The Script - Marilym Milgrom

Post on 10-Jan-2016

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The Script

Transcript of The Script - Marilym Milgrom

The Script Marilyn Milgrom

The ScriptMarilyn MilgromWhy am I making this film?Why are some directors driven to write their own scripts?Out of frustration and desire to get on with making something.You shouldnt make an intense character study if you are scared of what?If you are scared of actors What should you be careful of if you only have 5k to make your film?Do not develop an action story that will require stunts, car chases and sfx

What is a short film?If a feature film might be described as a novella, how might a short be described?HaikuWhat are the length boundaries different film festivals stipulate in their shorts sectioned?Most festivals are 30 mins max and some 20 or 10 mins.If the function of your short is to make your audience laugh, how long should it be?2-3 mins maxFinding the storyWhat are the three basic elements any kind of dramatic story requires?World, Character and ProblemWhat do most successful short films focus on?One moment or event in the life of one main character.What do a lot of the most successful short films have in common?The events in their stories unravel almost in real timeThe worldWhy can it be useful to set your film around a familiar events/ritual?You can take granted the audiences familiarity therefore you already have emotions coming from the audience from past experiencesWhy can a literal journey be a good setting for a short film?Most short focus on a single pivotal event in a characters life, narrative wise a metaphorical journeyHaving an actual journey is a play on literal and metaphorical journeysThe Character and The ProblemWhat are the five most important questions to ask when you begin to develop your story?Who is the main character?What is their problem?How will the audience recognise the problem?Are the stakes high enoughAm I telling the story from the best point of view?One of three things must drive your character through the story. What are they?A wantA needAn obligationWhat crucially must accompany this element? Something that makes it difficult for the character to pursue their want, need and obligationWhy are a lot of short films about children and teenagers?Provides a rich source of universally recognisable problemsDeveloping your storyTitleGenre/ToneSettingMain CharacterWant/Need/ObigationOppositionCatalyst for changeClimaxResolution andThe audience feels (Theme)UnityWhat point does Marilyn Milgram make about unity?Everything must be revealing or increases our understanding of the main character and there problemCausalityHow can we make sure that what happens in the end could not have happened earlier?

Each scene moves the story on so the end could not have earlier as the scenes before led to itThe step outlineWhat is the step outline and what does it ensure?It is a good way to make sure you have no slack-One card per sceneOne sentence that summarises what happensWhat is revealed that is significant to the plot?What is revealed that is significant to the audiences understanding of the characters?Is there an indication of significant themeEach action should cover 3 fronts plot character theme

What is signified by the order in which to tell the story?Whether its been told linear or non linearWhat do audiences instinctively know?When something is pretentious or dishonest

As a writer what is the crucial thing you sre looking to ensure?Ways to tell the story so you can keep the audience engaged and not ones that will leave them confusedRemember its a filmHow do establish the world and the character?Maximum speed and minimal dialogueWhat advice is given to makke the film more cinematic once you have a good story?Use visuals and soundEstablish a toneMake sure your main character is activeIts better to show a change in a characterUse cinematic devices such as parallel actions and montagesGo back to step outline and make sure everything is significant and is made to manifest your audience in the most visual way possibleHow do you make it more cinematic and less televisual?Dialogue should be the last thing you write and less of it to tell the story will make it more cinematicWho is the very first audience for your script?Reader of the scriptHow can you help the reader see the film you are intending and not get irritated?Follow screenwriting conventionsRead scriptsAvoid writing camera directions and stuff the film cant seeWhy is simple a useful descriptor for your short?A small story can make a big impression if it is told with cinematic flair