The Story of Samuel the Child Prophet - TEMKIT- fun … Story of...The Story of Samuel the Child...

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Transcript of The Story of Samuel the Child Prophet - TEMKIT- fun … Story of...The Story of Samuel the Child...

The Story of Samuel the Child Prophet

Once there was a Lady who was very Sad. She was Sad because she wanted a Baby Boy but she did not have any Baby. Her

name was Hannah.

Hannah often Prayed to God and asked for a Baby Boy. One day

she went to the Tabernacle and she promised God that if He would give her a Baby Boy, she would give him to the Lord to

work for God all his life.

God heard Hannah’s Prayer and after a while she had a Beautiful Baby Boy! She called him Samuel which means ‘asked of God’.

She took good care of him and he grew to be a happy little Toddler.

As soon as Baby Samuel could understand, Hannah taught him all about God and how He made everything. He taught him to

always obey and to do little jobs to help her.

As soon as Samuel was a little boy, Hannah took him to the Sanctuary and gave him to Eli the Priest to help him in God’s

work. Eli was happy to have the cheerful little boy to help him in his work.

At first Little Samuel missed his Mother but he was glad to be able to serve God in the Sanctuary.

Samuel found lots of little jobs he could do to help Eli and he did every task carefully and well.

Once every year Hannah, his Mother, would visit him and bring him a new coat that she had made for him to wear. He was glad

to see his Mother and promised her he would be good and always obey God.

Samuel learned how to talk to God and prayed every day. He always asked God to help him do his work well.

One night Samuel had done all his work and said his prayers and was sleeping in his little bed. All of a sudden he heard a

Voice call, “Samuel, Samuel”. He thought that maybe Eli needed something and was calling him.

He jumped out of bed and ran into Eli’s room to ask him what he wanted. But Eli said, “I did not call you Samuel, you better go

back to bed”. But again Samuel heard the voice and ran back to Eli.

Then Eli said that it must be God calling Samuel, and he told him if he heard the Voice again to say, “Speak Lord, for Thy servant


Sure enough, the Voice came again and Samuel said, “Speak for Thy servant heareth”. Then God talked to Samuel and gave him a message. Samuel became the youngest prophet. All the rest of his life until he was an old man, God talked to him and gave

him messages to tell the people.

Memory Verse to Learn: “Speak, Lord, For Thy Servant heareth.” 1 Samuel 3:9.