The story of my daily life by marcin (class 2 d)

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The story of my daily life by marcin (class 2 d)

The Story Of My Daily Life

7pm I sleep,I enjoy it very much,and I hate to get up.

10am. At this moment I’m at school with my friends at chemistry lesson. I feel relaxed,it’s time of a day which I like best. At the same time at the weekend I would be sleeping.

12.30pm That’s me with my friends at the long break between classes. I enjoy break, and eating something. I like this time of a day the most. At the same time at the weekend I would be sleeping.

2pm. I’m still at school. Can’t wait to go home, that’s the time I don’t like in my daily routine. At the same time at the weekend I would be eating dinner.

5pm. I’m learning. I hate this time of the day. At the same time at weekend I would be watching TV.

9pm I’m eating my supper. I feel relaxed. I like this time of the day. At the same time at the weekend I would be doing the same thing, eating.

10pm. Learning part 2. I hate this time of the day,I would rather go to bed. At the same time at the weekend I would be playing at my computer.