1909)

Ethel's Luncheon (1909)

Suffer Little Children

A Dash to Death (1909)

A Child of the Forest (1909)


The Patience of Miss Job (1909)

The Web of Fate: An Incident of the French Revolution (1909)

The Wright Brothers Aeroplane (1909)

A Simple Home Dinner (1909)

Far from the Madding Crowd (1909)

Furnished Rooms to Let (1909)

The Price of a Soul (1909)

A Coward (1909)

Apprentice Boys at Newport (R.I.)

Lochinvar (1909)

The Tobacco Edict, Old New York, 1648 (1909)

The Prince and the Pauper (1909)

Love's Sacrifice (1909)

Mulligan's Waterloo (1909)

Mother Goose (1909)

Taking His Photograph (1909)

Casey's Jumping Toothache (1909)

The Bridegroom's Dilemma (1909)

McGinty's Sudden Rise (1909)

The Missionary and the Maid (1909)

Caught by the Coupon Craze (1909)

The Egyptian Mystery (1909)

The Secret of the Locket (1909)

An Absent-Minded Cupid (1909)

A Squeedunk Sherlock Holmes (1909)

Up the Ladder with Tom Bowline (1909)

He Wouldn't Go Under a Ladder (1909)

Parted on Their Honeymoon (1909)

A Man Without a Country (1909)

An Affair of Art (1909)

The Whole World Kin (1909)

The Lost Invitation (1909)

Closed on Sunday (1909)

How the Tramp Got the Lunch (1909)

A Rural Tragedy (1909)

Buying Manhattan (1909)

The Boots He Couldn't Lose (1909)

The Legend of Sterling Keep (1909)

A Wife's Ordeal (1909)

The Hold-Up Held Up (1909)

The Curfew Bell (1909)

Pressing Business (1909/II)

A Child's Prayer (1909)


Professor Fix Fixed (1909)

Brothers in Arms (1909)

Little Miss Moffit and Simian Stone (1909)

The Sandman (1909)

A Somnambulistic Hero (1909)

See a Pin and Pick It Up, All That Day You'll Have Good Luck (1909)

The Pony Express (1909)

Lunatics in Power (1909)

Fuss and Feathers (1909)

The Doctored Dinner Pail (1909)

A Road to Love (1909)

An Unsuccessful Substitution (1909)

Uncle Tom Wins (1909)

The Little Shepherd of Tumbling Run (1909)

Who's Who (1909)

The Wood-Chopper's Child (1909)

In the Days of Witchcraft (1909)

The Interrupted Joy Ride (1909)

The Other Fellow; or, A Fight for Love (1909)

A Cup of Tea and She (1909)

Father's First Half-Holiday (1909)

Unappreciated Genius (1909)

On the Western Frontier (1909)

Hard to Beat (1909)

Oh! Rats! (1909)

A Cry from the Wilderness; or, A Tale of the Esquimaux and Midnight Sun (1909)

Strolling Players (1909)

The Star of Bethlehem (1909)

A Midnight Supper (1909)

Love Is Blind (1909)

A Canadian Winter Carnival (1909)

Mary Jane's Lovers (1909)

The Colored Stenographer (1909)

A Bird in a Gilded Cage (1909)

100 Per Cent Jealousy (1909)

Boyhood Dreams (1909)

Left Out (1909)

The Janitor's Bottle (1909)

The Landlady's Portrait (1909)

The Uplifting Mr. Barker (1909)

A Daughter of the Sun (1909)

The Saleslady's Matinee Idol (1909)

A Bachelor's Supper (1909)


The Adventures of an Old Flirt (1909)

The Origin of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (1909)

A Modest Young Man (1909)

A Romance of Old Madrid (1909)

A Burglar Cupid (1909)

Pagan and Christian (1909)

Drawing the Color Line (1909)

Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight? (1909)

The Worm Will Turn (1909)

Under Northern Skies (1909)

A Persistent Suitor (1909)

The Lost New Year's Dinner (1908)

Turning Over a New Leaf (1908)

An Unexpected Santa Claus (1908)

A Street Waif's Christmas (1908)

Cocoa Industry, Trinidad, British West Indies (1908)

The Angel Child (1908)

The Tale the Ticker Told (1908)

Miss Sherlock Holmes (1908)

The Old Maids' Temperance Club (1908)

Lord Feathertop (1908)

The King's Pardon (1908)

The Lady or the Tiger (1908) Colonial Virginia: Historical Scenes and Incidents Connected with the Founding of Jamestown, Virginia (1908)

The New Stenographer (1908)

She (1908)

The Lovers' Telegraphic Code (1908)

The Jester (1908)

Saved by Love (1908)

A Football Warrior (1908)

The Army of Two (An Incident During the American Revolution) (1908)

A Fool for Luck; or, Nearly a Policeman (1908)

Minstrel Mishaps; or, Late for Rehearsal (1908)

Ex-Convict No. 900 (1908)

The Bridge of Sighs (1908)

A Voice from the Dead (1908)

The Lover's Guide (1908)

Sandy McPherson's Quiet Fishing Trip (1908)

Ten Pickaninnies (1908)

Pocahontas: A Child of the Forest (1908)

Buying a Title (1908)

The Leprechaun: An Irish Fairy Story (1908)


Wifey's Strategy (1908)

The Devil (1908/II)

A Comedy in Black and White (1908)

Heard Over the Phone (1908)

Romance of a War Nurse (1908)

Aeroplane Flights by Henry Farman, Coney Island, N.Y., U.S.A. (1908)

When Ruben Comes to Town (1908)

Life's a Game of Cards (1908)

Tales the Searchlight Told (1908)

A Dumb Hero (1908)

Fly Paper (1908)

The Face on the Bar-Room Floor (1908)

The Boston Tea Party (1908)

The Little Coxswain of the Varsity Eight (1908)

Pioneers Crossing the Plains in '49 (1908)

'June Bug' Aeroplane (1908)

Love Will Find a Way (1908)

Honesty Is the Best Policy (1908)

The Blue and the Gray; or, The Days of '61 (1908)

Skinner's Finish (1908)

Curious Mr. Curio (1908)

The Painter's Revenge (1908)

The Gentleman Burglar (1908)

Bridal Couple Dodging Cameras (1908)

The Merry Widow Waltz Craze (1908)

Nero and the Burning of Rome (1908)

The Cowboy and the Schoolmarm (1908)

Tale the Autumn Leaves Told (1908)

A Country Girl's Seminary Life and Experiences (1908)

Animated Snowballs (1908)

Stage Memories of an Old Theatrical Trunk (1908)

Nellie, the Pretty Typewriter (1908)

Playmates (1908)

Cupid's Pranks (1908)

A Sculptor's Welsh Rabbit Dream (1908)

A Yankee Man-o-Warsman's Fight for Love (1908)

Fireside Reminiscences (1908)

Rescued from an Eagle's Nest (1908)

A Suburbanite's Ingenious Alarm (1908)

The Life of an American Cowboy (1908)

A Little Girl Who Did Not Believe in Santa Claus (1907)

Laughing Gas (1907/I)

College Chums (1907)


The Trainer's Daughter; or, A Race for Love (1907)

Three American Beauties (No. 2) (1907)

Midnight Ride of Paul Revere (1907)

Jack the Kisser (1907)

A Race for Millions (1907)

The Rivals (1907)

Stage Struck (1907)

The Nine Lives of a Cat (1907)

Cohen's Fire Sale (1907)

Fire Run, Colon Fire Department Under Cocoanut Tree (1907)

Jamaica Negroes Doing a Two-Step (1907)

Jamestown Exposition International Naval Review, Hampton Roads, Virginia (1907)

Machete Men Clearing a Jungle (Panama Canal) (1907)

Making the Dirt Fly; Scene 1, Steam Shovel in Operation, Culebra Cut (1907)

Making the Dirt Fly; Scene 2, Unloading a Dirt Train (1907)

Making the Dirt Fly; Scene 3, Dirt Scraper in Operation (1907)

Making the Dirt Fly; Scene 4, Railroad Track Lifter in Operation (1907)

Making the Dirt Fly; Scene 5, Laborers Lining Up at Mess Tent (1907)

Old Market Place, Panama (1907)

Panorama from Columbus Point of Atlantic Entrance to the Canal (1907)

Panorama La Boca Harbor and Pacific Entrance to the Canal (1907)

Panorama of Culebra Cut (1907)

Panorama Ruins of Old French Machinery (1907)

U.S. Sanitary Squad Fumigating a House (1907)

Lost in the Alps (1907)

The 'Teddy' Bears (1907)

A Trip Through the Yellowstone Park, U.S.A. (1907)

Crowds Returning from the Games, Waikiki, H.I. (1907)

Kanaka Fishermen Casting the Throw Net, Hilo, H.I. (1907)

Loading Sugar, Kahului, Maui, H.I. (1907)

Native Hawaiian Guards in Bayonet Exercises, H.I. (1907)

Panoramic View, Crater of Haleakala, H.I. (1907)

Panoramic View, Honolulu Harbor, H.I. (1907)

Panoramic View, King St. Honolulu, H.I. (1907)

Panoramic View, Oahu Railroad, Haleiwa, H.I. (1907)

Panoramic View, Oahu Railroad, Pearl Harbor, Hawaiian Islands (1907)

Panoramic View of Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, H.I. (1907)

Panoramic View, Waikiki, from an Electric Car, H.I. (1907)

Pa-u Riders, Hawaiian Islands (1907)

Scenes on a Sugar Plantation, Hawaiian Islands (1907)

Shipping Cattle, Hawaihae, Hawaiian Islands (1907)

Snapshots, Hawaiian Islands (1907)

S.S. 'Kinau' Landing Passengers, Laupahoihoi, H.I. (1907)


Surf Board Riders, Waikiki, Honolulu, H.I. (1907)

Surf Scene, Laupahoihoi, Hawaiian Islands (1907)

The 'Float', Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands (1907)

Water Buffalo Wallowing, Hawaiian Islands (1907)

Daniel Boone (1907)

Scene at 'The Oaks', Portland, Oregon (1907)

American Falls from Canadian Side, Niagara Falls, N.Y. (1906)

American Falls from Goat Island, Niagara Falls, N.Y. (1906)

A Trip on the 'Chippewa', Niagara Falls, N.Y. (1906)

A Trip on the 'Maid in the Mist', Niagara Falls, N.Y. (1906)

Cave of the Winds (1906)

Horseshoe Falls from American Side, Niagara Falls, N.Y. (1906)

Horseshoe Falls from Canadian Side, Niagara Falls, N.Y. (1906)

Whirlpool Rapids (1906)

Humuula Sheep Ranch (1906)

The Honeymoon at Niagara Falls (1906)

Getting Evidence (1906)

Scenes and Incidents U.S. Military Academy, West Point (1906)

Vanderbilt Cup 1906 (1906)

Arrival Mahukona Express, Kohala, Hawaii (1906)

Hauling Sugar Cane, Kohala Plantation, Hawaii (1906)

Hawaiians Arriving to Attend a Luau or Native Feast (1906)

Hawaiians Departing to Attend a Luau or Native Feast (1906)

How the Office Boy Saw the Ball Game (1906)

Kathleen Mavourneen (1906)

Scenes in Hawaii (1906)

Shearing Sheep, Humuula Ranch, Hawaii (1906)

Sheep Coming Through Chute, Humuula Ranch, Hawaii (1906)

S.S. 'Kinau' Landing Passengers, Mahukona, Hawaii (1906)

Washing Sheep, Humuula Beach, Hawaii (1906)

Waiting at the Church (1906)

Bird's Eye View from Hopkins Art Institute (1906)

Dynamiting Ruins and Rescuing Soldiers Caught in the Fallen Walls (1906)

Earthquake Ruins, New Majestic Theatre and City Hall (1906)

Panorama, City Hall, Van Ness Avenue and College of St. Ignatius (1906)

Panorama, Nob Hill and Ruins of Millionaire Residences (1906)

Panorama, Notorius 'Barbary Coast' (1906)

Panorama, Ruins Aristocratic Apartments (1906)

Panorama, Russian and Nob Hill from an Automobile (1906)

Ruins Bulletin Building, California Theatre and Evening Post (1906)

Ruins of Chinatown (1906)

The Life of a Cowboy (1906)

Three American Beauties (1906)


Vertical Panorama City Hall and Surroundings (1906)

Joke on a Roundsman (1906)

The Terrible Kids (1906)

A Winter Straw Ride (1906)

Runaway in the Park (1906)

Phoebe Snow (1906)

Dream of a Rarebit Fiend (1906)

Army Pack Train Bringing Supplies (1906)

Auto Climbing Contest (1906)

Moose Hunt in Canada (1906)

Police Chasing Scorching Auto (1906)

The Night Before Christmas (1905)

Life of an American Policeman (1905)

A River Tragedy (1905)

Desperate Encounter Between Burglar and Police (1905)

Digesting a Joke (Jas T. Powers) (1905)

Motor Boat Race at Monaco (1905)

Train Wreckers (1905)

Everybody Works But Father (1905/II)

The Miller's Daughter (1905)

Down on the Farm (1905)

Engagement Ring (1905)

Fireman's Parade, Scranton, Pa. (1905)

Naval Warfare (1905)

Scenes in a Police Court (1905)

Steel Works (1905)

The Czar at Czarkoe Selo (1905)

The Watermelon Patch (1905)

Poor Algy (1905)

Always a Gentleman (1905)

Burglar and Bull Dog (1905)

Burglar and Vapor Bath (1905)

Chewing Gum (1905)

Cigarette Fiend (1905)

Cry Baby (1905)

Dressing the Baby (1905)

Fortune Telling in a Gypsy Camp (1905)

Girls and 'Barrel of Love' (1905)

Girls and Moving Stairway (1905)

Girls on the 'Bumpety Bump' (1905)

Girls Riding Camels (1905)

Girls Riding Steeplechase (1905)

Girls Riding 'Trolley' (1905)


Great Buffalo Chase (1905)

Lucille Mulhall and Trick Horse (1905)

Lucille Mulhall Roping and Tying a Steer (1905)

Old Maid and Pet Cat (1905)

Old Sweethearts (1905)

Sneezing (1905)

Starting on Coyote Hunt (1905)

Steamboat Travel on Long Island Sound (1905)

The Boarding School Girls (1905)

The White Caps (1905)

Western 'Bad Man' Shooting Up a Saloon (1905)

The Little Train Robbery (1905)

An Affair of Honor (1905)

Empire State Express, the Second, Taking Water on the Fly (1905)

June's Birthday Party (1905)

Mystic Shriners' Day, Dreamland, Coney Island (1905)

Scenes and Incidents, Russo-Japanese Peace Conference, Portsmouth, N.H. (1905)

The Electric Mule (1905)

Whaling (1905)

Wide Awake (1905)

Blowing Bottles (1905)

On a Good Old 5-Cent Trolley Ride (1905)

Stolen by Gypsies (1905)

The Burglar's Slide for Life (1905)

Torpedo Boats Manoeuvering (1905)

Drills and Exercises, Schoolship 'St. Mary's' (1905)

Raffles the Dog (1905)

Coney Island at Night (1905)

Hippodrome Races, Dreamland, Coney Island (1905)

How Jones Lost His Roll (1905)

Kitties' Band (1905)

Opening of Belmont Park Race Course (1905)

'Play Ball' - Opening Game, National League, N.Y. City, 1905 - New York vs. Boston (1905)

Start of Ocean Race for Kaiser's Cup (1905)

The Whole Dam Family and the Dam Dog (1905)

Cards and Crime (1905)

Her First Bicycle Lesson (1905) Inauguration of President Roosevelt. President-Elect Roosevelt, Vice-President-Elect Fairbanks and Escort Going to the Capitol (1905)

Inauguration of President Roosevelt. Taking the Oath of Office (1905)

Inauguration of President Roosevelt, the Grand Inaugural Parade (1905)

President Roosevelt's Inauguration (1905)

Too Much for Dad (1905)


Duel Between Japanese and Russian Soldiers (1905)

The Kleptomaniac (1905)

The Seven Ages (1905)

A Trip to Salt Lake City (1905)

Largest Fat Boy in the World (1905)

Masher and Oyster Stand (1905)

St. Patrick's Day Parade, Lowell, Mass. (1905)

Traction Engine (1905)

Polar Bears at Play with Cubs (1904)

The Ex-Convict (1904)

Mining Operations, Pennsylvania Coal Fields (1904)

The Strenuous Life; or, Anti-Race Suicide (1904)

Scarecrow Pump (1904)

Sandy McGregor (1904)

A Rube Couple at a County Fair (1904)

City Hall to Harlem in 15 Seconds, Via the Subway Route (1904)

Love Will Find a Way (1904)

Miss Lillian Shaffer and Her Dancing Horse (1904)

Opening Ceremonies, New York Subway, October 27, 1904 (1904)

Railroad Smashup (1904)

Result Too Much Jealousy (1904)

Wifey's Christmas Gift (1904)

Cliffs of Cheddar, England (1904)

Diving Scene and Reverse (1904)

Dwarf's Troubles (1904)

Embarking Wood in the Far East (1904)

Fisherman, Gendarmes and Bike Thief (1904)

Love's Dilemma (1904)

Old Maid's Flirtation (1904)

Real Warrior (1904)

Scenes in Slate Quarry (1904)

Parsifal (1904)

Annual Baby Parade, 1904, Asbury Park, N.Y. (1904)

Burglar, Cop and Barrel (1904)

Capture of the 'Yegg' Bank Burglars (1904)

Children and Rabbits (1904)

Democratic Presidential Candidate, Judge Parker, and Mayor McClellan, Esopus, N.Y. (1904)

European Rest Cure (1904)

Fencing Contest Between Japanese Soldiers, Manchuria (1904)

Great Temple Procession, Nikko, Japan (1904)

How a French Nobleman Got a Wife Through the 'New York Herald' Personal Columns (1904)

Japanese Fan Dance (1904)

Japanese Warriors in Ancient Battle Scene (1904)


Military Maneuvers, Manassas, Va. (1904)

Nervy Nat Kisses the Bride (1904)

President Theodore Roosevelt (1904)

Pussy's Dinner (1904)

War Balloon Ascending and Descending (1904)

Fire and Flames at Luna Park, Coney Island (An Attraction at Coney Island) (1904)

Judge Parker Receiving the Notification of His Nomination for the Presidency (1904)

Bobby and the Automobile (1904)

Boxing Horses Luna Park, Coney Island (1904)

Bumping Races (1904)

Canoeing on the Charles River, Boston, Mass. (1904)

Children and White Rats (1904)

Chutes at Imaha, Finland (1904)

Cleaning a Stove Pipe (1904)

Clown, Tramp and Cop (1904)

Curate's Love (1904)

Dogs Playing Bush Ball (1904)

Dude in an English Railway Coach (1904)

Easter Flower Parade in Bois de Boulogne, Paris (1904)

Elephants Shooting the Chutes, Luna Park, Coney Island, No. 2 (1904)

English Locomotive in Shop and on Rail (1904)

English Submarine Boat Disaster (1904)

Facial Contortions (1904)

Game of Old Maid (1904)

Hauling in the Fish (1904)

Housemaid's Lovers (1904)

Inter-Collegiate Regatta, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (1904)

Landing a 'Long Tom' Gun (1904)

Launching the Lifeboat (1904)

Lion Tamer (1904)

London Street Fakirs (1904)

Lotto, the Trick Bicyclist (1904)

Massachusetts Naval Reserves Leaving the U.S.S. 'Alabama' (1904)

Nervous Man Retiring (1904)

Night Owl's Return (1904)

Obstacle Race, Net and Tank, S.S. 'Coptic', Mid-Ocean (1904)

Outing, Mystic Shriners, Atlantic City, New Jersey (1904)

Parade, Mystic Shriners, Atlantic City, New Jersey (1904)

Peeping Frenchman at the German Bathhouse (1904)

Pillow Fight, S.S. 'Coptic', Mid-Ocean (1904)

'Pollywogs' 71st Regiment, N.G.S.Y., Initiating Raw Recruits (1904)

Saturday Afternoon Shopping (1904)

Scenes in an Infant Orphan Asylum (1904)


Scenes Through a Telescope from Bridge of Russian Battleship (1904)

Sick Man's Delirium (1904)

That Impudent Flea (1904)

The Gordon Bennett Automobile Trials, Isle of Man (1904)

Troop Landing and Battle Scene (1904)

Two Bad Boys in Church (1904)

Two Old Pals at Lunch (1904)

What Happened to Jones (1904)

Wheelbarrow and Automobile (1904)

Zoological Garden (1904)

White Star S.S. Baltic Leaving Pier on First Eastern Voyage (1904)

Acrobat and Pony (1904)

Elephants Shooting the Chutes at Luna Park (1904)

Inter-Collegiate Athletic Association Championships (1904)

'Weary Willie' Kidnaps a Child (1904)

A Brush Between Cowboys and Indians (1904)

Annual Parade, New York Fire Department (1904)

Bucking Broncos (1904)

Capsized Boat (1904)

Cowboys and Indians Fording River in a Wagon (1904)

Dog Factory (1904)

Driving Cattle to Pasture (1904)

Hold Up in a Country Grocery Store (1904)

Rounding Up and Branding Cattle (1904)

The Cop Fools the Sergeant (1904)

War Canoe Race (1904)

Western Stage Coach Hold Up (1904)

Babe and Puppies (1904)

Japanese Acrobats (1904)

Battle of Chemulpo Bay (1904)

Camel Caravan, Pekin, China (1904)

Flower Parade Race Course, Moscow (1904)

Skirmish Between Russian and Japanese Advance Guards (1904)

Buster and Tige Put a Balloon Vendor Out of Business (1904)

Buster Brown and the Dude (1904)

Buster Makes Room for His Mama at the Bargain Counter (1904)

Buster's Dog to the Rescue (1904)

Panorama of Ruins from Lombard and Hanover Streets, Baltimore, Md

Pranks of Buster Brown and His Dog Tige (1904)

Section of Buster Brown Series, Showing a Sketch of Buster by Outcault (1904)

Sleighing in Central Park, New York (1904)

Animated Painting (1904)

Casey's Frightful Dream (1904)


Cohen's Advertising Scheme (1904)

Halloween Night at the Seminary (1904)

Ice Boating on the North Shrewsbury, Red Bank, N.J. (1904)

Little German Band (1904)

Midnight Intruder (1904)

Old Maid and Fortune Teller (1904)

Panorama of Ruins from Baltimore and Charles Street (1904)

Panorama of Ruins from Lombard and Charles Street (1904)

Panorama of Ruins from Water Front (1904)

Wifey's Mistake (1904)

Circular Panorama of the Horse Shoe Falls in Winter (1904)

Convention of Red Men, Lancaster, Pa. (1904)

Crossing Ice Bridge at Niagara Falls (1904)

Easter Sunday, Atlantic City Boardwalk (1904)

Herding Horses Across a River (1904)

Ice Skating in Central Park, N.Y. (1904)

Japanese Flag Dance (1904)

Labor Day Parade (1904)

Lion and Lioness (1904)

Maniac Chase (1904)

Rector's to Claremont (1904)

San Francisco Chinese Funeral (1904)

Sliding Down Ice Mound at Niagara Falls (1904) Treloar and Miss Marshall, Prize Winners at the Physical Culture Show in Madison Square Garden (1904)

Buster's Joke on Papa (1903/II)

How Old Is Ann? (1903)

Opening of New East River Bridge, New York (1903)

The Office Boy's Revenge (1903)

Under the Mistletoe (1903)

The Great Train Robbery (1903)

Buster's Joke on Papa (1903/I)

Princeton and Yale Football Game (1903)

The Great Fire Ruins, Coney Island (1903)

What Happened in the Tunnel (1903)

Ancient and Honourable Artillery of London on Parade (1903)

An East River Novelty (1903)

A Romance of the Rail (1903)

Casey and His Neighbor's Goat (1903)

East Side Urchins Bathing in a Fountain (1903)

Flood Scene in Paterson, N.J. (1903)

Move On (1903)

New York City Public Bath (1903)


Rattan Slide and General View of Luna Park (1903)

Shooting the Rapids at Luna Park (1903)

Springfield Fire Department (1903)

The Ancient and Honourables Homeward Bound (1903)

The Animated Poster (1903)

The Extra Turn (1903)

The Heavenly Twins at Lunch (1903)

The Heavenly Twins at Odds (1903)

The Messenger Boy's Mistake (1903)

The Physical Culture Girl (1903)

Two Chappies in a Box (1903)

Baby Class at Lunch (1903)

Maypole Dance (1903)

Miss Jessie Cameron, Champion Child Sword Dancer (1903)

Miss Jessie Dogherty, Champion Female Highland Fling Dancer (1903)

New York Caledonian Club's Parade (1903)

Old Fashioned Scottish Reel (1903)

Orphans in the Surf (1903)

'Reliance' and 'Shamrock III' Jockeying and Starting in First Race (1903)

'Reliance' and 'Shamrock III' Turning Outer Stake in Second Race (1903)

'Reliance' Crossing the Line and Winning First Race (1903)

Rube and Fender (1903)

Sir Thomas Lipton's Yacht Fleet Leaving England (1903)

The Baby Review (1903)

Throwing the Sixteen Pound Hammer (1903)

Tub Race (1903)

Uncle Tom's Cabin (1903/I)

Turning the Tables (1903)

Down Where the Wurzburger Flows (1903)

Emigrants Landing at Ellis Island (1903)

Little Lillian, Toe Danseuse (1903)

Rube and Mandy at Coney Island (1903)

Seashore Frolics (1903)

Street Car Chivalry (1903/I)

Subub Surprises the Burglar (1903)

The Gay Shoe Clerk (1903)

A Scrap in Black and White (1903)

Miniature Railway at Wilmington Springs, Delaware (1903)

Policemen's Prank on Their Comrade (1903)

Razzle Dazzle (1903)

69th Regiment, N.G.N.Y. (1903)

'Africander' Winning the Suburban Handicap, 1903 (1903)

A Jewish Dance at Jerusalem (1903)


Arabian Jewish Dance (1903)

Crossing the Atlantic (1903)

Eating Macaroni in the Streets of Naples (1903)

Egyptian Boys in Swimming Race (1903)

Egyptian Market Scene (1903)

Excavating Scene at the Pyramids of Sakkarah (1903)

Feeding Pigeons in Front of St. Mark's Cathedral, Venice, Italy (1903)

Fording the River Nile on Donkeys (1903)

Going to Market, Luxor Egypt (1903)

Herd of Sheep on the Road to Jerusalem (1903)

Jerusalem's Busiest Street, Showing Mt. Zion (1903)

King Edward and President Loubet Reviewing French Troops (1903)

King Edward's Visit to Paris (1903)

Lake Lucerne, Switzerland (1903)

Panorama of Tivoli, Italy, Showing Seven Falls (1903)

Panoramic View of an Egyptian Cattle Market (1903)

Panoramic View of Beyrouth, Syria, Showing Holiday Festivities (1903)

Primitive Irrigation in Egypt (1903)

Shearing a Donkey in Egypt (1903)

Street Scene at Jaffa (1903)

Tourists Embarking at Jaffa (1903)

Tourists Landing at Island of Capri, Italy (1903)

Tourists Returning on Donkeys from Mizpah (1903)

Tourists Starting on Donkeys for the Pyramids of Sakkarah (1903)

Tourists Taking Water from the River Jordan (1903)

Washing Clothes at Sicily (1903)

Passengers Embarking from S.S. Augusta Victoria, at Beyrouth (1903)

Egyptian Fakir with Dancing Monkey (1903)

Fireboat 'New Yorker' Answering an Alarm (1903)

Fireboat 'New Yorker' in Action (1903)

Launching Cup Defender 'Reliance' (1903)

Lehigh Valley Black Diamond Express (1903)

New York City Dumping Wharf (1903)

New York City 'Ghetto' Fish Market (1903)

New York City Police Parade (1903)

Panorama of Blackwell's Island (1903)

Panorama of Riker's Island, N.Y. (1903)

Panorama Water Front and Brooklyn Bridge from East River (1903)

Panoramic View of Herreshoff Works from Bristol Harbor (1903)

Panoramic View of the Alps from an Electric Car (1903)

Panoramic View of Torpedo Boat 'Winslow' and Yacht 'Constitution' (1903)

Skyscrapers of New York City, from the North River (1903)

Sorting Refuse at Incinerating Plant, New York City (1903)


Steamscow 'Cinderella' and Ferryboat 'Cincinnati' (1903)

The Still Alarm (1903)

Threshing Outfit at Work (1903)

Wheat Harvesting Machines in Operation (1903)

New York Harbor Police Boat Patrol Capturing Pirates (1903)

Battle of Confetti at the Nice Carnival (1903)

Battle of Flowers at the Nice Carnival (1903)

Native Woman Washing a Negro Baby in Nassau, B.I. (1903)

Native Women Coaling a Ship and Scrambling for Money (West Indies) (1903)

Native Women Coaling a Ship at St. Thomas D.W.I. (1903)

Native Women Washing Clothes at St. Vincent, B.W.I. (1903)

Panorama of Morro Castle, Havana, Cuba (1903)

Panorama of Willemstadt, Curacao, Taken from the River (1903)

Panoramic View of Monte Carlo (1903)

Panoramic View of St. Pierre, Martinique (1903)

Pilot Leaving 'Prinzessen Victoria Luise' at Sandy Hook (1903)

Procession of Floats and Masqueraders at Nice Carnival (1903)

Railroad Panorama Near Spanishtown, Jamaica (1903)

Tourists Playing Shuffleboard on 'Prinzessen Victoria Luise' (1903)

West Indian Girls in Native Dance (1903)

Wharf Scene and Natives Swimming at St. Thomas, D.W.I. (1903)

Allentown Duck Farm (1903)

Annual Circus Parade (1903)

Arrival and Departure of President Loubet (1903)

Camel Race on the Desert (1903)

C.D. Graham Swimming the Lower Rapids (1903)

Market Scene in Cairo, Egypt (1903)

Mule Pack Train Taking Gold Dust to Dawson City (1903)

Smashing a Jersey Mosquito (1903)

Trial Run of the Fastest Boat in the World, 'The Arrow' (1903)

Electrocuting an Elephant (1903)

Goo Goo Eyes (1903)

Life of an American Fireman (1903)

The Unappreciated Joke (1903)

West Indian Boys Diving for Money (1903)

White Wings on Review (1903)

Broncho Busting Scene, Championship of the World (1902)

The Champs Elysees (1902)

How They Do Things on the Bowery (1902)

Rock of Ages (1902)

The Interrupted Bathers (1902)

Amputating a Leg (1902)

Bowling Alley at a German Picnic (1902)


California Naval Reserves (1902)

California Naval Reserves Drilling on Board Ship (1902) Circular Panoramic View of St. Pierre from the Lighthouse, Showing Mt. Pelee Smoking in the Distance (1902)

Circular Panoramic View of St. Pierre, Showing the Ruins of the Catholic Cathedral and Mt. Pelee Smoking in the Background (1902)

Circular Panoramic View of the Market Place at Fort de France, Showing S.S. Korona in the Background (1902)

Clearing the Course for the Henley Boat Races, July 10th, 1902 (1902)

Crying for His Bottle (1902)

Graduating Day at West Point Military Academy (1902)

Ice Racing in Stockholm (1902)

Kaiser Wilhelm Inspecting His Soldiers (1902)

King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, of Great Britain (1902)

Mounted Soldiers Fording a River (1902)

Moving Picture Operator on a Drunk (1902)

Native Bull Cart at Morne Rouge (A Suburb of St. Pierre) (1902)

Natives Unloading a Boat of Fire-Wood at Carbet (A Suburb of St. Pierre) (1902)

Natives Unloading a Coaling Vessel at Fort de France, Martinique (1902)

Native Women Washing Clothes at Fort de France (1902)

Native Women Washing Clothes at the Gueydon Fountain, Fort de France, Martinique (1902)

Papa Keeps the Telephone Appointment (1902)

Sea Sick Excursionists (1902)

Selling a Pet Dog (1902)

Skate Sailing in Sweden (1902)

Skating in Stockholm (1902)

Skiing in Stockholm, Sweden (1902)

Steeplechasing at the Brooklyn Handicap (1902)

Storm at Sea Near St. Pierre, Martinique (1902)

Street Scene in Fort de France, Martinique (1902)

The Bull and the Picnickers (1902)

The Columbia-Cornell-Pennsylvania Boat Race at Poughkeepsie (1902)

The Cook, Her Lover and the Lady of the House (1902)

The Golf Girls and the Tramp (1902)

The Lovers and the Donkey (1902)

The Lovers and the Egg Merchant (1902)

The Old Maid's Tea Party (1902)

The University College of Oxford Winning the Ladies' Challenge Plate (1902) Third Trinity, Cambridge, Winning the Race for the Grand Challenge Cup. Taken at

Henley on July 10th (1902)

Torpedo Boats Racing Off Newport (1902)

Two Germans in a Theatre (1902)

Unveiling the Rochambeau Statue, Washington, D.C. (1902)

Why Papa Reformed, or Setting Back the Clock (1902)


Jack and the Beanstalk (1902)

A Bowery Five Cent Shave (1902)

A Country Groceryman's Revenge (1902)

Appointment by Telephone (1902)

Building Made Easy; or, How Mechanics Work in the Twentieth Century (1902)

Burning of St. Pierre (Martinique) (1902)

Carlysle D. Graham Swimming the Whirlpool Rapids (1902)

Deep Water Diving Illustrated (1902)

Dr. Lehwis Automobile Leaving London for a Trip Around the World (1902)

English Army in the Battlefield (1902)

Entire Series of Yacht Race Pictures with Dissolving Effects (1902)

How the Lover Squared Himself with Papa (1902)

How Uncle Josh Defeated the Badgers (1902)

Japanese Girl Smoking Cigarettes (1902)

Life Rescue Scene at Atlantic City, N.J. (1902)

Little Willie's Last Celebration (1902)

Mt. Pelee Pelee in Eruption and Destruction of St. Pierre (Martinique) (1902)

Mt. Pelee Smoking Before Eruption (St. Pierre, Martinique) (1902)

Naughty Grandpa and the Field Glass (1902)

New Pie Eating Contest (1902)

Newsboys and Hokey Pokey Man (1902)

Old Maid Retiring (1902)

The Baby and the Pet Bird (1902)

The Bibulous Wire Walker (1902)

The Bull and the Bear (1902)

The Clown and His Mysterious Pictures (1902)

The Devil's Kitchen (1902)

The Hair in the Soup (1902)

The Mischievous Boys and the Washerwoman (1902)

The Mysterious Doctor (1902)

The National Geisha Dance of Japan (1902)

Babies Rolling Eggs (1902)

Charleston Chain Gang (1902)

Circular Panoramic View of Jones and Laughlin's Steel Yard (1902)

Egg Rolling at the White House (1902)

Feeding the Bear at the Menagerie (1902)

Fun in a Bakery Shop (1902)

Great Bull Fight (1902)

Las Viga Canal, Mexico (1902)

Loading a Vessel at Charleston, S.C. (1902)

Midway of Charleston Exposition (South Carolina) (1902)

Miniature Railway (1902)

Moonlight on Lake Maggiore, Italy (1902)


New Sunset Limited (1902)

Panoramic View from Pittsburgh to Allegheny (1902)

Panoramic View of Charleston Exposition (South Carolina) (1902)

Scrambling for Eggs (1902)

St. Patrick's Cathedral and Fifth Avenue on Easter Sunday Morning (New York City) (1902)

The Bessemer Steel Converter in Operation (1902)

The Burlesque Suicide (1902)

The Golden Chariots (1902)

The Swimming Ducks at Allentown (Pa.) Duck Farm (1902)

Tossing Eggs (1902)

The Burlesque Suicide, No. 2 (1902)

'Deutschland' Leaving New York at Full Speed (with Prince Henry of Prussia) (1902)

German and American Tableau (1902)

Kaiser Wilhelm's Yacht, 'Meteor,' Entering the Water (1902)

Prince Henry (of Prussia) Arriving at West Point (1902)

Prince Henry (of Prussia) at Lincoln's Monument, Chicago, Ill

Prince Henry (of Prussia) at Niagara Falls (1902)

Prince Henry (of Prussia) Reviewing the Cadets at West Point (1902)

Prince Henry (of Prussia) Visiting Cambridge, Mass. And Harvard University (1902)

Sailing of the 'Deutschland' with Prince Henry (of Prussia) on Board (1902)

Arrival of Prince Henry (of Prussia) and President Roosevelt at Shooter's Island (1902)

Arrival of the Governor General, Lord Minto, at Quebec (1902)

Capture of the Biddle Brothers (1902)

Christening and Launching Kaiser Wilhelm's Yacht 'Meteor' (1902)

Circular Panorama of Housing the Ice (1902)

Coasting Scene at Montmorency Falls, Canada (1902)

Cross-Country Running on Snow Shoes (1902)

Cutting and Canaling Ice (1902)

'Kronprinz Wilhelm' with Prince Henry (of Prussia) on Board Arriving in New York (1902)

Loading the Ice on Cars, Conveying It Across the Mountains and Loading It Into Boats (1902)

New York City in a Blizzard (1902)

Panorama of the Paterson (N.J.) Fire (1902)

Panoramic View of the Hohenzollern (1902)

Paterson (N.J.) Fire, Showing The Y.M.C.A. and Library (1902)

Prince Henry (of Prussia) Arriving in Washington and Visiting the German Embassy (1902)

Ruins of City Hall, Paterson (N.J.) (1902)

Skiing in Montreal (1902)

Skiing Scene in Quebec (1902)

Tobogganing in Canada (1902)

Working Rotary Snow Ploughs on Lehigh Valley Railroad (1902)

Burning of Durland's Riding Academy (1902)

A Cable Road in San Francisco, Cal. (1902)

Bird's-Eye View of San Francisco, Cal., from a Balloon (1902)


Chinese Shaving Scene (1902)

Facial Expression (1902)

Feeding Geese at Newman's Poultry Farm (1902)

Fishing at Faralone Island (1902)

Happy Hooligan Turns Burglar (1902)

New Year's Mummer's Parade (1902)

Panoramic View Between Palliser and Field, B.C. (1902)

Panoramic View Near Mt. Golden on the Canadian Pacific R.R. (1902)

Panoramic View of Mt. Tamalpais (1902)

Panoramic View of Mt. Tamalpais Between Bow Knot and McKinley Cut (1902)

Panoramic View of the Canadian Pacific R.R. Near Leanchoil, B.C. (1902)

Panoramic View of the Golden Gate (1902)

President Roosevelt Reviewing the Troops at Charleston Exposition (1902)

Sea Gulls Following Fishing Boats (1902)

The Twentieth Century Tramp; or, Happy Hooligan and His Airship (1902)

Uncle Josh at the Moving Picture Show (1902)

Ascending Mt. Low, California (1901)

Building a Harbor at San Pedro (1901)

California Oil Wells in Operation (1901)

Carrying Out the Snakes (1901)

Children Bathing (1901)

Harry Thompson's Imitations of Sousa (1901)

Jeffries Exercising in His Gymnasium (1901)

Jeffries in His Training Quarters (1901)

Jeffries Side Stepping and Wrestling (1901)

Jeffries Skipping the Rope (1901)

Jeffries Sparring with His Brother (1901)

Jeffries Throwing the Medicine Ball (1901)

Leaping Dogs at Gentry's Circus (1901)

Line-Up and Teasing the Snakes (1901)

Moki Snake Dance by Walpapi Indians (1901)

Panoramic View, Albert Canyon (1901)

Panoramic View, Kicking Horse Canyon (1901)

Panoramic View, Lower Kicking Horse Canyon (1901)

Panoramic View of Boston Subway from an Electric Car (1901)

Panoramic View of Moki-Land (1901)

Panoramic View of Rubio Canyon, Mt. Low R.R. (1901)

Panoramic View, Upper Kicking Horse Canyon (1901)

Parade of Snake Dancers Before the Dance (1901)

Pigeon Farm at Los Angeles, Cal

Prize Winners at the Country Fair (1901)

Roeber Wrestling Match (1901)

Ruhlin at His Training Quarters (1901)


Ruhlin Boxing with 'Denver' Ed Martin (1901)

Ruhlin Sparring in His Training Quarters (1901)

Tally Ho! (1901/I)

The March of Prayer and Entrance of the Dancers (1901)

Jeffries and Ruhlin Sparring Contest at San Francisco, Cal., November 15, 1901 (1901)

Ruhlin in His Training Quarters (1901)

The Artist's Dilemma (1901)

A Phenomenal Contortionist (1901)

Automobile Parade on the Coney Island Boulevard (1901)

Catching an Early Train (1901)

Panorama of Esplanade by Night (1901)

Royal Train with Duke and Duchess of York, Climbing Mt. Hector (1901)

Sham Battle at the Pan-American Exposition (1901)

Execution of Czolgosz with Panorama of Auburn Prison (1901)

Trapeze Disrobing Act (1901)

Captain Nissen Going Through Whirlpool Rapids, Niagara Falls (1901)

'Columbia' and 'Shamrock II' Finishing Second Race (1901)

'Columbia' and 'Shamrock II': Jockeying and Starting (1901)

'Columbia' and 'Shamrock II': Starting in the Third Race (1901)

'Columbia' and 'Shamrock II': Start of Second Race (1901)

'Columbia' and 'Shamrock II': Turning the Outer Stake Boat (1901)

'Columbia' Winning the Cup (1901/I)

'Columbia' Winning the Cup (1901/II)

Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York Landing at Queenstown, Ontario (1901)

Duke and Duchess of York Leaving the Railroad Station at Montreal, Canada (1901)

Duke and Duchess of York Marching Through the Streets of Montreal (1901) Duke and Duchess of York Presenting Medals to Boer War Veterans at the Unveiling of the Queen's Statue (1901)

Duke of York at Montreal and Quebec (1901)

Horse Parade at the Pan-American Exposition (1901)

McKinley's Funeral Entering Westlawn Cemetery, Canton [Ohio] (1901)

Panorama, Great Gorge Route Over Lewiston Bridge (1901)

Panoramic View of the President's House at Canton, Ohio (1901)

President Roosevelt at the Canton Station (1901)

Spanish Dancers at the Pan-American Exposition (1901)

Taking President McKinley's Body from Train at Canton, Ohio (1901)

The Duke and Duchess of York Arriving at Quebec (1901)

The Lovers, Coal Box, and Fireplace (1901)

Working the Breeches Buoy (1901)

Pan-American Exposition by Night (1901)

Panoramic View of the Fleet After Yacht Race (1901)

The Martyred Presidents (1901)

The Yacht Race Fleet Following the Committee Boat 'Navigator' Oct. 4th (1901)


Arrival of the Funeral Cortege at the City Hall, Buffalo, N.Y. (1901)

Faust Family of Acrobats (1901)

Lukens, Novel Gymnast (1901)

Mob Outside the Temple of Music at the Pan-American Exposition [Buffalo] (1901) Panoramic View of the Crowd Rushing for the City Hall, Buffalo, to View the Body of President McKinley (1901)

President McKinley Reviewing the Troops at the Pan-American Exposition (1901)

Rubes in the Theatre (1901)

Sampson-Schley Controversy (1901)

Street's Zouaves and Wall Scaling (1901)

The Multitude Passing Into the City Hall (1901)

The Musical Ride (1901)

The Trick Cyclist (1901)

What Demoralized the Barber Shop (1901)

President McKinley's Speech at the Pan-American Exposition (1901)

Bathing at Atlantic City (1901)

Bicycle Paced Race (1901)

Canoeing Scene (1901)

Circular Panorama of Electric Tower (1901)

Circular Panorama of Suspension Bridge and American Falls (1901)

Circular Panoramic View of Whirlpool Rapids (1901)

Esquimaux Game of Snap-the-Whip (1901)

Esquimaux Leap-Frog (1901)

Panoramic View of Electric Tower from a Balloon (1901)

Panoramic View of the Gorge Railroad (1901)

Photographing a Country Couple (1901)

Professional Handicap Bicycle Race (1901)

Soubrette's Troubles on a Fifth Avenue Stage Coach (1901)

Swimming Pool at Coney Island (1901)

Tally-Ho Departing for the Races (1901)

The 'Abbot' and 'Cresceus' Race (1901)

The Bad Boy's Joke on the Nurse (1901)

The Farmer and the Bad Boys (1901)

The Reversible Divers (1901)

The Tramp and the Nursing Bottle (1901)

'Weary Willie' and the Gardener (1901)

What Happened on Twenty-third Street, New York City (1901)

A Composite Picture of the Principal Buildings in Washington, D.C. (1901)

A German Cuirassier Regiment (1901)

American Falls from Top of Canadian Shore (1901)

Ammunition Wagons Arriving on the Battlefield (1901)

A Quick Hitch (1901)

A Rough Day on the Ocean (1901)


Arrival of Funeral Cortege at St. George's Chapel (1901)

A Wagon Load of Babies (1901)

Baby's Meal (1901)

Breslau Fire Department in Action (1901)

Burro Pack Train on Main Street, Dawson City (1901)

Circular Panorama of Atlantic City, N.J. (1901)

Circular Panorama of Mauch Chunk, Penna. (1901)

Circular Panorama of Niagara Falls (1901)

Circular Panorama of the American Falls (1901)

Circular Panorama of the Esplanade and Forecourt (1901)

Circular Panorama of the Midway (1901)

Duel in the Snow (1901)

Edward VII, King of England (1901)

Feeding the Pigeons (1901)

Fire Dance (1901)

Fire Drills at Breslau, Germany (1901)

Fireman Rescuing Men and Women (1901)

Firemen Fighting the Tarrant Fire (1901)

Flip-Flap Railway (1901)

Fun in a Chinese Laundry (1901/II)

Girl's Frolic at the Lake (1901)

Great Cavalry Charge (1901)

Great Corpus Christi Procession in Breslau (1901)

Great Newark Fire (1901)

Great Waterfall of the Rhein at Schaffhausen, Switzerland (1901)

Happy Hooligan Has Troubles with the Cook (1901)

Hockey Match on the Ice at Montreal, Canada (1901)

Hooligan and the Summer Girls (1901)

Hooligan at the Seashore (1901)

Hooligan Causes a Sensation (1901)

Hooligan's Narrow Escape (1901)

Hooligan Takes His Annual Bath (1901)

Hooligan Visits Central Park (1901)

How the Professor Fooled the Burglars (1901)

Japanese Village (1901)

Jumping Hurdles (1901)

London Fire Department (1901)

Love's Ardor Suddenly Cooled (1901)

Market Day in Breslau, Germany (1901)

Massacre at Constantinople (1901)

Miniature Railway (1901)

New York Sky-Line from East River and Battery (1901)

New York Sky-Line from the North River (1901)


Opening of Bismarck's Museum (1901)

Panorama of Brooklyn Bridge, River Front, and Tall Buildings from the East River (1901)

Panoramic View of the Bay of Fundy (1901)

Panoramic View of the Capitol, Washington, D.C. (1901)

Panoramic View of the White House, Washington, D.C. (1901)

Parade on the Speedway (1901)

Piccadilly Circus, London, England (1901)

Red Cross of the German Army on the Battlefield (1901)

Royal Artillery and English Sailors Marching Through Hyde Park (1901)

Royal Exchange, London, England (1901)

Scene in Legation Street, Shanghai (1901)

Searching the Ruins of the Tarrant Fire (1901)

Shooting the Chutes at Providence, Rhode Island (1901)

Snowballing Scene in Halifax (1901)

Stage Coach Hold-Up in the Days of '49 (1901)

Street Scene in Pekin (1901)

Such a Headache (1901)

The Assembly in the Indian Village (1901)

The Boston Fire Boat in Action (1901)

The Bowery Kiss (1901)

The Complete Funeral Cortege Passing Through Windsor (1901)

The Cragg Family (1901)

The Educated Chimpanzee (1901)

The Esquimaux Village (1901/II)

The Falling Walls at the Tarrant Explosion (1901)

The Finish of Michael Casey; or, Blasting Rocks in Harlem (1901)

The Fisherman and the Bathers (1901)

The Fox Hunt (1901)

The Funeral Arriving at Hyde Park (1901)

The Funeral Cortege Arriving at Trinity Pier (1901)

The Hayseed's Experience at Washington Monument (1901)

The Mechanical Doll (1901)

The Mischievous Clerks; or, How the Office Was Wrecked (1901)

The Photographer's Mishap (1901)

The Ragtime Waltz (1901)

The Reversing Sign Painter (1901)

The Tough Dance (1901)

The Tramp's Miraculous Escape (1901)

Three of a Kind; or, The Pirate's Dream (1901)

Training a Horse to Jump Hurdles (1901)

Two Old Cronies (1901)

Washing Down Decks (1901)

Why Bridget Stopped Drinking (1901)


A Trip Around the Pan-American Exposition (1901)

Circular Panorama of the Base of the Electric Tower, Ending Looking Down the Mall (1901)

Circular Panorama of the Electric Tower and Pond (1901)

Circular Panorama of the Esplanade with the Electric Tower in the Background (1901) Cornell-Columbia-University of Pennsylvania Boat Race at Ithaca, N.Y., Showing Lehigh Valley Observation Train (1901)


Launching of the New Battleship 'Ohio' at San Francisco, Cal. When President McKinley Was There (1901)

Opening of the Pan-American Exposition Showing Vice President Roosevelt Leading the Procession (1901)

Panoramic View of the Temple of Music and Esplanade (1901)

Fun in a Butcher Shop (1901)

How the Dutch Beat the Irish (1901)

Old Faithful Geyser (1901)

Packers on the Trail (1901)

Panoramic View of the White Pass Railroad (1901)

Riverside Geyser, Yellowstone Park (1901)

The Tramp's Strategy That Failed (1901)

Another Job for the Undertaker (1901)

Miles Canyon Tramway (1901)

Rocking Gold in the Klondike (1901)

Upper Falls of the Yellowstone (1901)

Washing Gold on 20 Above Hunker, Klondike (1901)

Laura Comstock's Bag-Punching Dog (1901)

Pie, Tramp and the Bulldog (1901)

The Gordon Sisters Boxing (1901)

The Tramp's Dream (1901)

Happy Hooligan April-Fooled (1901)

Happy Hooligan Surprised (1901)

The Automatic Weather Prophet (1901)

Love by the Light of the Moon (1901)

Montreal Fire Department on Runners (1901)

The Donkey Party (1901)

Kansas Saloon Smashers (1901)

President McKinley and Escort Going to the Capitol (1901)

President McKinley Taking the Oath (1901)

The Old Maid Having Her Picture Taken (1901)

Why Mr. Nation Wants a Divorce (1901)

A Joke on Grandma (1901)

Follow the Leader (1901)

The Finish of Bridget McKeen (1901)

Ice-Boat Racing at Redbank, N.J. (1901)

Terrible Teddy, the Grizzly King (1901)

Arrival of McKinley's Funeral Train at Canton, Ohio (1901)

Aunt Sallie's Wonderful Bustle (1901)

Complete Funeral Cortege at Canton, Ohio (1901)

Day at the Circus (1901)

Funeral Leaving the President's House and Church at Canton, Ohio (1901)

High Diving Scene (1901)


Love in a Hammock (1901)

Mysterious Cafe, or Mr. and Mrs. Spoopendyke Have Troubles with a Waiter (1901)

Ostrich Farms at Pasadena (1901)

President McKinley's Funeral Cortege at Buffalo, New York (1901)

President McKinley's Funeral Cortege at Washington, D.C. (1901)

The Tramp's Unexpected Skate (1901)

A Wringing Good Joke (1900)

Grandma and the Bad Boys (1900)

Hooligan Assists the Magician (1900)

The Clown and the Alchemist (1900)

The Congress of Nations (1900)

The Enchanted Drawing (1900)

Bird's-Eye View of Dock Front, Galveston (1900)

Launching a Stranded Schooner from the Docks (1900)

Panorama of East Galveston (1900)

Panorama of Wreckage of Water Front (1900)

Panoramic View of Tremont Hotel, Galveston (1900)

Searching Ruins on Broadway, Galveston, for Dead Bodies (1900)

Annual French Military Carousal (1900)

Arrival of Train at Paris Exposition (1900)

A Storm at Sea (1900)

Champs de Mars (1900)

Champs Elysees (1900)

Eiffel Tower from Trocadero Palace (1900)

Panorama of Place de l'Opéra (1900)

Panorama of the Moving Boardwalk (1900)

Panorama of the Paris Exposition, from the Seine (1900)

Scene from the Elevator Ascending Eiffel Tower (1900)

S.S. Maria Theresa in a Storm (1900)

Street Scene at Place de la Concorde, Paris, France (1900)

Watermelon Contest (1900)

New Black Diamond Express (1900)

Boers Bringing in British Prisoners (1900)

British Highlanders Exercising (1900)

British Troops on Dress Parade (1900)

English Transport 'Arundel Castle' Leaving for the Transvaal with British Troops (1900)

English Troops Boarding Transport (1900)

Overland Express Arriving at Helena, Mont

Red Cross Ambulance on Battlefield (1900)

Capture of Boer Battery by British (1900)

Santa Claus' Visit (1900)

Trolley Car Accident (1900)

Uncle Josh's Nightmare (1900)


An Animated Luncheon (1900)

Ching Ling Foo Outdone (1900)

Dick Croker Leaving Tammany Hall (1900)

A Darktown Dance (1900)

An Artist's Dream (1900)

Answering the Alarm (1900)

Automobile Parade (1900)

Battle of Mafeking (1900)

Boer Comissary Train Treking (1900)

Breaking of the Crowd at Military Review at Longchamps (1900)

Burning of the Standard Oil Co.'s Tanks, Bayonne, N.J. (1900)

Capture of Boer Battery (1900)

Charge of Boer Cavalry (1900)

Charge of the Boer Cavalry (1900)

Dancing on the Bowery (1900)

Discharging a Whitehead Torpedo (1900)

English Lancers Charging (1900)

Esplanade des Invalides (1900)

Exploding a Whitehead Torpedo (1900)

Gun Drill by Naval Cadets at Newport Training School (1900)

Gymnasium Exercises and Drill at Newport Training School (1900)

Happy Hooligan (1900)

High Diving by A.C. Holden (1900)

Maude's Naughty Little Brother (1900)

Military Scenes at Newport, R.I. (1900)

Naval Apprentices at Sail Drill on Historic Ship 'Constellation' (1900)

Naval Sham Battle at Newport (1900)

Palace of Electricity (1900)

Panorama from the Moving Boardwalk (1900)

Panorama of Eiffel Tower (1900)

Panorama of Galveston Power House (1900)

Panorama of Gorge Railway (1900)

Panorama of Paris Exposition, from the Seine (1900)

Panoramic View of the Champs Elysees (1900)

Panoramic View of the Place de la Concorde (1900)

Scene in the Swiss Village at Paris Exposition (1900)

Scene on the Boulevard de Capucines (1900)

Sham Battle on Land by Cadets at Newport Naval Training School (1900)

Swiss Village, No. 2 (1900)

The Girl from Paris (1900)

The Kiss (1900)

The Mystic Swing (1900)

Torpedo Boat 'Morris' Running (1900)


Trial Run of the Battleship 'Alabama' (1900)

U.S. Marines in Dewey Land Parade (1900)

White Horse Rapids (1900)

Why Jones Discharged His Clerks (1900)

Why Mrs. Jones Got a Divorce (1900)

2nd Service Battalion, Canadian Infantry, Embarking for So. Africa (1899)

2nd Special Service Battalion, Canadian Infantry: Parade (1899)

Pictures Incidental to Yacht Race (1899)

'Shamrock' and 'Columbia' Yacht Race: 1st Race, No. 2 (1899)

Tenderloin at Night (1899)

The Astor Tramp (1899)

Trick Bears (1899)

U.S. Cruiser 'Olympia' Leading Naval Parade (1899)

Love and War (1899)

Admiral Dewey and Mayor Van Wyck Going Down Riverside Drive (1899)

Admiral Dewey at State House, Boston (1899)

Admiral Dewey Leading Land Parade (1899)

Admiral Dewey Passing Catholic Club Stand (1899)

Admiral Dewey Receiving the Washington and New York Committees (1899)

Admiral Dewey's First Step on American Shore (1899)

Admiral Dewey Taking Leave of Washington Committee on the U.S. Cruiser 'Olympia' (1899)

After the Race: Yachts Returning to Anchorage (1899)

Battery K Siege Guns (1899)

Flagship 'Olympia' and Cruiser 'New York' in Naval Parade (1899)

Panorama at Grant's Tomb, Dewey Naval Procession (1899)

Panoramic View of Olympia in New York Harbor (1899)

Police Boats and Pleasure Craft on Way to 'Olympia' (1899)

Presentation of Loving Cup at City Hall, New York (1899)

Presentation of Nation's Sword to Admiral Dewey (1899)

Shamrock and Columbia Jockeying for a Start (1899)

'Shamrock' and 'Columbia' Rounding the Outer Stake Boat, No. 2 (1899)

'Shamrock' and 'Columbia' Yacht Race: First Race (1899)

West Point Cadets (1899)

Admiral Dewey Landing at Gibraltar (1899)

Boston Horseless Fire Department (1899)

Colonel Funston Swimming the Baglag River (1899)

New Brooklyn to New York via Brooklyn Bridge, No. 2 (1899)

New Brooklyn to New York via Brooklyn Bridge, No. 1 (1899)

Shoot the Chutes Series (1899)

The Early Morning Attack (1899)

The Prentis Trio (1899) A Ride Through Pack Saddle Mountains, Penna. R.R. (1899)


Panoramic View, Horseshoe Curve, Penna. R.R., No. 2 (1899)

Running Through Gallitzen Tunnel, Penna. R.R. (1899)

Advance of Kansas Volunteers at Caloocan (1899)

A Fair Exchange Is No Robbery (1899)

Capture of Trenches at Candaba (1899)

Filipinos Retreat from Trenches (1899)

Mesmerist and Country Couple (1899)

New York Police Parade, June 1st, 1899 (1899)

Panoramic View, Horseshoe Curve, from Penna. Ltd. (1899)

Rout of the Filipinos (1899)

Skirmish of Rough Riders (1899)

The Bibulous Clothier (1899)

U.S. Infantry Supported by Rough Riders at El Caney (1899)

U.S. Troops and Red Cross in the Trenches Before Calcoocan [P.I.] (1899)

Strange Adventure of New York Drummer (1899)

Cripple Creek Bar-Room Scene (1899)

A Wringing Good Joke (1899)

Casey at the Bat (1899)

Morning Colors on U.S. Cruiser 'Raleigh' (1899)

Pilot Boats in New York Harbor (1899)

Tommy Atkins, Bobby and the Cook (1899)

U.S. Cruiser 'Raleigh' (1899/II)

Arabian Gun Twirler (1899)

Bicycle Trick Riding, No. 2 (1899)

Jones Makes a Discovery (1899)

Raising Old Glory Over Morro Castle (1899)

Three Acrobats (1899)

Jones and His Pal in Trouble (1899)

Jones' Interrupted Sleighride (1899)

Jones' Return from the Club (1899)

Larks Behind the Scene (1899)

Panoramic View of Brooklyn Bridge (1899)

Poker at Dawson City (1899)

Rapids Below Suspension Bridge (1899)

Willie's First Smoke (1899)

104th Street Curve, New York, Elevated Railway (1899)

Admiral Dewey Leading Land Parade, No. 2 (1899)

Astor Battery on Parade (1899)

Coaches Arriving at Mammoth Hot Springs (1899)

Coaches Going to Cinnabar from Yellowstone Park (1899)

'Columbia' Winning the Cup (1899)

Dewey Arch: Troops Passing Under Arch (1899)

Dewey Parade, 10th Pennsylvania Volunteers (1899)


Football Game Between Orange Athletic and Newark Athletic Clubs (1899)

Fun in Camp (1899)

General Lee's Procession, Havana (1899)

Jones Gives a Private Supper (1899)

Jones Interviews His Wife (1899)

Jones' Return from a Masquerade (1899)

Lower Falls, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone Park (1899)

Mr. and Mrs. Calif at Dinner (1899)

'Shamrock' and 'Columbia' Rounding the Outer Stake Boat (1899)

'Shamrock' and 'Erin' Sailing (1899)

Spaniards Evacuating (1899)

The Diving Horse (1899)

The Fitzsimmons-Jeffries Fight (1899)

Tourists Going Round Yellowstone Park (1899)

Troops at Evacuation of Havana (1899)

Burglar in the Bed Chamber (1898)

Sleighing Scene (1898/II)

S.S. 'Coptic' Running Before a Gale (1898)

The Burglar on the Roof (1898/I)

The Cop and the Nurse Girl (1898)

Vanishing Lady (1898)

What Demoralized the Barber Shop (1898)

The Tramp in the Kitchen (1898)

Elopement on Horseback (1898)

Advance Guard, Return of N.J. Troops (1898)

Balloon Ascension, Marionettes (1898)

Dancing Chinaman, Marionettes (1898)

Parade of Marines, U.S. Cruiser, 'Brooklyn' (1898)

Return of the 2nd Regiment of New Jersey (1898)

Return of Troop C, Brooklyn (1898)

Skeleton Dance, Marionettes (1898)

Turkish Dance, Ella Lola (1898)

Admiral Sampson on Board the Flagship (1898)

Close View of the 'Brooklyn,' Naval Parade (1898)

Excursion Boats, Naval Parade (1898)

Farmer Kissing the Lean Girl (1898)

Merry-Go-Round (1898)

Observation Train Following Parade (1898)

Police Boats Escorting Naval Parade (1898)

Reviewing the 'Texas' at Grant's Tomb (1898)

Statue of Liberty (1898)

The Fleet Steaming Up North River (1898)

The 'Glen Island,' Accompanying Parade (1898)


The 'Massachusetts,' Naval Parade (1898)

The 'Texas,' Naval Parade (1898)

Troops Making Military Road in Front of Santiago (1898)

U.S. Cruiser 'Brooklyn," Naval Parade (1898)

Cuban Ambush (1898)

Major General Shafter (1898)

Mules Swimming Ashore at Daiquiri, Cuba (1898)

Packing Ammunition on Mules, Cuba (1898)

Pack Mules with Ammunition on the Santiago Trail, Cuba (1898)

Shooting Captured Insurgents (1898)

The Fake Beggar (1898)

U.S. Troops Landing at Daiquiri, Cuba (1898)

Victorious Squadron Firing Salute (1898)

The Burglar (1898/II)

The Telephone (1898/II)

Tub Race (1898)

14th U.S. Infantry Drilling at the Presidio (1898)

71st N.Y. Volunteers Embarking for Santiago (1898)

9th and 13th U.S. Infantry at Battalion Drill (1898)

Afternoon Tea on Board S.S. 'Doric' (1898)

Arrival of Tokyo Train (1898)

Blanket-Tossing a New Recruit (1898)

California Volunteers Marching to Embark (1898)

Canton River Scene (1898)

Canton Steamboat Landing Chinese Passengers (1898)

Cuban Volunteers Embarking (1898)

Game of Shovel Board on Board S.S. 'Doric' (1898)

Government House at Hong Kong (1898)

Hong Kong Regiment, No. 2 (1898)

Hong Kong Regiment, No. 1 (1898)

Hong Kong Wharf Scene (1898)

Honolulu Street Scene (1898)

Japanese Sampans (1898)

Kanakas Diving for Money (Honolulu), No. 2 (1898)

Kanakas Diving for Money (Honolulu), No. 1 (1898)

Landing Wharf at Canton (1898)

Loading Horses on Transport (1898)

Parade of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, No. 2 (1898)

Parade of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, No. 1 (1898)

Railway Station at Yokohama (1898)

Returning from the Races (1898)

River Scene at Macao, China (1898)

Roosevelt's Rough Riders Embarking for Santiago (1898)


Shanghai Police (1898)

Shanghai Street Scene No. 2 (1898)

Shanghai Street Scene No. 1 (1898)

Sikh Artillery, Hong Kong (1898)

Soldiers Washing Dishes (1898)

S.S. 'Coptic' Coaling (1898)

S.S. 'Doric' (1898)

S.S. 'Doric' in Mid-Ocean (1898)

S.S. 'Gaelic' (1898)

S.S. 'Gaelic' at Nagasaki (1898)

Street Scene in Hong Kong (1898)

Street Scene in Yokohama, No. 2 (1898)

Street Scene in Yokohama, No. 1 (1898)

Theatre Road, Yokohama (1898)

Tourists Starting for Canton (1898)

Trained Cavalry Horses (1898)

Transport Ships at Fort Tampa (1898)

Troops Embarking at San Francisco (1898)

Wagon Supply Train en Route (1898)

Wharf Scene, Honolulu (1898)

Troop Ships for the Philippines (1898)

Battery B Pitching Camp (1898)

10th U.S. Infantry Leaving Cars (1898)

10th U.S. Infantry Disembarking from Cars (1898)

9th Infantry Boys' Morning Wash (1898)

9th U.S. Cavalry Watering Horses (1898)

A Street Arab (1898)

Battery B Arriving at Camp (1898)

Burial of the 'Maine' Victims (1898)

Colored Troops Disembarking (1898)

Comedy Set-To (1898)

Cruiser 'Cincinnati' (1898)

Cruiser 'Detroit' (1898)

Cruiser 'Marblehead' (1898)

Cuban Refugees Waiting for Rations (1898)

Cuban Volunteers Marching for Rations (1898)

Flagship 'New York' (1898)

Heaving the Log (1898)

Military Camp at Tampa, Taken from Train (1898)

Monitor 'Terror' (1898)

Morro Castle, Havana Harbor (1898)

N.Y. Journal Despatch Yacht 'Buccaneer' (1898)

Secretary Long and Captain Sigsbee (1898)


See-Saw Scene (1898)

Snow Storm (1898)

S.S. 'Coptic' (1898)

S.S. 'Coptic' Lying To (1898)

S.S. 'Coptic' Running Against The Storm (1898)

Steamer 'Mascotte' Arriving at Tampa (1898)

The Ball Game (1898)

The Burglar (1898/I)

The Telephone (1898/I)

Transport 'Whitney' Leaving Dock (1898)

U.S.S. Battleship 'Indiana' (1898)

U.S.S. Battleship 'Iowa' (1898)

U.S.S. Calvary Supplies Unloading at Tampa, Florida (1898)

U.S. Cruiser 'Nashville' (1898)

U.S.S. 'Castine' (1898)

War Correspondents (1898)

Wreck of the Battleship 'Maine' (1898)

Acrobatic Monkey (1898)

After Launching (1898)

American Flag (1898/I)

American Flag (1898/II)

An Unwelcome Visitor (1898)

Bull Fight, No. 3 (1898)

Bull Fight, No. 2 (1898)

Bull Fight, No. 1 (1898)

Feeding Sea Gulls (1898)

Freight Train (1898)

Launching, No. 2 (1898)

Launch of Japanese Man-of-War 'Chitosa' (1898)

Mexico Street Scene (1898)

Mount Tamalpais R.R., No. 3 (1898)

Mount Tamalpais R.R., No. 2 (1898)

Mount Tamalpais R.R., No. 1 (1898)

Native Daughters (1898)

Old Glory and the Cuban Flag (1898)

Parade of Chinese (1898)

Procession of Floats (1898)

Sea Waves (1898)

Union Iron Works (1898)

A Mid-Winter Brush (1898)

Branding Cattle (1898)

Buck Dance, Ute Indians (1898)

Calf Branding (1898)


California Limited, A.T.&S.F. R.R. (1898)

California Orange Groves, Panoramic View (1898)

Cañon of the Rio Grande (1898)

Cattle Fording Stream (1898)

Cattle Leaving the Corral (1898)

Chinese Procession (1898)

Circle Dance, Ute Indians (1898)

Coasting (1898)

Cripple Creek Float (1898)

Decorated Carriages (1898)

Denver Fire Brigade (1898)

Dogs Playing in the Surf (1898)

Eagle Dance, Pueblo Indians (1898)

Going Through the Tunnel (1898)

Hockey Match on the Ice (1898)

Horticultural Floats, No. 9 (1898)

Indian Day School (1898)

Lassoing a Steer (1898)

Las Viga Canal, Mexico City (1898)

Marching Scene (1898)

Market Scene, City of Mexico (1898)

Masked Procession (1898)

Mexican Fishing Scene (1898)

Mexican Rurales Charge (1898)

Off for the Rabbit Chase (1898)

Ostriches Feeding (1898)

Ostriches Running, No. 2 (1898)

Ostriches Running, No. 1 (1898)

Parade of Coaches (1898)

Picking Oranges (1898)

Procession of Mounted Indians and Cowboys (1898)

Repairing Streets in Mexico (1898)

Royal Gorge (1898)

Serving Rations to the Indians, No. 2 (1898)

Serving Rations to the Indians, No. 1 (1898)

Snowballing the Coasters (1898)

South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal. (1898)

Spanish Ball Game (1898)

Street Scene, San Diego (1898)

Sunday Morning in Mexico (1898)

Sunset Limited, Southern Pacific Ry. (1898)

Surface Transit, Mexico (1898)

Train Hour in Durango, Mexico (1898)


Wand Dance, Pueblo Indians (1898)

Wash Day in Mexico (1898)

The Passion Play of Oberammergau (1898)

A Bucking Broncho (1898)

Alciede Capitane (1898)

Bathing Scene at Rockaway (1898)

Battle of San Juan Hill (1898/I)

Betting Field (1898)

Boxing (1898)

Boxing Cats (1898)

Caciedo (1898)

Ella Lola, a la Trilby (1898)

Ghost Dance (1898)

Indian War Council (1898)

Sailors Landing Under Fire (1898)

Surrender of General Toral (1898)

The Red Cross at the Front (1898)

Fast Mail, Northern Pacific Railroad (1897)

Firing by Squad, Gatling Gun (1897)

Gatling Gun Crew in Action (1897)

Mount and Dismount, Gatling Gun (1897)

The Downey and Patterson Fight (1897)

Ambulance Call (1897)

Arrest in Chinatown, San Francisco, Cal. (1897)

Beach Apparatus: Practice (1897)

Boat Wagon and Beach Cart (1897)

Boxing for Points (1897)

Capsize of Lifeboat (1897)

Crissie Sheridan (1897)

Cupid and Psyche (1897)

Dancing Darkey Boy (1897)

Exhibition of Prize Winners (1897)

First Avenue, Seattle, Washington, No. 8 (1897)

Fisherman's Wharf (1897)

Fishing Smacks (1897)

Horses Loading for Klondike (1897)

Hotel del Monte (1897)

Hotel Vendome, San Jose, Cal. (1897)

Judging Tandems (1897)

Ladies' Saddle Horses (1897)

Launch of Life Boat (1897)

Leander Sisters (1897)

Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton (1897)


Loading Baggage for Klondike (1897)

Lurline Baths (1897)

Pie Eating Contest (1897)

Rainmakers (1897)

Rescue - Resuscitation (1897)

Return of Lifeboat (1897)

Single Harness Horses (1897)

Southern Pacific Overland Mail (1897)

S.S. 'Coptic' at Dock (1897)

S.S. 'Coptic' in the Harbor (1897)

S.S. 'Coptic' Sailing Away (1897)

S.S. 'Queen' Leaving Dock (1897)

S.S. 'Queen' Loading (1897)

S.S. 'Williamette' Leaving for Klondike (1897)

Stanford University, California (1897)

Surf at Monterey (1897)

Teams of Horses (1897)

The Jealous Monkey (1897)

The Sea Lions' Home (1897)

Wall Scaling (1897)

Ambulance at the Accident (1897)

Bowery Waltz (1897)

Charity Ball (1897)

Fisherman's Luck (1897)

Sutro Baths, No. 2 (1897)

Sutro Baths, No. 1 (1897)

Admiral Cigarette (1897)

Armour's Electric Trolley (1897)

Buffalo Fire Department in Action (1897)

Buffalo Police on Parade (1897)

Buffalo Stockyards (1897)

Cattle Driven to Slaughter (1897)

Corner Madison and State Streets, Chicago (1897)

Falls of Minnehaha (1897)

Free-for-All Race at Charter Oak Park (1897)

Giant Coal Dumper (1897)

Philadelphia Express, Jersey Central Railway (1897)

Racing at Sheepshead Bay (1897)

Sheep Run, Chicago Stockyards (1897)

Suburban Handicap, 1897 (1897)

Water Fall in the Catskills (1897)

Boating on the Lake (1897)

Chicken Thieves (1897)


Children's Toilet (1897)

Mr. Edison at Work in His Chemical Laboratory (1897)

7th and 71st Regiment, New York (1897)

Amoskeag Veterans, New Hampshire (1897)

Battery B, Governor's Troop, Penna. (1897)

Buffalo Bill and Escort (1897)

Corcoran Cadets, Washington (1897)

General Porter's Oration (1897)

Governor Cook and Staff, Connecticut (1897)

Governor of Ohio and Staff (1897)

Grant Veterans - G.A.R. (1897)

Horse Dancing Couchee Couchee (1897)

Husking Bee (1897)

Making Soap Bubbles (1897)

National Lancers of Boston (1897)

O'Brien's Trained Horses (1897)

Old Guard, New York City (1897)

President McKinley's Address (1897)

Sixth U.S. Calvery (1897)

Sun Dance - Annabelle (1897)

Tandem Hurdle Jumping (1897)

Trick Elephants (1897)

Pillow Fight (1897)

Bareback Hurdle Jumping (1897)

Black Diamond Express, No. 2 (1897)

Black Diamond Express, No. 1 (1897)

Cavalry Passing in Review (1897)

Chas. Werts, Acrobats (1897)

Grace Church, New York (1897)

Hurdle Jumping and Saddle Vaulting (1897)

McKinley Leaving Church (1897)

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (1897)

Panorama of Susquehanna River Taken from the Black Diamond Express (1897)

Receding View, Black Diamond Express (1897)

Seminary Girls (1897)

The Elopement (1897)

The Washwoman's Troubles (1897)

American and Cuban Flag (1897)

Battery A, Light Artillery, U.S. Army (1897)

Drum Corps and Militia (1897)

Marines from the U.S. Cruiser 'New York' (1897)

McKinley and Cleveland Going to the Capitol (1897)

McKinley Taking the Oath (1897)


Return of McKinley from the Capitol (1897)

Umbrella Brigade (1897)

Vice-President Hobart's Escort (1897)

Washington Continental Guards (1897)

Young Men's Blaine Club of Cincinnati (1897)

Fifth Avenue, New York (1897)

Guard Mount, Ft. Myer (1897)

Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. (1897)

Pile Driving, Washington Navy Yard (1897)

The Milker's Mishap (1897)

Butterfly Dance (1897)

Gatling Gun Firing by Squad (1897)

Launch of Surf Boat (1897)

Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa. (1897)

North Side Dental Rooms (1897)

Ostriches in San Diego (1897)

Parisian Dance (1897)

Pennsylvania State Militia, Double Time (1897)

Pennsylvania State Militia, Single Time (1897)

Police Patrol Wagon (1897)

The Dolorita Passion Dance (1897)

The Farmer's Troubles (1897)

The First Sleigh-Ride (1897)

The Hanging of Wm. Carr (1897)

The Little Reb (1897)

Tourist Train Leaving Livingston, Mont. (1897)

Wild Bear in Yellowstone Park (1897)

American Falls from Bottom of Canadian Shore (1896)

Black Diamond Express (1896)

Buffalo Horse Market (1896)

Chicago and Buffalo Express (1896)

Cock Fight (1896)

Horseshoe Falls, from Luna Isle (1896)

Horseshoe Falls from Table Rock, Canadian Side (1896)

Hurdle Race: High Jumpers (1896)

Rapids at Cave of the Winds (1896)

Special Photographing Train (1896)

Tally Ho: Arrival (1896)

Tally Ho: Departure (1896)

Whirlpool Rapids, from Bottom of Canadian Shore (1896)

American Falls, from Incline R.R. (1896)

American Falls from Above, American Side (1896)

Charge of West Point Cadets (1896)


Fighting the Fire (1896)

Starting for the Fire (1896)

The Runaway in the Park (1896)

A Morning Alarm (1896)

Mounted Police Charge (1896)

A Morning Bath (1896)

Clark's Thread Mill (1896)

East Side Drive, No. 2 (1896)

East Side Drive, No. 1 (1896)

Park Police Drill Left Wheel and Forward (1896)

Park Police Drill Mount and Dismounting (1896)

Streets of Cairo (1896)

Surf at Long Branch (1896)

The Burning Stable (1896)

The Tramp: Milk White Flag (1896)

Wine Garden Scene (1896)

Feeding the Doves (1896)

Passaic Falls, New Jersey (1896)

Herald Square (1896)

American Line Pier (1896)

Amy Muller (1896)

Artillery Scene at Peekskill (1896)

Asbury Park Baby Parade No. 2 (1896)

Asbury Park Baby Parade No. 1 (1896)

Baggage Wagons of Li Hung Chang (1896)

Bag Punching (1896)

Bathing Scene at Coney Island (1896)

Battery Park (1896)

Blackton Sketches, No. 3 (1896)

Blackton Sketches, No. 2 (1896)

Boat Rescue (1896)

Bowling Green (1896)

Bowling Green at a Busy Hour (1896)

Boxing Contest Between Tommy White and Solly Smith (1896)

Boxing Match Between a Man and a Woman (1896)

Broadway at 14th Street (1896)

Broadway at Post Office (1896)

Bryan Train Scene at Orange (1896)

Carpenter Shop (1896)

Central Park (1896)

Cissy Fitzgerald (1896)

Clotilde Antonio (1896)

Cuban Liberty (1896)


Edison Drawn by 'World' Artist (1896)

Elevated Railway, 23rd Street, New York (1896)

Fast Train (1896)

Fast Trains (1896)

Fatima's Coochee-Coochee Dance (1896)

Ferry Boat Leaving Dock, New York (1896)

Firing of Cannon at Peekskill by the Battery of the Artillery (1896)

Fourteenth and Broadway (1896)

Frog Dance (1896)

German Children's Parade (1896)

Going to the Fire (1896)

Haymakers at Work (1896)

Interrupted Lover (1896)

Irish Way of Discussing Politics (1896)

Knights of Templar Parade (1896)

Landing of the 'Grand Republic' (1896)

Little Jake and the Big Dutch Girl (1896)

Lone Fisherman (1896)

Love on a Sleigh (1896)

Lucille Sturgis (1896)

McKinley Parade No. 3 (1896)

McKinley Parade No. 2 (1896)

McKinley Parade No. 1 (1896)

Mess Call (1896)

Monroe Doctrine (1896)

Newsboys Scrambling for Pennies (1896)

Niagara Falls (Canadian Falls) (1896)

Niagara Falls (From the East Side of the American Falls) (1896)

Niagara Falls (From the West Side of the American Falls) (1896)

Niagara Falls, Whirlpool (1896)

Parade of Bicyclists at Brooklyn, New York (1896)

Parade of New York City Crossing Sweepers (1896)

Pat vs. Populist (1896)

Pony Race at Coney Island (1896)

Railway Smash-Up (1896)

Return of the Fisherman (1896)

Rockville Bridge and Train Crossing (1896)

Rope Dance (1896)

Scene on Surf Ave., Coney Island (1896)

Scenes on the Bois de Boulogne (1896)

Sea Beach Scene (1896)

Select Scenes from 'Monbars' (1896)

Select Scenes from 'The Corsican Brothers' (1896)


Shooting the Chutes (1896/II)

Sidewalks of New York (1896)

Steamer 'Rosedale' (1896)

Steamer 'St. Louis' Leaving Dock (1896)

Street Sprinkling and Trolley Cars (1896)

Swimming School (1896)

Telephone Appointment (1896)

The Arrival of Li Huang Chang (1896)

The Bad Boy and the Gardener (1896)

The Ferris Wheel (1896)

The Interrupted Supper (1896)

The Kiss (1896)

The Morning Alarm (1896)

The N.Y. 'World' Sick Baby Fund (1896)

The Old German Mill (1896)

Trick Bicycle Riding (1896)

Tub Race (1896)

Turkish Harem Scene (1896)

Vernona Jarbeau (1896)

View from Gorge Railroad (1896)

Washington Market (1896)

Watermelon Contest (1896)

The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots (1895)

Elsie Jones (1895)

The Rixfords, No. 2 (1895)

The Rixfords, No. 1 (1895)

Dr. Colton or Dentist Scene (1895)

A Frontier Scene (1895)

Annabelle Serpentine Dance (1895)

Attilla No. 2 (1895)

Billy Edwards and the Unknown (1895)

Chinese Laundry Scene (1895)

Cyclone Dance (1895)

Dance of Rejoicing (1895)

Duel Between Two Historical Characters (1895)

Elsie Jones, No. 2 (1895)

Fan Dance (1895)

Gladiatorial Combat (1895)

Grotesque Tumbling (1895)

Grundy and Frint (1895)

Hindoostan Fakir and Cotta Dwarf (1895)

Indian Scalping Scene (1895)

James Grundy, Buck and Wing (1895)


James Grundy, Cake Walk (1895)

Joan of Arc (1895)

John W. Wilson and Bertha Waring (1895)

Muscle Dance (1895)

New Barber's Shop (1895)

New Bar Room (1895)

New Blacksmith Shop (1895)

Opera Scene (1895)

Paddle Dance (1895)

Princess Ali (1895)

Professor Attilla (1895)

Quartette (1895)

Rescue of Capt. John Smith by Pocahontas (1895)

Robetta and Doretto, No. 3 (1895)

Robetta and Doretto, No. 1 (1895)

Rob Roy (1895)

Short Stick Dance (1895)

Silver Dance (1895)

The Gay Brothers (1895)

Trilby Dance (1895)

Trilby Death Scene (1895)

Trilby Hypnotic Scene (1895)

Umbrella Dance (1895)

Young Weimer (1895)

Dance (1894)

Finale of 1st Act, Hoyt's 'Milk White Flag' (1894)

Fire Rescue Scene (1894)

The Widder (1894)

Topack and Steele (1894)

Lasso Thrower (1894)

Mexican Knife Duel (1894)

Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze (1894)

A Bar Room Scene (1894)

Alleni's Boxing Monkeys (1894)

Amateur Gymnast, No. 2 (1894)

Annabelle Butterfly Dance (1894)

Annabelle Sun Dance (1894)

Annie Oakley (1894)

Armand D'Ary (1894)

Athlete with Wand (1894)

Babies in High Chairs (1894)

Band Drill (1894)

Bertoldi (Mouth Support) (1894)


Bertoldi (Table Contortion) (1894)

Boxing (1894)

Boxing Match (1894)

Bucking Broncho (1894)

Buffalo Bill (1894)

Buffalo Dance (1894)

Caicedo (with Pole) (1894)

Caicedo (with Spurs) (1894)

Carmencita (1894)

Cock Fight, No. 2 (1894)

Corbett and Courtney Before the Kinetograph (1894)

Cupid's Dance (1894)

Dance du Ventre (1894)

Dickson Experimental Sound Film (1894)

Dogs Fighting (1894)

Edison Employee Picnic (1894)

Fancy Club Swinger (1894)

Fred Ott Holding a Bird (1894)

French Dancers (1894)

Glenroy Bros., No. 2 (1894)

Glenroy Brothers (Comic Boxing) (1894)

Hadj Cheriff (1894)

Highland Dance (1894)

Human Pyramid (1894)

Imperial Japanese Dance (1894)

Lady Fencers (With Broadswords) (1894)

Lady Fencers (With Foils) (1894)

Lasso Exhibition (1894)

Leonard-Cushing Fight (1894)

Luis Martinetti, Contortionist (1894)

Man of a Thousand Faces (1894)

May Lucas (1894)

Men on Parallel Bars (1894)

Miss Lucy Murray (1894)

Mlle. Capitaine (1894)

Organ Grinder, No. 2 (1894)

Organ Grinder No. (1894)

Oriental Dance (1894)

Rat Killing (1894)

Rats and Terrier No. 3 (1894)

Rats and Terrier No.2 (1894)

Rats and Weasel (1894)

Ruth Dennis (1894)


Sandow No. 3 (1894)

Sandow No. 2 (1894)

Sandow No. 1 (1894)

Sheik Hadji Tahar (1894)

Sioux Ghost Dance (1894)

Summersault Dog (1894)

Sword Combat (1894)

The Barbershop (1894)

The Boxing Cats (Prof. Welton's) (1894)

The Carnival Dance (1894)

The Cock Fight (1894)

The Hornbacker-Murphy Fight (1894)

The Pickaninnies (1894)

The Pickaninny Dance, from the 'Passing Show' (1894)

The Wrestling Dog (1894)

Toyou Kichi (1894)

Trained Bears (1894)

Trapeze (1894)

Unsuccessful Somersault (1894)

Walton and Slavin No. 4 (1894)

Walton and Slavin No. 3 (1894)

Walton and Slavin No. 2 (1894)

Walton and Slavin No. 1 (1894)

Whirlwind Gun Spinning (1894)

Wonderful Performing Dog (1894)

Wrestling Match (1894)

Blacksmith Scene (1893)

Horse Shoeing (1893)

A Hand Shake (1892)

Boxing (1892)

Fencing (1892)

Man on Parallel Bars (1892)

Wrestling (1892)

Dickson Greeting (1891)

Duncan and Another, Blacksmith Shop (1891)

Duncan or Devonald with Muslin Cloud (1891)

Duncan Smoking (1891)

Men Boxing (1891)

Monkey and Another, Boxing (1891)

Newark Athlete (1891)

Monkeyshines, No. 3 (1890)

Monkeyshines, No. 2 (1890)

Monkeyshines, No. 1 (1890)


List Of Edison Manufacturing Company Films (Last to First)

The Unwritten Code (1919)

The Lonesome Girl (1918)

The Starter (1918)

The Good Sport (1918)

The Art Bug (1918)

The Stenog (1918)

The Man-Eater (1918)

The Spoiled Girl (1918)

The Matinee Girl (1918)

The Artist's Model (1918)

The Superstitious Girl (1918)

The Bride (1918)

The Screen Fan (1918)

Putting the Bee in Herbert (1917)

The Princess' Necklace (1917)

The Lady of the Photograph (1917)

The Customary Two Weeks (1917)

The Little Chevalier (1917)

The Luck of Roaring Camp (1917)

One Touch of Nature (1917)

Billy and the Big Stick (1917)

Knights of the Square Table (1917)

Chris and His Wonderful Lamp (1917)

The Light in Darkness (1917)

The Ghost of Old Morro (1917)

The Tell-Tale Step (1917)

Kidnapped (1917/II)

Builders of Castles (1917)

The Law of the North (1917)

The Royal Pauper (1917)


Where Love Is (1917)

Pardners (1917)

The Master Passion (1917)

Barnaby Lee (1917)

Curious Pets of Our Ancestors (1917)

The Birth of a Flivver (1917)

The Last Sentence (1917)

A Message to Garcia (1916)

The Martyrdom of Philip Strong (1916)

The Cossack Whip (1916)

The Heart of the Hills (1916)

When Love Is King (1916)

The Innocence of Ruth (1916)

The Catspaw (1916)

Our Daily Bread (1915)

Andrew Carnegie (1914)

The Birth of the Telephone (1914)

Chicago-Michigan Football Game (1903)

Skidoo-23 (1902)

The Fire Department of Chelsea, Mass. (1901)

Fire Department of Albany, N.Y. (1901)

Lancaster, Pa., High School (1900)