Post on 10-Sep-2019

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INTRODUCTION Welcome to The Solari Report. Today is Thursday, March 15, 2018 I am Catherine Austin Fitts and I am delighted that you could join us this evening. New Solari Report Website Launch Tomorrow -Splash Page -Link to New Software -Return to Splash Page/Login -Log in to Members -Phase I up -Once Heads up on Events Money & Markets from Mexico City Next Week – down for an award ceremony – will tell you all about it then Openings from Cancellations on Uluru on May 13-17 June 2 – San Francisco lunch – Hold that data July – Eastern Europe - Sofia and Bucharest August – Western Europe - Germany, Switzerland, France, Netherlands Hope to go to Vienna – Interested to 30 SECOND BREAK

THEME TONIGHT: Batten Down the Hatches – Geopolitical and Financial storms are rising.


Rand  Paul:  It's  Time  for  a  New  American  Foreign  Policy  

Americans have also been increasingly clear that they are tired of constant war


What kind of job can you have where you are consistently wrong, yet get to still go on TV talking endlessly and making more wild predictions that will no doubt lead to the same failed result?

If you guessed “TV Weatherman” you’re close…but the job I’m referring to is “Neocon Foreign Policy Expert”.

Being a neocon means never having to say you’re sorry, even trillions of dollars and decades into doomed wars.


Famously, the neocons have told us that we would be greeted as liberators in Iraq. The thousands of American soldiers killed or wounded might argue otherwise. The architects of the Iraq war forgot to tell us that it would embolden Iran and give Iran a new ally in the ‘liberated’ Shia majority in Iraq. They forgot to tell us that it would tip the balance of power in the Middle East and encourage Saudi Arabia to go on a military buying spree and become the third largest purchasers of weapons in the world.


The neocons told us that the Arab Spring would bring Western-style democracy to the Middle East. They told us toppling Muammar el-Qaddafi would bring freedom and stability. They were wrong and instead of stability the overthrow of Qaddafi brought chaos. They failed to understand that the chaos of Libya would become a breeding ground for terrorism.


The neocons loudly announced that regime change in Syria was their goal. Yet, even Hillary Clinton realized the problem when our arms, as well as Saudi and Qatari arms, were getting delivered in the hands of ISIS. In one of the Wikileaks emails, Hillary warned Podesta: “the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia . . . are

providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIS and other radical groups in the region.”

And yet, the deliveries of Western arms to jihadists went on and on for years.

Despite the evidence that many of the fighters opposing Assad were jihadists with an equal hatred for Israel and the United States, the weapons kept flowing.

Remember their call to arm the “moderate fighters?” Who can forget the $260 million spent to train sixty fighters, ten of whom were captured only minutes after they were sent into battle.

The neocons vociferously argued that Assad must go. Senators McCain and Graham argued that you couldn’t defeat ISIS without also defeating Assad. John Bolton went so far as to pontificate that "defeating the Islamic State" is "neither feasible nor desirable" if Assad remains in power. Actually, the opposite was true. Only when the mission changed from removing Assad to attacking ISIS did the tide finally turn.

Max Abrahms and John Glaser wrote in the LA Times late last year that contrary to neocon dogma, ISIS “imploded right after external support for the ‘moderate’ rebels dried up.”

So, the neocons who argued that ISIS couldn’t or shouldn’t be defeated without first defeating Assad were wrong again.

In the 2016 presidential primary two candidates—myself and Donald Trump—declared that the Iraq War was a mistake, that we should not arm our enemies and that America didn’t have a dog in every fight.

I campaigned against the folly of recent neocon wars, the futility of nation building, and the bankruptcy, moral and literal, of the idea of policing the world. So did Donald Trump—for the most part.

So where do we go from here? Congress is still dominated by neocons. The Trump administration shows no sign of ending the Afghan war. If anything, President Trump has doubled down on our support for Saudi Arabia in the Yemeni civil war. Candidate Trump, who consistently voiced his displeasure with the Iraq War, has surrounded himself with generals still intent on finding military solutions where none exist.

Neocon critics believe the world is black and white. You’re either Churchill or Chamberlain. You’re either with us or against us. You’re either a patriot or an isolationist.

The irony is that the neocons are the TRUE isolationists. The neocons wish to isolate and forbid trade with regimes that they disapprove of. The neocon policy toward Cuba is the very definition of isolationism.

For over half a century, we’ve had an embargo with Cuba. Not only did the Castros survive it, but they milked it for everything it was worth. The Cuban government stoked the flames of nationalism in Cuba and blamed America for anything that went wrong, rather than the true culprit—their own dogmatic socialism.

The isolationist neocons want to continue this embargo. They want to peel back the small diplomatic gains that have been made. They want to pare back cultural exchange and dialogue.

The opposite, free travel and trade, is what is needed.

Our founders understood the perils of perpetual war.

John Quincy Adams echoed and summed the spirit of the foreign policy of our founders when he said:

America goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.

Far from being isolationist, the foreign policy of our Founders is the true engagement. To seek honest friendship, free commerce, open dialogue and peaceful engagement with all who are willing.

Libertarian realists agree.

We do not seek to retreat within our borders—nor do we seek to expand them.

We do not seek a wall to keep everyone out, nor to keep anyone in.

Too often the United States has attempted to till the soil in foreign lands with our bombs and plow it with our tanks.

Instead, we should seek to help others till their land with our tractors and reap their harvest with our combines.

The neocons argue that Americans want a more robust foreign policy. Maybe, but at the same time, Americans have also been increasingly clear that they are tired of constant war.

Reagan had it right when he said “our reluctance for conflict should not be misjudged as a failure of will.”

In fact, restraint is a triumph of will.

After the debacles of Iraq and Libya, after becoming weary of a drawn-out mission in Afghanistan, the American people are looking for a new path for foreign policy.

America should steer clear of other countries civil wars, such as Yemen.

We should not be in wars where the best outcome is stalemate, as we are in Afghanistan.

And America shouldn’t fight wars that are not authorized by Congress.

Admittedly, the War on Terror is not over, but any military action must be judged by this question: will this use of force kill more terrorists than it creates?

Refueling Saudi bombers mid-air and supplying them with bombs that are dropped on a funeral procession is exactly the kind of misguided policy that creates more terrorists than it kills.

To defend our country properly, we must understand that while there are those that hate our values, military interventions aimed at changing that at the point of a gun—or the blast radius of a bomb—may well exacerbate this hatred rather than end it.

We need a foreign policy that recognizes its own limits, a common sense realism of strength, limited action, full diplomatic engagement and free trade.

Here’s how I see the most important principles of this foreign policy.

First, the use of force must always be on the table, but rarely used. War should be the last resort, not the first.

War is necessary when America is attacked or directly and clearly threatened, and when we have exhausted all measures short of war.

The second principle is that Congress, the people’s representative, must authorize the decision to intervene.

The most serious decision we make as a nation is to send our sons or daughters to war. We should make it together, and we should vote on it.

Finally, how do we solve non-military challenges in places like Asia and Eastern Europe?

That’s where the third principle comes in—a firm, full commitment to diplomacy and leadership.

Hysteria over election-meddling threatens to reignite the Cold War.

Russia, at times, is our adversary, but it need not be our permanent enemy.

Whether it is the threat of ISIS, or the situations in Iran and Syria, it would be in our interest to work together with Russia where possible, yet this opportunity is slipping by. Obsession with Russian “collusion” or other conspiracies involving the Kremlin and the administration have frozen the narrative and hampered what I believe to be the president’s good instincts on the proper relationship with Russia.

Before I close, let me talk about the last piece of the puzzle for a strong foreign policy—our own economic strength.

Adm. Mike Mullen properly noted that the biggest threat to our national security is our debt.

A bankrupt nation does not project power, but weakness.

Our national debt now exceeds $20 trillion. Trillion dollar annual deficits have returned.

Our overseas adventures are causing us to be stretched thin, and Republicans have pushed for, and received, a massive military spending increase.

Despite Congressional hostility, I have asked the question: is our military budget too small or is our mission too big?

I believe, without question, it is the latter. Our mission has become too large. Years after completing our mission in Afghanistan, America remains—spending $50 billion a year nation-building. We are adding debt at nearly $2 million per minute.

If we’re not careful, we will spend our way into second-tier nation status quickly.

If the long war is to ever end, we must understand what must take its place.

It isn’t just religion, nor even abject poverty, that motivates those seeking a better life. It is often the simple idea of freedom that we in the west take for granted.

Mohammed Bousazizi, the Tunisian street merchant who set himself on fire and began the Arab Spring, was an aspiring entrepreneur foiled by an overbearing government.

He had a dream. He’d save for a truck, and he’d sell his wares on the streets to build a life.

Cronyism and overbearing government stifled his dream. He set himself on fire, and the flames are still burning.

My great grandfather came to America with a dream not unlike Bousazizi’s. He peddled vegetables until he saved enough to purchase a truck, to become what was then logically called a truck-farmer. Over time he was able to purchase a home, then a small bit of land.

My grandfather didn’t need a permit or a license. No government hindered his success.

Peruvian economist De Soto spoke to Bousazazi’s father and asked him if he left a legacy. He replied, “Of course, he believed even the poor had a right to buy and sell.”

To own one’s labor and the products of one’s labor is a fundamental human right.

To trade one’s labor and products is also a fundamental right.

Strangely, neocons and libertarians likely agree that government should largely leave us free to pursue our dreams. Neocons, however, feel some universal calling to liberate humanity. Libertarians want the same liberty for individuals across the globe but think that ‘spreading liberty’ through perpetual war can only occur with a big government that tramples individual liberty.

When you boil it all down, the dilemma is whether liberty spreads best by persuasion or force.

And going one step further, one must ask if the government can maintain its character as a defender of individual liberty if the government must large enough to support perpetual war.

This was the great battle fought between William F. Buckley and Murray Rothbard in the early 1960’s. Everyone thinks Buckley’s National Review won hands down. And yet, Buckley himself ended up doubting the wisdom of the Iraq War.

The schism that divides neocons and libertarian realists will heal when the neoconservatives finally acknowledge that a government big enough to “make the world safe for democracy” is inconsistent with individual liberty.

When neoconservatives accept that a government large enough to fight perpetual war requires taxes and debt so extensive as to be to inconsistent with individual liberty—then will the schism heal.

When that time comes, libertarians and neoconservatives will gather in Williamsburg and raise a pint to our common heroes: Jefferson, Paine, Madison, and yes, even

John Adams. That will be a glorious time, a time when liberty is no longer divided and we can all celebrate the great American experiment in Liberty.

Rising debt plus rising interest rates plus trade wars and war make for a dangerous cocktail


Scene from the movie – International – Debt and War

Fight for cash flow and turf as QE ends

Interest rates rise – compete for bank deposits, cash

Government budgets squeeze

One of the reasons that Administration and Congress pushed to get cash home

Competition turned nasty

Trade Wars Steel and Aluminum

China – Intellectual Property Theft


Interest Rates

LIBOR,  other  interest  rate  indexes  

The LIBOR is among the most common of benchmark interest rate indexes used to make adjustments to adjustable rate mortgages. This page also lists some other less-common indexes.

Click on the links below to find a fuller explanation of the term.

LIBOR, other interest rate indexes Updated: 03/14/2018

This week Month ago Year ago Bond Buyer's 20 bond index 3.88 3.73 4.02 FNMA 30 yr Mtg Com del 60 days 4.04 4.00 3.90 1 Month LIBOR Rate 1.78 1.59 0.93 3 Month LIBOR Rate 2.12 1.84 1.14 6 Month LIBOR Rate 2.30 2.06 1.43 Call Money 3.25 3.25 2.50

1 Year LIBOR Rate 2.59 2.33 1.82

REMEMBER – Stock market can digest 150 basis points a year – more gets iffy.

Arms Sales


What is the problem with Russia? Hard to tell without full access to the cash and credit

Need a boogyman – make war go – when trade stops, war starts- it is working. We are all talking about Putin instead of our $21 trillion and pension plans.

Flow problem – silk road, south china sea, global reserve currency

Model problem – GMO, Big Pharma – now weapon and food competition. What if their new weapons work and they export them.

Russian Sanctions by Treasury & Brits – Mueller Pressure, BRITS sanctions, expulsion of Russia diplomats

Lookng forward to speaking with Wilkerson and Saker….

Nato powers close ranks against Putin

Trump issues sanctions and joins Paris and Berlin in blaming Russia for UK poisoning

• Allies offer Britain reassurance over Russia stand-off • Hard-headed deterrence is the antidote to Putin’s poison • Russia eyes $7bn eurobonds despite international outcry

No one mentions Russia elections on March 18th or Russian weaponry – getting in before fully developed

Variety of tensions

Open Split Iran - $60 vs Saudi Arabia $70

China military budget up 8%

Anglo-American alliance losing control of flows….

About who controls flow on the silk road

Who controls flow in the South China Sea

Who controls flows in the financial markets – reserve currency

Competing for arms sales, military budgets and food sales

Big Pharma – Putin threatens the control model

Nato powers close ranks against Putin

Trump issues sanctions and joins Paris and Berlin in blaming Russia for UK poisoning

• Allies offer Britain reassurance over Russia stand-off • Hard-headed deterrence is the antidote to Putin’s poison • Russia eyes $7bn eurobonds despite international outcry

With NK busted, need everyone in the model – that means Russia and Iran

Within Trump Administration


24 departures in 420 days – should be a record

• Cohn out – WSJ informs Blankfein. The end of the financial coup – traders.

• Tillerson out/handled exceptionally poorly, deputy out when implies Tillerson learned it from a Tweet

Neocons and Obama holdovers gunning from beginning plus both Trump and Tillerson entry level positions.

Payback for Quatar ?– worth reading Craig Murray on Tillerson and Russian sanctions

Then something remarkable happened which the world mainstream media has almost entirely ignored. Despite Saudi sponsored adverts all over US media portraying named senior Qataris as terrorist sponsors, and despite strong Israeli pro-Saudi lobbying, Donald Trump suddenly called Bin Salman to heel. With Saudi troops massed on the Qatari border, on 30 January the United States signed an agreement with Qatar “to deter and confront any threat to Qatar’s territorial integrity”. This was a massive slap in the face to Bin Salman from Donald Trump, and a result of Tillerson recognising the real threat to the world from Bin Salman’s extreme ambition VOX: During Trump’s first 14 months in office, Mattis and Tillerson formed a united front to push back against the president on key national security issues. They ensured Trump didn’t “totally destroy” North Korea, they persuaded him to stay in the Iran deal (for now), and they convinced him that supporting NATO was better than not.

• Tonight Washington Post says McMaster out; Subsequently Press Secretary Sarah Sanders denied

• Lower level – Hicks, Porter, Trumps Assistant • Security Checks and the Dems holding up and slow down

lots of

• Larry Kudlow goes in as Chief Economic Advisor very different than Cohn – 1st information flow, Cohn was deal flow, Tillerson was REAL THING flow.

Rumors re Sessions

Pompeo shift to State from CIA – Neocon friendly – daily briefings – much more in common than Tillerson

Senator Rand Paul – announces he will opposed Pompeo for State and his Deputy Gina Haspel for DCIA – Haspel – resume is shrouded – most times in covert operations – only thing known is leadership of torture

Republicans are 51-49 – with Haspel opposed, only takes 1-2 more Republicans to knock her out. However, Democrat leadership seem to be supportive.

Trump is right – he needs people he is comfortable with- is that possible?


Only Trump knows what it is like to be in position. Horrible position. Responsible for Whole – no one else takes responsibility for whole

How he is handling this, however, hurts his ability to recruit

Mueller  Subpoenas  Trump  Organization  in  Russia  Probe  

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is seeking documents from the Trump Organization related to his probe into whether associates of Donald Trump colluded with Russia’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 election. 1642

Randal Quarles, the Federal Reserve governor who supervises big banks, is being discussed in the Trump administration as a candidate to head the body that oversees international financial regulation, according to

people familiar with the deliberations. If his candidacy to take over as chairman of the Financial Stability Board were to gain traction it would mark a significant change of gear from the regime of Mark Carney, the Bank of England governor who has overseen the body’s efforts to tighten post-crisis regulation since 2011. Mr Quarles was appointed by Donald Trump as vice-chairman for financial supervision at the Fed last year with the goal of easing burdens on banks to boost growth. in Brussels. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2018. All rights reserved.

ONLY THREE GOVERNORS – IF QUARLES LEAVES – only 2 out of 7 positions will be filled

Constant rumours:


The global economy can handle a lot of correction, rising interest – shake out.

However, the lawlessness and corruption

Economist – rule based hypocrisy – global financial coup d’etat killed the rule based system – not Trump

Now the problem – trying to keep a global flow model going through force – even with Space Corp, I don’t think it works. Tighter the control, the more it slips through your hands.

Remember - Turnover - In the destruction of the old let there be the creation of the new There is a crack in everything – that is how the light gets in

Leads through the cracks around you.






Fixed Income:



Coming Back

Closed year at 8.95%

IEF -2.61% Closed year at 2.55%

AGG -1.92%

2017 3.61%

JNK -1.30% Closed year at 6.01%

Bitcoin – will it break down? 8715.49


SPY 3.05% 21.7%

Tax reform – looks like a lot going to stock purchases – I have no problem with that – unless they are stiffing pensions

XHB -6.64% 31.8%

VGK 0.03% 27%

EWG -1.12% 27.45

EFA 0.30% 25.10

FXI 6.15% 36.22

HAO 6.29% 37.51

EEM 4.67% 37.28


$CRB 0.01%


GLD 1.01% 21.7

SLV -3.38% 5.82

OIL 3.67 % 3.32 30 SECOND BREAK US veto of Broadcom (Singapore) – Qualcom Takeover Bid – grounds of National Security – underscores the importance of 5G. MUST READ – my review of Elana Freelands Under an Ionized Sky – Strongly Recommend. 2018 Campaign – special election in

Democrats adopts Trump policies

Libertarian swings votes with 1,386 votes


(National Sentinel) MAGA: It’s looking as though the Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania’s 18th District, Connor Lamb, will defeat Republican challenger Rick Saccone in a special election held Tuesday.

On the surface, this looks like a major repudiation of President Donald J. Trump, and the Democrats who are talking about the election results are attempting to frame it that way.

After all, Trump won this reliably red district by 20 points in 2016. One dejected Republican strategist, Mike Murphy, claimed that the party should have “been able to elect a box of hammers in this district. If we’re losing here, you can bet there is a

Democratic wave coming.” Yes, well, more on this in a moment.

Let it be known that Lamb’s extremely narrow victory, while a win for Democrats, is actually a validation of Trump, not a repudiation, as Murphy is attempting to claim. Here’s why.

First of all, Lamb is a former Marine and is expected to support Trump’s military revitalization efforts. For another, Lamb supports Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum, which helped him win more of the organized labor vote (some of which went to Trump in 2016 for his touting of better trade deals and tariffs for industrial cheaters).

Lamb’s pro-life. Lamb has said publicly he does not support uber-liberal Nancy Pelosi to be reelected as party leader in the House.

The former prosecutor is no Left-wing gun control hack. “I believe we have a pretty good law on the books and it says on paper that there are a lot of people who should never get guns in their hands,” he said recently.

He has called for bipartisan legislation to stabilize health insurance markets that have been virtually destroyed by six years of Obamacare, just as Trump has done. He backs the president’s plan to more aggressively address the opioid overdose epidemic.

He favors tax cuts to the middle class, as Trump and the GOP have delivered (though he did criticize the part of the plan that dramatically, and permanently, cut the corporate tax rate).

Plus, all of those brilliant pollsters who predicted yet another Democratic landslide — a Lamb win by 5-6 points in three major surveys — were wrong. Again.

The fact that Trump campaigned for Saccone twice while sending in surrogates including son-in-law Jared Kushner is very likely what narrowed the gap to its current razor-thin margin.

And there is this: The Democratic reprieve, such as it is, may not even last: The seat comes up for grabs again in November.

As for Murphy, he’s a veteran #neverTrump guy who, like the Republican establishment, all but sabotaged Saccone’s candidacy because he did toe the Trump line. So there’s that.

Bottom line: This wasn’t the wash-out, in-Trump’s-face, Democrat victory they had hoped for, which is why most of them and their sycophantic mainstream media allies are not crowing about it today.


Is this part of what is making things so nasty? I suspect so

ABE – may be out in Japan over scandal and purges….

Italians sorting out election aftermath

Bannon been campaigning with Le Pen

Turnover and reshuffling of the deck everywhere…

Hero This Week

Solari Team

WC FIELDS – the snake and the snake potion


Let’s Go to the Movies

In Lets Go to the Movies, I will review the TV series The Good

Fight, brilliantly created as a sequel to The Good Wife by Michelle and Robert King and Phil Alden Robinson. Ridley Scott’s Scott Free is the production company (maker of numerous favorites, including The Gladiator and A Good Year). This entertaining legal

drama describes the power and importance of the law in a society struggling with immorality, corruption and change.

Sound familiar?





“Is there a monster that must be fed?

Will history always be written in red?”

~Sharon Robinson

By Catherine Austin Fitts

The first recorded school shooting in the United States took place in Pennsylvania in 1764. Most school shootings since have involved a limited handful of people. One person gets mad at another and takes matters into their own hands.

Mass school shootings are a very different and much more recent phenomenon. The success of the Kennedy assassinations for the Wall Street – Washington establishment marked a pivotal moment. The size of black budgets and hidden financial systems exploded. Confidence in modern media and covert mind control and operations grew. Killings with impunity as a political tool of policy making in support of the national security state blossomed

Mass shootings have been growing in size and number ever since. Richard Dolan’s False Flags was Solari Report Documentary of the Year for 2017. This series does an excellent job of explaining how and why the numbers of such events are increasing.

A defining characteristic of mass school shootings is that the official story never makes logical sense. Trying to get to the bottom of what happened quickly becomes an expensive, even

dangerous job. It requires wading through explosive disinformation and managing cyber warfare and physical harassment targeted at journalists and independent media who promote open source discovery of the truth. The killing machine hovers. The mountain of lies compound with each mass school shooting.

Another defining characteristic of mass school shootings is that they quickly convert into marketing for new legislation and regulations that promote more power and control for the national security state. The more money that leaves our pension funds to finance the national security state, the more money goes missing from the national security state, the more mass shootings occur. Think there is a connection? I do.

Jon Rappoport has been following school shootings for many years, ever since his brilliant coverage of the Columbine school shooting in Colorado in 1999. Jon’s knowledge is extensive – about the involvement of drugged children in school shootings, how patsies are created and used for covert operations, and how corporate media creates and stages false narratives and even fakes events.

Jon joins me this Thursday evening to unpack the lies of mass school shootings. Nobody does it better. You can learn more about mass shootings listening to this one interview with Jon than in watching hundreds of hours of network news.

CIA-STATE – among other things are we watching a fight over narcotics markets?





Catherine what led me too you would i could only call faith. I have found your solari report to be the best source of information i have ever come

across. I have read and listened to your entire library that's available and of course i have nothing but questions. I went to school for political science. I

wanted to get to the root of money and understand why some are broke while other have everything yet its a normal. I ran political parties and

headed debates but nothing hit me more than when i did my own research and asked one thing in economics that no one seemed to care about "what

about the balance sheet?" that question i asked 5 years ago has lead me down a rabbit hole that eventually ended up here. I have to say my biggest

fear understanding all this and still wanting to do politics is that i intially felt afriad to speak out and tell the truth in my community. I

eventually got over thnat then i learned people just dont care. Why should i be known as the conspiracy theory guy just to help a system no one wants

me to help. I have met myself with alot of anget and confusion but i am learning how to live in both those worlds. Finding my balance in truth and

fighting for it and living my life. I guess i dont have a exact question yet. just seeing if youll respond to some guy stuck in a small town still asking where

21 trillion went haha



 THANKS  FOR  LINKS  TO  Andreas  Antonopoulos   Bitcoin the Banskter Mr. Global Trojan horse..... ? BIS doing some reverse psychology to get people to use it? Very interesting – more prototyping – uncomfortable with Russia efforts? TALKING DOWN BITCOIN AS THEY PREPARE TO LAUNCH THEIR OWN EFFORTS and some due diligence you may have missed. these are sequential these aren't no need to reply. love your work. keep up the good job.

Dear Catherine, Is it possible to look at total gdp and get a sense that when compared with money Supply determine an amount Of economic activity that is Unsubstantiated by these Totals? Or is it impossible to Actually determine mathematically that money Supply matching up with gdp? In an effort to get a grip On the total amount of economic activity that we should be able to add up to Compare against the amount Of money in an economy? What I mean to do is look at A method to determine appx How large the black budget must actually be? If all total gdps equal X then What can we look at to see If trillions of dollars are circulating that shouldn’t be In other words the fed is printing trillions it’s going into God knows what but it can Be proven that there is far too much economic activity Given the amount of money supply were told exists at Any given time? If I say there was X amount Of activity but should only Have been a fraction of X, Then where did the money come from to support that Activity?! Using gdp vs money available it should become Obvious to economists that The fed has created far more money than we’ve been told Because we show an amount Of economy that proves more must have been created to support that activity. If the US is spending a few trillion per year to put In based on the moon just As an example and keeping It a total secret, shouldn’t that be

reflected in the numbers?? To me money Supply should give the secret away but I’m not yet Certain if it’s possible to Know tax revenues and deficits and fed reporting M1 Etc it should appear that a ton of money is out there that shouldn’t be that people Are not consuming these Trillions that we could audit Rocket fuel for example and See that the trillions are being consumed by secret Govt programs far beyond What is being stated? There must be a mathematical way to determine how large these Black budgets actually are, Then one can consider what It’s likely being spent on! You have a lot of numbers And I love to follow your work I just have a desire to come to an understanding how ominous the Fed actually is.

Aloha Catherine,

I love your stuff. I agree that Everybody Wants Honest Elections.

As Blockchain Technology becomes more accepted and more people know about it, maybe the people can demand such a basis for honest and accurate

election voting.

Hard to believe that Windows 2000 is the current basis. Perhaps you can release an issue that addresses options for our elections. I know you said

"digital systems don't have integrity". But what else can we use?

Would you take a hard look at Blockchain Technology? If this is a way to have honest elections, we could get the word out to demand it for our


Many thanks,

In Theory Yes – but digital systems have no integrity – I believe Blockchain systems can be compromised – back to Control 101 – physical force

Ideal with be a blockchain and paper ballet with redundant counters. STILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE PHYSICAL FORCE, MIND CONTROL – please read

Control 101. Keep looking for a magic bullet – have to deal with the

This was so creepy I couldn't resist sharing it.

YouTube showed me this ad for the business services of Telia, the Swedish

state telecom operator, before Greg Hunter's interview with Catherine.

The boss's niece loaded all of the customer data to the cloud and now it's gone! Guess they should have entrusted it with the state.

Good luck with the new website and thank you for all your hard work. The

information you provide has enriched my life. The inspiration, guidance and comfort you bring is invaluable.

Hi Catherine,

Was about ready to subscribe when your site crashed. I get my analysis from your site and from Martin Armstrong.

I've been in Southern California since graduating from Cal Berkeley in '71 (2 years were at Yale).

Is Trump just goosing his base with California-hating? Sure there is the theater and real-world policy issues of immigration. Yet, I smell something more nuanced and tectonic.

The spooks use the high-tech companies to suck up data. But, are the beltway powers worried that the techs are amassing too much power and influence? Did they get the memo that the currency of wealth, influence and power is shifting? Of course the banks are calling many of the shots, but do they worry/grok that something else is emerging?

And, how did it come to be that Elon Musk is our extra-terrestrial delivery man? Oh yeah, that's right, we defunded NASA for the reasons you explain. FOCUS ON MARS – NOT THE SPACE FENCE – READ FREELAND’s IONIZED SKY

Then there is the possibility "they" have been toasting California dry this winter with weather mod. I've seen the skywriting day after day of dry. Then, they let up and, voilá, real clouds and precipitation.


Is some cabal at the federal level holding a gun of some kind to California's head? Why? Also to Texas' head (hurricane Harvey?). ONE THEORY IS TRYING TO PROTECT CALIFORNIA FROM FUKISHIMA FALL OUT BY HAVING RAIN DUMP IN THE OCEAN

Keep up the good work. If there is a way for me to subscribe before your entire site is back up, let me know. SITE SHOULD BE UP TOMORROW! – CAN ALWAYS CALL CUSTOMER SERVICE

All the best to your good health and spiritual fulfillment,



March 22 Solari Food Series - Dr. Miguel Altieri: Father of Modern Agroecology

March 29th The National Security State: What's Next: Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson

April 5th 1st Quarter Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part I with Dr. Joseph Farrell

April 12th 1st Quarter Wrap Up: News Trends & Stories, Part II with Dr. Joseph Farrell

April 19th 1st Quarter Wrap Up: Equity Overview

April 26th 1st Quarter Wrap Up: The Space Based Economy

Until next week…

Please remember, don’t worry about whether or not there is a conspiracy. If you are not in a conspiracy, then you need to start one. Good night and good luck.


Omnibus Agenda = Obama's Agenda

Click on the Take Action button to remind Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R) that a vote for Fix NICS (as part of the omnibus) is a vote to kill concealed carry reciprocity. The pre-written emails contain separate messages for Republicans and Democrats.

Not a GOA member yet? We need you more than ever right now.

Omnibus Spending Bill is Quickly Becoming an Anti-Gun Leftists' Dream

Dear Catherine,

The government-funding Omnibus Appropriations Bill, which is currently being negotiated in the House, has all the marks of a "Democrat's Dream."

And cowardly Republicans are surrendering on many levels -- including on gun rights.

The biggest threat to gun owners in the omnibus is the potential that the anti-gun Fix NICS may be added may be added into the bill before it comes to the floor.

If Fix NICS (or Take the Guns First) language is added, it will kill concealed carry reciprocity for the rest of the year.

But this is not the only problem with the omnibus.

Said a column in The Washington Times on Monday: "Congressional Republicans who repeatedly pledged to repeal and replace Obamacare instead are racing today to rescue the law with truckloads of federal cash."

GOA has published many alerts in the past on the danger that ObamaCare poses to our gun rights. But for some reason, the House GOP is trying to rescue that failing law.

Regardless, our message to House Republicans is this: If the omnibus spending bill is turning into such a Democratic bill -- pursuing a Democratic anti-gun agenda -- then let the Democrats provide the votes to pass it.

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Lots of 2A Issues could be Added to the Omnibus

Here are just some of the anti-gun problems which could end up in the omnibus spending bill:

1) Obama-like "Fix NICS" gun control (resulting in the disarmament of millions of veterans, older seniors and more)

2) ObamaCare bailout (which helps preserve the anti-gun data collection in ObamaCare that will negatively affect gun owners)

3) Amnesty for anti-gun voters (leading to more anti-gun elected legislators)

4) Internet taxes (including for gun sales).

To see a longer explanation for each of these points above, please see the web-version of this alert here.

There are many additional problems from a constitutional perspective, but what I've listed above cover the 2A-related concerns.

A Vote for Anti-gun Fix NICS is a Vote to Kill Reciprocity

Our response here at Gun Owners of America is to "kill the bill" if it contains gun control.

So please encourage your congressman, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R), with this message: If legislators want to load up a spending bill with all kinds of anti-gun "goodies," then let it fail ... yes, even let the government shut down, rather than enact more gun control.

Urge Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R) to vote against the "rule" and to vote against the bill.

And if there's one issue that we should keep bringing up to each congressman, it's this: Do not accept any Fix NICS (or Take the Guns First) language in the omnibus.

To take up Fix NICS now would mean that concealed carry reciprocity will get left behind.


Larry Pratt Executive Director-Emeritus

PS: GOA has been digging deep into our resources to fight these nasty gun control measures. Would you consider pitching in $20, $35, or $50 to the fight?

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