The Story of the Earth – The Principle of Superposition!

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The Story of the Earth – The Principle of Superposition!

The Story of the Earth – The Principle of Superposition!

Theory says…

The world was originally a large ball of molten rock which cooled.

Rain came causing oceans, lakes and rivers

Where/how did rain come from?

But where did the dirt and soil come from?

Why isn’t the world covered with just rock and water?


But the rock cycle has done more than just give us dirt and soil, it is a book that tells us about our past.

How? Fossils!

UniformitarianismA fancy word meaning that

_________________________________________________________ The same processes of melting, solidifying, erosion, weathering, heat and pressure that we see today are the same changes that have been in place since the Earth first cooled.

Uniform means the same


The study ______________________.

There are two ways to tell the age of a fossil _____________________

Absolute age means when know the _____ of the fossil, exactly.

Like your age, we know when your life began.

How can we figure out….

….the age of an organism that is now dead? It isn’t like we know its birthday!

We _________________________are older or younger. We call this relative age. We don’t know the exact age but we know how it compares to others.

An analogy….We may not know the age of a student in

elementary school but we know they are younger than most of the middle school students.

Why do we say usually the same age?

Because sometimes things happen:

Earth can break, bend, push and pull.

So how do we know the relative age of an item.

It’s like making layered brownies….

(insert video)

Insert Review Questions..

What should we remember?

1. ____________ layers are on the bottom because they were first.

2. ____________layers are on the top.3. Fossils are found in layers which were

forming ____________ their life.4. INDEX FOSSILS!

What is an index fossil?

An ______________is an organism that we can use to determine the age of a layer because we know when it was alive!


You have eight index cards on your desk. 1. Each card stands for a layer of the Earth found in a sedimentary rock layer. 2. Each letter stands for a fossil found in that layer.

3. The letters are in order left to right from youngest fossil to oldest based on its location in the layer. Ex: NBU (N is the newest, U is the oldest.


Put these in order from newest to oldest (just like it would be on the sedimentary rock layer).