The Skinny on Slim

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The Skinny on Slim

The Skinny On Slim

Presentation by Eric Mulligan

➢ What Is Slim?➢ Why Slim?➢ Syntax➢ Features➢ Slim vs HAML & ERB➢ Demo


➢ A template engine for Ruby.➢ Developed by Daniel Mendler in 2010.➢ Similar to HAML & Jade (JavaScript).➢ Supports Rails 3 & 4, Sinatra and other Rack-based

web frameworks.➢ Tested on all major Ruby implementations.

What Is Slim?

➢ Core syntax is guided by one thought:“What is the minimum required to make this work?”

➢ Allows us to write minimal templates.➢ Syntax is aesthetically pleasing which makes it fun to

write templates.➢ Designed with performance in mind.➢ Guarantees well-formed HTML and XML.➢ Faster to compile than HAML.

Why Slim?

Installation:From the command line:From a Gemfile:

Verbatim Text:‘|’ tells Slim to copy the line and does no processing. You can even embed HTML and it will simply output it as is.


gem install slim

gem ‘slim’

| This is some random text.Outputs:

This is some random text.

| <p>A paragraph.</p>Outputs:

<p>A paragraph</p>

Control Code:The ‘-’ denotes control code such as conditionals and loops. ‘end’ is forbidden as blocks are defined by indentation only.

Dynamic Content:The ‘=’ outputs the result of the Ruby call and adds the output to the buffer.

The ‘==’ is the same as ‘=’, however, all HTML is not escaped which is perfect for ‘yield’ and ‘render’ method calls.

- if @users.empty?- @users.each do |user| | I am a user.

= javascript_include_tag ‘application’p = link_to ‘Link’, ‘#’

== yield== render ‘partials/form’, locals: { user: @user }

Syntax (cont.)

Comments:‘/’ does not output any markup.

‘/!’, however, outputs HTML comments.

‘/[if IE]’ outputs IE conditional comments.

Syntax (cont.)

/ This line won’t be displayed.

/! This line will be displayed as an HTML comment.Outputs:

<!-- This line will be displayed as an HTML comment →

/[if IE] p Some paragraph.Outputs:

<--![if IE]--><p>Some paragraph</p><![endif]-->

DOCTYPE:HTML doctypes:

XML doctypes:

doctype htmldoctype 5Outputs:

<!DOCTYPE html>

doctype 1.1Outputs:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC - “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN” “”>

doctype xmlOutputs:

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8” ?>

Syntax (cont.)

Inline Tags:Adding ‘:’ between tags allows us to add multiple tags in one single line.

Attributes:Wrapping attributes is not required, but it does improve readability. We can wrap attributes with ‘{}’, ‘()’ and ‘[]’.

ul.alert.alert-danger: li: a href=”/” First linkOutputs:

<ul class=”alert alert-danger”>

<li><a href=”/”>First link</a></li>


a href=”/” rel=”nofollow” Link Texta[href=”/” rel=”nofollow”] Link Texta(href=”/” rel=”nofollow”) Link Texta{href=”/” rel=”nofollow”} Link TextOutputs:

<a href=”/” rel=”nofollow”>Link Text</a>

Syntax (cont.)

Attributes (cont.):Slim permits us to wrap attributes with ‘*{}’ which allows us to use a Ruby Hash-style syntax.

Slim allows attribute values to be Ruby code that outputs a string.

a*{:href => ‘/’, rel: ‘nofollow’} Link TextOutputs:

<a href=”/” rel=”nofollow”>Link Text</a>

a href=root_path Link TextOutputs:

<a href=”/”>Link Text</a>

Syntax (cont.)

Text Interpolation:Slim allows the use of Ruby string interpolation in attribute values as well as in the text content.

img src=”/images/example.png” alt=”Welcome #{}” /Outputs:

<img src=”/images/example.png” alt=”Welcome Eric Mulligan” />

p Welcome #{}Outputs:

<p>Welcome Eric Mulligan</p>

Syntax (cont.)

➢ Outputs:○ Pretty HTML in Development.○ Ugly HTML in Production.○ Valid XHTML.

➢ Sorts attributes by name.➢ Automatic HTML escaping by default.➢ Unicode support for element and attribute names.➢ Support for Embedded Engines such as Ruby,

CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Markdown, etc.


➢ To configure:○ Create slim.rb in “config/initializers”.○ Slim::Engine.set_options({...configuration hash…})○ shortcut: { ‘@’ => { attr: ‘role’ } }:

■ p#example.slim-example@admin Some text■ Outputs: <p id=”example” class=”slim-example” role=”admin”>Some Text</p>

○ format: :html:■ Outputs HTML 5 markup instead of the default XHTML.

○ pretty: true:■ Outputs pretty HTML instead of ugly HTML regardless of the environment.

Features (cont.)

➢ Embedded Ruby (ERB):○ Ruby code is embedded in HTML markup.○ Easier to use in projects where web designers have little to no

coding experience.○ Faster to compile than Slim.○ Recommended by David Heinemeier Hansson (aka DHH)

(Rails Creator & Basecamp Founder).

Slim vs ERB & HAML

➢ HTML Abstraction Markup Language (HAML):○ Created by Hampton Catlin (Sass) in 2006.○ Slim is influenced by HAML.○ Slight syntax difference between HAML and Slim.

■ HTML/XML elements start with %● %html, %body, %h1, etc.

■ () used for HTML-style attributes.● %a(href=””)

Slim vs ERB & HAML (cont.)

Bootstrap Navbar in ERB

Bootstrap Navbar in HAML

Bootstrap Navbar in Slim

➢ Performance:○ Slim is much faster to compile than HAML.○ ERB is much faster to compile than Slim & HAML.

Slim vs ERB & HAML (cont.)

Ruby / Rails Perspective



Contact Me:Email: eric.pierre.mulligan@gmail.comTwitter: @EricPMulliganGithub:

That’s It!