The Second Empire of Brazil

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of The Second Empire of Brazil

Second Empire

Of Brazil

Marry by proxy on May 30, 1843

18 years old Tereza Cristina, Princess of Naples

2 million Francs Limp lady


In the fleet in wich she came to Brazil she brought  artists, musicians,teachers, botanists and otherscholars. Gradually, enrich thecultural and scientific life of  Brazil



New York San Francisco New Orleans , Washington DC Toronto, Canada Denmark Sweden Finland Russia The Ottoman Empire

Greece Holy Land Egypt Italy Austria Germany France Britain Netherlands Switzerland Portugal

Happy marriage

Life toguether was working well 4 kids

Afonso 1845 - 1847

Isabel 1846 - 1921

Leopoldina 1847 - 1871

Pedro 1848 - 1850



Isabel D. Pedro II did not consider Isabel na option for the government Although she received the finest Education, she was not educated to rule She is gonna prove them all wrong!

The right path

Modernization Railroads, telegraph and steam boats

A beloved emperor People trusted him

A good compromising king Elected politians + Economical interests + Popular suport

“Indispensável para paz e prosperidade permanente do Brasil.“

A New Country

The emperor as example

Up by 7, at bed by 2 A.M. All plititians must work 8h a day! Refused to live luxurius life

His income was of 0,5% of the public expenses  "Também entendo que despesa inútil é furto a Nação"

A New Country

Parlamentarismo às Avessas

There was public presurefor Brazil to become a parliamentarist country

But D. pedro II was not interested in losing his powers

There was created the President of the Ministry position

A prime minister Chosen by the king

Parliamentarism in Reverse

Christie Issue

William Dougal Christie British Amabassador Trouble maker

The Prince of Whales Shipwreck

Christie demanded Compensation

Drunk Sailors Issue  Leopold I of Belgium

The judge of the issue D. Pedro II wins

Foreign Policy

Cocoa and rubber

The Power of the North The Purchaise of Acre

15 million £, a horse and madeira Mamoré

Definitive transfer of the economical pole from the northern region to southeast region

Gradual decrease of slave labor It would decline after 1850

The prohibition of slave traffic By 1885 the interstate traffic would also be prohibited


Fancy drink

Problens on the French production Haiti and French Guiana

Coffee comes to Brazil Pará – 1727 Rio de Jameiro – 1760

The Rise of Coffee Culture

Zona da Mata Mineira and Fluminense coast Vale do Paraíba proximity to the port

First Stage of Expansion

1850 - west of the province of São Paulo Campinas devastation of the forest, soil

exhaustion and erosion contributed to the decline of coffee production in the Vale do Paraíba

Second Stage of Expantion

Santos port Campinas, Ribeirão Preto, South of Minas

Gerais and north of Paraná Surplus Capital of the decrease of slave labor Little income farmers

Soldiers Former slave traders

Trird Stage of Expantion

Fancy houses in Rio de Janeiro Railroads, ports, telegrath and telephone diversification of capital

Trade, Industries and banks

Coffee Barons


Antilhas Beet sugar US

Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Cuba Cotton

US Less then one third of its former value

Tabacco and Leather Uruguai and Argentina

Number 1 Export Product

In 1844 the Alves Branco Tariff was created

The 1810 treaty was revogated Finance Minister I f the product was not produced in the colony there would be a tariff of 30% If the product was produced in the colony there would be a tariff of 60% The Tariff would help to develop our industry

Alves Branco Tariff

Baron of Mauá

Irineu Evangelista de Souza Rough childhood

Incredibly smart and hard working kid

Banks, railroads, roads, portsUndersea telegrath cable

1874 Personal friend of the emperor

Presure of the coffee farmers Lower taxes

Mauá would lose everything To the british in 1878


The Padroado system

Union between the State and the Church The Emperor would be the one to nominate the bishops Beneplácito right

The orders of the pope would only be obeyed if it was of the choosing of the emperor

The Bishops Issue

Free mansory issue

The pope prohibited members of the clergy to be masons The Emperor was a mason

He dismissed the law

Two bishops disobeyed the Emperor They were sentenced to hard labor

Later they were forgiven But the church was now against the Empire

The Bishops Issue

Enemies of the state

Coffee farmers Abolition of slavery

Army Stronger and more organised

Since the War of Paraguay Positivism Republican Ideas

The Church The bishops issue

The Abrasion of the Empire

The Image of the Emperor

An old man Diabeties

The Abrasion of the Empire

15 of November, 1889

Mareshal Deodoro da Fonseca Coup d’Etat The Emperor posed no Resistance

Acepted now pension

The End