The Seven Spirits of God

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Exposing the polytheistic and gnostic origins of the Trinity

Transcript of The Seven Spirits of God

The Seven Spirits of God(Exposing the GNOSTIC roots of Trinity)By Jeffrey David Dean Sr.April 29 2010

Most Christians are blissfully unaware of scripture in their very own New Testament that without a doubt exposes the blatant POLYTHEISM of Christianity (in specific the polytheistic nature of the TRINITY doctrine). In the defense of the average Christian, these verses are buried in the most controversial (and sadly enough least read) book of the New Testament, The Book of Revelation. Yet, it’s not the existence of these scriptures, nor is it the questions they engender which are significant as much as it is what Christians almost UNANIMOUSLY say ABOUT these texts that is most revealing!

This is an overview only. I intend to cover the major points here and at some future date publish a more exhaustive revision of this study. It is such an important message that I feel urgency within me to simply write down what I know so far and then I will add to it later.

The most telling scriptures that completely demonstrate Christianity’s polytheistic (and possibly Gnostic) roots are found in Revelation 1: 4 and 3:1 and 4: 5, and 5: 6.

Revelation 1: 4

John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be to you, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne;”

Revelation 3:1

And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things says he that has the seen Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know your works, that you have a name that you live, but are dead.

Revelation 4: 5

And out of the throne proceeded lightning and thundering and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

Revelation 5: 6

And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne, and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.


I’m going to answer this question as honestly and in as forthright a manner as I possibly can. I simply DO NOT know. There are several schools of thought on the subject. I refuse to postulate a theory of my own and I refuse to settle on the apologetics of any other person or group on this subject. I am quite content to wait upon the LORD to reveal these matters and I do not feel comfortable putting forth a guess. I do, however, feel quite comfortable telling you what I KNOW about these Spirits. I shall do that in a moment, but first I’d like to point out that, to me, the most significant thing about these Seven Spirits of God is not who or what they are but WHAT or WHO the Trinitarian Christians SAY they are!


1. The seven Spirits are “before the throne” of Almighty! (Revelation 1: 4)2. Yeshua (Jesus) can SEE these seven Spirits and it is implied within the text that

the angel of Sardis has NOT seen them. (Otherwise would it not say, “he who has ALSO seen the seven Spirits of God?”) (Revelation 3: 1)

3. They are SYMBOLICALLY represented as seven lamps (Revelation 4: 5)Note: I say that the seven lamps are symbolic because of item number 4 which follows4. They are SYMBOLICALLY represented as seven horns and also seven eyes.

(Revelation 5: 6) Note: If these horns and eyes are NOT symbolic I am wondering how it escaped the Gospels that Christ had seven horns on his head and seven eyes. This seems like a detail that would have been mentioned. Consequently it’s obvious that the seven lamps are likewise symbolic.

Knowing these 4 things for sure about the seven Spirits does not bring us that much closer to understanding them, nor identifying them positively, does it? However, so much commentary has been recorded among the Trinitarians that we can use what we KNOW about the seven Spirits and completely EXPOSE not only the DECEPTIVE nature and bias which exists in MODERN TRANSLATIONS but we can discover just how POLYTHEISTIC, and yes, PAGAN, and yes even GNOSTIC the Trinitarians are in their apologetic mindset.


Let us begin with the Catholic teaching on the seven Spirits (although, granted, there are many non Catholic teachings within Christianity so the Catholic take on this subject is

NOT NECESSARILY a good indication of what ALL Christians teach). Being that the Catholic Church is the LARGEST BODY of Christians in the world, it seems logical to start with their teachings on this matter.

The following quote is taken from “New Advent” or the Catholic Encyclopedia Online, from an entry called “Tractate 122.”

“The Holy Spirit, therefore, is aptly represented by the septenary number. The prophet Isaiah likewise says, The Spirit of God shall rest on Him; and thereafter calls our attention to that Spirit in His septenary work or grace, by saying, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and piety, and He shall be filled with the spirit of the fear of God. Isaiah 11:2-3 And what of the Revelation? Are they not there called the seven Spirits of God, Revelation 3:1 while there is only one and the same Spirit dividing to every one severally as He will? 1 Corinthians 12:11 But the septenary operation of the one Spirit was so called by the Spirit Himself, whose own presence in the writer led to their being spoken of as the seven Spirits.”

This significance of the above quote may elude many so I will emphasize here the key statements upon which I will focus most of my scrutiny. The above teaching states that the Holy Spirit is not just ONE person but is made up of SEVEN SPIRITS. These seven spirits are ONE (in the same way that the Trinity are all ONE in the minds of Trinitarians). It states that ONE Spirit “divides” into seven spirits and goes forth to each person as “HE” will. From the above Catholic teaching it is abundantly clear that to them the seven Spirits are MUCH MORE than seven “ministrations” of one Spirit. The seven Spirits are much more than seven FUNCTIONS of one person within the Godhead (for according to them the functions of the Holy Spirit are far more numerous than just SEVEN.

NO, the Catholic teaching is clear that the ONE SPIRIT, the THIRD PERSON OF THE GODHEAD, is divided into SEVEN ENTITIES, SEVEN SPIRITS who can act SEPARATELY FROM EACH OTHER, one spirit going to ONE PERSON, and another going to another person and interacting.

In short, in the Trinitarian doctrine there exists SEVEN PARTIAL PERSONS within the Godhead, who make up a whole (the Holy Ghost). The implications of this horrendous notion should be readily obvious to the discerning believer! They have created within a ONE TRUE GOD, three separate persons (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit) and within ONE of those personages of the Godhead there exists SEVEN SEPARATE SPIRIT PERSONS who act independently of each other but are also ONE.

According to Catholic teaching, therefore, God is made up of THREE PERSONS, and the Holy Spirit is made up of SEVEN PERSONS (who are all PART of the WHOLE, making them seven LESSER GODS or demigods who make up a part of the whole).

Anyone who studies religion should RECOGNIZE this concept immediately. It is IDENTICAL to GNOSTICISM in every way, in which there are various “emanations” of God and within those emanations again there are various more emanations.

We have to go back to what we KNOW for a fact about the seven Spirits of God, compare that to what Trinitarians teach about the Holy Spirit, and throw into that recipe what Trinitarians almost unanimously say about the seven Spirits and we come away with a FULL picture of the polytheistic (and arguably Gnostic) nature of the Trinity itself. (With an extra added bonus that we can see how bias and misleading and tainted are the modern translations of the Bible).

In the KIV of the Bible (and several other modern translations) where the word “seven” appears in reference to the seven Spirits, the translation replaces the word “seven” with “sevenfold.” This is perhaps the most obvious example of their deliberate and dishonest intent to mistranslate and mislead the reader. When you go to the original GREEK TEXT of Revelation, the word “seven” in these texts is the word “Hepta” and is NEVER translated as “sevenfold.” They are simply LYING when they say “sevenfold.”The real tell is in examining what could be the possible motivation for changing the word “seven” to “sevenfold?”

In order to understand, we must find out what “sevenfold” means. In Hebrew and in Greek it means “times seven,” only. However, in ENGLISH, while the PRIMARY definition is times seven or “seven as many”, there is a secondary meaning “composed of seven parts.” I submit that the only possible reason for making this word “sevenfold” rather than seven in English translations should be VERY OBVIOUS to the discerning reader. If their intent is to apply the PRIMARY DEFINITION of sevenfold then there is NO REASON to change the text from the word SEVEN to the word SEVENFOLD, simply because ONE HOLY SPIRIT times SEVEN equals SEVEN SPIRITS!

Clearly they are trying to insert the SECONDARY definition of “sevenfold” into the text (without having any clear contextual support for the assertion). Where is the contextual foundation within the text to infer that the Holy Spirit is “composed of seven parts?” The answer is, there is no foundation. Yet, in their DISHONESTY and obvious INTENTION TO MISLEAD THE READER, the Trinitarian translators are asserting that “seven Spirits” means that the Holy Spirit of God is composed of “seven parts.”

When you consider that the Trinitarians UNANIMOUSLY AGREE that the Holy Spirit is a THIRD PERSON within the GODHEAD, their assertion that this same PERSONAGE of the SPIRIT is “COMPOSED” of seven parts shows beyond ANY DOUBT that the Trinitarians are POLYTHEISTIC in their thinking and (I say very GNOSTIC). Why? Because if the Holy Spirit is a PERSON as they attest, and that same person is made up of SEVEN EQUAL PARTS, then either this Holy Spirit has SEVEN EQUAL PERSONALITIES (which would make the Trinity made up of NINE equal persons within the Godhead, something that Trinitarian teachings CANNOT ALLOW).

We are left, therefore with the inescapable and logical conclusion that that these SEVEN PARTS of the ONE HOLY SPIRIT must be, without argument, seven LESSER GODS who make up a whole! (That is precisely what sevenfold means in reference and in context to the subject of a GOD PERSON). The Trinitarians, by making the Holy Spirit a person within the Godhead and then by their use of the word SEVENFOLD have inescapably created SEVEN EMANATIONS of ONE PERSON (the Holy Spirit).

Many Trinitarians have actually REALIZED this fundamental and heretical error and have backpedaled of late, saying that the SEVENFOLD is a reference to the SEVENFOLD MINISTRY of the Spirit. (Which is another error for the apostles only identified a fivefold ministry of the Spirit).

Nevertheless, this even greater error is NOT supported by what we KNOW FOR SURE about the seven Spirits.

We know that the seven Spirits of God are “before the throne.” The obvious question is, if the seven Spirits are “ministrations” of the THIRD PERSON of the GODHEAD and equal and in one essence and nature to God himself, would they not be seen ON THE THRONE rather than subservient and “before” the throne? Again, this goes to the heart of my argument that Christianity is steeped in Gnostic thought. If the Holy Spirit is made up of SEVEN SPIRITS and these are “BEFORE THE THRONE,” yet at the same time the Holy Spirit is also “God the Holy Spirit” the third person of a Triune Godhead, we can draw no other conclusion but that the third person of the Trinity is “before the throne” and is somehow a “lesser God” to the God on the throne and by course MUST BE one of several VARIOUS EMANATIONS of God! (Gnostic thought in a nutshell).

The same thing can be said of Jesus Christ in the Trinitarian scheme.

The scriptures state that Jesus Christ “sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven.” This, again, depicts an EQUAL member of the GODHEAD (God the Son) who appears to be subservient to the ONE GOD (God the Father) and does not sit in the same seat of authority in heaven, but rather sits off to the RIGHT HAND. (There are several scriptures that state that Christ will once again be subject unto God the Father once he has put down all rule and authority on earth).

Furthermore, in Revelation 5: 5-7 we see that Christ is not ON THE THRONE but approaches the throne and takes the book out of the hand of Him who sits there:

“5 And one of the elders said to me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.6 And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne, and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it were slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth,

7 And he (the lamb) came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.”

So, here we have Christ, who is supposed to be the SECOND person of the Godhead and he is found “in the midst of the twenty four elders” before the throne. Furthermore, his eyes and his horns are the SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD. So, the Holy Spirit (made up of seven parts) exists WITHIN THE BODY OF THE SECOND PERSON OF THE GODHEAD and this second person (Christ) approaches the throne and takes something in obedience as a GIFT from the FIRST PERSON of the Godhead who sits on the throne.

If the Trinitarians are right we are seeing an HEIRARCHY of the PERSONS OF GOD here where Christ is subservient and dependent upon God the Father and the Holy Spirit is made up of elements of the Christ (eyes and horns)! It’s inescapable! (It is also equally inescapable that this is exactly what the GNOSTICS TEACH about God). The Trinitarians call the NON TRINITARIANS GNOSTICS. It’s the pot calling the kettle black!

We also know that Christ states that he can “see the seven Spirits.” (Implying that he alone can see them which is debatable, however, nothing else explains why he identifies himself to the angel of Sardis as “he who sees the seven Spirits”). At any rate, the very fact that ANYONE can see them coupled with the knowledge that they are “before the throne” is evidence in and of itself that they are NOT “ministrations” or “actions” of the Spirit but by implication alone should be PERSONS in their own right. (Whether spiritual persons or fleshly persons no one can really tell).

So, either the Trinitarians are correct and the Holy Spirit is a SEPARATE PERSON within the Godhead (yet one in the same essence), in which case according to them and to Revelation this person is made up of SEVEN PERSONS who can be seen before the throne of God, or Trinitarians are WRONG and the Holy Spirit is not a PERSON at all but is just what the name implies, God in Spiritual manifestation to US!

This will conclude this study for now. I hope to add more to it later, as I said before.