THE SHAKING - Shaking.pdf · The time is coming … even now it is here …...

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Transcript of THE SHAKING - Shaking.pdf · The time is coming … even now it is here …...


Following a prophetic word from an American (Jewish) sister that spends much

time in Israel

Sent by our friend Simantov


received in Jerusalem, Nov. 14, 2017

“The time is coming … even now it is here … for a great shaking to unfold. I will shake all that seems secure, but which is, in reality, standing upon unsure footings. I will shake hearts, minds, doctrinal beliefs, institutions, governments, and relationships, among many other things. The shaking will be terrifying for many, but not for all. Some will see the shaking as a sign of My love; recognized by those, who have been awaiting the movement of My hand against all the wickedness that has infiltrated human hearts and social systems. I will shake from the smallest to the greatest … from the newest to the most ancient. Nothing shall be exempt. Rotten foundations will give way, and be exposed, when the structures built upon them come crashing down.

This shaking will greatly impact My people Israel. The machinations of the evil one that he placed upon My people, during their time of blindness, which was established by Me, will fall away. Human arrogance and prideful religious idolatry will be brought low. The delusions, which have held power, will be so clearly exposed as false, that many of My people will flee toward My name to find safety. Those, who choose offense and pride … those, who refuse to see and to embrace the truth of My sovereignty over their lives … will suffer great losses. I will shake and shake them until they have nothing left to cling to, except for Me. In that revelation of My truth, if they still will not


relent … if they continue to cling to their rebellion, and to their self-made religious idolatry … they will lose their grip and fall. Pray for them to recognize My hand and to celebrate My presence. Pray that their blind eyes will be wiling to see, and that their offended hearts will open up to the truth of My love. I am ready. Will they be willing?

Most assuredly, this severe shaking will also occur in the institution called the “Church”. So many manifestations of this institution have closed the door to My presence, word, and influence. So many have become human constructs of self- glory, control, intellectual pride, and personal fame. Their bankruptcy will become evident in the natural, though they have ignored that reality in the spiritual. What was once solid will become liquid. What was once cold toward Me will melt and be washed away. Some will emerge from the great washing to become My true disciples. Those, who have been entrapped by these human constructs will suddenly see the realities of My Kingdom, and joyfully come up out of the flood to walk upon My eternal high ground. Those that hold on to flesh and to idolatry may become My enemy.

Brace yourselves … those of you in My remnant, who stand upon the Rock! While I will cause you to hold fast within the shaking, your heart will be greatly troubled to see the downfall of many, and the suffering of multitudes. Trust Me and My mercy to do only that which is necessary to gather in those, who otherwise would be lost to Me without this sorting being accomplished through painful disruptions. My enemy is confident that, due to the losses, which will come, there will be a great offense raised up against Me by My own. The plan set forth by evil is to create massive manipulations of truth; causing many to flee from claiming Me as their Lord. He will be surprised to see how many will be found fleeing from his grip, by their own choice, as they


see the power of faith being demonstrated in strength. That power of My Kingdom will be seen through the exploits exhibited, by My own during the shaking. Those, who will become offended by what I will be doing during this time, were not fully with Me in the first place. Those, who have been aware of their emptiness, and had not yet found an answer for filling it, will finally see their deliverance and salvation, to found only in Me. It is My will that I would be made known to ALL people … and so shall it be. Some shall know Me for redemption, while others will shun Me; only to finally know Me as the Judge, who declares their eternal destination.

Pray for faith to arise in this hour. Pray for the faithful to be even more faithful and sure, as they stand against the storms. Do not be afraid for I am with you. Do not be ignorant of what is taking place, or you may be blind-sided. Be alert and refuse the distractions. Do not interpret or believe the unfolding events, as the newscasters, politicians, false prophets, and prognosticators would report them. Many falsehoods and deceptions are being prospered to deceive. A great apathy toward truth has empowered the evil one to disseminate great blindness and deafness, in order to deceive. Only that which is pleasing to the ears, eyes, and appetites of the mislead multitudes will be embraced as true goodness. Refuse to walk on this path to destruction. Be willing to stand apart and to be rejected. Refuse to be silent, but seek to seed your words of truth into fertile ground. What is currently hard ground will be turned up and turned over by the shakings. Those harvest fields will be moistened by the coming floods, and by the tears of the repentant, so that holy seeds can finally take root and grow. I intend to shatter all confidence in the arm of flesh. Those, who would pick up the pieces of broken flesh and seek to glue them back together again … those, who would try to splint together that which I have broken apart … will suffer greater losses for


their efforts. As constructs shatter, let them fall to the ground. Do not mourn them, nor speak comforting words, of their eventual return, to those, who are grieving their loss. They will NOT return. Announce that the Creator of All has brought these things low. If these wicked things, and these seductive delusions, were allowed to stand, they would lead many to eternal death.

Listen for the rumble of soon coming war. Even now you can hear it at a distance. Soon it will be at your door. Do not fear, for in this fierce war the pride of a great enemy will be crushed. Multitudes will be set free. The losses suffered by My people will seem very great, but know that they will be far less than what the enemy intended, because of My intervention. Look beyond the fires of war, and through the blinding smoke of destruction. Something holy will be emerging from the rubble. Holy sacrifices, made by faithful, well lived, lives, will inspire an awakening of the sleepers. Be ready to receive the broken ones to restore them to wholeness in Me. Even now, take to the walls of intercession, and pray for the harvest of souls to be great in the midst of the turmoil.

You ask Me when this war will break out. That is for Me alone to know. Just be content that I have given you the warning that it is on the horizon, and moving forward according to My perfect timing. If you are actively watching and praying, you will observe its advance before the consuming battle is at your feet. You will have time, and you will receive instructions from Me, regarding your movements and responses. I will position you, where I need you to be. I will fill your mouth with what you need to say. I will manifest miracles on your behalf, and even through you, to display My glory before the face of the doubters. Build yourself up in the truth of My word, and of My reality, during this time of waiting. Discipline your flesh to submit to My will, way, and word without compromise, and without any delay. Do


not mock or gloat over those, who will be taken down. Only rejoice that My hand is mighty, and the I am moving to accomplish My purposes in your world. Brace yourself and look up. Your redemption is not far off.”


Two days before on Nov. 12th, Simantov sent out the following message, where he

describes very well, what in our understanding a major cause of this shaking is and

will be:

(I will be adding a few thoughts at the end)

"His ears are attentive to Their Prayer"


"For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive

to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."

1Peter 3:12

Trump preparing to announce Israel-Palestinian

peace push

These are some of the words from the news story:

After months of US shuttle diplomacy, holding meetings with top regional

leaders, Trump's Mid. East advisor, Jason Greenblatt signals administration is

gearing up to announce practical steps for ending the intractable conflict; new


plan expected to differ from previous US blueprints, but the two-state solution

still on cards, despite Trump's ambiguity; Greenblatt: 'Our goal is to facilitate,

not dictate, a lasting peace agreement.' full story

end quote

I want to encourage you all to continue in prayer, and want to quote from a

local pastor here in Jerusalem these words.

"I have often found a ‘breezy’ attitude among our dear Christian friends who

care deeply for Israel and God’s restoration plan for her. It is not uncommon to

hear Christians dismiss Israel’s foes lightheartedly citing scriptural precedents

and events where God powerfully intervened on Israel’s behalf to save her from

her enemies". See Joshua 10:10-11, 2Chronicles 20, Isaiah 37:36-38)

The time to rest and think that Donald Trump will rescue Israel from her

current enemies is actually quite foolish. if ever there was a time for extended

intercession it is now. It looks like Donald Trump's solution to our so-called

peace problem is no different than Obama's because it also envisions dividing

and carving Israel and Jerusalem and defying the word of God which says the

land is never to be given away. Please do not think this new Administrations

devotion to so-called peace, as being something from God because it's not from


The body of Christ must intensify their intercessions for Israel more now than

ever before. with the confidence that many have in this new US Administration

there could be great deception being released.

The word of God must continue be the standard and the foundation from

which we pray and the word of God makes it clear that any division of the land

will result in God's judgment coming against the nation's responsible.

full story here


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A few thoughts Well everything indicates very strongly, that a “Regional Peace” is being forged in the

Middle East.

Barry Segal wrote just yesterday on the subject the following statement concerning the

current situation in Israel:

JNN News Update November 24th 2017

“I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around.” Ps



Minister Yisrael Katz responded on Mon. 20 Nov. 2017, to the Trump administration’s proposed

peace plan, as reported on the weekend by Israeli media sources. Katz spoke at a conference held at


the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. “Less than a year ago, the United States chose not to veto an

anti-Israeli resolution against the settlement enterprise in Judea and Samaria, and two days ago the

USA administration, headed by President Trump, warned the Palestinians that it would close their

embassy if they continued to act against Israel. The smiles on the Palestinians’ faces from a year

ago have been erased,” said Katz. "It’s not a coincidence. President Trump sees and divides the

world clearly into two main axes: the axis of evil, headed by Iran and North Korea, and the axis of

friendship led by the United States, which includes its pragmatic Sunni allies and of course, Israel.

The Palestinian leadership must decide whether it chooses to be part of the axis of evil or to join the

axis of friendship," he stressed. Katz noted that the Trump administration makes it clear today that

any Palestinian government must comply with the conditions of the Quartet, commit to non-

violence, recognize Israel and honor previous commitments and agreements, including dismantling

the weapons of terrorist elements. Referring to the issue of Jerusalem, Katz said, "I expect and

believe that President Trump will correct the historical distortion and move the American Embassy

as soon as possible to Jerusalem - the spiritual center and eternal capital of the Jewish people. In the

meantime,” he continued, “we must strengthen our position in the city, which is constantly

challenged, first and foremost by establishing the Greater Jerusalem metropolitan area, and

connecting Ma’aleh Adumim, Givat Ze'ev, Beitar Illit and Gush Etzion to the city.” (Arutz-7) "En

large the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your

cords, strengthen your stakes.” Isa.54:2


There is one small but important difference between the peace plan (a Two state

soloution) of Obama and the peace-plan which is forged now: with the former peace-plan

Israel would have had almost no chance to survive, but because this time Israel has the

support from Pr. Trump, they can establish in this Plan what they require in order to be

able to defend their land, and therefore we hope, pray and believe they have more than a

chance to survive…..!!!

Thus this justifies what is being forged (The dividing of Israel) behind closed doors? No,

because God is not in the business of dividing His Land, He is in the business of restoring

and healing His Land! If this agreement is to come, with the price for Israel to split the

Land, it is very much in the spirit of what happened between the Syrian King Ben-Hadad

and King Ahab, after the Syrians had been defeated twice:

Then his servants said to him, “Look now, we have heard that the kings of the house of Israel are merciful kings. Please, let us put sackcloth around our waists and ropes around our heads, and go out to the king of Israel; perhaps he will spare your life.” So they wore sackcloth around their waists and put ropes around their heads, and came to the king of

Israel and said, “Your servant Ben-Hadad says, ‘Please let me live.’”

And he said, “Is he still alive? He is my brother.”

Now the men were watching closely to see whether any sign of mercy would come from him; and they quickly grasped at this word and said, “Your brother Ben-Hadad.”

So he said, “Go, bring him.” Then Ben-Hadad came out to him; and he had him come up into the chariot.


So Ben-Hadad said to him, “The cities which my father took from your father I will restore; and you may set up marketplaces for yourself in Damascus, as my father did in Samaria.” Then Ahab said, “I will send you away with this treaty.” So he made a treaty with him and

sent him away. 1 Kings 20:31-34

It was an agreement which was fully against God’s will and plan and displeasing to Him in every regard! Therefore He spoke very clear to King Ahab the words through a prophet, (one of the real kind);

And he hastened to take the bandage away from his eyes; and the king of Israel

recognized him as one of the prophets. Then he said to him, “Thus says the LORD: ‘Because you have let slip out of your hand a man whom I appointed to utter destruction,

therefore your life shall go for his life, and your people for his people.’” 1 King 20:41-42

The question we have to ask ourselves in case that such an agreement may come to pass,

it is possible that the Lord will allow these things to happen? Maybe because of Israel’s

unfaithfulness, in order to shake not just the Nations, but also Israel to its core, in order

that they will cry out and turn to Him??

We need to admit, that our heavenly Father has blessed the Western World for the past

70 years with a lot of peace, prosperity and stability, and despite these amazing time of

blessings the majority of the people have turned away from God! And Israel, despite the

many blessings and victories and an amazing and growing Messianic Move, as a Nation

they are still very far from God, even so many seek him in prayer and in self-righteousness

and will never find him that way!

Therefore the question we need to ask ourselves, is God allowing this coming shaking

because there is something much more important in life, than peace, prosperity and

stability??? Is it Salvation through Jesus the Messiah???!!! Well we believe it with all our

hearts!!! Do we remember that without salvation in Jesus anybody will go to Hell,

regardless how righteous he is! Without Him, our Lord and Savior and regardless how

prosper somebody becomes in business and how wonderful his Family might be…he is


If a shaking is needed for many to cry out to God and receive the opportunity to be saved,

than it could be reason that God allows something which is profoundly wrong to happen in

order that as many as possible may be saved, which is by the way the deepest desire in

God’s heart!

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be

saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:3-4

Do we remember what I recall the most important prophetic Revelation for this year, or

maybe one of the most important, because there are two or three I cherish with equal

value, who explain where we stand in History right now;


When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been

slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a

loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge

our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” Then a white robe was given to each

of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the

number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was

completed. Revelation 9:9-11

If we imagine all the Martyrs who died during History coming together in Heaven, and

being joined by approximately one Billion unborn children, who are in a certain sense

equal Martyrs of our time of so called “Peace and Prosperity” and join in the above prayer,

if this does not smell that shaking is coming, than I can simply not help you


What I sense very strongly, that we need as much as we pray for Israel’s peace and

prosperity, we need to ask the Lord, how does Israel and how do we need to prepare for

what is to come!

This coming shaking which will unfold will be truly a time the storm will be blowing and

the rain pouring and therefore everything built on sand will surely collapse: Politically,

economically and spiritually!

Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is

like: He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock.

And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not

shake it, for it was founded on the rock. But he who heard and did nothing is like a man

who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream beat

vehemently; and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great.” Luke 6:47-49

But it is going to be for all those who have built their life and Ministry on the Rock the

most awesome time, because millions will cry out for help and will open their hearts to the

Lord, hearts hardened through pride, religious deception and sin for many decades!

but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. Daniel


This passage written particularly for a time of trouble, where an antichrist type tyrant

ruled and will rule again….

This year 2017 had been for us a year of shaking in many regards! When Charle’ was in

the ICU for several weeks everything in our lives was turned upside down! But it was a

time to jump into the Hand of God and allow Him to reign in our lives, and I can tell you

today, this year 2017 was an amazing year for us! To our Lord we give all the Glory!


Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:

‘The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone.

This was the LORD’s doing, And it is marvelous in our eyes’?

Matthew 21;42

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock (the Revelation that Jesus is

Messiah!) I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

Matthew 16:18

As it is written:

“Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense,

and whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” Romans 9;33

We need to know life is stronger than death! The Lords Army which He is raising in this

Hour is much better prepared and equipped than the army of 200 Millions the enemy is

raising up even so equipped with some of the most sophisticated and destructive weapons

we can imagine!

And it is to His Army, His Bride the Lord is saying:

Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of

trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.

Revelation 3:10

We have nothing to fear, but we have to understand, what is coming is a shaking of a

proportion the World has never seen and the time we have, we need to draw closer to our

Lord and be very wise in order to prepare in the way He is leading and instructing us!

May our Lord and King Yeshua Messiah have mercy on us all and

give us eyes to see, ears to hear, hearts full of faith and boldness in

order that we can glorify Him in everything!

To Him be all the Glory, Honor and Praise!

Be highly blessed

Ueli and Charle’

LivingFire Ministry