The Seven Wonders of the World. A group of young pupils was asked to make a list of what they...

Post on 30-Mar-2015

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Transcript of The Seven Wonders of the World. A group of young pupils was asked to make a list of what they...

The Seven Wonders of the World

A group of young pupils was asked to make a list of what

they cosidered to be the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. There were some differences, but here in general are those

that received the greatest number of votes:

1. The Great Pyramids of Egypt

2. The Taj Mahal

• 2. The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal Agra India

The Victoria Falls Zambia

The Empire State Building

The Grand Canyon

The Great Wall of China

The Panama Canal

While she was compiling the list,

the teacher noticed that one young child had

not handed in her paper.

She asked the young girl if she was having difficulty making up her list. The child replied: « Yes, a little. You see, it is so difficult to decide, because there are so

many. »

The teacher said «  Tell us those that you have, and we shall perhaps be able

to help you. »

The young girl hesitated and then said

«  I think that the Seven Wonders of the World are:

1. Seeing

2. Hearing

3. Touching

4. Tasting

5. Feeling

6. Laughing…

7. And Loving…

The Class remained in silence.These things are so simple and ordinary that we forget just how

wonderful they are!

God of wisdom,We ask your blessing on our schoolworkYou want us to become the best we can be. Please help us to give our best effort in our learning. Let us know how good it feels to work hard and see our minds growing stronger.Lord hear us


The most precious things cannot be bought nor built by man.

Don’t be too busy to pass this on.Have a lovely day and use the most

precious wonders of God’s world well!