The Science and Business of Personal Training. REQUIREMENTS 1-Fitness-related college degree...

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Transcript of The Science and Business of Personal Training. REQUIREMENTS 1-Fitness-related college degree...

The Science and Business of Personal Training


• 1-Fitness-related college degree (Bachelors or above)

• Experience

• 2-Certification (ACSM) or maybe NSCA (CSCS or CPT)

• CPR & first aid

• CPT insurance (K & K Insurance for Personal Training: $500,000 liability coverage is $159.00 per year; $1,000,000 liability coverage is $194.00 per year

• Forms-Health History (PAR-Q, p-24), Physicians Clearance, Informed Consent [for exercise testing], p-54

• Own, know and learn ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription (9th ed.)

• Has your client had a recent physical?

• Risk Classification

• Low Risk; Moderate Risk; High Risk: (ACSM p-28)

• Un-politically correct but—are you fit. Who hires an unfit looking CPT?

ACSM Risk Factors

ACSM Risk Classification

The Business of Personal Training

• Fees

• How much $ ? Per hour, week, monthly, etc..

• Your fee is based off of many variables such as: the current economic market, the area (California vs. Mississippi), your degree (s), certification (s), experience, what area (s) of expertise you have, your age

• I establish a 2 month minimum (how can you really help someone in less time?)

• Gym/Health club split %. Usually about 80/20.

• Feast or famine business

• Are you training in the client’s home or in a gym? (insurance needs)

Typical Weekly Prescription

• Aerobic vs. anaerobic exercises

• Anaerobic paradigm now (CrossFit, etc.)

• 5-10% progression each week

• Always warm-up and cool-down! (legality)

• Typical weekly program.

What NOT to do in Personal Training

• HIPPA violations. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA; Pub.L. 104–191, 110 Stat. 1936, enacted August 21, 1996) was enacted by the United States Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996.

• The Office for Civil Rights enforces the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information; the HIPAA Security Rule, which sets national standards for the security of electronic protected health information; the HIPAA Breach Notification Rule, which requires covered entities and business associates to provide notification following a breach of unsecured protected health information; and the confidentiality provisions of the Patient Safety Rule, which protect identifiable information being used to analyze patient safety events and improve patient safety. 

What NOT to do in Personal Training

• Sexual misconduct issues: inappropriate touching, asking client’s out on a date, for phone number, becoming too personal, etc.

• Your dress, hair, hygiene, etc.

• THE RULE OF 3: Never discuss SEX (gay, straight, etc.), RELIGION (Christian, Muslim, Denominations, etc.) or POLITICS (party affiliation, conservative, liberal, etc.)!

• Admit what you do NOT know. Let your pride go or it may get you into (legal/fired) trouble. Do you have a Ph.D? Have you been personal training in 10 states and 8 countries for over 25 years? Etc..

What CAN’T You Do as a Personal Trainer?

• Micro-advise on nutrition. Are you a R.D.?

• Diagnose/treat injuries, illness. Are you an ATC or M.D.?

• Diagnose/treat anorexia, depression, bulimia.

• Be very VERY careful with supplements. NO/LITTLE FDA APPROVAL. Supplements can get you into deep trouble very quickly.

• Training one spouse (not the other).. Potential problems.


• Currently, we are only certified—not licensed—there is a BIG difference!